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Did Jesus and his disciples use cannabis and other drugs in magical ceremonies? Author and cannabis historian Chris Bennett takes us through some of the startling ancient evidence of early Christianity’s drug-fuelled rituals. An... more
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      ReligionChristianityGnosticismComparative Religion
A mildly chronological overview of the philosophers who may have been inspired by the use of psychoactive chemicals, inc. Plato, de Quincey, Davy, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James, Bergson, Benjamin, Jünger, Paz, Marcuse, Sartre, Foucault;... more
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      Philosophy of MindHerbert MarcusePsychedelicsAldous Huxley
Abstract The Mystery Religions of the ancient world frequently, if not always, employed the use of psychoactive drugs or entheogens to induce altered states of consciousness. Such experiences were indispensable to the initiation of... more
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      PsychedelicsEntheogensEntheogens and ReligionEleusinian Mysteries
Review of a cultural history of LSD book
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      British HistoryEntheogensEntheogens and Religion
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      New Religious MovementsLatin American StudiesEthnobotanyComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Letcher, A. (2022, February). In the twinkling of an eye: A brief history of the magic mushroom. Invited talk for the Psychedelicacies Salon at the Viktor Wynd's Museum of Curiosities & Last Tuesday Society (online), 10th February. Hosted... more
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      Cultural HistoryAnthropologyPsychedelicsEntheogens
Dr Rick Strassman - The Nature of the DMT Beings: Perspectives and Prospects. Entheogenic Plant Sentience – A private symposium, Tyringham Hall, September 2015 (curator and compère).
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      TheologyPsychopharmacologyHistorical TheologyHebrew Bible
Entheogenic Plant Sentience – A private symposium. Tyringham Hall, September 2015. (Curator and compère) Video trailer for the event: Anton Bilton, Dr David Luke & Rory Spowers Introduction from the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesParapsychologyPsychiatry
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      EntheogensAyahuasca (Entheogens)Entheogens and Religion
Los papiros medicinales y mágicos, los textos de los autores de la Antigüedad, así como los datos procedentes de los repertorios iconográficos y de las excavaciones arqueológicas, constituyen todos ellos valiosas fuentes de información... more
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    • Entheogens and Religion
Graham Hancock - Psychedelics, Entities, 'Dark Matter' and Parallel Dimensions. Entheogenic Plant Sentience – A private symposium, Tyringham Hall, September 2015 (curator and compère).
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreAltered States of ConsciousnessPsychedelics
Abstract There are many similarities amongst Mesoamerican religious practices that cannot be overlooked. This paper seeks to establish the commonalities between the origin stories and religious practices of three Mesoamerican cultures.... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyAztecs
others • Explores DMT beings, plant sentience, interspecies communication, discarnate consciousness, dialoguing with the divine, the pineal gland, the Amazonian shamanic perspective on Invisible Entities, and the science behind... more
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      Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)EntheogensPsychedelic CultureEntheogens and Religion
The title of this chapter was not chosen lightly. It brings two highly controversial terms together in a novel combination and, in so doing, attempts to call attention to a specific phenomenon in contemporary religion, namely the... more
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      PsychedelicsEntheogensWestern Esotericism (History)Occultism
Did Jesus and his disciples use cannabis and other drugs in magical ceremonies? Author and cannabis historian Chris Bennett takes us through some of the startling ancient evidence of early Christianity’s drug-fuelled rituals. An... more
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      Historical JesusEntheogens and ReligionCannabis
El Inti Raymi, en quechua " fiesta del sol " , se realiza en homenaje y agradecimiento a la Madre Tierra por las cosechas recibidas, por el solsticio de invierno (estamos en el hemisferio sur). De todas las fiestas andinas, el Inti Raymi... more
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      Ethnobotany in South AmericaEntheogens and Religion
Abstract There are many similarities amongst Mesoamerican religious practices that cannot be overlooked. This paper seeks to establish the commonalities between the origin stories and religious practices of three Mesoamerican cultures.... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionAnthropologyPhilosophy Of Religion
Julian Vayne (29th September, 2010) – Drugs and Magic: The Chemicals of Chaos. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host and compère) In this talk entitled... more
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      PsychedelicsMagicChaos MagicMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Mara’akame Paritema (Don Santos) (17th July, 2013) - Huichol cosmology: A mara'akame shares Wirraritari cosmovision and mythology. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyIndigenous StudiesTranspersonal Psychology
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      Entheogens and ReligionEsoteric Freemasonry Occult Alchemy Hermetic RosicrucianCarl A.P. Ruck
An assessment of the implications of entheogenic research for understanding the origins of religion. The Table of contents with links to 12 articles that examine entheogenic bases of prehistorical, historical and world religions.
