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"This chapter discusses how models, combined with modern data sources and statistical methods, can be used to test different hypotheses about the causes of migration. Mathematical formalisms for migration are presented. The ecological... more
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      StatisticsEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation Biology
The ecosystem approach to human health attempts to develop community capacity to address environmental health concerns by crossing disciplinary boundaries and promoting equity and widespread participation. Role-play, a technique... more
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      Cultural StudiesTheatre StudiesEnvironmental EducationPerformance Studies
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyDesign for Social InnovationWildlife Biology
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    • Environmental Education
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      Electrical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
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      Organizational BehaviorImprovisationEnvironmental EducationOrganizational Change
Outdoor environmental education has long postulated a link between experiences outdoors in ‘natural’ environments and environmental concern. This paper suggests a straightforward relationship is problematic due to its implicit assumption... more
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      Environmental EducationGilles DeleuzeOutdoor EducationAnimism
A special issue for Issues in Teacher Education (ITE) that includes diverse ecocritical perspectives in teacher education.
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationIndigenous education
Abstract This study discusses the perception of “the living” in nature, in the context of cross-curricular gardening, kitchen and food-and-health-science teaching at the Waldorf School. It focuses entirely on the phenomenological and... more
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      Environmental EducationAnthroposophyPhenomenologyPhilosophy of Nature
This paper contributes to the debate about the absence of nonhuman animals in environmental and sustainable education (ESE) and the challenge of the anthropocentric characterisation of European education. Relating to the debate about a... more
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      Environmental EducationPosthumanismAnimal StudiesPluralism
A Revista do Lhiste pretende-se um espaço para a comunicação de pesquisas e reflexões sobre a prática docente, os processos de aprendizagem, a construção de currículos em história, a formação de professores, a memória e a educação... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental HistoryEnvironmental SustainabilityTeaching History
The objective of this paper is to assess the current status of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Ethiopia and its possible use as indicator species in bioclimatology. Despite heavy hunting pressure in the 1960s, viable... more
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      Environmental EducationScience CommunicationClimate ChangeConservation Biology
Greta Thunberg’s influential activism was a by-product of not only direct personal factors, but also indirect cultural factors. Urging to spark a catalyst for significant climate action, autistic 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has been... more
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      Environmental EducationClimate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesYouth Political Participation
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationSustainable DevelopmentIndigenous knowledge systems
This is not strictly an academic book, but an educational experiment full of dancing stories, metaphors, allegories, creative maps, and exercises that ask you to sit at the limits of our modern desires and imagination. Half-serious... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangePostcolonial Studies
The purpose of this paper is to explore what thinking with a philosophy of ‘becoming’ might produce in terms of conceptualising Learning for Sustainability (LfS), a recent development in Scottish educational policy. The paper posits that... more
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      Environmental EducationTeacher EducationContemporary animismEnvironmental Humanities
The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringRural SociologyGeography
As a keystone species the concept 'nature' plays a vital role in shaping our world.
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      Environmental EducationPosthumanismPoststructuralismCritical Pedagogy
Introduction "We as leaders of countries will begin to witness what we call climate refugees moving – you think migration is a challenge in Europe today because of extremism, wait until you see what happens when there’s an absence of... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental Sustainability
O presente trabalho traz uma discussão sobre a inserção da Educação Ambiental (EA) no ensino superior, especificamente no curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). O objetivo geral do... more
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      Environmental EducationScience Education
Revisitando o artigo escrito em 2004 para o livro “Identidades da Educação Ambiental”, organizado por Philipe Layrargues, nos propomos neste capítulo retomar o debate sobre a polissemia em torno do conceito de Educação Ambiental no... more
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    • Environmental Education
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      Environmental EducationAlternative EducationChild DevelopmentForest School
ÖZET Çevre eğitimi, insanın doğaya egemen olma çabasının neticesinde ortaya çıkan çevre bozulmasını gidermeyi amaçlayan yeni bir eğitim alanıdır. Çevre eğitimi bireylerde biliş, duyuş ve davranış değişikliği kazandırma konusunda önem... more
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      Environmental EducationOkul öncesi DönemEnvironmental InformationçEvre Eğitimi
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      Environmental EducationEnergy and EnvironmentEnvironmental SustainabilityNatural Resource and Environmental Economics
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      Environmental EducationWaterHigher EducationPedagogy
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      Environmental EducationScience Education
The importance of urban universities in civic ecology education and the transformation of urban spaces and mindsets has been little explored. With as many as 1475 colleges, universities, and communities colleges in large cities around the... more
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      SociologyHuman EcologyEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Sustainability
SPECIAL REPORT: By David Robie, who sailed on the original Rainbow Warrior to Rongelap atoll and is author of the book Eyes of Fire. Thirty five years ago today the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior was bombed in Auckland’s Waitematā... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismEnvironmental EducationClimate Change
Community gardens fulfil many roles, including the reclamation of public space, community building, and the facilitation of social and cultural expression. This paper discusses a nexus between research and education for sustainability... more
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      EducationSocial WorkEnvironmental EducationCommunity Development
In an increasingly urbanised-world Dawn Sanders, Jessica Duemler and Elizabeth Hartman look at the benefits of working with nature and natural objects for children and teachers in a special needs school.
