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Based on the our October paper "A Generalized Viral Infection Mathematical Model Derived from Covid-19 Simulation", at a conceptual level higher than the classic SIR/SEIR model, we have established the 6 laws of infection regarding the... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologySocial epidemiology
This text book is a comprehensive user friendly and easy to read introduction to biostatistics and research methodology meant for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and allied biomedical sciences (Dental, Nursing, Psychology,... more
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
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      Health SciencesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyChild health
Aims: To discuss different LMM-based approaches applied in GWAS and software packages implementation and Classify different computational tools that applies LMM approaches according to their applicability and performance. To identify... more
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      Applied StatisticsMathematical Modelling of Infectious DiseasesEpidemiology and biostatistics
Background: The study is mainly focused on visualization technique that gives a 3D impression of the whole data set without segmentation. The underlying model is based on the emission and absorption of light that pertains to every voxel... more
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      Computational BiologyDigital Image ProcessingMedical Statistics and InformaticsEpidemiology and biostatistics
Background: Iodine deficiency disorder is common public health problem in developed and developing countries. In Worldwide, nearly 70% of the households only using adequate iodized salt in their regular food. To estimate the household... more
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      NutritionBiostatisticsMicronutrients DeficiencyMedicine
Background: Child adoption is the legal process carried out through an open statutory or customary laws of creating a parent-child relationship between persons who are not related by blood thereby making the adopted child have equal... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologySexual and Reproductive HealthOccupational health and safetyInternational Public Health
This text book is a comprehensive user friendly and easy to read introduction to biostatistics and research methodology meant for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and allied biomedical sciences (Dental, Nursing, Psychology,... more
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
Практическо учебно ръководство за студенти по медицина и медицински специалисти, разработено специално за курса по биостатистика на студенти по медицина и други медицински специалности. Може да бъде използвано като подходяща добавка и в... more
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      BiostatisticsMedical EducationSPSSEpidemiology and biostatistics
Caesarian Section (CS) rates have been known to have geographical varaitions. The purpose of this paper was to determine Ghana's situation (regional trend) and also to provide a two-year forcast estimates for the ten (10) regions of... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMultivariate StatisticsApplied Statistics
Prevalence of Breast Cancer in Delta State, Nigeria was discussed in this paper. Secondary data sourced from the records units of five hospitals in delta state was used. Cross tabulation, Chi-square test for independence, Regression... more
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      BiostatisticsEpidemiology and biostatistics
Background: Malaria is still a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa with Children under five years of age in various communities being the most affected group. Haematological changes that occur during malaria infection have... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyHealth SciencesInternal Medicine (General Medicine)
Statistical Theory and Analysis in Bioassay is a seven-chapter monograph tailored essentially to meet the needs of graduate students, practitioners, and researchers in the fields of medicine, pharmacology, biosciences/life sciences, and... more
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      StatisticsStatistical AnalysisStatistical ModellingBiostatistical Analysis
This report is a compilation of findings from the first Jamaican Healthy Lifestyle Survey (JHLS I) which sought to determine health status, nutritional habits, lifestyle and behaviour in a nationally representative sample of... more
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      Survey MethodologyQuestionnaire designEpidemiology and biostatistics
La administración de los recursos renovables ha estado fundamentada en el concepto de máximo rendimiento sustentable, según el cual el inventario de los recursos biológicos no puede sobreexplotarse sin una pérdida final de productividad.... more
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
The article provides the description and comparison of two non-random samplings which are snowball or chain referral sampling and sequential sampling. Snowball sampling has been widely used in qualitative sociological research, especially... more
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      Biostatistical AnalysisEpidemiology and biostatistics
Food safety has been a major health challenge in both developed and developing countries. Ensuring food safety is key to preventing food borne illnesses which are contracted through consumption of unsafe foods. The aim of this study was... more
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      Food SafetyEpidemiologyCancer EpidemiologyTobacco
Foodborne diseases can be defined as those conditions that are commonly transmitted through ingested food. The two most common types of food borne diseases are intoxication and infection. Intoxication occurs when toxin produced by the... more
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      PharmacologyMicrobiologyPharmacyVeterinary Medicine
A Estatística é uma ferramenta imprescindível a qualquer pesquisador ou pessoa que necessite tomar decisões. O seu estudo não representa uma tarefa muito fácil, principalmente no início, quando são apresentados muitos conceitos novos que... more
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      BiostatisticsEpidemiology and biostatisticsStatistcs
i am a young researcher, married with two kids
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
Introduction: Mastectomy is the common surgical procedure for breast cancer. Following mastectomy potential complications are likely to occur and lymphedema is one of the dreadful complications. Post mastectomy exercises play an important... more
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      Health SciencesNursingOncologyEpidemiology and biostatistics
Adolescents are generally thought to be healthier than other age groups having survived many of the diseases of early childhood and being decades away from the diseases associated with aging (WHO, 1998). However, some adolescents are... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologySurveillance EpidemiologyEpidemiology of non-communicable diseases
Book for Undergraduate MBBS students and other researchers
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
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      EpidemiologyEpidemiology and biostatistics
Beberapa soal dan jawaban materi screening epidemiologi
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      EpidemiologyEpidemiology and biostatistics