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Graham Hancock (26th May, 2009) – Supernatural: Did psychedelic experiences make our ancestors human? The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host and compère)... more
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      PsychedelicsShamanismEntheogensAyahuasca (Entheogens)
Mike Crowley (30th October, 2012) - Stoned peacocks and blue-throated gods. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host and compère) Video of lecture here:... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionTibetan StudiesBuddhist Studies
Historical documents relating to early Mormonism suggest that Joseph Smith (1805-1844) employed entheogen-infused sacraments to fulfill his promise that every Mormon convert would experience visions of God and spiritual ecstasies. Early... more
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      PsychedelicsMormonismEntheogensMormon History
The idea that Jesus could have healed with cannabis, at first glance, seems preposterous, yet, it becomes more believable, the more you look into it. Moreover, this information has garnered international media attention, in reputable news... more
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      GnosticismHistorical JesusEntheogens and Religion
This dissertation is an exploration of the Santo Daime Church in Miami, focusing on the challenges of balancing institutional stability with continual growth and innovation. Santo Daime—whose central ritual entails the consumption of the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreTranslation StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCultural Theory
Vol. 2, Issue 2, Posted Winter 2009
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      FolktalesFairytalesEntheogens and ReligionEuropean folklore
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      Entheogens and ReligionRoman MithraismEsoteric Freemasonry Occult Alchemy Hermetic RosicrucianOrigins of Mithraism
Undoubtedly, TIK's most extreme example of overreach is its postulation of a chain of linear historical diffusion from Stone Age mortuary rituals to early Greek and Christian Mysteries, and to medieval witchcraft. Here in order to defend... more
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      ShamanismWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Ancient Greek HistoryAnthropology of Shamanism
Jacques Mabit, Les médecines initiatiques amazoniennes : Accès au Soi à travers le corps ou l’incarnation de l’Esprit, 2001
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      AnthropologyEthnobotanyPsychotherapyExistential Phenomenological Psychotherapy
Gallimore, A., & Luke, D. (2015). DMT research from 1956 to the end of time. In D. King, D. Luke, B. Sessa, C. Adams and A. Tollen (Eds), Neurotransmissions: Psychedelic essays from Breaking Convention (pp.291-316). London: Strange... more
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      FolkloreTranspersonal PsychologyAltered States of ConsciousnessPsychedelics
This article will summarize some of the most important points in identifying the suggested role for cannabis in the Vedic Soma and related Avestan Haoma traditions, based on the latest textual and archeological information. This synopsis... more
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      EntheogensEntheogens and ReligionHaoma/SomaHaoma
Shamanism, a practice based on the mediation between the immanent worlds, is one of the oldest religious tradition in the world. We find its traces among a multitude of religions still existing. The pre-Buddhist Bön religion is one... more
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      BuddhismTibetan StudiesPsychedelicsTibetan Buddhism
Chapters by religious leaders, psychologists, and theologians consider the religious and spiritual use of psychedelics.
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologySpirituality
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      PsychedelicsClassical philologyEntheogens and ReligionVedic Studies
This chapter explores the performative process occurring in the dance-floor/stage of a psytrance event as ‘technognosis’, a concept that combines media, arts, performance and technology with the notion of gnosis. Technognosis is proposed... more
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      AestheticsMedia StudiesPerformance StudiesMedia Ecology
Was cannabis the source of inspiration for Richard Wagner’s Holy Grail based operatic masterpieces Tristan und Isolde and Parsifal’? Could this have inspired its use by certain secret societies? New information has come to light... more
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      Wagner StudiesMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)EntheogensThelema
As fossil fuelled capitalism drags global civilisation towards the strange attractor of ecological implosion, can we get any help from outside (what the secular mainstream in the west generally recognises as), the human social field? This... more
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      AtheismSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnarchismHegel
After exploring our current psychological and sociological understanding of mystical experience, this article attempts to provide a sophisticated and neurologically grounded theory of what most call mystical experience, but what the... more
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      Metaphysics of ConsciousnessExistential PsychologyHumanistic-ExistentialMysticism
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      New Religious MovementsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPsychology of ReligionPsychedelics
This is the first Volume of a collection of primary and secondary sources, and commentary, which help to show how various Pagan and Gnostic influences are at the root of Western Occultism, particularly the Merkabah, Kabbalah, and Goetia,... more
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      PsychedelicsMagicShamanismPagan Studies
The first Volume of a collection of primary and secondary sources, and commentary, which show how various Pagan and Gnostic influences are at the root of Western Occultism, particularly the Merkabah, Kabbalah, and Goetia, but also... more
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After an explanation of the used methodology and Ayahuasca itself, this study presents a personal account of the researcher's experience of an Ayahuasca Medicine Ceremony. Based on an complete participant observation, a casestudy of the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionAnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
With clinical psychiatrist Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule as a vehicle, the pineal gland has become a popularly enigmatic organ that quite literally excretes mystery. Strassman's top selling book documented groundbreaking... more
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      Religion and FilmPsychedelicsDrugs and drug cultureEntheogens
It is the aim of this paper to establish a temporal and cultural link between entheogen-use 1 in Classical mystery cults and their possible use in a segment of the early Christian Gnostic Church. As early Christianity was heavily... more
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      EntheogensEntheogens and Religion
I show how couples can go beyond the [misnamed[ hypothalamic Fight of Flight Mode to mature an innate, crossculturally referenced perineum-spinal-heart-hypothalamic-cerebral-puberty-of-entheogenic-hormonal-potencies. I name this... more
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      Yoga MeditationPsychology of ReligionScience and SpiritualityGender and Development
This is an article in two parts. The first part discusses current research in psychoactive preparations of ergot in various religious systems with a particular emphasis on Persian, Greek, Jewish and Islamic sources. Certain poems, hadith,... more
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En el año 1979 se define por primera vez el término enteógeno, refiriéndose a aquellas drogas utilizadas en contextos rituales que favorecía el contacto con los dioses. Ese mismo año se publica Road to Eleusis, el primer trabajo que... more
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      Ancient HistoryShamanismAncient ReligionGreek Oracles and Divination
This thesis examines the New Age spiritual movement in its relationship with Indigenous cultures. Indigenous spiritual traditions have been appropriated to support relevant New Age theories. It critiques New Age perceptions of Indigenous... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesFestivals and musicSpiritual Ecology
Since the synergistic mechanism integral to ayahuasca became known, ayahuasca analogues—botanical fusions said to simulate an “ayahuasca effect”, also called anahuasca, pharmahuasca, and acaciahuasca—have been explored in various world... more
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      EthnobotanySocial and Cultural AnthropologyPsychedelicsShamanism