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Mining activities generate significant social concerns in terms of employee safety and stakeholder scrutiny has increased considerably in recent years. Social and environmental accounting research is largely dedicated to environmental... more
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      LegitimacyEnvironmental AccountingSocial ResponsibilityStakeholder Theory
Mandatory environmental reporting has been seen as a way of increasing accountability of organizations, regarding environmental issues. This paper is concerned with one standard, which requires all the Spanish companies to include... more
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      Institutional ChangeEnvironmental AccountingEnvironmental IssuesInstitutional Reform
The aims of this paper are to describe the state of the environmental knowledge of the terrestrial National Parks (NPs) in Italy and to assess their conservation status and their efficacy to deal with the pressures of land changes. We... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologyEnvironmental AccountingBiodiversity Conservation
In this paper two methods for energy analysis and environmental accounting (Gross Energy Requirement and Emergy Synthesis) are critically discussed in order to explore their ability to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the performance... more
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      Social SciencesBiomassEnvironmental AccountingEnvironmental Sustainability
In this paper we compute the genuine savings indicators for the Republic of Ireland over the period 1995 e2005. We expand and improve existing World Bank's estimates by: a) using data collected from official Irish sources; b) employing... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental AccountingSensitivity Analysis
Achieving economic efficiency is a necessary, but not a singular, requirement of business sustainability. Stakeholders demand business organisations are socially and environmentally responsible, and balancing financial performance and... more
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      BusinessAccountingEnvironmental Accounting
La contabilidad no es un conocimiento técnico neutral. Es, por el contrario, una potente institución social que participa en la construcción y comprensión del universo social y económico. Por ello, la contabilidad puede facilitar la... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEnvironmental AccountingSustainable Banking
This report summarises key results of the INCA project. INCA delivered an integrated system of ecosystem accounts for the EU. The report provides an introduction to ecosystem accounting and presents ecosystem extent accounts, initial... more
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      Environmental AccountingEcosystems ServicesSustainability AssessmentNatural Capital
Global warming mitigation calculations require consistent procedures for handling time in order to compare 'permanent' gains from energy-sector mitigation options with 'impermanent' gains from many forest-sector options. A critical part... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeophysicsRemote Sensing
This paper develops an alternative (or supplementary) theoretical justification for the regulation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social and environmental accounting and reporting (SEAR) to the justification contained in the... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityRiskRegulationEnvironmental Accounting
At a time when public and private agencies recognise the importance of sustainable development, the environmental impacts of mega sporting events are commanding increasing attention. However, despite event sponsors often flagging the... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Accounting
In order to understand wider sustainability impacts of consumption and to successfully promote and implement sustainable consumption and production policies, there is a need to capture the whole life-cycle impact of products and services... more
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      International TradeEcological EconomicsInstitutional ChangeEnvironmental Accounting
Plenary address, given with Mike Hannis, at the workshop 'Ecological accounts: Making non-human worlds (in)visible during moments of socio-ecological transformation', University of St Andrews.
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      Environmental AccountingAnthropology Of NatureREDD+Natural Capital
Sustainable development or sustainability concept has become increasingly relevant in corporate executive's agenda after Brundtland Report was launched in 1987. Social and environmental accounting and reporting plays a relevant role in... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental AccountingHuman rightGlobal Reporting Initiative
Biodiversity has been recognized as one of the key components of environmental sustainability. Assessment of biodiversity trends and progress toward targets requires effective and sound indicators. In our article, we review and compare... more
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      Environmental AccountingBiodiversityEnvironmental SustainabilityBiological Sciences
In a capitalist system apt annual report that includes financial statement is assumed to provide sound information concerning a given company. The annual report offers a background to a company, its financial position, operational... more
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      Environmental AccountingIslamic BankingManagerial FinanceEmpirical evidence
The study examines the cost implications of environmental activities on the profitability of oil companies. Data for the study were collected from the internal management report and analyzed using the ordinary least square (OLS) method.... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
Nigeria has remained recognized as one of those nations with great level of environmental pollution that contributes significantly to global environmental worries. The broad objective of this study is to investigate corporate... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
ABSTRACT. Critics of SRI have said little about the integrity of corporate representations resulting in screening inclusion or exclusion. This is surprising given social and environmental accounting research that finds ...
