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To date, research on mine remediation in North America has focused primarily on technical management; relatively less is known about the historical, political and social dimensions of remediation. Remediation, as a continuation of the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEnvironmental RemediationMiningscience and technology studies (STS)
In order to improve the efficiency of soil washing treatment of hydrocarbon contaminated soils, an innovative combination of this soil treatment technique with an electrochemical advanced oxidation process (i.e. electro-Fenton (EF)) has... more
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      ChemistrySoilEnvironmental RemediationEnvironmental Management
Mining practices and the absence of proper mine land reclamation has led to heavy metal contaminated sites with serious impact on the ecosystems and risk for human health. The origin of the contamination is often associated to mine... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental RemediationHazardous WasteMultidisciplinary
The objective of this study was to evaluate two bioremediation processes at scale (bioaugmentation and biostimulation) isolating and identifying soil-specific bacteria with the ability to bioaccumulate hexavalent chromium (Cr +6), for... more
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      Environmental RemediationBiotechnologyEnvironmental Microbiology (Biology)Procesos De Bioremediacion
Ultra resolution chemical fingerprinting of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) from former manufactured gas plants (FMGPs) was investigated using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time of flight mass... more
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      EngineeringForensicsTechnologyEnvironmental Remediation
The Tully Gas Plant was the invention of Cornelius Britiffe (C.B.) Tully, it was a hybrid of other gasworks plant and considered in practical terms to be a vertical retort fixed over a water gas producer. The Tully Gas plant like water... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental RemediationEnvironmental HistoryGroundwater Contamination
Since protest forced the US Navy off Vieques Island, Puerto Rico in 2003, the US military has embarked on one of the largest environmental remediation projects it has ever undertaken. This article explores the way a narrowly conceived,... more
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      Environmental RemediationPolitical EcologyPuerto RicoEnvironmental Justice
The recent mining boom in the Northwest of Western Australia had lead to the region experiencing some of the highest rates of growth anywhere in the world. This recent increase in mining activity was in the wake of 10-15 years of lesser... more
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      Environmental RemediationIndoor Air QualitySustainable Building DesignFacility Management
The Sydney 200 Olympic Games site was previously a highly degraded area affected by industrial activities, landform modification and waste dumping over many decades. Winning the right to host the Olympic Games provided... more
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      Environmental RemediationBioremediationLandfill Leachate Management and CharacterizationGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The Note describes the process of gas purification, this process was the last stage in the manufacture of gas and was primarily focussed on the removal of hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen sulphide. If you have any specific enquiries on... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental ArchaeologyEnvironmental Remediation
Physicochemical analyses were carried out on soil samples from four different waste dumpsites in the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), Nigeria to ascertain the effects of the refuse dumpsites on soil and groundwater... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringChemical Engineering
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      Environmental RemediationSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningBrownfields Redevelopment
Oil spill is one of the major devastating issues Nigerian petroleum industry is facing today. Water (both fresh and salt) contamination is one of the environmental parts affected by oil spill as a result of industrial activities. This... more
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      Environmental RemediationOil and gasOil Spills in the Marine Environment
In the process of oil and gas extraction, the oil/gas/water mixture is brought to the surface through well tubing. The mixture then passes through a separator, which removes the gas. With further processing the gas is transported to a gas... more
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      Environmental RemediationWaste-to-EnergyWaste Management
Industrial Revolution resulted in serious environmental pollutions such as heavy metals and other dangerous waste pollution in the soil and water. Heavy metals pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems. The... more
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      Environmental RemediationPhytoremediationBioremediationRemoval Of Heavy Metals In Contaminated Soils
Las directrices para la remediación de suelos son recomendaciones generales orientadas al empleo de biotecnologías que han demostrado su capacidad para el saneamiento y la recuperación de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos totales de... more