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      BotanyEnvironmental EducationLearning and TeachingBiology
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      MicrobiologyEnvironmental EducationPublic HealthVeterinary
The aim of this study was to identify, characterize, collect and systematize data on initiatives of environmental education in Portugal. Currently, there is no an integrated governmental program on environmental education in this country,... more
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      Human GeographyEnvironmental EducationUrban And Regional PlanningYoung People
The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent to which education objectives in science education curriculum in Turkish and Macedonian schools addressed to the environmental literacy (EL), and how this attention differed from Turkey... more
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      Environmental EducationScience EducationContent AnalysisMacedonia
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      Environmental EducationSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development
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      EthicsEpistemologyEnvironmental EducationPolitical Science
Dificilmente alguém sabe ou imagina que os cemitérios possam causar grandes impactos ambientais e danos à saúde pública. A decomposição da matéria orgânica gera um líquido viscoso, de cor acinzentada-acastanhada e com odor acre e fétido,... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental Education
This publication provides a list of generally available free or low-cost energy-related educational materials for primary and secondary students and educators. The list contains 113 references listed alphabetically by the corporation or... more
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      Computer ScienceEnvironmental EducationScience EducationEnergy
Schoolyard ecosystem programs, such as mini-farms, gardens, or nature trails on school grounds, are usually designed to promote greater insight and understanding of ecological relationships and develop an appreciation of an individual's... more
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      Program EvaluationEnvironmental EducationPolitical ScienceCase Studies
Intergenerational programming, which brings children, youth, and older adults together for mutually beneficial interaction, represents a relatively new strategy for broadening the public’s awareness and participation in environmental... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationFocus GroupsOutdoor Education
Over sixty high schools in Queensland run formal marine studies programs in the senior years of schooling. A key component of these programs is experiential learning in marine environments including the Great Barrier Reef. Year 11 and 12... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental StudiesMarine EcologySustainable Development
This paper examined amusement park and economic development of youths in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria: Implication for environmental adult education. To achieve the purpose of this study, one null hypothesis... more
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      Tourism StudiesEnvironmental Education
A booklet on the project presents experience of a pilot project done in India by Ministry of Environment and Forests and CEE. The booklet narrates the process adopted to implement EE in school system in various States of India.
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      Environmental EducationTeacher EducationTeaching and Learning Support MaterialFormal and Nonfromal Education
This chapter examines the implications of doing “anthropology at home” – that is an anthropological research conducted in the researcher’s own country or society – in particular for what concerns the engagement and the public dimension of... more
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      AnthropologyEducationEnvironmental EducationApplied, engaged, and public anthropology
Recently, a novel approach to a highly sensitive and quantitative detection of rare earth element (REE) ions including La3+, Eu3+ and Tb3+, by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, has been reported. The detection of REE ions is... more
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      Environmental EngineeringBiochemistryMarine BiologyMicrobiology
A drawing assessment to gauge changes in fourth grade students' understanding of the essential components of the longleaf pine ecosystem was developed to support an out-of-school environmental education program. Pre-and post-attendance... more
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      Environmental EducationCurriculum and PedagogyENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
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      ZoologyIchthyologyEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
Nosotros los latinoamericanos podemos mejor que nadie decir que el proceso de globalización, con todo y sus secuelas, comenzó el mero día del descubrimiento inesperado de América. Se desarrollaron los medios de transporte y se modificaron... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsEnvironmental EducationErgonomics
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      Program EvaluationEnvironmental EducationNatural ResourcesOutdoor Education
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      Environmental EducationBiodiversity Monitoring
Raising awareness for sustainable development and environmental consciousness is an alternative teaching approach of geosciences in primary education. Through our methodology this is achieved by strengthening teachers' profile to... more
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      Environmental EducationDigital StorytellingEarth and Environmental Sciences