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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between assertiveness, self-esteem, and relationship satisfaction while also accounting for the demographic variables of gender, age, relationship duration, and household income.... more
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    • Entity Relationship Diagram
Meerkat is a tool for visualization and community mining of social networks. It is being developed to offer novel algorithms and functionality that other tools do not possess. Meerkat's features include navigation through graphical... more
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      Social NetworksData MiningUser InterfaceData Visualisation
In 1993 Kennedy identified three elementary structures into which any entity relationship diagram may be decomposed. He later investigated the use of elementary structure counts as the basis of a metric for effort estimation, but found... more
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      Software effort estimationEntity Relationship DiagramEffort estimation
A crucial task in Knowledge Representation is answering queries posed over a knowledge base, represented as a set of facts plus a set of rules. In this paper we address the problem of answering conjunctive queries posed over knowledge... more
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      Cognitive ScienceApplied MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceKnowledge Representation
Analisan dan desain aplikasi dari analisa proses bisnis hingga desain arsitektur jaringan
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      Software DevelopmentAkuntansiSistem InformasiFlowchart
Requirements traceability is the ability to follow the life of a requirement i.e. from its origin, to its refinement and inclusion in the requirement specification document, and from there to its subsequent deployment in coding, testing... more
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      Relational DatabaseTools and TechniquesRequirements TraceabilitySoftware Requirement Specification
A new data model has been developed to handle information relevant to site-specific life cycle Ž. assessments LCA. The model is orientated towards GIS-representations of three generalised subsystems; the technical, the environmental and... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceRelational DatabaseLife Cycle Assessment
This article reports the results of research into software project management. the main contribution of this research is a software project management framework that consists of a static structure, shown in an entity-relationship diagram,... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceSoftware Project ManagementLibrary and Information Studies
Seiring perkembangan zaman, kini teknologi informasi menjadi mendominasi di segala bidang, terutama bisnis dan ekonomi. Banyak perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan teknologi informasi sebagai alat pendukung dalam proses bisnis perusahaan... more
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase SystemsMySQL databaseERD diagrams
is one of six departments that make up the School of Business at the University of Otago. The department offers courses of study leading to a major in Information Science within the BCom, BA and BSc degrees. In addition to undergraduate... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation ScienceRelational Database
A web based course monitoring report system is required to be developed. The CMR requires roles for various number of users such as the Course Leader, Course Moderator, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Director of Learning and Quality. Each user... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware TestingSoftware DevelopmentWeb Development
Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAM-PaM) is an enabler for domain-specific analysis and design. Traffic, a new untimed visual formalism for vehicle traffic networks, is introduced. The syntax of Traffic models is... more
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      Linear ProgrammingInteger ProgrammingPetri NetsFormal Specification
1. LANDASAN TEORI 1.1 Basis Data Pengertian Basis Data-Basis Data terdiri dari kata basis dan data. Basis dapat diartikan sebagai markas atau gudang. Sedangkan data adalah catatan atas kumpulan fakta dunia nyata yang mewakili objek... more
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      Laporan PraktikumEntity Relationship Diagram
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    • Entity Relationship Diagram
Like many things involving technology, the database has a life cycle associated to it. • The DBLC contains six phases: database initial study, database design, implementation and loading, testing and evaluation, operation, and maintenance... more
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      Conceptual Data ModelingEntity Relationship Diagram
Database and data model evolution cause significant problems in the highly dynamic business environment that we experience these days. To support the rapidly changing data requirements of agile companies, conceptual data models, which... more
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      Information SystemsMeasure TheoryConceptual ModellingEmpirical Software Engineering
