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      Mentoring and Developmental RelationshipsEmployment of youth with disabilitiesTransition Services for Youth with Disabilities
Een groot deel (een derde) van de jongeren die instromen in de Wajong heeft een licht verstandelijke beperking (LVB). Naast een laag IQ, hebben jongeren met een LVB te maken met een veelheid aan problemen. Uit onderzoek komt een aantal... more
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      Disability StudiesMental HealthEmployment of youth with disabilitiesYouth Unemployment
Because web-based campaigns are an important part of health promotion campaigns for youth, this research examines sexual health websites aimed at youth and explores the messages on HIV/AIDS for their relevance and accessibility for youth... more
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      SexualityHIV/AIDSPublic HealthEmployment of youth with disabilities
I would like to thank my husband, family, friends and my guide, without whose encouragement and guidance this study wouldn't have seen the light of the day.
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    • Employment of youth with disabilities
Objective: To investigate the employment outcomes of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services for youth with disabilities in a targeted, enhanced, and contract-based secondary transition program as compared to the traditional VR transition... more
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      Vocational RehabilitationEmployment of youth with disabilitiesTransition Services for Youth with Disabilities
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      Mentoring and Developmental RelationshipsEmployment of youth with disabilitiesTransition Services for Youth with Disabilities
Op de arbeidsmarkt nemen mensen met een arbeidsbeperking structureel een achterstandspositie in. Om die onwenselijke situatie te doorbreken hebben de overheid en de organisaties van werkgevers en werknemers afgesproken om in 12 jaar tijd... more
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      Disability StudiesEmploymentDisability EmploymentEmployment of youth with disabilities