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The neutron irradiation of molybdenum hexacarbonyl has been systematically studied to identify possible improvements for the production of molybdenum-99. After irradiation, the targets were dissolved in dichloromethane, and... more
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      RadiochemistryEnrichmentMolybdenumIsotope production
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      Food ScienceNutritionFood and NutritionFunctional Food
Husbandry training and environmental enrichment are both important advancements associated with current behavioral welfare practices. Additionally, the use of training procedures has been proposed as a form of enrichment, with the... more
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      Behavioral SciencesReinforcement LearningAnimal BehaviorAnimal Welfare Theories
Проведено изучение возможности обогащения горной массы техногенных месторождений Карелии, представленных отвалами рудников, разрабатывавших слюдоносные пегматитовые жилы. Приводятся результаты исследований оптическим методом минералов из... more
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      MineralogyMineral ProcessingMiningQuartz
Et si la loi du plus riche était la meilleure ? Cet article tend à répondre à cette question, au regard de l'attitude d'un État dans le sous-système international CEMAC. Il choisit de rendre compte de la dynamique de contestation d'un... more
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      Central AfricaRegional IntegrationPowerConsensus
Husbandry training and environmental enrichment are both important advancements associated with current behavioural welfare practices. Additionally, the use of training procedures has been proposed as a form of enrichment, with the... more
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      Animal WelfareApplied Behavior AnalysisBehavior AnalysisApplied Animal Behavior
The present study is evaluate the nutritional efficiency of Artemia franciscana enriched with different oil emulsions, such as Soyabean oil, Sesame oil and Rice bran oil on growth, survival and biochemical changes of freshwater fish... more
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    • Enrichment
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a critical overview of the key contributions made by Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre in ‘Enrichissement. Une critique de la marchandise’ (Paris: Gallimard, 2017). With the exception of one... more
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      CapitalismEnrichmentLuc BoltanskiCommodities
Authors: Abramson, C. I., Bowser, T. J., & Varnon, C. A. Problem statement: This study highlights the potential of using silver vine as an enrichment additive for felines. Approach: A literature review was conducted on the use of... more
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      Animal BehaviorCatsEnrichmentFelines
A B S T R A C T Stereotypies in captive animals are typically defined as repetitive, invariant behavioral patterns with no obvious goal or function. They are often attributed to boredom or fear and treated by introducing occupational... more
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      Animal WelfareAnimal BehaviourEnvironmental enrichmentEnrichment
The paper describes a professional development activity for teachers that enables then to infuse enrichment activities into prescribed curricular topics. The goal is to promote more enjoyment, engagement, and enthusiasm for learning than... more
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      EnrichmentProfessional Education
A present state of the mining industry requires the development of new authentic and rapid methods of estimating the feasibility of given mineral probe enrichment by color sorting method. But no one of existing estimation techniques can... more
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      Mining EngineeringMineralogyMineral ProcessingMachine Vision
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System
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A preliminary investigation to establish the status of contamination of trace metals in the Western coast of Ghana was conducted prior to the commercial production of crude oil in the area. The study revealed the presence of heavy metals... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceHeavy metalsEnrichment
Pesticides are the substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling any pest. Due to bulk handling or accidental release, they are accumulated in soil which leads to occasional entry into ecosystems that show lethal effects on... more
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      BioengineeringMolecular BiologyBiotechnologyBiology
Positive reinforcement training holds great potential for enhancing the management of species for reproduction. This paper reviews a wide range of animal training activities and resultant benefits which could have application to captive... more
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      ZoologySocial InteractionBiologySocialization
O desenvolvimento da tecnologia de ultracentrifugação de urânio é um marco de sucesso na história tecnológica do Brasil. Do interesse inicial do Almirante Álvaro Alberto, o qual tentou trazer centrífugas da Alemanha no pós-Guerra,... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringUraniumEnrichment
Nowadays, a large portion of synthetic products (active cosmetic and therapeutic ingredients) have their origin in natural products. Kniphofia uvaria is a plant from Africa which has proved in the past by in-vivo tests an antioxidant... more
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      Vegetable OilsCPCEnrichmentQuinones
Abstract The main aim of the present paper is to show that the recently developed dialogical approach to Martin-Löf’s Constructive Type Theory (CTT), called Immanent Reasoning, provides, the means for distinguishing François Recanati’s... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
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      Work Family BalanceWork-Family ConflictEnrichmentWork and Family Interface
IT for Teaching, The main points in learning IT for the teaching process include the administrative needs and teaching requirements. A teacher should be sophisticated in case of using technological developments to realize the improvement... more
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      Information TechnologyCALLSistem InformasiEnrichment
Resource Recovery and Reuse (RRR) is a subprogram of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) dedicated to applied research on the safe recovery of water, nutrients and energy from domestic and agro-industrial waste... more
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      Environmental ScienceCarbonDecompositionBest Practices
Compared to negative experiences associated with parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), research has paid much less attention to positive aspects of experiences. This study examined both experiences of stress and... more
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      PsychologyAutism Spectrum DisordersParenting self-efficacyEnrichment
Purpose of study: Soils from the vicinity of a cement factory in Obajana in Kogi state of Nigeria were analyzed for their physicochemical and elemental contents in order to assess the contamination level of the soils. Methodology: Samples... more
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      ChemicalHeavy MetalEnrichmentPollution
The provision of manipulable material to pigs is a legal requirement to ensure their good welfare. Loose straw is edible, chewable, investigable and manipulable, and has been proven to be effective in reducing abnormal behaviour. However,... more
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      Animal WelfareEnrichmentPorcine
