Environmental Marketing

99 papers
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Environmental marketing refers to the strategies and practices employed by businesses to promote products or services based on their environmental benefits. It encompasses the development, promotion, and distribution of products that are environmentally friendly, aiming to meet consumer demand for sustainable options while enhancing corporate social responsibility.
The awareness about organic food has been increasing among the consumers in UAE. People are showing more interest in purchasing organic food. This research is to identify, what are the factors that influence the consumers to purchase... more
This book presents marketing from the strategic and managerial standpoints, which rightly acknowledges today's increasingly dysfunctional and turbulent business environment. Accordingly, winning organizations must leverage the futuristic... more
The study was focused on the influence of packaging dimensions on the patronage of cosmetic products among the female students of the University of Uyo, Nigeria. The researchers investigated the influence of packaging colour, labelling,... more
The awareness about organic food has been increasing among the consumers in UAE. People are showing more interest in purchasing organic food. This research is to identify, what are the factors that influence the consumers to purchase... more
El mercadeo verde, ecológico o medioambiental comprende el desarrollo y promoción de productos y servicios que satisfacen las necesidades y deseos de los clientes en términos de calidad, precios competitivos y conveniencia sin causar... more
This mixed-methods study examines Bangladeshi organic food buyers. Focus group talks and in-depth interviews examined consumer awareness, motives, challenges, and organic food consumption prospects. Consumers view organic food as healthy... more
This study examined the relationship between social class and consumer purchase intention for products that have green marketing strategies. The significant contributions and main objectives of this study are as followsunderstand how... more
Since energy consumption in developing countries has increased significantly, motivating energy-saving habits among citizens is an important issue both from the academic and industrial perspectives. Thus, this study aims to predict... more
Global warming is often regarded as a paramount peril confronting the global community in contemporary times. The environmental conditions are changing, and calamities are transpiring in several directions. Furthermore, green product... more
Las organizacio´nes sin ánimo de lucro son aquellas cuya razón de ser se fundamenta en el ejercicio de una función social, por lo que el lucro no forma parte de sus objetivos. Sin embargo, esto no significa que la organización deba... more
h i g h l i g h t s Green furniture is environmentally friendly and good for human health. Environmental awareness and health consciousness are concerned and added into TPB. Environmental awareness indirectly affects purchasing intention... more
This master's dissertation delves into the intricate relationship between consumers' perceptions of green information authenticity and their ecological purchase intentions. The study investigates how consumers assess the reliability,... more
Doğal kaynaklarda azalma, ozon tabakasının incelmesi, su ve hava kirliliği gibi hayatı olumsuz etkileyen çevresel problemlerin artması, küresel sorunlar ve bunlara çözüm bulma arayışları, yeşil pazarlama ve yeşil reklamın önemini daha da... more
The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of green self-identity and global self-identity on green knowledge that leads to green trust and later, purchase intention towards green cosmetics. This study used purposive sampling... more
Author Nguyen Hoai Anh Title Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Green Packaging in Finland Year 2017 Language English Pages 47 + 9 Appendices Name of Supervisor Peter Smeds The objective of this study was to investigate consumer behaviour... more
Are there virtues that constitutively involve using certain concepts? Does it make sense to speak of rights or duties to use certain concepts? And do consequentialist approaches to concepts necessarily have to reproduce the difficulties... more
The general purpose of this study was to examine those service characteristics that impact on customers' etention within the context of micro finance institutions in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. Regression model was used in analyzing the... more
Purpose-Proposes a set of strategic options for green brand positioning, based either on functional brand attributes or on emotional benefits. The aim of the study is to test the suggested green positioning strategies against one another,... more
Remarkably, the percentage of environmentally friendly practices used in marketing is growing. The understanding of how to use environmentally friendly practices is the primary cause for this high grade. The vast majority of customers... more
The study is comparative in nature and focuses on understanding the factors that affect the purchase intention of organic food in three countries: Pakistan, Turkey and Iran. The study also endeavors to explain the role of awareness as a... more
The present study aimed to test a theoretical model that contemplates the constructs environmental awareness, healthy consumption, consumer, and subjective norms as determinants of organic food repurchase intention. The method applied... more
يهدف البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على الألعاب الحركية عند قبائل رجال الحجر، ويقع في مقدمة وتمهيد وثلاثة مباحث وخاتمة، مقسمًا على وفق التقسيم الجغرافي للمنطقة (سراة -تهامة - بادية)، وقد حاول البحث جمع هذه الألعاب وإحصائها ودراستها دراسة لغوية... more