1. What two conditions must be met before an entity can be classified as a weak entity? Give an example of a weak entity. To be classified as a weak entity, two conditions must be met: 1. The entity must be existence-dependent on its... more
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      Database SystemsQuestions and AnswersEntity Relationship ModelEntity Relationship Diagram
Sistem Point of Sales merupakan sistem yang sangat berguna bagi sebuah usaha restoran seperti RESTO. Penerapan sistem Point of Sales bagi RESTO dapat membantu mempermudah dan mempercepat proses kerjanya. Dalam sistem Point of Sales ini... more
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      Information SystemsObject Oriented ProgrammingDatabase SystemsUser Experience (UX)
Dimensional modelling is a conceptual modelling technique developed for designing data warehouse structures. It has become the predominant approach to designing data warehouses in practice and has proven to be highly successful in... more
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      Data WarehouseOLAPInformation NeedEntity Relationship Diagram
Fire is as destructive as it is useful. Without a proper pro-active approach to preventing fire outbreaks, the results could be extremely disastrous when they occur. Thus, there is a need for a fast and convenient way of reporting fire... more
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesMobile TechnologyMobile application developmentPrototyping
The aim of the project was to design a database in Oracle SQL Developer to provide the functional requirements of patient in Hospital management system. The project requirements included: • Describe data using an Entity Relationship... more
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      OracleSQLEntity Relationship Diagram
"Databases are powerful data storage and manipulation facilities which can be used to organize and optimize workload. The large amounts of data that they manage make them complex entities which demand a rigorous yet flexible approach to... more
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      Information SystemsPHPDatabasesSoftware Design
Pembayaran administrasi sekolah mempunyai peran penting dalam menunjang aktivitas sekolah, di dalam aktivitas tersebut SD Beyond memiliki kendala yaitu masih banyaknya kesalahan dalam proses pendataan pembayaran, tidak tertagihnya... more
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase SystemsDatabasesDatabase Query Design
Dokumen laporan hasil Uji Kompetensi Keahlian (UKK) Praktik tentang Poliklinik Berbasis Aplikasi Web. Ini diperuntukkan untuk siswa SMK jurusan RPL yang sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk UKK.
Semoga bermanfaat.. :)
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      Web DevelopmentPHP ProgrammingHTMLRPL
The main aim of developing this system is to provide blood to the people who need at immediate levels. The number of people in demand of blood for transfusions are increasing day by day. Using this system any user can search for... more
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      Computer ScienceDatabase SystemsData AnalysisBlood Donation (Anthropology)
UNIT II DATABASE DESIGN Entity-Relationship model – E-R Diagrams – Enhanced-ER Model – ER-to-Relational Mapping – Functional Dependencies – Non-loss Decomposition – First, Second, Third Normal Forms, Dependency Preservation – Boyce/Codd... more
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      DBMSNormalizationEntity Relationship Diagram
This paper first examines crime situation in Benin metropolis using questionnaire to elicit information from the public and the police. Result shows that crime is on the rise and that the police are handicapped in managing it because of... more
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      Conceptual ModelingDatabase DesignPhysical DesignGeospatial Data
Data warehousing systems enable enterprise managers to acquire and integrate information from heterogeneous sources and to query very large databases efficiently. Building a data warehouse requires adopting design and implementation... more
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      Data WarehousingData WarehouseConceptual DesignConceptual Model
Fire is as destructive as it is useful. Without a proper pro-active approach to preventing fire outbreaks, the results could be extremely disastrous when they occur. Thus, there is a need for a fast and convenient way of reporting fire... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTechnologyFire and Emergency Services
ABSTRAK Pengelolaan persediaan barang atau inventory merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam kegiatan operasional suatu organisasi. Persediaan dapat diartikan sebagai barang-barang yang disimpan untuk digunakan atau dijual pada masa... more
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      DatabasesPHP ProgrammingAdobe DreamweaverEntity Relationship Diagram
Dokumen Deskripsi Perancangan Perangkat Lunak (DPPL) ini merupakan dokumen yang mendefinisikan perancangan perangkat lunak SIGIT (Sistem Informasi Gym Berbasis IT). Dokumen ini digunakan sebagai acuan teknis pengembangan perangkat lunak... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologySoftware DevelopmentProfessional Development
organizations of Bangladesh can no more be maintained manually. There is a growing need for the information to become computerized so that it can be suitably stored. This is where databases come into the picture. Databases are convenient... more
