Recent papers in Engraving
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
hograph Η 1997 δραστ ηρι οποι εί ται από το στ η παραγ ωγή ψηφι ακ ών εκτυπώσε ων και δι αφημι στι κών. κατασκευών Ψηφι ακές εκτυπώσει ς μεγάλου μεγέθους, Σήματ α, , , , , Πι νακί δες Επι γραφές Χαράξει ς Σφραγί δες , , , Εκτυπώσει ς σε... more
We report fabrication of solar cell (n + -p-p + structure) on black silicon substrates consisting of silicon nanowire (SiNW) arrays prepared by Ag induced wet chemical etching process in aqueous HF-AgNO 3 solution. SiNW arrays surface has... more
In this paper a scheme of convex corner compensation for etchmg m aqueous KOH usmg only (110) stnps IS presented Turns and branches are used to control the etchmg front on the stnp surface for better compensation quahty The design rules... more
Texte publié dans le catalogue de l’exposition Impressions à Montmartre : Eugène Delâtre et Alfredo Müller (Paris, Musée de Montmartre, septembre 2013 – janvier 2014), Milan : Silvana Editoriale, 2013 (pp. 13-37). Ce texte est le premier... more
Richard Waller, Fellow and Secretary of the Royal Society, is probably best remembered for editing Robert Hooke’s posthumously published works. Yet, Waller also created numerous drawings, paintings, and engravings for his own work and the... more
The English term "Gorget" refers to two main kinds of gorgets in Polish culture. The first type of gorget is called “Ryngraf” in Polish—from the German word Ringkragen—and is derived from the name of an collar tht is the upper part of the... more
Conviene no confundir escritura con una forma de lenguaje determinado a comunicar de modo narrativo y lógico, como un alfabeto o una lengua; la escritura es un lenguaje que presenta aquello que se escabulle al saber, la escritura tiene un... more
La passion des Couteaux, 2012, #113
The well-acknowledged etch profile drift problem in chip production was investigated with a more accurate means of measuring actual etch thickness to monitor and correct this drift. Using a high-aspect ratio, 0.1m -Si gate structure, the... more
La amplia simbología en la representación del vampiro ha sido [re]construida en una investigación que a partir de una compilación historiográfica y mitológica, presenta una propuesta iconográfica para el vampiro, como primera parte de un... more
Powerful categories of evidence for symbolically mediated behaviour, variously described as 'modern' or 'cognitively modern' human behaviour, are geometric or iconographic representations. After 40,000 years ago such evidence is well... more
Cet article a été publié dans le catalogue de l'exposition "Hayter et l'atelier du monde. Entre surréalisme et abstraction", organisée par le Musée des Beaux-arts de Rennes initialement du 12 février au 23 mai 2021. Il fait le point sur... more
“Patterns of Colonial Transfer: An Album of Prints in Mexico City,” Print Quarterly 34.4 (2017): 393–99.
HR Rad analizira inventorski opus šibenskog bakroresca Martina Rote Kolunića, čije je razdoblje umjetničkog stvaralaštva trajalo od dolaska u Veneciju 1565. godine do smrti u Pragu 1583. Rasprava o odnosu protureformacijske misli i... more
"Studi Veneziani", n.s. LXXV (2017, ma è 2018), pp. 415-481.
