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The author considers that whilst nurse tutors teach theory, nurse practitioners go on nursing in the same way that they always have done. There appears to be a chasm dividing theory and practice. This paper describes an attempt to leap... more
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      NursingEnglandNursing ProcessProblem Solving
Objectives To explore how parents navigate urgent and emergency care (U&EC) services when their child <5 years old has a feverish illness, their views of that experience and whether services are meeting their needs and triaging in line... more
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      Family PracticeEnglandInformation ServicesInfant
The Mont Saint-Michel is a small, rocky tidal island in France located in a large bay at the mouth of the Couesnon. The granite massif of Mont Saint-Michel is crowned with a medieval abbey. It's a table moutain; a remaining of a... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMedieval HistoryDante Studies
were not found to be bad for women, although low expectations often were. Information and feeling in control were consistently associated with positive psychological outcomes. (BIRTH 17:1, March 1990)
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      AdolescentEnglandBirthProspective studies
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      EducationMedical EducationProblem Based LearningEngland
As a German historian recently remarked, for Germany Adolf Hitler was the “off-spring,” the outstanding legacy, of World War I, and no one doubts that.1 He himself started his political career in 1919 in the wake of a lost war and the... more
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Results: Twenty five (58%) control patients died at home compared with 124 (67%) patients allocated to hospital at home. This difference was not significant; intention to treat analysis did not show that hospital at home increased the... more
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      DeathPalliative CareEnglandSample Size
and sharing with colleagues.
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      NursingDomestic ViolenceFocus GroupsMidwifery
To examine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation, their comorbidity, and associated risk factors in adolescence. A self-administered questionnaire was completed in class by students in three middle schools (grades 6... more
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Despite their numerous similarities, Marranos in inquisitorial Spain and Recusants (and the so-called ‘Church Papists’), English Crypto-Catholics, in the wake of the English religious reforms, have rarely been studied concurrently. In... more
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryInquisitionJesuit history
Funding models influence provision and development of palliative care services. As palliative care integrates into mainstream health care provision, opportunities to develop funding mechanisms arise. However, little has been reported on... more
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      Palliative CarePolandPalliative MedicineIreland
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      Human FactorsBehaviorRisk ManagementHealth Services Research
Birinci dünya savaşında İrlanda isyanından bahseder
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      Irish HistoryOttoman EmpireFirst World WarEngland
Public stigma against people with mental health problems is damaging to individuals with mental illness and is associated with substantial societal burden. 1,2 It is a global phenomenon, 3 which is prevalent and persists over time. 4,5 A... more
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      Social ChangePublic OpinionEnglandSocial Stigma
Electronic patient record systems serve many purposes for many different kinds of users. Four case studies are reported of the use made by health-care staff of electronic patient record systems that supported healthcare pathways. The... more
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      Information SystemsMedical InformaticsHealth InformaticsElectronic Health Records
The train crash that occurred in London in 1999 resulted in 31 dead and almost 300 injured persons. Mobilized resources allowed for the application of normal treatment principles. Available resources were in excess of what was needed. The... more
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      EnglandEmergency Medical ServicesAccidentsRailroads
WALSH K, VARNES N, OSMOND C, STYLES R, COGGON D. Occupational causes of low-back pain. Scand J Work Environ Health 1989;15:54-59. Associations between occupational activities and low-back pain (LBP) were examined in a retrospective postal... more
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      PsychologyRiskEnglandBack Pain
Background: Shoulder pain is a very common presentation in primary care. Evidence of benefit for subacromial corticosteroid injection is inconclusive and confined largely to studies with short follow-up. We plan a large, definitive,... more
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      General PracticeMedicineEnglandPain Management
I have three concerns about the description of central venous catheterization in the video by Graham et al.(May 24 issue). 1 First, it is misleading to describe the risk of hemothorax as “not applicable” when the internal jugular approach... more
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      MedicineEnglandMedical errorsSterilization
Objective: to develop consensus guidelines for management of delirium and to assess their effectiveness in improving the outcomes and process of care in delirium. Method: guidelines for delirium were developed following a literature... more
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This paper&#x27;s main contention is that some basically methodological developments in science which are apparently distant and unrelated can be seen as part of a sequential story. Focusing on general inferential and epistemological... more
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      PhilosophyMedical GeneticsNatural HistoryNineteenth Century
The reluctance of physicians to use estrogens in women with hormone responsive disorders is a tragic result of the 2002 WHI study. Although their hostility to estrogen therapy antedated these studies, the flawed data is now used as... more
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      DepressionMenopauseEnglandPostmenopausal Women
Aim: To investigate whether children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) have bowel symptoms consistent with underlying enterocolitis. Methods: Information on children's stool patterns and gut symptoms collected by questionnaire at 4... more
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      PediatricsSpecial EducationAutismPublic Health
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      NursingEnglandNursing EducationNurses
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      HistoryChemistryFree RadicalsBiography
Dual-antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and a thienopyridine is a cornerstone of treatment to prevent thrombotic complications of acute coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary intervention.