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      Environmental RemediationEnvironmental SustainabilityContamination and remediationRemediation
BACKGROUND: When direct current (DC) is used in electrocoagulation processes, an impermeable oxide layer may form on the cathode and corrosion of the anode may occur due to oxidation. This prevents effective current transfer between the... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental Remediation
Brownfield areas are a major concern in Europe because they are often extensive, persistent in time andcompromise stakeholders’ interests. Moreover, due to their complex nature, from the decision-makingpoint of view, the regeneration of... more
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      Information SystemsEnvironmental RemediationStakeholdersLand management
The risk analysis was performed to study the bioavailability and eco-toxicity of heavy metals in biochar obtained from pyrolysis of sludge of pulp and paper mill effluent treatment plant. The sludge was pyrolyzed at different temperatures... more
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      Environmental RemediationWater and wastewater treatmentBIOCHARHeavy metals
Crude oil continues to impact many nations as it is among the major sources of fuel. Its role in making life in modern societies comfortable cannot be overemphasized as it is readily available and easy to use. Contamination resulting... more
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      Environmental RemediationContamination and remediation
Research questions Alphonso variety of mango is world famous because of its taste and longer shelf life. However, increasing use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers for longer duration has shown deterioration in the taste and hence... more
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      EcotourismEnvironmental RemediationEcologyPhytoplankton
A atividade de revenda de combustíveis pode gerar contaminação do solo e da água subterrânea devido a vazamentos que, em geral, ocorrem na área de tanques subterrâneos, bombas de abastecimento e/ou linhas de... more
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      Environmental RemediationContamination and remediationSoil contaminationHYDROCARBONS
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      Environmental RemediationContaminated LandSandra C. NeillUrban Geology
The study was carried out as a kind of documentation of the used of wild edibles plants by the people in Bataw village, East Jaintia Hills. The results show that there are 35edible plants and belonging to 26 families being taken by the... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental RemediationWild ediblesBotany of Useful Plants
"Gas was manufactured continuously in the UK between 1792, when William Murdock first used coal gas to light his house and office in Redruth and the mid 1970s, when it was replaced by natural gas from the North Sea. One particular aspect... more
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      HistoryEnvironmental ArchaeologyEnvironmental RemediationEnvironmental History
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental Remediation
Oil spill is one of the major devastating issues Nigerian petroleum industry is facing today. Water (both fresh and salt) contamination is one of the environmental parts affected by oil spill as a result of industrial activities. This... more
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      Environmental RemediationOil and gasContamination and remediationOil Spill
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      EcotourismEnvironmental RemediationEconomic analysisBiopesticide formulations
The use of biochar has been suggested as a means of remediating contaminated soil and water. The practical applications of conventional biochar for contaminant immobilization and removal however need further improvements. Hence, recent... more
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      Environmental RemediationBIOCHARHeavy metals
""This (revised) profile aims to give a simple insight into the construction and operation of gasholders and their tanks, for those who investigate former gasworks sites. Although gasholders seem simplistic, the complexity and ingenuity... more
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      HistoryEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental ArchaeologyEnvironmental Remediation
The contamination of soils by metals becomes a global concern due to the possibility of potential ecotoxic influence to plants and animals with the likely risk of accumulation in the human food chain. Soil with contaminants can either be... more
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    • Environmental Remediation
Abstrak: Bioremediasi merujuk pada penggunaan secara produktif proses biodegradatif untuk menghilangkan atau mendetoksi polutan yang mencemari lingkungan dan mengancam kesehatan masyarakat. Biasanya sebagai kontaminan tanah, air dan... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental RemediationBioremediation
Heterogeneous photocatalysis is a promising technology especially for environmental remediation. Despite more than a decade of worldwide research in developing photocatalytic efficiency improving techniques, many questions regarding the... more
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      Environmental RemediationSynthesis of nanoparticlesNanomaterials CharacterizationMembrane Science
A review paper discussing the applicability of clays to the removal of heavy metals from solution and the usefulness of such applications in environmental management and sustainable industrial practices. Clays are those aluminosilicate... more
