Environment and natural resources conservation
Recent papers in Environment and natural resources conservation
In this chapter, we contribute to the decolonial feminisms that are expanding our understanding of extractive geographies and political ecologies of the subsoil. In this, we take extractivism to denote both the material processes of... more
This is a critique of UNEP's report prepared for the World Conference on Environment and Development held in Nairobi in 1982.
Mount Semeru hiking track is a world tourism destination and inhabited by three species of Anaphalis. The aims of this research is to get the information of the effectiveness of trnL (UAA) intron sequence for analyzing genetic variability... more
Gliricidia sepium is considered one of the commonly used multipurpose legume shade trees in Ghana. Different pruning regimes affect the nutrient content as the amount of biomass produced by many multipurpose trees. In this study, the... more
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained tremendous attention in the policy implementation of some organizations. National governments and societies have developed keen interest in the operations of organizations under this... more
Nowadays, there are implementations of hydropower projects wherever possible in Myanmar as it is necessary for electricity in order to be balance with demand and supply, in doing so, it is facing deforestation, decreasing habitat,... more
Within the ancient country of Japan, thousands of hydroelectric dams exist. The first hydroelectric dam built in Japan was the Oi Dam in 1924. These concrete megaliths have many purposes, with one major function for the Japanese and... more
Small groundwater basins are highly vulnerable to over draft and susceptible to droughts as they are locally recharged. The sustainable development and management of groundwater basins therefore benefits from quantitative assessment of... more
The aim of this study was to estimate the size and direction of tourism and recreation influence on protected areas within the Natura 2000 sites. The research covered sites in Slovakia within the Alpine Bioregion. Information included in... more
This article aims to supplement the three “golden rules” of rewilding – or three Cs – the Cores, Carnivores, and Corridors – by a fourth C – Compassion, in discussing the case of Oostvaardeplassen in The Netherlands. The cores refer to... more
The international outcry and indignation which followed the killing of “Cecil the Lion” in Zimbabwe in July 2015 opened a Pandora’s Box on the ethical and economic implications of trophy hunting, especially in African countries. Private... more
Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico Oxford University Press (January 2017) How do societies negotiate the apparently competing agendas of environmental protection and... more
The positive psychological and physical health effects associated with exposure to natural environments are well recognised. However, previous research in this field has focused almost exclusively upon the visual aspects of the... more
Singapore effectively extends the distribution of trees into urban areas and consequently challenges the customary definition of "forest". The impacts of these programs and initiatives illustrate how fragmentation characterizes the... more
Publicación trimestral del Jardín Botánico de Lago Puelo destinada a divulgar temas de botánica, conservación, biodiversidad, educación ambiental y cultura general.
Frankfurt, Friday 22nd January 2016
The Irrawaddy River is Myanmar’s largest and most commercially important water way. Over the years, declining water quality has affected fisheries resources in some areas especially due to the throwing of untreated household waste in the... more
The aim of present study was to investigate the effect of phenobarbitone on ovarian and hormonal profile in female albino rats. Three groups of healthy adult female albino rats having six rats in each group were selected for present... more
A large portion (85,000 acres) of the Elliott State Forest is managed by the State Land Board as Common School Fund lands. Based on economics, financial, and statistical principles applied to a range of investment possibilities, this... more
The development of offshore wind farms has been a way for the state to repackage national development projects using green energy discourses. In Taiwan, where the further development of nuclear power is suspended due to public antinuclear... more
This report investigates human rights violations committed against indigenous Batwa people in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It documents a three-year (2019-2021) campaign of violence by park... more
The ever increasing population along with global climatic changes i.e. variations in the ecosystem, thinning of arable land and diminishing soil and water resources has led us to the inevitable challenge of food insecurity and resource... more
This study is made based on an interview between Professor Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Dr. Md. Abu Sayem about environmental issues. Professor Nasr connected religious / spiritual views of the environment with the present ecological... more
In this paper (originally written for the European Wilderness Academy Days, 2014), wilderness conservation issues in Italy are discussed and some examples coming from Emilia-Romagna Region are given. Topics are as follows: 1. Wilderness... more
The management of Natura 2000 sites faces several challenges. Responsible authorities need to achieve specific conservation objectives and they need to balance these objectives with social and economic interests. A study of two cases, one... more
The mining environment has been characterized by a number of risks and vulnerabilities with the implications for the attainment of the SDGs. One of these risks is the unwholesome, unregulated and unsustainable process of extracting... more
In the first multipurpose river valley planning of India, the vast resources of Damodar River Basin (DRB) (eastern India) are not only to be envisioned in their entirety but also to be developed in a unified manner where the water, land,... more
This book presents a legal genealogy of biodiversity – of its strategic use before and after the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 1993. This history of ‘genetic gold’ details how, with the aid of international law, the... more
By reflecting on how agricultural development and conservation policies have greatly changed in focus, methods, goals and sensibility in the last decades, and through the analysis of the implementation of recent programme Sembrando Vida... more
Dolgozatom egy viszonylag keveset vizsgált kérdésben kíván gondolatébresztőként szolgálni. Összeegyeztethető-e a luxus fogyasztás a fenntarthatóság alapelveivel? Lehet-e úgy jólétben, luxusban, kiemelkedő minőségű termékek és... more
Everything has a story, even the knotted tree. Besides bearing fruits and providing shade, what is so unique about the mango tree? Why does it have a special place in a little girl’s heart? The Mango Tree is a touching story of family... more
Introduction to See You On The Other Side podcast, episode 169, 8 November 2017 (interview by Mike Huberty and Allison Jornlin, Madison, Wisconsin). Online at... more
Received: 29 Aug 2019 Received in revised: 11 Feb 2020 Accepted: 13 Feb 2020 Published online: 16 Mar 2020 DOI: 10.32526/ennrj.18.3.2020.21 The dense settlements at the eastern hills of Rara Lake are at higher risk of existing landslides.... more
Marine pollution is problematic and its impacts are having devastating and destructive effects on marine resources and the ecosystems. T he main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of marine pollution on coastal environment... more
Trophy hunting of Aders’ duiker (Cephalophus adersi) has begun in Zanzibar despite its listing as a critically endangered species and the documented decline of populations on Unguja (Zanzibar) island. This was revealed in an article in... more
Until around 400 years ago, the Ainu controlled Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan's four main islands. Today the Ainu are a small minority group in Japan and are primarily a hunting and fishing people whose origins remain in dispute.... more
Jayne Belnap (USA), Laura K. Brown (Canada), Ernesto Brugnoli (Uruguay), Jana E. Compton (USA), Richard H. Coupe (USA), Marcello Hernández-Blanco (Costa Rica), Forest Isbell (USA), Julie Lockwood (USA), Juan Pablo Lozoya Azcárate... more
This paper aims to approximate the amenity values of parks inside malls and evaluate their sustainability, approaching it from the contingent property valuation angle, using hedonic price modeling. Through a case study of restaurants... more
The term community-based wildlife conservation (CWC) refers to wildlife conservation efforts that involve indigenous people as an integral part of wildlife conservation policy. The key elements of such program are that the local... more