Environmental Gerontology
Recent papers in Environmental Gerontology
The study reflects on housing as a factor of quality of life in aging, from the approach of environmental gerontology. Likewise, theories about the relationship between the environment and aging are explored, with references to the... more
Understanding the relationship between population ageing and urban change has become a major issue for public policy. An emerging theme has concerned the need to develop supportive urban communities for older citizens. This paper provides... more
This book looks at the relationships between the physical-social environment and the elderly in Europe and Latin America, from the Environmental Gerontology perspective and through geographical and psychosocial approaches. It addresses... more
Identification of environmental Therapeutic Goals (TGs) has proven essential in providing useful guidance for planning and design (Cohen & Weisman 1991). Though age-specific environmental dimensions have been suggested by several... more
El objetivo general de este trabajo es mostrar la situación actual del proceso de envejecimiento de la población y de las personas mayores a través de la visión general de los estudios gerontológicos y ubicar a la Geografía dentro del... more
While social connectedness is heralded as a key enabler of positive health and social outcomes for older people, rarely have they themselves had the opportunity to express their views about the concept. Working with a diverse group of... more
An inclusive neighbourhood is a key facilitator enabling older adults to age in place. Neighbourhoods have been identified as a dimension of social exclusion important to older adults, and it has been argued that older adults are... more
""The book is the result of a fan from the perspective of the Geography of Aging and Environmental Gerontology, budding fields of knowledge which are essential in the new millennium for understanding the phenomenon of aging. The study... more
Developing age-friendly cities and communities has become a key part of policies aimed at improving the quality of life of older people in urban areas. The World Health Organization has been especially important in driving the... more
The premise of promoting aging in place is that neighborhoods can enhance or protect older adults’ health. But progress toward health-promoting settings has been slow in practice given limited understanding of causal pathways to... more
The study reflects on the strategies of adaptation to the urban environments in aging, with allusions to Latin America. The results indicate the existence of problems derived from analytical reductionism and the simplification of the... more
In the early 1960s, amid affluence, loneliness, and increasing longevity, a new type of community appeared in the United States: the “active-retirement complex,” with thousands of houses and/or apartments and an unprecedented range of... more
The book offers a broad, sharp and necessary vision of the global challenges of population aging and climate change. It is argued that the possible solutions will come from a joint approach to both issues. It reflects on the causes and... more
Redakcja naukowa: Artur Fabiś
Wydawca: Wyższa Szkoła Administracji w Bielsku-Białej
Bielsko-Biała 2007
Wydawca: Wyższa Szkoła Administracji w Bielsku-Białej
Bielsko-Biała 2007
En un patrón de urbanización, donde se hace cada vez más difícil discernir entre lo que es ciudad, área metropolitana o región, la fusión de escalas es inevitable. Así, no es posible, por un lado, dar sentido a la amplia escala... more
This guide to working with older people as co-researchers has been produced in partnership with the Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA), Age UK, Age-Friendly Manchester (Manchester City Council), and the... more
“Ageing in place” seems to be the most preferred (and potentially also economically sound) option for growing old in UK. For many older people it is the chance to be connected to the community and participate in local civic and social... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
The study refl ects on the analysis of the physical-social environments that determine the quality of life of seniors in Latin America from the approach of environmental gerontology. Through the literature, we develop a discussion of... more
RESUMEN El envejecimiento y la urbanización de la población son dos tendencias que caracterizan el siglo XXI. “A medida que las ciudades crecen, sus proporciones de residentes de 60 años de edad y más va en aumento”. Hace cuatro décadas... more
Nuestras ciudades deben afrontar el reto de una población que envejece en un contexto ambiental cambiante y vulnerable.
Background: The academic literature contains little information regarding the interventions that create age-friendly cities and communities in order to promote active ageing. Objectives: A systematic review was carried out to determine... more
This cross-national qualitative study explores how very old people reflect upon relocation and aging in place. Design and Methods: Swedish and German data is utilized in this study. Eighty community-living participants, 80-89 years of age... more
The friendly cities are understood as those areas where there is the chance of coexistence, cooperation, participation, integration, freedom, creativity, understanding and sustainability. The city as a cozy space with a welcome social... more
The study reflects on the challenges of aging populations in urban Latin America, highlighting the importance of the gerontological planning of physical and social environment on the health and quality of life of older people. The... more
The study analyzes the demographic evolution, pointing to the spatial repercussions of the aging process in Mexico, across different levels of spatial organization, utilization and spatial perception of the conditions of habitability for... more
While social connectedness is heralded as a key enabler of positive health and social outcomes for older people, rarely have they themselves had the opportunity to express their views about the concept. Working with a diverse group of... more
Ever since the 2003 heat wave that caused 70,000 heat deaths, the dramatic consequences of climate change and rising temperatures in Europe have become an intensively researched topic. During heat waves, the older urban adult population... more
In this piece, I draw attention on how the booming real estate market in India is patterned around the axes of social inequality. Specifically, it argues that in a socio-economic context of depressed later life incomes with declining... more
Due to population ageing, countries’ financial capacities to maintain the current level and scope of services and institutional care for the elderly are decreasing, which is why there are increasing demands to rationalize services and... more
"Social participation of older adults in the management of cultural patrimony in Mexico to Climate Change. Mexico currently faces irreparable loss of their cultural and linguistic patrimony, helped by economic globalization, poverty,... more
The key concepts availability and accessibility have been taken into consideration in urban studies as well as the health and social aspects of ageing. These terms are in close relation with the "active ageing",... more
Developing environments responsive to the aspirations of older people has become a major concern for social and public policy. Policies and programs directed at achieving "agefriendly" communities are considered to require a wide range of... more
The Slovenian population is aging. In order to best adapt to this demographic change, it is necessary to face this issue and to study it from the perspective of various disciplines, including geography. This article therefore especially... more
Aestheticians are taken to have the primary authority of architecture as a realm within philosophy; applying aesthetic theory directly to architecture, in order to ascribe an ‘essence’. It has become apparent that architecture is of wider... more