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Tout en développant des théories complexes de la réalité, le bouddhisme, sous ses différentes formes, et le stoïcisme ne se résument pas à informer leurs adeptes mais aussi à les former d'une certaine manière. Au sein de ces doctrines,... more
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      BuddhismHellenistic PhilosophyStoicismZen Buddhism
Epiktetos (yaklaşık olarak MS 50-125/130): Roma İmparatorluğu döneminin en önemli ve en meşhur filozoflarındandır. Muhtemelen çocukken Roma’ya gelmiş, kendisi de bir zamanlar köle olan özgür Epaphroditus’un kölesi olmuştur. Epiktetos... more
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      Roman StoicismStoicism (Philosophy)EpictetusFelsefe
The Terme Boxer, a life-size naked bronze athlete, complete with bleeding cuts, a broken nose, and cauliflower ears, is, by any count, a striking piece of sculpture. In it, some see the athletic embodiment of Hellenic aretē, others see... more
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      AestheticsPlatoVirtue EthicsAncient Sports/Athletics
RESUMO: A ética do bem viver em Epicteto é considerada uma ética eudaimonista, isto é, tendo como fim (telos) a felicidade. Defendo aqui que embora ela tenha essa característica forte, Epicteto coloca como fim de sua ética do bem viver a... more
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      EthicsStoicism (Philosophy)Epictetus
Nous pensions avoir tout lu d’Epictète, tout connu de ses maximes si profitables à la conduite de nos vies, quand dans l’expérience du chagrin elles nous servirent souvent de guide, tout entendu de ses Entretiens, ravis par leur style... more
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      StoicismAncient Greek PhilosophyRoman StoicismStoicism (Philosophy)
Dobbin’s main contention is that while Adolph Bonhöffer’s two books “continue to be valuable, because his method was mainly sound” (xiv), Bonhöffer went too far in trying to make Epictetus’s thought conform in all respects to that of Zeno... more
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      StoicismRoman Stoicism (Philosophy)Epictetus
Resumo: O presente artigo trata do pensamento de Epicteto pelo viés do exercício (áskēsis), ou seja, por meio de práticas que conduzem ao aperfeiçoamento de quem elege para si o ofício de filósofo. Para tal, inicialmente esclarecemos o... more
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struirsi tutti gli Annali di Ennio pronti per la lettura: un risultato che il caso non riuscirebbe a realizzare neppure limitatamente a un solo verso!». Certo, è da ingenui pensare che dietro alla regolarità dei fenomeni naturali,... more
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      SenecaHistory of AtheismAncient Greek PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)
Die stoische Philosophie steht in ihren grundsätzlichen Annahmen zur Erkenntnistheorie, zur Ontologie, zur Psychologie dem Platonismus diametral entgegen. Wenn mit Simplikios ein Philosoph der neuplatonischen Schule das Werk eines... more
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      EthicsPlatoStoicismAncient Philosophy
Reviewed in the "Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism" (2014): R47-R52.
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      Early ChristianityRoman ReligionStoicismMorality (Social Psychology)
William Ferraiolo, A Life Worth Living: Meditations on God, Death and Stoicism, O-Books, 2020, 192 p., 14.1 x 1.14 x 21.44 cm, ISBN: 1789043042

Reviewed by Matthew Allen Newland, PhD, 8 February 2021
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      StoicismRoman Stoicism (Philosophy)Roman StoicismStoicism (Philosophy)
Petit guide de philosophie pratique, le Manuel est destiné à quiconque souhaite progresser sur la voie de la sagesse. Selon Épictète, nous devons distinguer ce qui est en notre pouvoir de ce qui ne l’est pas. Ainsi, nous ne maîtrisons pas... more
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      PhilosophyStoicismAncient PhilosophyMoral Philosophy
A collection of teaching materials (in German)
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPlatoAristotleAncient Philosophy
1. Si l'on fait une recherche sur la conception stoïcienne de la cause dans les rapports antiques, on s'aperçoit qu'elle n'est jamais évoquée seulement pour elle-même, mais toujours par comparaison, implicite ou explicite, avec celles de... more
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      PlatoAristotleStoicismPlato and Platonism
systems oF soPhistry and PhilosoPhy the case oF the second soPhistic Personen können nicht ohne soziale Systeme entstehen und bestehen, und das gleiche gilt umgekehrt.