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsEnvironmental Accounting
This report outlines the ecosystem accounting applications that have been presented in the Ecosystem Services World Conference in Hannover, Germany in 2019. Eight cases are summarized here; applications of ecosystem accounts in Europe,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental AccountingSustainability AssessmentNatural Capital
This paper reports and analyses the results of a trans-European project to investigate the present and potential future links between the environmental management and management accounting functions of a company or business. A taxonomy of... more
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      Management AccountingEnvironmental ManagementEconomic policyEnvironmental Accounting
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      AccountingCase Study ResearchEnvironmental CommunicationEnvironmental Accounting
Environmental adverse consequences of economic development and ignoring social and environmental developments, leads to the reaction of international organizations and attends their attention to Sustainable Development concept, which is a... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
Aims: The study examined the relationship existing between financial leverage and the dividend policy of quoted oil and gas firms in Nigeria. Methodology: The data was analyzed employing descriptive statistics and the least square... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
In December, 2013, hazardous air pollution forced schools to shut or suspend outdoor activities in several cities in eastern and northern China. The problem of environment protection has once again aroused deep concerns nationwide. This... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityAccountingEnvironmental Accounting
This paper examines the impact of environmental accounting on sustainable development in Nigeria. The study used content analysis research design. The extant literature reviewed that the efforts made by the Nigerian companies to make... more
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      Environmental Management AccountingEnvironmental AccountingEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial and Environmental Accounting
Environmental Accounting would be the most powerful tool in the upcoming world to create accountability of the businessmen. As bank is the largest financial institution of financing in manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors, it has... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
This study analysed the relationship between public spending and economic growth in Nigeria. The study used the secondary data from CBN Statistical Bulletin from 2004 – 2018. The Real Gross Domestic Product formed the dependent variable... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingEconomic GrowthCorporate Finance
Bangladesh is one of the highly populated small countries in Asia which is ecologically vulnerable and facing acute challenges on air and water pollution, land deterioration, and waste management. This research is outlined to explore the... more
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      Environmental AccountingEnvironmental Sustainability
History is the main backbone of understanding the reasons behind developments, and sustainability reporting is one of the most important developments in accounting. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to provide a chronology of... more
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      Environmental AccountingSustainability Accounting
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      Environmental AccountingEnvironmental Sustainability
The study examined the influence of firm characteristics on the quality of Corporate Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure (CEAID) in the Nigeria manufacturing companies. Ex-post facto and content analysis research designs were... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
Ten LCC-oriented environmental accounting tools suggested as useful in environmental decision-making have been identiÿed. However, their implementation in the building industry seems to be limited, which opens up for a conceptual... more
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      ArchitectureDecision MakingEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Accounting
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to contribute to discussions about engagement in social and environmental accounting, drawing on dialogic theory and philosophy. A dialogic approach, building on existing critical inquiries, is... more
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      Research DesignCorporate GovernanceEnvironmental AccountingSocial Accounting
Businesses do not operate in a vacuum.
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      Environmental ManagementEnvironmental AccountingCompetitive advantageBusiness Process
Cette thèse étudie l’intégration systématique d’entités environnementales pour « elles-mêmes » dans la comptabilité générale d’entreprise. Nous resituons premièrement les termes de cette question (Q) dans le cadre des rapports... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityFinancial AccountingEcological EconomicsSustainable Development
Enacting Environments is an ethnography of the midst of the encounter between corporations, sustainable development and climate change. At this intersection 'environmental management' and 'carbon accounting' are put into practice.... more
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      Environmental SociologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityClimate ChangeComputer Networks
In the past decade, there has been a huge demand on financial and economic data about environment and natural resources in India. Environmental Accounting plays a significant role in providing the needed data on surroundings to different... more
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      Environmental Management AccountingEnvironmental Accounting
The present research paper examines the importance of environmental accounting for local self-government towards environmental protection and management, evaluates the role of local self-government towards promotion and development of... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental AccountingEnvironmental Protection and ManagementLocal Self-Government
In response to perceived valuation problems giving rise to global environmental crisis, ‘nature’ is being qualified, quantified and materialised as the new external(ised) ‘Nature-whole’ of ‘natural capital’. This paper problematises the... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical EcologyEnvironmental AccountingNature
The ‘Triple Bottom Line’ (TBL) is a major and increasingly used socio-environmental accounting framework. However, critical academic examinations of this model have been remained scarce and most importantly, no real alternatives have been... more
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      OntologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityAccountingFinancial Accounting
The purpose of ecosystem services accounting is to quantify the main transactions from ecosystems to society and economy and to report these transactions into accounting tables that are compatible with the structures and practices used in... more
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      Sustainability IndicatorsWater PurificationBiodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionEnvironmental Accounting
Abstract This study evaluates the relationship between corporate diversification and assets utilization among diversified firms in selected countries in Africa. The study formulated six objectives and hypotheses, was based on ex-post... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCorporate FinanceCorporate SustainabilityRisk Management
This paper investigates the relationship between corporate performance indices-Earnings Per Share (EPS), Net Asset Value per Share (NAVPS) and Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) found in corporate annual reports and environmental accounting and... more
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      Environmental AccountingEnvironmental SustainabilityVoluntary disclosure
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a d i a c
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      AccountingCorporate GovernanceEnvironmental AccountingGood Governance
This study goes beyond celebration of catalogue of achievements in voluntary environmental disclosures in corporate annual reports, into actual commitment by the industrialised world in tackling environmental degradation. It critically... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
ABSTRACT Environmental accounting is on an expansion path. With increasing social focus on the environment, accounting fills an expectation role, to measure environmental performance. Only stressing on the economic and industrial... more
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    • Environmental Accounting
The US parking infrastructure is vast and little is known about its scale and environmental impacts. The few parking space inventories that exist are typically regionalized and no known environmental assessment has been performed to... more
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      Energy ConsumptionEnvironmental AccountingSupply ChainMultidisciplinary
This article responds to call for normative research on social and environmental accounting (SEA) and call for active engagement in the process of designing SEA systems. More specifically, our investigation focuses on the study of... more
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      Environmental ManagementSystems AnalysisTriple Bottom LineEnvironmental Monitoring