miRNAs are a class of small RNAs that regulate gene expression via RNA silencing machinery. Some viruses also encode miRNAs, contributing to the complex virus-host interactions. A better understanding of viral miRNA functions would be... more
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Compared to negative experiences associated with parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), research has paid much less attention to positive aspects of experiences. This study examined both experiences of stress and... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersParenting self-efficacyEnrichmentParenting Stress
A batch enrichment technique was used to isolate atrazine-degrading Rhodococcus sp strain from an agricultural land with history of atrazine application in Bauchi state, Northeastern Nigeria. The strain was identified on the basis of... more
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The possibility to increase the nutritional value of table olives using polyphenols extracted from olive leaves was studied. Leaves were subjected to extraction using water with proportions of 1%, 5% and 10% of leaves and various... more
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      PolyphenolsOlea europaeaEnrichmentSensory Evaluation
It is crucial that gifted and talented students should be supported by different educational methods for their interests and skills. The science and arts centres (gifted centres) provide the Supportive Education Program for these students... more
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      Gifted education (Gifted Education)Gifted EducationGiftednessGifted and Talented Education
The present study was conducted to assess the establishment and effect of probiotic bacteria such as Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus mesentericus, and Bifidobacterium infantis in the gut of freshwater ornamental fish Puntius conchonius.... more
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Five pretreatment methods, namely chemical, acid, heat-shock, freezing and thawing, and base, were evaluated for the enrichment of hydrogen-producing bacteria in anaerobic granulated sludge, which will be subsequently used as seed in... more
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Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) are known for their curative effects on hypertension through a holistic approach. The molecular mechanisms of the formulation comprising Polygonum multiflorum, Rehmannia glutinosa, Senna obtusifolia and... more
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      ChromatographyAtherosclerosisEthnomedicinesCardiac/Stroke Rehabilitation
In his discussions of the various readings of modal propositions, Ibn Sīnā’s focus is mostly on a distinction which was later labelled the distinction between descriptional (waṣfī) and substantial (ḏātī) readings of a modal proposition.... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyMedieval PhilosophyLogic
The genius Kniphofia is a plant from Africa with tubular red flowers. In Europe, Kniphofia uvaria is used for ornamental gardening whereas in Africa, this one is more used for medicinal application. Extracts from Kniphofia uvaria seeds... more
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      ChromatographyVegetable OilsCPCEnrichment
Effects of different pretreatment methods on sludge inocula were evaluated with respect to hydrogen (H 2) production enhancement using palm oil mill effluent (POME) in a batch system. The experimental results showed that the pretreatment... more
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      OptimizationMicrobial CommunitiesEnrichmentHydrogen Production
The work examined the effect of mixed cultural fermentation on the nutritional quality of date palm fruits (Phoenix dactylifera). This was done by isolating microorganism from samples subjected to natural fermentation. The isolated... more
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      BiotechnologyConsumptionEssential OilAcademic Journals
ABSTRACT. The distribution of some heavy metals, namely Cu, Pb, Zn, and Fe in sediments of Fosu lagoon of Cape Coast, Ghana was studied in the early summer (November) of 2009. The levels of the selected trace metals were determined using... more
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      Heavy MetalKey wordsEnrichmentPollution
There is growing recognition of the special needs of mathematically gifted learners. This paper reviews policy developments and current research and theory on giftedness in mathematics. It includes a discussion of the nature of... more
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      TechnologyMathematics EducationPolicy DevelopmentScience and Technology
This article introduces an innovative theoretical correlation between eπ and enrichment percentage (%E) assay. Based on the published Sayed`s theorem and its applications, a simple equation was derived to calculate the %E. Different... more
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    • Enrichment
The aim of this study was an identification of marital intimacy enrichment pattern's on Islamic perspective. For this purpose, the study data were extracted by qualitative method of thematic analysis from Islamic sources including Quran... more
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      Qualitative ResearchIslamEnrichmentMarital Intimacy
Compared to negative experiences associated with parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), research has paid much less attention to positive aspects of experiences. This study examined both experiences of stress and... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersParenting self-efficacyEnrichmentParenting Stress
Full audio recording of an Oxplore Livestream event answering the Big Question: "Is school the best place to learn?"
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      School effectiveness and school improvementEnrichment
Families with talented children face many school-related issues. This lectures deals with some of the emotional/social problems of talented children , as well as with parents' frequent questions about them. It also suggests some general... more
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      Social ProblemsGifted EducationGiftednessGifted and Talented
Urease is a key enzyme in the chemical reaction of microorganism and has been found to be associated withcalcification, which is essential in microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) process. Three bacterialisolates (designated as... more
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      Civil EngineeringMicrobiologyEnvironmental SustainabilityBacteria
Dietary fibers have beneficial physiological and metabolic effects and the enrichment of high-consumption products such as spaghetti with fibers can increase the health and reduce the risk of various diseases in the community. In this... more
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      CookingXanthan GumEnrichmentBarley
Copyright ©2020 by the author (et al) and Indonesian Journal of Development Studies (IJDS) *This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). more
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    • Enrichment
This Guideline: fortification of rice with vitamins and minerals as a public health strategy, is the first evidence-informed guideline from the World Health Organization (WHO) for this intervention with this specific food vehicle – rice.... more
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Wczesna praca z lat 70. pokazując możliwości automatyzacji procesu oceny stopnia napełnienia młyna kulowego (w zakładach wzbogacania surowców mineralnych). Ocena tego stopnia zapełnienia jest ważna dla uzyskania dobrej wydajności młyna.... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringAutomatic ControlRaw materialsEnrichment