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      Environmental RemediationClay Minerals
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      Environmental RemediationContaminated LandRemoval Of Heavy Metals In Contaminated SoilsContamination and remediation
Biochars are biological residues combusted under low oxygen conditions, resulting in a porous, low density carbon rich material. Their large surface areas and cation exchange capacities, determined to a large extent by source materials... more
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental RemediationContaminated LandRemoval Of Heavy Metals In Contaminated Soils
Remediation of marine systems, which could be polluted by both organic and inorganic contaminants, is a complex process. Traditional remediation strategies include chemical, physico-chemical and thermal techniques, which are still widely... more
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      Environmental RemediationPhytoremediationPersistent Organic PollutantsMacrophytes and heavy metal phytoremediation
Sur la Grande -Terre de Nouvelle-Calédonie, les anciennes décharges minières et les sols mis à nus par les exploitations ont largement contribué, et contribuent encore, à alimenter en débris rocheux (charge solide) les cours d’eau, au... more
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      Environmental RemediationMiningNew CaledoniaFlooding
Sur la Grande-Terre de Nouvelle-Calédonie, les anciennes décharges minières et les sols mis à nus par les exploitations ont largement contribué, et contribuent encore, à alimenter en débris rocheux (charge solide) les cours d’eau, au... more
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      Environmental RemediationPopulation DynamicsNew CaledoniaBest practices guidelines
"See the individual profiles and notes for more information. Please note that some of the version currently within this document have now been replaced by more up to date documents. If you have any specific enquiries on this subject... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ArchaeologyEnvironmental RemediationEnvironmental Studies
A large, former state-owned East German chemical park, privatized in 1995 following the reunification of Germany, has contaminated the subsurface soil and bedrock aquifer. Since the 1980's, conventional characterization techniques such as... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceHydrogeologyEnvironmental Remediation
The electrochemical production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by 2-electron oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is an attractive alternative to the present complex anthraquinone process. The objective of this paper is to provide a... more
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      Environmental RemediationElectrochemistryCarbonLiterature Review
El Hidrógeno Molecular (H2) es considerado el antioxidante mas poderos! Es la fuente de energía por excelencia para las células que le permite desempeñar por completo todas sus funciones, tales como: desintoxicar, sanar, reparar y... more
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      CardiologyNatural Language ProcessingEnvironmental RemediationRenewable Energy
A total of five borehole samples were collected from five towns in Owerri metropolis, South-eastern Nigeria and subjected to physio-chemical analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and other standard equipment with the... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental RemediationEnvironmental Geochemistry (Environmental Studies)Geomechanics
In mining operations carried out below the water table, mine area could potentially affect the surrounding. With further deepening of the mine and quarry, the drawdown can impact on water supply wells and base flow. The variation in... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMining EngineeringCivil Engineering
""William Murdock used coal gas to light his house and office in Redruth in 1792; this was the first commercial application of gas in the world. Gas has been used ever since for commercial, industrial and domestic applications. Gas was... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringHistoryGeology
Abstrak : Biodegradasi kinetika digunakan untuk memprediksi konsentrasi dari bahan kimia yang tersisa pada waktu yang diberikan selama proses bioremediasi ex-situ dan in-situ. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai kinetika... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental RemediationBioremediation
Th e greatest challenge in the 21st century is to provide new innovative water treatment methods. Th e conventional treatment processes are becoming incompetent by demands of space, energy, and economy and environment sustainability. Th e... more
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      Environmental RemediationWater and wastewater treatmentWater TreatmentAlgae
The contamination of groundwater by heavy metal, originating either from natural soil sources or from anthropogenic sources is a matter of utmost concern to the public health. Remediation of contaminated groundwater is of highest priority... more
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      Soil SciencePhysical ChemistrySpatial AnalysisEnvironmental Remediation
Crude oil pollution of water bodies is a worldwide problem that affects water ecosystems and is detrimental to human health and the diversity of living organisms. The objective of this study was to assess the ability of water hyacinth... more
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      Environmental RemediationNanomaterialsNanoparticlesOil Spill