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophyClassicsGreek Literature
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      StoicismEpictetusStoic Tradition
Many elements would seem to reveal a conflict between the sartrian existentialist philosophy and stoicism, however, the often made references by Sartre to the Stoics, and the "stoic" attitude he even says he adopts at the time of the... more
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      StoicismJean-Paul SartreJean Paul SartreMetaphysics of Free Will and Moral Responsibility
A basic level introduction into the history of Ancient Greek philosophy from Thales of Miletus until Hypatia of Alexandria, with a selection of key primary texts.
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPlatoAristotleStoicism
In the present paper, I argue that the Stoic view of the world, based on reason (λόγος) and providence (πρόνοια) – which complement each other – had a massive influence on Epictetus' conception of fear. Thus, fear is generally treated in... more
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      FearRoman StoicismEpictetus
Illustration on the cover: Hercules at the crossroads by Scultori Adamo Graphic and photographic collections of the Castello Sforzesco.
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      StoicismAncient Greek ethicsRoman StoicismEpictetus
Ce livre étudie la théorie stoïcienne de la responsabilité morale telle qu’elle a été reprise et développée par Épictète. S’inscrivant à la suite du stoïcisme hellénistique, Épictète adopte l’intellectualisme moral et la psychologie... more
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      StoicismAncient PhilosophyMoral PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
Qu’est-ce que les émotions ? Et quelle en est leur origine ? Existerait-il un moyen de les surmonter ou de les contrôler, surtout quand elles se présentent comme étant des causes des détresses humaines ? Dans l’histoire de la philosophie,... more
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      Early ChristianityStoicismEvagrius PonticusEpictetus
A brief review of two articles on the Stoic influence in the ethical writings of Paul in Romans and in 2nd Peter's portrayal of the conflagration of the world.
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      Biblical StudiesSenecaRoman StoicismEpictetus
This course explores the discipline of religious studies by intertwining four aspects relevant to the study of religion: first, by exploring dimensions of the religious experience and the phenomenon of religion, as delineated by Ninian... more
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Musonius problématise la politique stoïcienne de manière originale. Sous la direction du maître, l’individu assimile les principes de la vertu et renoue, dans l’ascèse, avec l’impulsion fondamentale de l’oikeiôsis. Le mariage, modèle de... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophySenecaRoman StoicismEpictetus
Epictetus was born in the first century and was one of the three great Roman Stoics representative of the ethical-philosophical apex of ancient Roman civilization and characteristic of philosophy during the New Testament period. His... more
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      StoicismRoman StoicismEpictetus
J’ai voulu montrer ici comment les philosophes antiques, contrairement à un discours dominant aujourd’hui, n’étaient pas, en général, des adversaires des tyrans. Bien plus : leurs discours éthiques (sur le droit naturel ou l’intériorité)... more
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      Ancient PhilosophyRoman EmpireMarcus AureliusEpictetus
The Ancient Stoic doctrine of the human soul as a spark (apóspasma) of the Divine Nature is specially important in the authors of the Imperial era. Some Roman philosophers rely on the universal Fatherhood of God to attribute an... more
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      PatristicsHuman RightsEarly ChristianitySlavery
Scholars often speak of ancient Greek masculinity and manhood as if there were a single, monolithic, simple conception. I will show that the ancient Greeks, like us today, had competing models or constructions of gender and that what it... more
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      Gender and SexualityStoicism (Philosophy)Epictetus
De vita stoica lendo e vivendo à sombra do Pórtico O que promete e o que requer de nós o estoicismo ON JULHO 24, 2018JULHO 24, 2018 / POR ADINUCCI / EM TEXTOS DE ALDO DINUCCI / O que mais belo há no estoicismo é sua visão do Cosmos como... more
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      StoicismRoman StoicismEpictetus