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      Computer ScienceDatabase SystemsDatabasesNormalization
Dokumen Deskripsi Perancangan Perangkat Lunak (DPPL) ini merupakan dokumen yang mendefinisikan perancangan perangkat lunak SILIPI (Sistem Informasi Listrik Pintar). Dokumen ini digunakan sebagai acuan teknis pengembangan perangkat lunak... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologySoftware DevelopmentC#
Th 4+1 ViewMOdel organizes a description of a sojiware architecture using Jive conmwent views, each of which e all have seen turely partitioning the software or many-books and-articles in which a single diagram attempts to capture the... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ArchitectureSoftware EngineeringSoftware Architecture
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    • Entity Relationship Diagram
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    • Entity Relationship Diagram
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      Information SystemsHistoryOntologyComplex Systems Science
We present a system for measuring the Function Point software metric from specifications expressed in the form of an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram and a Data Flow Diagram (DFD). As a first step towards the implementation of the system,... more
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      Function PointData Flow DiagramSoftware SystemsEntity Relationship Diagram
ABSTRACT: The automatic generation of source code is a practice adopted in the development of software to streamline, facilitate and standardize the implementation of projects. Although it be a common practice in software factories, it is... more
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      Design PatternsAutomatic Code GeneratorsEntity Relationship Diagram
Conceptual modeling is one of the most important phases in designing database applications. The success of this design relies heavily on how clearly the real world requirements are represented in the conceptual model. To date, the... more
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      Relational DatabaseConceptual ModelEntity Relationship Diagram
Since its introduction, the Entity-Relationship (ER) model has been the vehicle of choice in communicating the structure of a database schema in an implementation-independent fashion. Part of its popularity has no doubt been due to the... more
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      Relational DatabaseErEntity Relationship ModelEntity Relationship Diagram
Lack of support for Entity-Relationship (E-R) semantics and the disconnect between objectoriented programming language (OOPLs) and database languages remain key roadblocks to the effective use of object-orientation in information system... more
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      Information SystemsData AccessObject PersistenceEntity Relationship Diagram
The Teton Whitewater Kayak case is designed to provide students with a challenging hands-on exercise in relational database design. It is extensive enough to provide a stimulating exercise, but not so large as to be overwhelming. This... more
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase DesignInformation Systems educationDatabase Management
Many database applications manage information that varies over time, and most of the database schemas forthese applications were designed using one of the several versions of the Entity-Relationship (ER) model.In the research community as... more
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      HistoryCommon KnowledgeEntity Relationship Diagram
Many CASE tools for information systems engineering can input a conceptual data model of an application and map this to a logical data model for implementation. Typically this involves mapping an ER (Entity-Relationship) conceptual schema... more
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      Relational DatabaseConceptual SchemaData ModelObject Role Modelling
This research argues that the formative assessment of student coursework in freeform, diagram-based domains can be automated using CBA techniques in a way which is both feasible and useful. Formative assessment is that form of assessment... more
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      Higher EducationFormative AssessmentEntity Relationship DiagramDatabase System
Object-Role Modeling (ORM) is a method for modeling and querying an information system at the conceptual level, and mapping between conceptual and logical (e.g. relational) levels. ORM comes in various flavors, including NIAM (Natural... more
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      Natural languageObject Oriented ModelInformation AnalysisEntity Relationship Diagram
In Object Orientation, the Generalisation/Specialisation hierarchy and the Whole/Part relationship are prevalent classification schemes for object types. This paper presents a new classification scheme for object types, called... more
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    • Entity Relationship Diagram
As technology advances, information in different organizations of Bangladesh can no more be maintained manually. There is a growing need for the information to become computerized so that it can be suitably stored. This is where databases... more
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      Computer ScienceDatabase SystemsDatabasesNormalization