In this modern era, societal marketing business ethics and corporate social responsibility has become the guideline for green marketing strategies and practices. Consumer concerns towards the environment are the evidence which steadily... more
The demand for organic food products have increased rapidly in recent years. Among the main factors contributed to the increasing global consumers’ demand towards organic food products are food safety concern, health benefits, better... more
This study seeks to develop an ecological consumption measure based on the Rasch model. At the same time, it also intends to detect contextual conditions that constrain specific food purchases recognized as environmentally significant... more
Environmental sustainability may be seen as a collective challenge that can only be met if a sufficient number of individuals cooperate. Whether or not individual tourists are willing to contribute their share may thus depend not only on... more
In investigating consumers' intentions to re-purchase organic personal care products (PCP), this study extends the theory of planned behaviour by including perceived value dimensions as the antecedents of attitude in the model. The... more
The second half of the 20th century was characterized by increasing patterns of consumption, along with a decrease in the capacity of the planet to support us. This made societies aware of the necessity to change the economic model... more
Pastoralists from 37 beef cattle and sheep properties in western Queensland developed and implemented an environmental management system (EMS) over 18 months. The EMS implemented by them was customised for the pastoral industry as part of... more
This study have exploratory character, aiming to conduct an analysis of the terminology used in the ecomarketing, and the way to approach green-marketing and waste collection activities in Romania. Aside from ecological waste management... more
This study seeks to investigate the effect of social media micromarketing on customers' satisfaction in the domestic airline industry in Nigeria. Specifically, the study measured the effect of social media micromarketing on customers'... more
As global competition around the world continues to intensify, firms are seeking strategies that will increase export performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of export involvement on the relationships... more
Despite their increasing practical and theoretical significance in a globalizing world, marketing capabilities in an international context and their inter-organizational dispersion remain in the shadow of research. Specifically, the... more
Food communication is the main way for businesses to inform customers and guide purchasing behaviour. However, the value consumers perceive from such information remains unclear, and a complete understanding of the food information... more
Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) address environmental risks in supply chains and certification of environmental claims. Governments supporting EMSs have encouraged producers to respond to anticipated consumer environmental... more
Постановка проблеми. Останніми десятиріччями людство особливу увагу приділяє пошуку шляхів досягнення стійкого розвитку, узгодження якості життя з можливостями навколишнього середовища. Неналежне розуміння природи, ігнорування потреб... more
Pro-environmental behaviour (PEB) helps individuals to minimize the negative effects of their actions on the environment; for example, by recycling and reducing energy consumption. This study aimed to explore consumers’ attitudes and... more
Does consumers' consumption of green products represent a method of satisfying their need for uniqueness? Does it enhance their self-image? In order to answer these questions, the present study attempts to understand how personal-level... more
Bu araştırma, yeşil reklamlara yönelik tutumların çevresel duyarlılığı etkileyip etkilemediğini ortaya çıkartmak ve bu etki üzerinde önemli olarak düşünülen çevresel kaygı faktörünün de aracılık rolü olup olmadığını belirlemek amacıyla... more
The present study integrates the extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB) model and stimulus-organism-response (S-OR) framework to test the serial mediation effect of green satisfaction and green trust between green perceived quality... more
Food communication is the main way for businesses to inform customers and guide purchasing behaviour. However, the value consumers perceive from such information remains unclear, and a complete understanding of the food information... more
The intention to purchase green products is the tendency of a person who prefers to purchase a product with optimal environmental characteristics rather than usual products. Nowadays, the environment is very important and maintaining it... more
Purpose: The concern for climate change and global warming is increasing at global level which results in stimulating the interest of firms toward environmental protection and sustainable development. Many firms have started developing... more
Our study of 134 North American and European ski resorts examines the infl uence of externally focused organizational capabilities on the generation of proactive environmental strategies under contingent effects of uncertainty in the... more
Теорія і меТодика фізичного виховання і спорТу Науково-теоретичний журнал вступ. Олімпійський спорт-наймасштабніше явище сучасної епохи, що об'єднує представників понад 200 країн світового суспільства навколо ідей олімпізму. Олімпійський... more
يهدف البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على الألعاب الحركية عند قبائل رجال الحجر، ويقع في مقدمة وتمهيد وثلاثة مباحث وخاتمة، مقسمًا على وفق التقسيم الجغرافي للمنطقة (سراة -تهامة - بادية)، وقد حاول البحث جمع هذه الألعاب وإحصائها ودراستها دراسة لغوية... more
Sustainability has become an important driver in defining business strategies, affecting most critical corporate functions and changing the way in which value is created, communicated, and distributed. This is increasingly impacting... more