Engineering Drawing
Recent papers in Engineering Drawing
The paper addresses the issue of perpendicularity in axonometric projection, almost ignored by most of the Descriptive Geometry books for students in engineering and architecture. This problem is usually approached in an operational way,... more
This book includes the basics and principles of engineering drawing and includes the tools and rules of engineering drawing, methods of drawing curves and geometric shapes, writing dimensions and the theory of projection.
Istilah analisis tegangan (stress analysis) dan analisis elemen hingga (finite element analysis/FEA) sudah umum kita dengar. Meskipun begitu, tak ada salahnya kita memahami makna dari keduanya karena berhubungan dengan tool yang tersedia... more
The Lost Art of Drawing non è un semplice titolo per un articolo o una mostra d' arte. L' editoriale di Michael Graves sul New York Times è anzitutto un grido di passione, di dolore e di responsabilità insieme. Non si discute sul concetto... more
Recognition of dimensioning text in engineering drawings is an essential part of the drawing understanding process, as this text provides the exact dimensions and tolerances of the object described in the drawing. We consider engineering... more
This book is for those who wish to learn autocad for electrical desing it is really complete. Look for the autocad electrical software
يعتبر هذا الكتاب استكمال لما ورد فى الكتاب الأول من الرسم الهندسى (اساسيات ونظرية الأسقاط) ويتناول شرحا للمقاطع ( القطاعات ) الهندسية وكيقية رسم المنظور الهندسى والقططاعات المعدنية المستخدمة فى المنشأت المعدنية . ويشمل أمثلة محلولة... more
learn how to Drawing prespective
Engineering Drawing is one of the basic courses to study for all engineering disciplines. The primary problem faced in learning and teaching of engineering drawing is the limited availability of text books that focus on the basic rules... more
engineering drawing for engineers and technicians { part 1}
Objectives of CAD study manual: 1. Satisfy 2D draughting requirements 2. Provide learner with working skills at the Basic to Intermediate Levels of Computer Aided Design Draughting for the Industrial, Mechanical Engineering, and... more
Produk PPG prajabatan 2017 Silabus untuk pembelajaran selama 30 Menit
This presentation targets to improve the knowledge of pressure measuring importance, types of pressure measurement and instruments available, industrial applications etc. Also it covers the theories and laboratory experiment of... more
Engineering Drawing with Worked Examples 2 Third edition by M. A. Parker, TEng. (CEI), MIMGTech.E, and F. Pickup, CEng., MIProd.E
Geometric and Engineering Drawing
In the following Figure the top view of a roof is shown, with its dimensions. In this paper we will learn how to construct a 3D isoclinic roof.
engineering drawing with worked examples by Parker
During the Spring 2011 semester, an engineering graphics literacy assessment was developed by a visiting Fulbright Scholar at North Carolina State University (NCSU). The assessment was developed for constraint-based modeling course and... more
this book is very important for any drawing architecture.
Questions the story of Michelangelo burning his drawings at the end of his life. Suggests that Michelangelo’s change of practice late in life meant that the artist made many fewer drawings than he did earlier in his career and many fewer... more
Manual of Engineering Drawing
most important book for drawing
Ostensibly a monograph on the drawings of Josef Albers, the reader will find under the heading ‘excursus’ a series of investigations into the concept of constellation in the writings of Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno, the semiotics... more
Die moderne Bestimmung des Entwerfens als methodischer Umgang mit dem Unbekannten gründet -wie Robin Evans und Bernhard Siegert gezeigt haben -auf der frühneuzeitlichen Identifikation des Mediums Zeichnung mit verschiedenen... more
In ambito digitale una scarsa conoscenza delle tecniche CAD e delle differenze tra gli applicativi di grafica vettoriale e quelli raster ha portato molti utenti all’utilizzo quasi esclusivo di programmi di “editing immagini” per gestire... more
The aim of this study is to test the effectiveness of AutoCAD 3D software in learning of Engineering Drawing to enhance students understanding. Data were collected from a sample of students from a secondary school in Sungai Petani, Kedah.... more
This paper discusses the graphics that are used in Architecture.
T he earliest drawings known to exist (i.e., paintings and carvings on rock surfaces) are attributed to primitive humans. So-called cave art appears on every continent. The Paleolithic art of Western Europe reached great aesthetic heights... more
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2017 adalah salah satu perangkat lunak (software) jenis Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) yang lebih menekankan pada pemodelan solid. Perangkat lunak ini adalah salah satu produk dari Autodesk Inc. USA yang dulu... more
The way of imagination and visualization of spatial, the ability of read, analyze and interpret different drawings for engineering students is provided by graphics training. The accurate way of technical drawings and rules in engineering... more
In 1592, King Philip II of Spain commissioned Tiburzio Spannocchi, an Italian engineer, to analyse both the defensive system of the central Pyrenees and the fortification of the city of Zaragoza. Spannocchi developed the commission for... more
Recognition of dimensioning text in engineering drawings is an essential part of the drawing understanding process, as this text provides the exact dimensions and tolerances of the object described in the drawing. We consider engineering... more