Enumerative combinatorics
Recent papers in Enumerative combinatorics
Patience Sorting is a combinatorial algorithm that can be viewed as an iterated, non-recursive form of the Schensted Insertion Algorithm.
We investigate paths in Bernoulli's triangles, and derive several relations linking the partial sums of binomial coefficients to the Fibonacci numbers.
We explore a question related to the celebrated Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres Theorem and develop a geometric approach to answer it. Our main object of study is the Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres tableau, or EST, of a number sequence. An EST is the sequence... more
We enumerate the independent sets of several classes of regular and almost regular graphs and compute the corresponding generating functions. We also note the relations between these graphs and other combinatorial objects and, in some... more
Diagonalizing a matrix A, that is finding two matrices P and D such that A = P DP −1 with D being a diagonal matrix needs two steps: first find the eigenvalues and then find the corresponding eigenvectors. We show that we do not need the... more
In previous publications ( J. Geom.Phys.38 (2001) 81-139 and references therein ) the partition function for 2+1 gravity was constructed for the fixed genus Riemann surface.With help of this function the dynamical transition from... more
Let X be a random variable having a Poisson distribution and mean . Using the unified generalizations of Stirling numbers, a pair of generalizations for the nth factorial moment E[(X)n] of X is defined. Through this, some... more
(This seems to be the first few paragraphs all mashed together. I hope the paper makes it here okay.) Let Z denote the set of integers {.. . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2,. . .} and let Z + denote the set of positive integers {1, 2,. . .}. Also... more
Egge, in a talk at the AMS Fall Eastern Meeting, 2012, conjectured that permutations avoiding the set of patterns {2143, 3142, τ }, where τ ∈ {246135, 254613, 524361, 546132, 263514}, are enumerated by the large Schröder numbers (and thus... more
Two pairs of generalized q-factorial moments involving the Heine and the Euler distributions, respectively, are established. Moreover, these pairs of q-factorial moments are shown to be proper q-analogues of the generalized factorial... more
Diagonalizing a matrix A, that is finding two matrices P and D such that A = PDP^-1 with D being a diagonal matrix needs two steps: first find the eigenvalues and then find the corresponding eigenvectors. We show that we do not need the... more
A rigorous presentation of the mathematical theory of enumeration methods and combinatoric colouring based on a group theoretical approach, ending with the celebrated theorem of Redfield-Polya. Designed for those who seek for a quick and... more
Diagonalizing a matrix $A$, that is finding two matrices $P$ and $D$ such that $A = PDP^{-1}$ with $D$ being a diagonal matrix needs two steps: first find the eigenvalues and then find the corresponding eigenvectors. We show that we do... more
We enumerate the independent sets of several classes of regular and al- most regular graphs and compute the corresponding generating functions. We also note the relations between these graphs and other combinatorial objects and, in some... more
This monograph introduces a novel and effective approach to counting lattice paths by using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) as a type of periodic generating function. Utilizing a previously unexplored connection between combinatorics... more
In this paper, we further develop the study of the translated Whitney numbers by deriving more combinatorial properties such as more recurrence relations, exponential and rational generating functions and the orthogonality and inverse... more
We give a short proof for J. Noonan's result on the number of permutations containing pattern 321 exactly once.
Despite having been introduced in 1962 by C.L. Mallows, the combinatorial algorithm Patience Sorting is only now beginning to receive significant attention due to such recent deep results as the Baik-Deift-Johansson Theorem that connect... more
"We study generating functions for the number of permutations in $S_n$ subject to two restrictions. One of the restrictions belongs to $S_3$, while the other belongs to $S_k$. It turns out that in a large variety of cases the answer can... more
We give another construction of a permutation tableau from its corresponding permutation and construct a permutation-preserving bijection between 1-hinge and 0-hinge tableaux. We also consider certain alignment and crossing statistics on... more
We complete the enumeration of Dumont permutations of the second kind avoiding a pattern of length 4 which is itself a Dumont permutation of the second kind. We also consider some combinatorial statistics on Dumont permutations avoiding... more
In this paper, a q-analogue of the noncentral Whitney numbers of both kinds are define in terms of horizontal generating functions. Some properties such as recurrence relations, explicit formula, generating functions, orthogonality and... more
We give another construction of a permutation tableau from its corresponding permutation and construct a permutation-preserving bijection between 1-hinge and 0-hinge tableaux. We also consider certain alignment and crossing statistics on... more
The theory of {\Gamma}-species is developed to allow species-theoretic study of quotient structures in a categorically rigorous fashion. This new approach is then applied to two graph-enumeration problems which were previously unsolved in... more
We consider the set of permutations all of whose descents are from an even value to an even value. Proving a conjecture of Kitaev and Remmel, we show that these permutations are enumerated by Genocchi numbers, hence equinumerous to Dumont... more
In this paper, we obtain closed formulas for the number of reachable vertices in labelled plane trees by paths lengths, sinks, leaf sinks, first children, left most path, non-first children, and non-leaves. Our counting objects are plane... more
We study involutions in the Riordan group, especially those with combinatorial meaning. We give a new determinantal criterion for a matrix to be a Riordan involution and examine several classes of examples. A complete characterization of... more
The theory of q-analogs develops many combinatorial formulas for finite vector spaces over a finite field with q elements–all in analogy with formulas for finite sets (which are the special case of q = 1). A direct-sum decomposition of a... more
In the studies that have been devoted to the protein folding problem, which is one of the great unsolved problems of science, some specific graphs, like the so-called triangular grid graphs, have been used as a simplified lattice model.... more
Patience Sorting is a combinatorial algorithm that can be viewed as an iterated, non-recursive form of the Schensted Insertion Algorithm. In recent work the authors have shown that Patience Sorting provides an algorithmic description for... more
Abstract In the studies that have been devoted to the protein folding problem, which is one of the great unsolved problems of science, some specific graphs, like the so-called triangular grid graphs, have been used as a simplified lattice... more
Given a universe of discourse U , a multiset can be thought of as a function M from U to the natural numbers N. In this paper, we define a hybrid set to be any function from the universe U to the integers Z. These sets are called hybrid... more
We study the enumeration of Hamiltonian cycles on the thin grid cylinder graph $C_m \times P_{n+1}$. We distinguish two types of Hamiltonian cycles, and denote their numbers $h_m^A(n)$ and $h_m^B(n)$. For fixed $m$, both of them satisfy... more
This paper is a continuation of the study of partially ordered patterns (POPs) introduced recently. We provide a general approach to code combinatorial objects using (POP-)restricted permutations. We give several examples of relations... more
We use the conceptual idea of "maps on orbifolds" and the theory of the non-Euclidian crystallographic groups (NEC groups) to enumerate rooted and unrooted maps (both sensed and unsensed) on surfaces regardless of genus. As a consequence... more
We find exact formulas and/or generating functions for the number of words avoiding 3-letter generalized multipermutation patterns and find which of them are equally avoided.
This paper is a continuation of the study of partially ordered generalized patterns (POGPs) considered in . We provide two general approaches: one to obtain connections between restricted permutations and other combinatorial structures,... more
We give a recursive formula for the Möbius function of an interval [σ, π] in the poset of permutations ordered by pattern containment in the case where π is a decomposable permutation, that is, consists of two blocks where the first one... more
In this paper, a combinatorial formula relating to Hirota's bilinear equations is shown,
Let S n be the symmetric group, C r the cyclic group of order r, and let S (r) n
It is shown that the sequence of the generalized Bell polynomials Sn(x) is convex under some restrictions of the parameters involved. A kind of recurrence relation for Sn(x) is established, and some numbers related to the generalized... more