Entity Relationship Model
Recent papers in Entity Relationship Model
Relationships are an integral part of the design of a database. Comparing and integrating relationships from heterogeneous databases requires that the relationships be mapped to each other or to a common classification. Identifying... more
Performance indicators are key feedback drivers of organisation dynamics. However, the extensive evaluation literature gives no scientific basis for the selection or testing of the opportunities of such indicators. This paper discusses... more
Little work has been completed which addresses the logical composition and use of ternary relationships in entity-relationship modeling. Many modeling notations and most CASE tools do not allow for ternary relationships. Alternative... more
The article examines the fundamental principles of Resource Description and Access (RDA), the new guidelines for the description and the discovery of different kinds of resources aimed to replace the AACR2 since 2013. RDA is included in... more
A new data model has been developed to handle information relevant to site-specific life cycle Ž. assessments LCA. The model is orientated towards GIS-representations of three generalised subsystems; the technical, the environmental and... more
This article reports the results of research into software project management. the main contribution of this research is a software project management framework that consists of a static structure, shown in an entity-relationship diagram,... more
Traditional client-server applications relegate query and persistence operations on their data to database systems. The database system operates on data in the form of rows and tables, while the application operates on data in terms of... more
1. What two conditions must be met before an entity can be classified as a weak entity? Give an example of a weak entity. To be classified as a weak entity, two conditions must be met: 1. The entity must be existence-dependent on its... more
The paper uses a simple example to illustrate identification of an Entity Relationship Diagram components to model a GIS database.
The concept of multiplicity in UML derives from that of cardinality in entity-relationship modeling techniques. The UML documentation defines this concept but at the same time acknowledges some lack of obviousness in the specification of... more
Distributed data - data, processed by a system, can be distributed among several computers, but it is accessible from any of them. A distributed database design problem is presented that involves the development of a global model, a... more
This paper develops a modularization scheme based on the functional model of a system. The modularization approach makes use of the function-behavior-state (FBS) model of the system to derive the entity relations. The design structure... more
Specification is often restricted to the description of syntactical elements. This restricted approach can only be used for simple applications with simple structuring. However, most applications require analysis of data, integration or... more
Data modeling is a process used to define and analyze data requirements needed to support the business processes within the scope of corresponding information systems in organizations. Entity-Relationship modeling is a technique used for... more
Why a new standard? Opportunity to simplify our rules Encourage use as a content standard for metadata schema Encourage international applicability Need for more consistency and less redundancy, for easier use and interpretation Chance to... more
A methodology for extracting an extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model from a relational database is presented. Through a combination of data schema and data instance analysis, an EER model is derived which is semantically richer and... more
The aim of this study was to develop business process reengineering for a supply chain of fourth range vegetable products and to set up a computerised system for managing product traceability.A framework based on event-driven process... more
Since its introduction, the Entity-Relationship (ER) model has been the vehicle of choice in communicating the structure of a database schema in an implementation-independent fashion. Part of its popularity has no doubt been due to the... more
The concept of multiplicity in UML derives from that of cardinality in entity-relationship modeling techniques. The UML documentation defines this concept but at the same time acknowledges some lack of obviousness in the specification of... more
This paper discusses the rapidly expanding environment of emerging electronic content and the importance of librarians to partner with new research and teaching communities in meeting users" needs to find, identify, select, and... more
Object-role Modeling (ORM) is a fact-oriented modeling approach for expressing, transforming and querying information at a conceptual level. Unlike Entity-Relationship modeling and Unified Modeling Language class diagramming,... more
Database design methodologies should facilitate database modeling, e ectively support database processing and transform a conceptual schema of the database to a high-performance database schema in the model of the corresponding DBMS. The... more
In recent years packet-filtering firewalls have seen some impressive technological advances (e.g., stateful inspection, transparency, performance, etc.) and widespread deployment. In contrast, firewall and security management technology... more
We developed a database compiling in vivo doses of compounds for various activities in certain animal species. The related database covers almost 100 years of experiments. The conceptual scheme of the database was created using concepts... more
Information system (IS) design concerns di erent activities like conceptual modeling, database design, business process modeling and user modeling. However, despite the presence of an active research community that studies conceptual... more
The need to leverage the information contained in het erogeneous data sources has been widely documented in recent years. In order to accomplish this goal, an or ganization must resolve several types of heterogeneity problems that may... more
To develop sophisticated database management systems, there is a need to incorporate more understanding of the real world in the information that is stored in a database. Semantic data models have been developed to try to capture some of... more
En la práctica los esquemas Entidad Interrelación generados durante la modelación conceptual no son capaces de especificar restricciones, necesarias para garantizar la integridad de un sistema de infomación. Aunque han existido... more
Database development has mainly be considered as development of database structuring. Functionality and interactivity specification has been neglected in the past. The derivability of functionality has been a reason for this restriction... more
A concept for performing threat analysis is developed. The goal is to establish a systematic approach for predicting, detecting and characterizing threat activity; allowing automation of some of these functions. The proposed approach... more
Abstract. The concept of multiplicity in UML derives from that of cardinality in entity-relationship modeling techniques. The UML documentation defines this concept but at the same time acknowledges some lack of obviousness in the... more
Database development has mainly be considered as development of database structuring. Functionality and interactivity specification has been neglected in the past. The derivability of functionality has been a reason for this restriction... more
This paper concerns the modeling of imprecision, vagueness, and uncertainty in databases through an extension of the relational model of data: the fuzzy rough relational database, an approach which uses both fuzzy set and rough set... more
Significant effort is expended in developing a high-level conceptual schema for a relational database. However, criticalknowledge is often discarded when the conceptual schema is mapped to aset of relation schemas. As a result, designers... more
Reiner@CCA UUCP: decvax!cca!reiner Database Engineering Bulletin is a quarterly publication of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Database Engineering. Its scope of interest includes: data structures and models, access... more
Ontology is the fundamental part of Semantic Web. The goal of W3C is to bring the web into (its full potential) a semantic web with reusing previous systems and artifacts. Most legacy systems have been documented in structural analysis... more
Information modelling is a fundamental tool in the development of information systems. Numerous data modelling languages, such as the Entity Relationship Model, Functional Data Model or Object Oriented Data Model, have been proposed over... more
We explore the criteria that contribute to the structural validity of modeling structures within the entityrelationship (ER) diagram. Our approach examines cardinality constraints in conjunction with the degree of the relationship to... more
A Machine Readable Dictionary (MRD or Lexicon) can be designed as a large-scale lexical database, having the task of supporting many different applications such as morphological, syntactic and semantic processing, information retrieval,... more
This paper addresses DW design problems, with the goal of improving the DW logical design process. Some of the existing work in transformation oriented methodologies for DW design construct the DW starting from an Entity-Relationship... more
OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) tools support the decision-making process by giving users the possibility to dynamically analyze high volumes of historical data using operations such as roll-up and drill-down. These operations need... more
The Entity-Relationship model is frequently used during conceptual database design phases. However, this model can be enriched and then used for the complete lifecycle of a database as an interface model. For this purpose, the concepts of... more
Data modelling reveals the internal structure of an information system, abstracting away from details of the physical representation. We show that entity-relationship modelling, a well-tried example of a data-modelling technique, can be... more
We compare EER and OO data models from the point of view of design quality. Quality is measured in terms of (a) correctness of the conceptual schemas being designed, (b) time to complete the design task, and (c) designers' preferences of... more