In an era of accelerating globalization, interdependence has become the defining characteristic of international relations, shaping economic structures, social mobility, political systems, cultural identities, environmental policies, and... more
Capítulo del libro colectivo "Diez años construyendo ciudadanía en movimiento(s). El 15M y otras luchas hermanas", coordinado por Adriana Razquin y Gomer Betancor. Manresa: Bellaterra Edicions, 2021. El capítulo analiza los movimientos... more
In this article, we scrutinise the concept of sustainable development in the context of the philosophy of education by analysing three historically significant educational-philosophical traditions: the Enlightenment, critical theory, and... more
As the world moves toward a sustainable energy future, the energy transition presents a critical opportunity to address existing divides, including income inequality and gender disparities. This primer emphasizes the importance of gender... more
Resumen | A partir de la ecología política, este artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que se desprenden de la disociación de la dialéctica sociedad-naturaleza y de la comprensión dualista y jerárquica urbano-rural. La... more
Over the past few decades, it has become more and more evident that the growing pressure on natural ecosystems may have detrimental short-and long-term repercussions on humanity. Consequently, this has prompted a reevaluation of... more
The author identifies as a mixed-race Chicana teacher/educator, bridging ecology, culture, and learning situated within an early learning center on a university campus. This inquiry integrates Gloria Anzaldúa’s autohistoria... more
2. A dimensão ambiental dos conflitos urbanos Os debates acadêmicos sobre a "questão ambiental" têm apresentado avanços significativos nos últimos anos. Inúmeros trabalhos foram e estão sendo desenvolvidos com o objetivo de problematizar... more
A transition to a more equitable and sustainable economy must address the needs and concerns of informal workers, especially women, minorities and migrants who have been historically marginalized and excluded from previous social... more
Recibido el 22 de febrero de 2012 y aprobado el 28 de septiembre de 2012 RESUMEN En el siguiente artículo se muestran, a través de una línea cronológica, los tratados y las declaraciones internacionales más relevantes que tratan sobre la... more
Indigenous peoples’ consent has an important relationship with the speed of progress toward stopping the climate change crises. Certain dimensions of “climate crises” are perhaps instead “consent crises.” Recognizing that there are... more
This article presents a comparative institutional analysis of the implementation of the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard, of Verra, for a REDD+ offset Project in the Brazilian Amazon and the results from Environmental Justice... more
Este artigo apresenta a análise institucional comparada na implementação do padrão Clima, Comunidade e Biodiversidade, da Verra, para um Projeto de REDD+ offset na Amazônia brasileira e os resultados derivados da justiça ambiental (JA). A... more
Review of "Burning Matters: Life, Labor, and E-Waste Pyropolitics in Ghana" by Peter Little (Oxford University Press, 2021) in Anthropological Quarterly.
Mining is a major economic activity in many developing countries. In South Africa, gold mining has played a significant role in the development and sustenance of the country's economy, with both positive and negative consequences. In... more
This paper represents Youth's involvement in land-based learning in Indigenous culture camps (LLICP) in a powerful and innovative approach to addressing the pressing global issue of climate change. Following Indigenist and relational... more
La Educación Ambiental (EA) ha tenido un auge significativo, se trata de una respuesta hacia la necesidad de un cambio social estructural. Sus fundamentos se encuentran tanto en las normas internacionales como locales, y su desarrollo... more
Diálogo sostenido con ChatGPT y AI ChatBot sobre la Crisis Climática y su posible solución. El diálogo muestra las oportunidades y caminos propuestos por la IA para dar con los mecanismos posibles de solución y mis empeños por buscar... more
Years of community-driven research and participatory action have shed an important light on the copious negative health issues burdening communities adjacent to industrial agriculture. Rural communities in Wisconsin and Delaware have... more
Kitabın ana bölümleri birbirinden bağımsız okunabileceği gibi sürekliliğin korunduğu, belirli bir yorum altında çalışılmıştır. Kitabın ilk bölümünde felsefe geleneği-adalet ilişkisini yeniden kurmak için uygun olabilecek iç tartışmalara... more
This chapter examines Indigenous environmental justice issues through the lens of consent. In it, I seek to show why environmental injustices against Indigenous peoples are problems of consent. I compare the current situation of consent... more
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work... more
thank you all. Kira Allen contributed key insights for the dynamic balancing of the EwE model. Kaitlynn Ritchie contributed Figures 1 and 7. Thanks to Suzanne Bricker for providing information on nitrogen sequestration rates by oysters in... more
