Environmental Impact and risk assessment

169 papers
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Environmental impact and risk assessment is a systematic process used to evaluate the potential effects of proposed projects or activities on the environment, including ecological, social, and economic factors. It aims to identify, predict, and mitigate adverse impacts, ensuring informed decision-making and compliance with environmental regulations.
This document provides guidance for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically modified (GM) plants submitted within the framework of Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 on GM food and feed or under Directive 2001/18/EC on the... more
This article seeks to answer several questions: Where does the global science community need to provide reliable data that will assist policymakers and regulators to develop confidence regarding the safety of these materials? What are... more
An integrated system of models, WINDA, is presented for calculating the stand-wise probabilities of wind damage, uprooting and breakage of trees within a landscape. The calculations are made point-wise at exposed stand edges. WINDA... more
by Daniel Rosado and 
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A WOE approach has been applied to sediments of Cadiz and Algeciras Bays.In Cadiz Bay, the Inner Bay showed highest degradation.In Algeciras Bay, industrialised areas were the most degraded.Some areas exceed guidelines for aqua regia... more
This paper examines environmental problems associated with Third World cities. It concentrates on environmental problems as they relate to health and living conditions, especially for lower income groups. After an outline of urban growth... more
Alert level frameworks advise agencies on a sequence of monitoring and management actions, and are implemented so as to reduce the risk of the public coming into contact with hazardous substances. Their effectiveness relies on the... more
Fish farming is an important source of organic matter input in coastal waters, which contributes to eutrophication. In this study, the macrofaunal benthic community was studied after the cessation of fish farming with the aim of improving... more
The present work investigates soil pollution by elemental contaminants and compares ecological risk indexes related to industrial activities for the case study of Puchuncaví-Ventanas: a relevant industrial zone located in central Chile.... more
Ferrer-Paris JR, Zager
I, Keith DA, et al. . Conservation Letters. 2018;e12623.
The indicator of risk of water contamination by phosphorus (IROWC_P) was designed to estimate the level of risk of P contamination in water and how the level of risk has changed over 25 yr (19812006) in agricultural watersheds of Canada.... more
Disposal of industrial waste is of great concern because it releases toxic metals resulting into the degradation of environments and consequently causes health effects on humans. The present study was carried out with the objectives of... more
The dispersion of heavier-than-air aerosol clouds is of great relevance to the analysis and assessment of hazards in the chemical and petrochemical industries. There are many simple mathematical models for heavy gas dispersion but, in... more
The painted apple moth (PAM), Teia anartoides (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) made a recent incursion into New Zealand. A nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV), Orgyia anartoides NPV (OranNPV), originally isolated from PAM in Australia, was... more
In mining operations carried out below the water table, mine area could potentially affect the surrounding. With further deepening of the mine and quarry, the drawdown can impact on water supply wells and base flow. The variation in... more
The cancer risk due to chronic transuranic intakes is properly calculated using an integration over multiple years of intake of the annual effective dose rates arising each year following an intake multiplied by age-dependent risk... more
Lack of waste management facilities from mountain region often lead to uncontrolled disposal of waste on river banks polluting the local environment and damaging the tourism potential. Geographical conditions influences the distribution... more
Groundwater from a shallow unconfined aquifer at a site in coastal New South Wales has been causing recent water logging issues. A trend of rising groundwater level has been anecdotally observed over the last 10 years. It was not clear... more
Resumo: Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar a vulnerabilidade socioambiental ao risco às inundações da área urbana da bacia hidrográfica do rio das Antas, localizada no município de Irati – PR, para compreensão das inter-relações das... more
Classification and assessment of technogenic and ecological risk for regions with the highest technogenic impact (hot spots) at the Russian North are presented. Casual chain analysis for the system “environment – human health” was done.... more
The concept of social licence to operate (SLO, simply ‘social license’ or ‘social licensing’) originated in the mining industry and its use has also been extended over large infrastructure, energy, and industrial projects. In simple... more
Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) has developed out of the environmental assessment model to become an important tool for heritage planners and managers. Heritage resources are under pressure from development everywhere, with a resulting... more
La obra analiza la reforma energética en México, su transformación y significado como nuevo modelo regulatorio del sector energía, desde una aproximación interdisciplinaria.
In this study, assessment of air quality indices and its possible health impacts in Asa-Dam industrial area, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria was carried out. The ambient air quality measurement was done with respect to Particulate Matter... more
Las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) surgen en Estados Unidos por medio de la Ley de Política Pública Ambiental Nacional (NEPA) en 1970 como un método para integrar una «racionalidad ambiental» a la política pública y los procesos... more
The Rio treaties broadened the concept of common concern and global responsibility for protection of environment. Economic growth and environmental degradation can be de-linked by promoting more eco-efficient growth patterns. Despite the... more
This is the English version of Alberto Alemanno foreword to the Italian volume authored by Andrea Cerase and published by Egea, Milan. The author would like to thank Professor Alemanno for such an excellent way to introduce the book.... more
Pesticide is widely used in agriculcural process, from seeding to harvesting and it also protecting crops. Pesticide is applied to control pest, weed and diseases and also stimulate plant growth. However, pesticide can also cause... more
One of the main concerns for a possible adverse environmental effect due to the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops is the threat to the biodiversity in the receiving environments where such plants will be cultivated. In... more
More people are aware of the world's environmental problems such as global warming, toxic substance usage, and decreasing in non-replenish resources. The Government has released campaigns to promote this problem to people. Several... more