Background and Aims Childhood eating habits become behaviors lasting until adulthood and most of the research has also shown that children in Denmark are not eating recommended daily intake (RDI) of fruits and vegetables (FV). The study... more
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      Health PromotionPublic Health PolicyFood and NutritionMother and Child Health
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      Cardiovascular diseaseBiostatistical AnalysisEpidemiology of non-communicable diseasesCoronary heart disease
McMath (2105) argues that while a child’s interest in future autonomy should generally be respected in relation to his own interests, the well-being of other parties may require that his autonomy be overridden in the interests of public... more
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      Business EthicsReligionComparative ReligionHistory
Background Tuberculosis (TB) remains a main global public health problem. However, a systematic review of TB resistance epidemiology in Africa is wanting. Methods A comprehensive systematic search of PubMed, Web of Science and... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyMolecular BiologyGenomics
The novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a severe respiratory infection that officially occurred in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. In late February, the disease began to spread quickly across the world, causing serious health, social,... more
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      Health SciencesEconometricsPolitical EconomyStatistics
In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance with the... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionClinical Psychology
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      Biostatistical AnalysisEpidemiology and biostatistics
Tatalaksana Penemuan Kasus Pneumonia Balita
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
ative implication on society organization structure and public health. The major drivers of forced human displacement have been attributed to global climate change and armed human conflicts and the developing countries are worst hit with... more
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      Survival AnalysisLongitudinal ResearchHealth and Social CareEpidemiology and biostatistics
Kebiasaan makan adalah ekspresi setiap individu dalam memilih makanan yang akan membentuk pola perilaku makan. Oleh karena itu, ekspresi setiap individu dalam memilih makanan akan berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Menurut Hadi (2003)... more
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      EpidemiologyEpidemiology and biostatistics
Objective  To evaluate the effect of training to HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude and practice of elementary health care workers. Methods 57 elementary health care workers were trained and accepted pre and post test and answered a... more
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
Anthropometric and body frame size parameters (ABFSP) are used to interpret body mass and to evaluate nutritional status. Objective of the present study was to investigate the interrelationships between ABFSP, percentage body fat (BF%)... more
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      Biological AnthropologyEpidemiologyAnthropometryAnthropometrics
Caesarian Section (CS) rates have been known to have geographical varaitions. The purpose of this paper was to determine Ghana's situation (regional trend) and also to provide a two-year forcast estimates for the ten (10) regions of... more
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      Applied MathematicsMultivariate StatisticsApplied StatisticsCompeting Risk Models
This study seeks to assess patient and health provider factors influencing satisfaction with ophthalmic services at Sunyani Municipal Hospital, Brong Ahafo, Ghana. The participants in the study were patients with eye conditions who... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyPublic HealthEpidemiology and biostatistics
Novel Coronavirus is a highly infectious disease, with over one million confirmed cases and thousands of deaths recorded. The disease has become pandemic, affecting almost all nations of the world, and has caused enormous economic, social... more
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
Background/Objective: Disease surveillance and notification (DSN) in Nigeria have been characterized by weaknesses such as insufficiencies in health infrastructure, scientific methods, and concepts of operation; essential human,... more
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    • Epidemiology and biostatistics
Medical students’ assessment about the performed education in Biostatistics was presented through analysis of results of students’ feedback. Computer programmes and examples used during the practical education were assessed highly by the... more
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      AssessmentHigher EducationBiostatisticsMedical Education
Anthropology's response to the West African Ebola epidemic was one of the most rapid and expansive anthropological interventions to a global health emergency in the discipline's history. This article sets forth the size and scale of the... more
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      Military HistorySociologyPsychologyStrategy (Military Science)
Abbreviation: FP, fractional polynomial. a E represents dichotomous fluoride exposure status. b FP2 represents the second-degree fractional polynomial model.
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      MathematicsEpidemiologyMethodologyStatistical Analysis
Background: Neonatal sepsis is a common condition among neonates particularly in developing countries. Treatment of neonatal sepsis is with antibiotics, which have huge benefits when indications are clear. However, widespread utilisation... more
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      Health SciencesPublic HealthEpidemiology and biostatistics
Austin Bradford Hill's famous paper, "The Environment and Disease," and his nine factors indicating that a statistical correlation might be causal, have been widely cited, but often misunderstood---especially in the US legal system,... more
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Philosophical discussions on causal inference in medicine are stuck in dyadic camps, each defending one kind of evidence or method rather than another as best support for causal hypotheses. Whereas Evidence Based Medicine advocates invoke... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceEvidence Based MedicineEvidence
If the probability of success parameter, p, of a binomial distribution has a beta-distribution with shape parameters α >0 and β > 0, the resulting distribution is known as a beta-binomial distribution. For a binomial distribution, p, is... more
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      BiostatisticsApplied StatisticsCategorical data analysisEpidemiology and biostatistics
Background: Majority of the women with cervical cancer delay to seek health care and the determinants are not well not. Objective: This study sought to investigate potential determinants of patient delay among Ugandan women with cervical... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyCancerEpidemiology Methods
Imagine that a thousand people—randomly selected from the U.S. population—had unprotected sex yesterday. How many of them will eventually die from contracting HIV from that single sexual encounter? Now, imagine a different thousand... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science