In this paper the possibilities of focused ion beam (FIB) applications in microsystem technology are reviewed. After an introduction to the technology and the operating principles of FIB, two classes of applications are described. First... more
This paper is written to reassess Paul Fourdrinier as a creative talent and contributor to English artistic and architectural life. At the end of the 19th century, during which he was accidentally confused with a non-existent Peter or... more
We report fabrication of solar cell (n + -p-p + structure) on black silicon substrates consisting of silicon nanowire (SiNW) arrays prepared by Ag induced wet chemical etching process in aqueous HF-AgNO 3 solution. SiNW arrays surface has... more
En el presente trabajo reflexionamos sobre los retratos de artistas que trabajaron en el siglo XVIII y están presentes en la colección Iconografía Hispana 1 . La selección de obras se enmarca en el deseo de estudiar la profesión de... more
This article aims to describe a newly-discovered slang used in the diamond and jewellery trade in Paris during the 20th century, the lexical element of which being constituted with loanwords from Yiddish, Dutch, Judeo-Spanish and some... more
When I began reading Pauline Clarke’s excellent children’s novels, such as her Carnegie Medal winner, The Twelve and the Genii (known in America as The Return of the Twelves), and her first book, The Pekinese Princess, and then looked up... more
Uno de los aspectos más originales de la Nueva Corónica es su componente iconográfico, que representa un tercio del manuscrito. La cuestión de los modelos que utilizó Guaman Poma para realizar esos dibujos ha sido bastante discutida, pero... more
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Namensregister
The custom of proclaiming a ‘Primus’ continued almost uninterrupted from 1428 until the temporary abolition of Leuven University in 1797. The winner of this competition between the four rival colleges – the Castle, the Lily, the Falcon... more
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, w hich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original w... more
Jeremias Falck (c. 1605/09–1677) is considered to be the greatest engraver of early modern times working in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Graphical representa- tions of ower forms constitute a signi cant part of his oeuvre. So far... more
Synthetic overview of the woodcut and linocut graphics among books, journals and other printed matters published by Italian futurists.
Like many others before him, Dürer was fascinated by proportion and obsessed with absolute beauty. So much so, that the study and practice of these abstractions became his life's pursuit, which many scholars agree culminated with his... more
El espectacular desarrollo de la imprenta en el siglo XVI convirtió al libro ilustrado y la estampa suelta -es decir, la imagen impresa-en uno de los vehículos preferidos y más eficaces de la difusión de ideas culturales, científicas y... more
Why exhibit engravings? Is engraving an art? Old doubts, which remain intact in the minds of many. And yet, engraving has lived with us for centuries, in books, on the walls of our houses, in the maps that enlighten us about the ways of... more
Osmanlı Devleti 600 yıllık hükümdarlığı süresince üç kıtaya yayılan bir coğrafyaya hükmetmiştir. Geniş yüzölçümüne sahip bir coğrafyada birbirinden farklı kültürler ve milletler bulunmaktaydı. Tüm bu farklılıkların bir arada bulunduğu... more
Texto introductorio para El Apocalipsis de Víctor Delhez, Fundación Delhez, Mendoza, 2018, 2.ª edición, ISBN 978-987-42-8510-2.
Темчин С.Ю., Тау-крест в треугольнике на гравюрном портрете Франциска Скорины, in Груша А.І. (ред.), Францыск Скарына: асоба, дзейнасць, спадчына, Мінск, 2017, с. 146‒153.
Les relations entre le texte et l’image ont été surtout étudiées sous l’angle de l’iconographie, de l’illustration et de la présence – occasionnelle et souvent paradoxale – de mots dans la peinture. C’était sans compter avec l’estampe qui... more
This article examines the iconography of The Descent into Hell in Western European engravings, as well as book illustrations оf XV-XVIII centuries. We consider the development of the iconography associated with the author's variations,... more
Thomas Staunton St. Clair (1785-1847) was born in Gibraltar into a military family. He embarked for Portugal during the Peninsular War, having successfully obtained a transfer to the Portuguese Army as a Major in the 21st Infantry... more
This essay looks at the history of the Inca emperor portraits and the emperor portrait cycle, and the role they played in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe and the colonial New World. Using visual analysis to compare the various... more
Dans un ultime effort pour s’adapter et survivre à la révolution édito- riale que fut l’invention de l’imprimerie, nombre d’enlumineurs pari- siens et des anciens Pays-Bas bourguignons (Picardie, Artois, Flandre) ont tenté d’imiter les... more
Io … Il vento mi chiede chi sono sono un suo soffiare insicuro come lui priva di dimora … Il tempo mi chiede chi sono sono come lui un colosso che piega e dispiega … … L'essenza mi chiede chi sono sono come lei confusa occhi fissi nel... more