Βιβλίο καθηγητή. Περιλαμβάνονται: • συνοπτικές αναφορές στη φιλοσοφική διδασκαλία των συγγραφέων που ανθολογούνται στον Φάκελο Υλικού, πρωτίστως του Πλάτωνα και του Αριστοτέλη, αλλά και του Επίκουρου, των Στωικών και άλλων • ένταξη του... more
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The Stoic Epictetus argues that: (a) the cosmic perspective on death explains why death is an indifferent; (b) deciding not to act to make survival more likely can be justified; (c) deciding to exit life can be justified; (d) such... more
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      DeathStoicismSuicideRoman Stoicism
Epictetus: Discourses, Fragments, Handbook, newly translated by Robin Hard and commented by Christopher Gill, is the newest English rendering of the famous Stoic. This Oxford World's Classic version is based on the 1925 Oldfather Loeb... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsClassicsPhilosophy Of Religion
El propósito del presente escrito es explicar qué es la proaíresis en la filosofía de Epicteto, para lo cual recogeremos e intentaremos articular las que parecen ser sus principales características, a saber, (I) aquello de cuya... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      StoicismSenecaHabitusRoman Stoicism
Recorrido crítico por la figura, la obra y la pervivencia del filósofo estoico (representante de la Nueva Estoa) Epicteto (s. I-II d.C.), que fuera discípulo de Musonio Rufo. De sus enseñanzas (Diatribas), que fueron consignadas por... more
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      StoicismAncient Greek ethicsAncient Greek PhilosophyRoman Stoicism
Journée d'agrégation sur les stoïciens, Bordeaux, le 27 octobre 2017 (organisation V. Laurand)
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      StoicismAncient PhilosophyMoral PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
Il n'y a pas de préoccupation qui soit plus universelle et intemporelle que celle portant sur le bonheur. Chacun d'entre nous s'accorde en effet pour dire que le bonheur est un bien, et par conséquent, se met à sa poursuite tout en... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsHellenistic PhilosophyHappiness
[I have uploaded a copy of the preface to the second edition, in which I respond to reviews of the first edition.] It is a commonplace to say that in antiquity philosophy was conceived as a way of life or an art of living but... more
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      MetaphilosophyStoicismMarcus AureliusEpictetus
Draft of chapter 3 of Philosophy as a Way of Life Primer (with M. Ure, for 2020), addressing the Stoics, that school which above all we tend to associate with philosophy as a manner of living tout court. Part 1 addresses the Stoic... more
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      StoicismSenecaRoman StoicismMarcus Aurelius
This was an invited lecture to the Midwest Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Early on Stoics stressed “living in accordance with nature” as a central goal of their moral theory. This theory also included a stress upon... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsStoicismAncient Philosophy
Selon un critère purement statistique, Socrate pourrait apparaître comme la figure dominante de la philosophie d’Épictète, bien qu’il n’y ait pas d’Entretien consacré à la figure de Socrate. Cet article cherche donc à comprendre pourquoi... more
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Cadernos de minha tradução do texto grego do Encheiridion de Epicteto , terminada em 2002
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      Roman StoicismStoicism (Philosophy)Epictetus
This chapter examines Michel Foucault's notion of cultivation of the self by focusing on an example of an ancient practice contributing to that goal, namely the attitude of attention or mindfulness proposed by the Roman Stoics Epictetus... more
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      Michel FoucaultRoman StoicismMarcus AureliusEpictetus
Epictetus likes to use examples from what is known of Socrates’ life to illustrate points of discussion: his courage in facing his execution, his refusal to obey the thirty tyrants in doing something he held to be wrong, his courage in... more
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      EthicsClassicsHistory of EthicsHellenistic Philosophy
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian StudiesRussian Literature
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After decades of attempts, comparisons between classical Chinese and Greco-Roman philosophy have had limited success. While there have been some productive lines of inquiry (for example, comparing early Confucian ethics to virtue ethics... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyHellenistic PhilosophyStoicism