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Over the last decade the growth of service firms, and their internationalisation, has attracted considerable attention from researchers, with a special focus on characteristics that distinguish services from goods. However, as the... more
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    • Entry Mode Selection
This paper explores motivations for pursuing internationalisation as a strategy in emerging markets. We track the internationalisation paths of six international power producers that are active in developed and emerging markets in our... more
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      International BusinessRenewable EnergyInternationalizationStrategy
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively explore marketing issues for foreign industrial companies of large, small and medium size entering emerging markets (EMs), particularly transition economies in Eastern Europe. The... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
This article is an in-depth case study examining a foreign firm deploying Cross-border E-commerce as an entry mode to the Chinese market, integrating services provided by a major technology provider and a leading marketplace platform.... more
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      International BusinessInternational Market Entry StrategyEntry Mode SelectionE-Commerce
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in regard to the international market selection (IMS) and entry mode selection (EMS) processes.... more
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      International BusinessInternationalizationInternational MarketingInternational Market Selection Purpose: Although cross-border e-commerce has become increasingly popular among small and medium-sized enterprises as a foreign market entry mode, research... more
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      MarketingInternational BusinessCapability ApproachInternational Marketing
The paper examines the host country-specific factors as determinants of hotel chains’ market presence in a destination. Three types of hotel chains’ market presence are identified – absolute market presence (number of chain affiliated... more
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      BusinessEconomicsPolitical EconomyTourism Studies
Most of the research concerning the validity of the selection & assessment interviews has a low degree of validity, relevance, ecological validity and impact. We all have read in the course of the years the classical papers developed from... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPsychologyPsychological Assessment
Cash Converters International is an organised second hand goods retail chain operated through franchisee model and its own online e-commerce platform. The company also deals into micro lending from $ 50 to $ 2000. Founded in 1984 from... more
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      Indian studiesGlobal StrategiesIndiaSecond-hand markets/items
So far the critical choice of the entry mode for a target country has been examined ignoring the special features of firms. Particularly, the impact of the wide variation of business models of software firms has been ignored. This... more
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      SMEInternationalizationDigital Business ModelsBusiness Models
This article explores the relevance of different entry modes for Danish exporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Internal and external resources that influence the choice of entry modes into the Brazil, Russia, India and China... more
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      International BusinessInternational MarketingGlobal BusinessGlobal Marketing
The principal aim of this paper was to examine the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in regard to the international market selection (IMS) and entry mode selection (EMS) processes. To accomplish this, an... more
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      International Business Strategyinternationalization of SMEsInternational Market SelectionEntry Mode Selection
This paper examines 3M Company's supply chain operations globally as well as its operational challenges in doing business in a developing country. 3M is a US-based company that is noted for its many innovative inventions and products. The... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSupply Chain ManagementSustainable DevelopmentInnovation and Creativity (Business)
A recent globalization has impacted significantly the construction industry worldwide and it is frequently transformed into creation of new emerging markets. Going international is commonly understood as a strategic process of market... more
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      International constructionEntry Mode SelectionEntry Timing Selection
Based on a survey of 170 Danish SMEs the paper examines influences on entry mode choices and the financial outcome of these decisions. The main research objectives are divided into two steps: Step 1: To determine the factors influencing... more
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      InternationalizationInternational MarketingGlobal MarketingEntry Mode Selection
The paper examines the host country-specific factors as determinants of hotel chains’ market presence in a destination. Three types of hotel chains’ market presence are identified – absolute market presence (number of chain affiliated... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
The aim of this article is to investigate the relevance of an alternative entry mode, the incubator concept. Such an alternative entry mode like the so-called incubator is increasingly being used as a shortcut or bridge to a distant... more
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      International MarketingGlobal MarketingEntry Mode SelectionEntry modes
Service marketing has becoming important in advanced economies and postindustrial countries. Globalization of services is a growing phenomenon as domestic markets are becoming saturated and invaded by foreign competitors (Mahte and Perras... more
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      GlobalizationExport-ImportBarriersEntry Mode Selection
This exploratory research note focuses on the entry modes applied by foreign and domestic hotel chains in Bulgaria. Results reveal that foreign chains put an emphasis on non-equity entry modes (marketing consortium, management contract,... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourismEntry Mode SelectionEntry modes
This study examines longitudinal aspects of Japanese foreign direct investment in Canada. In looking at the longitudinal aspects, the focus was on a descriptive analysis of entry and exit rates and on an econometric analysis of the... more
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      Japanese StudiesForeign Direct InvestmentExpatriatesCanada
Two lines of Alexandria chicken (selected L1 and control L2) were characterized for their genetic diversity and identified population priorities for egg traits. Eight microsatellite markers linked to QTLs associated with the studied egg... more
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      MicrocontrollersEntry Mode SelectionEgg Production of Laying Hen
With the current development of mobile communication services, people need personal communication of high speed, excellent service, high quality and low latencyhowever, limited spectrum resources become the most important factor to hamper... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksBluetoothWiFI
IB literature has grown extensively over the past decades, especially witnessing a proliferation of theoretical models since studies began looking at emerging national multinational enterprises (EMNE). This is an integrative study that... more
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      International BusinessEntry Mode Selection
The expansion through internationalization is the strategy used by businesses when it aims to operate beyond the national market. This strategy arises when the businesses have explored all the potential in the domestic market and look for... more
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      Strategy (Business)Marketing StrategyExportEntry Mode Selection
ABSTRACT This article examines the acquisition behavior of multinational companies from emerging markets (EMNCs) compared to multinational companies from advanced markets (AMNCs). Specifically, we relate the governance mode (i.e. the... more
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      ManagementMarketingEmerging EconomiesEmerging Economies Multinational Enterprises
We empirically study how the interplay between entry and subcontracting choices is affected by the use of different auction formats in public procurement. The difference-in-differences strategy used exploits a data set of auctions for... more
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      ProcurementAuctionsSubcontractingEntry Mode Selection
This study aimed to focus on the relationship between two main MNE's strategies that were multi-domestic and global. The choice of entry that examined not only the basis of Transaction Cost and Resource Based View but also incorporates a... more
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      MNC StrategyForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )Entry Mode Selection
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      InternationalizationTourism and Hotel ManagementHotel ManagementEntry Mode Selection
Integrating the conventional models with the emerging models, we propose a learning-based view of internationalization for multinational enterprise (MNE), especially for MNE latecomers as the new species of MNE from the emerging... more
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      Organizational Learning ProcessesOrganizational LearningEmerging Economies Multinational EnterprisesInternational Management
It remains a question whether serial entrepreneurs typically perform better than their novice counterparts owing to learning by doing effects or mostly because they are a selected sample of higher-than-average ability entrepreneurs. This... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSmall BusinessSurvival AnalysisDuration, Hazard Models
The aim of the paper is to conceptually reconcile entry-mode strategy with the CAGE distance framework, going beyond narrow country-level borders and turning its attention to firm-level analysis. This main objective is split into two... more
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      Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI )Entry Mode Selection
Training administrative staff to become key players in the internationalization of higher education. In International higher education. Boston College: Centre for International Higher Education. Hunter, F., and N. Sparnon. 2018. Warp and... more
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      Higher EducationHigher Education PolicyAdmissionsUniversity
Scanning electron microscopy was used to assess the effect of selection on eggshell ultra structure in Alexandria chicken. The observed changes were studied to understand the role of selection in eggshell strength. There was a significant... more
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      EggshellsEntry Mode SelectionEgg QualityOrganic Matrix
The aim of the paper is to conceptually reconcile entry-mode strategy with the CAGE distance framework, going beyond narrow country-level borders and turning its attention to firm-level analysis. This main objective is split into two... more
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      Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI )Entry Mode Selection
This article explores the relevance of different entry modes for Danish exporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Internal and external resources that influence the choice of entry modes into the Brazil, Russia, India and China... more
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      International BusinessInternational MarketingBusiness and ManagementGlobal Business
I study the multinationalization — the decision to establish foreign direct investment (FDI) — of developing country firms, in particular Latin American ones or “Multilatinas”. Despite a long exporting tradition, many firms in Latin... more
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      Latin American StudiesMultinational EnterprisesMultinational CorporationsEntry Mode Selection
This article is an in-depth case study examining a foreign firm deploying Cross-border E-commerce as an entry mode to the Chinese market, integrating services provided by a major technology provider and a leading marketplace platform.... more
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      BusinessMarketingInternational BusinessBusiness and Management
Nos países desenvolvidos o franchising é uma realidade presente a mais tempo do que nos países emergentes. Esse desenvolvimento acelerou o amadurecimento e gerou uma internacionalização precoce das empresas. Seria assim o modo de operar... more
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      FranchisingInternational FranchisingEntry Mode Selection
The aim of the research was to understand the characteristics of trade relations between Turkey and Western Balkans, and reveal the most preferred entry modes between Turkey and Western Balkans. The main entry modes examined in the study... more
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      Balkan StudiesKosovoTurkeyAlbania
This article investigates and explains the behaviors, motives, and characteristics of Chinese privately owned enterprises’ (POEs’) outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), and compares this with the behaviors, motives, and... more
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      ChinaForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )Entry Mode Selection
A recent globalization has impacted significantly the construction industry worldwide and it is frequently transformed into creation of new emerging markets. Going international is commonly understood as a strategic process of market... more
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      BusinessInternational constructionEntry Mode SelectionEntry Timing Selection
The aim of the paper is to conceptually reconcile entry-mode strategy with the CAGE distance framework, going beyond narrow country-level borders and turning its attention to firm-level analysis. This main objective is split into two... more
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      Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI )Entry Mode Selection
Accounting entry: -bút toán Accrued expenses --Chi phí phải trả -Accumulated: --lũy kế Advance clearing transaction: --quyết toán tạm ứng (???) Advanced payments to suppliers --Trả trước ngưòi bán -Advances to employees --Tạm ứng -Assets... more
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      English LiteratureEntry Mode SelectionMode
The existence of risks is a premise in business-related matters, mainly in the exploration of international opportunities. Organizations seeking to operate abroad are potentially more susceptible to the risks that exist internationally.... more
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      InternationalizationRisk Perceptioninternationalization of SMEsInternational Market Entry Strategy
The paper addresses the factors influencing the SMEs' entry choices in international markets exploring two factors: one related to the external environment, and one dependent on firms. The first factor is the institutional context as the... more
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      Institutional TheoryInternational ManagementEntry Mode SelectionInternational Strategy
Hacer negocios y operar internacionalmente supone mayores riesgos que realizar acciones comerciales domésticas. Estos riesgos son especialmente más expuestos, cuando se ejecutan en países emergentes. s métodos y estrategias para operar... more
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      Negocios InternacionalesInternacionalizaciónEntry Mode Selection
In this paper, a new speech enhancement method is introduced. It is essentially based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition technique (EMD) and a soft thresholding approach applied on selected modes. The proposed method is a fully data... more
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      Speech enhancementEmpirical mode decompositionEntry Mode SelectionSoft Thresholding
The existence of risks is a premise in business-related matters, mainly in the exploration of international opportunities. Organizations seeking to operate abroad are potentially more susceptible to the risks that exist internationally.... more
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      InternationalizationRisk Perceptioninternationalization of SMEsInternational Market Entry Strategy
ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the mechanical manufacturing sector. The focus of the paper is on the factors affecting both the strategic choices... more
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      MarketingInternationalizationStrategic MarketingInternational Business Strategy