In the late medieval England, the long futile wars, famine and death tolls caused by the plagues highlighted the value of laboring bodies. Attitudes to labor changed, especially labor for food production. The attitude of the clergy,... more
The followmg paper reports on the results of 'the investigation into some aspects of the usage of the Old English preverbal ge- from the point of view of the theory of language changes as strengthenings or weakenings. The... more
In this text I want to find out what Billing means in names of places in England. I will trace these names I could find and relate these places to possible central sites in the tribal settlements in Pre - Roman Conquest England. It is... more
This paper sets out the economic change experienced by England in Chaucer's lifetime and discusses the social and ideological conflict that such change provoked. It then asks how Chaucer's poetry engaged with such conflict and looks at... more
Presented at the workshop 'Big data and bad data: challenges of quantitative and qualitative research methods in linguistics' at the University of Lausanne on 2-3 September 2016
This paper focuses on the development of this urban fortification over the late medieval period. It becomes one of the primary defenses of the town of Southampton during this time. It examines how the fortification was adapted for... more
Eduardo I de lnglaterra ( 1239- 1307) fue uno de los reyes más eficaces de su tiempo. Su política se basó en el fortalecimiento de la monarquía frente a los barones y en la expansión territorial sobre Gales y Escocia. Como cruzado, supo... more
A corpus-based study of the prefix ge- in Old and Middle English, with an interpretation of ge- as a linguistic meme, a "linguistic replicator". Includes a comprehensive account of the English and German literature (with some Russian and... more