This journal and its contents may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to... more
This journal and its contents may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to... more
Quando pensamos nas mudanças que o Brasil está atravessando ao longo deste século XXI não podemos deixar de referirmo-nos às nossas cidades. Somos um país urbano, no qual a grande maioria da população já é urbana. E a despeito de algumas... more
In this article I situate the 2014 Mount Polley Mine disaster within centuries-long relations of colonial-modernity in the region currently known as British Columbia, Canada. Guided by the work of Gilmore and Moten, I argue that repairing... more
ABSTRACT: Physical activity is connected with adults’ health in many ways, and walking is the most popular form of physical activity among adults all over the world. The authors have previously studied this issue in an under-construction... more
This book centers Indigenous knowledge and practice in community-led climate change solutions. This book will be one of the first academic books to use the consciousness framework to examine and explain humans' situatedness and role in... more
3.2 Research Population 3.3 Sample techniques 3.4 Instrument for data collection 3.6 Validity of the instrument 3.7 Data Analysis CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 Analysis of data 4.1 research question 1 4.2 Research of 1uesiton 2 4.3 Research of... more
Humans have been living in the environment since the very dawn of civilization.Both the concept and definition of ‘environment’ are broad and multi-dimensional.and sometimes depend upon the fact that from which perspective and for... more
This paper features a reading of a federal regulation regarding justifiable assumptions when predicting future states of affairs in the context of the recertification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, a disposal site for defense-related... more
Years of community-driven research and participatory action have shed an important light on the copious negative health issues burdening communities adjacent to industrial agriculture. Rural communities in Wisconsin and Delaware have... more
In the Anthropocene, an age where the Earth is most clearly defined by human impacts on the planet, there is growing pressure to find more sustainable social, political, and environmental relations. Calls for greater sustainability have... more
This paper examines the issue of acid mine drainage in South Africa and environmental decision making processes that could be taken to mitigate the problem in the context of both conventional risk assessment and the precautionary... more
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is a relatively new approach to ocean management and has been widely implemented worldwide. Ideally, MSP should be established as a public process that analyzes and distributes human activities across space... more
La notion d’équité en droit international de l’environnement a été consacrée par le Sommet de la Terre qui s’est tenu à Rio de Janeiro (Brésil) en 1992 et elle se trouve aujourd’hui au coeur de la plupart des instruments en droit de... more
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is a relatively new approach to ocean management and has been widely implemented worldwide. Ideally, MSP should be established as a public process that analyzes and distributes human activities across space... more
RESUMEN Este artículo resume el informe final de la investigación que lleva como título: "Apropiación del Principio de Precaución en las políticas públicas sanitarias: caso Plan Nacional de Salud Pública de Colombia", el cual está... more
Malaysia is endowed with abundant forest resources that covers about 59.5% of total land area. For most part of Malaysia's economy, much importance is placed on the contribution of forest in agronomy development. Due to apparent large... more
While blue justice has gained traction, recognition and capability, which are necessary conditions for procedural and distributive justice, remain under-developed. We develop a four-dimensional blue justice framework that builds on... more
This research article reflects on the issue of policy instruments and their ineffectiveness as the only tool to solve environmental problems, proposing as fundamental element the active participation of communities in the awareness and... more
This book reconnects energy research with the radical, reflexive, and transformative approaches of Environmental Justice. Global patterns of energy production and use are disrupting the ecosystems that sustain all life, disproportionately... more
Substantial efforts and investments are being made to increase the scale and improve the effectiveness of marine conservation globally. Though it is mandated by international law and central to conservation policy, less attention has been... more
de la Salud considera el cambio climático o calentamiento global un problema de salud pública. De esta manera, se hace necesario conocer la percepción del riesgo al cambio climático en las diferentes comunidades para proponer acciones de... more
This work explores urban informal housing and development strategies from a process centered perspective in the urban core of San José, Costa Rica. It seeks to explain how communities obtain change in formal housing status and move toward... more