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      Comparative StudyMedicineEnglandStroke
A historical review is presented of the link between Ludwig Wittgenstein, considered the most important philosopher of the 20 th century, and medicine, particularly neurology and psychiatry. Wittgenstein worked as a porter at Guy's... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyEnglandHospitals
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine nurses' attitudes and reflection on the transformation of their workpractices after the implementation of an Emergency Department Information System (EDIS).
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      EngineeringMedical InformaticsEnglandPatients
Objective Poor condition at birth may impact on IQ, although its effect on other measures of neurodevelopment is unclear. The authors' aim was to determine whether infants receiving resuscitation after birth have reduced scores in... more
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      Special EducationAttentionWorking MemoryCerebral Palsy
A group of researchers investigated medication (drug) rounds on mental health admission wards in response to the dearth of research into the subject.
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      NursingResearch DesignTrustInformed Consent
The functional anatomy of Chinese character processing was investigated using fMRI. Right-handed Mandarin-English bilingual participants made either semantic or perceptual size judgements with characters and pictures. Areas jointly... more
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      SemanticsBehaviorCharacter RecognitionVisual perception
Background  Multidisciplinary and interprofessional working is currently a priority in health care policy, in caring for patients and in health professional education. Realising multidisciplinary approaches presents challenges in the... more
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      CommunicationEducationMedical EducationFamily Practice
. When walking in nature is not restorative-The role of prospect and refuge. Health & Place, 20,[91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101] When walking in nature is not restorative -the role of prospect and refuge
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      Human GeographyAdolescentEnglandNature
Background Colonoscopy and fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) are accepted strategies for colorectal-cancer screening in the average-risk population. Methods In this randomized, controlled trial involving asymptomatic adults 50 to 69... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryEnglandColonoscopyClinical Sciences
Breastfeeding prevalence in the United Kingdom is one of the lowest in Europe. The midwife provides feeding support for new mothers but research suggests that midwives&#39; knowledge of breastfeeding is limited. To discover the views of... more
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BACKGROUND Recommendations suggest that all patients with diabetes who use insulin should home test their blood glucose. Recommendations for those not using insulin remain contradictory. These recommendations are in part based upon the... more
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      Health PsychologyPrimary CarePrimary Health CareDiabetes
Despite increasing calls for shared decision making (SDM), the precise mechanisms for its attainment are unclear. Sharing decisions in mental health care may be especially complex. Fluctuations in service user capacity and significant... more
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      PsychologyNursingDecision MakingFocus Groups
A large proportion of non-communicable disease can be attributed to modifiable risk factors such as poor nutrition and physical inactivity. We present data on planning and transport practitioners&#x27; perceptions and responses to... more
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      PsychologySocial PolicyHealth PromotionEvidence Based Medicine
Objective: No outcome measures specific to pulmonary hypertension (PH) currently exist. The aim of the study was to develop health-related quality of life (symptoms and functioning) scales and a quality of life scale that would allow... more
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      PsychometricsClinical TrialQuality of lifeMedicine
This article explores the age difference of marrying and divorcing couples, calculated by subtracting the wife&#39;s age from the husband&#39;s. Age difference is of interest in the study of families and partnership behaviour. It is also... more
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      PsychologyDemographyPopulation DynamicsMedicine
Recent changes in the English National Health Service (NHS) have introduced new complexities into the accountability arrangements for healthcare services. This commentary describes how the new organizational structures have challenged the... more
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      EnglandSocial ResponsibilityPublic health systems and services researchDelivery of Health Care
Aims. To identify service models that provided care coordination for people with long-term neurological conditions in the UK. Background. The successful management of long-term neurological conditions needs sophisticated management across... more
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      NursingNeurologyLong Term CareQualitative Research
Background Short-term preoperative radiotherapy and total mesorectal excision have each been shown to improve local control of disease in patients with resectable rectal cancer. We conducted a multicenter, randomized trial to determine... more
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      EnglandColorectal SurgeryLancet OncologyClinical Sciences
The licensing of provincial surgeons and physicians in the post-Restoration period has proved an awkward subject for medical historians. It has divided writers between those who regard the possession of a local licence as a mark of... more
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      ReligionChristianityMedical EducationPolitics
Across spoken languages, properties of wordforms (e.g. the sounds in the word hammer) do not generally evoke mental images associated to meanings. However, across signed languages, many signforms readily evoke mental images (e.g. the sign... more
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      Sign LanguageSemanticsBritish Sign LanguageSign Languages
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      Human GeographyDemographyEnglandRegistries
Aim: to document the process of implementing and maintaining a community-based peer-support programme.
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      Program EvaluationNursingHealth PromotionPoverty
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      SuicideDrug interactionsEnglandEngland and Wales
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      Program EvaluationInformation ManagementPerformance ManagementPublic Health