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Nowadays, listening to the employee voice is of significant importance for organizations. On the one hand, the employees' ideas and opinions can solve many organizational issues and problems, and on the other hand, reflect their interests... more
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      Transformational LeadershipEmployee VoiceOrganizational SilenceAuthentic Leadership
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      Employee VoiceIndustrial DemocracyEmployee Involvement
The era of the Covid-19 pandemic created a new way of living imposing physical distancing, social isolation, increased workplace safety measures and decreased economic activities. The Greek government introduced and applied measures to... more
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      Employee VoiceEmployee ParticipationHuman Resources ManagementCoronovirus
This article develops a context-sensitive approach to analyse how and why voice operates in small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), an area that remains under-theorised and under-researched. By building on a priori frameworks with... more
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      Employment RelationsHuman Resource ManagementStrategic Human Resource ManagementSmall and Medium-scale Enterprises
Abstract Aim: This study critically reviews the employee voice literature and demonstrate the shift of voice arrangement from employee-oriented to organizational-oriented. Methods: The previous researches and theories concerning... more
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      Employee VoiceEmployee Voice Involvement and Engagement In Human Resource Management
Brown, AJ, Lewis, D, Moberly, R & Vandekerckhove, W (eds) (2014). International Handbook of Whistleblowing Research. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
ISBN 978 1 78100 678 8
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      Business EthicsWhistleblowingFraud Detection And PreventionCorruption
This study entitled " A Quality of Work Life of employees' in Arumugam Spinning mills (p) ltd, Chatrapatti ". The extrinsic determinants of QWL such as pay, benefits. QWL play a major role for job satisfaction. It automatically improves... more
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      TextilesEmployee MotivationEmployee SatisfactionOrganisational Culture And Employee Commitment
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      Employment RelationsEmployee VoiceEmployee Participation in the Organization
30) conception of voice as a means to "change, rather than escape from [that is, exit], an objectionable state of affairs." In industrial relations, this was most influentially articulated through Freeman and collective voice face of... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEmployment RelationsEmployee Voice
Central to company law is the promotion of corporate governance. An important question in company law still today is in whose interest the company should be managed. Corporate governance needs to address the entire span of... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEmployee Voice
Unlike previous research on voice and silence, this article breaks the distance between the two and declines to treat them as opposites. Voice and silence are interrelated and intertwined strategic forms of communication which presuppose... more
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    • Employee Voice
The article reviews the recent debate about workplace democracy. It first presents and critically discusses arguments in favor of democratizing the firm that are based on the analogy with states, meaningful work, the avoidance of... more
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      Employee RightsWorkers' controlEmployee VoiceIndustrial Democracy
Assignment form with reference
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      Employee VoiceEmployee RelationsIndustrial Action
Abstract While fear is generally assumed to powerfully limit employee voice, a functional view of emotions suggests that responses to fear vary. Instead of assuming that fear is negatively associated with voice, I argue that this... more
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      FearEmployee VoiceProactivityProactive Behaviors
Purpose-Analysis of employee voice has focused on the reasons and managerial issues regarding the available environment to speak up. The purpose of this paper is to understand the effect of management attitude on employee voice with the... more
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    • Employee Voice
We find that only 17% of FTSE 100 company websites refer directly to transgender ('trans') individuals, illustrating the extent to which trans voices are unheard in the workplace. We propose that these voices are missing for a number of... more
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      Equality and DiversityWorkforce DiversityDiversity ManagementDiversity & Inclusion
 Employees often have ideas, information, and opinions for constructive ways to improve work and work organizations. Sometimes these employees exercise voice and express their ideas, information, and opinions; and other times they... more
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementEmployee VoiceManagement Studies
Although considerable research demonstrates that employees are unlikely to be proactive when they view their supervisors as discouraging this type of behavior, we challenge the assumption that this is true for all employees. Drawing on... more
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      Prosocial BehaviorEmployee VoiceProactivityProactive Behaviors
Employee's voice has a significant effect on the wellbeing of employees and it is a valuable factor in an organization's functions. The main intention of current research is to explore the connection of employee voice with organizational... more
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      Organizational JusticeEmployee VoiceOrganizational Performance
Purpose-Values are "conceptions of the desirable that guide the way social actors to select actions, evaluate people and events and explain their actions" (Schwartz, 1999, 124). People re motivated by the values they hold, and who have... more
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    • Employee Voice
The focus of this research study is to identify the impact of employee voice mechanism on employee effectiveness factor in the corporate sector of Karachi. The three effectiveness factors under study are employee commitment, employee... more
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      Employee MotivationOrganizational CommitmentEmployee engagementBusiness Strategies
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      SociologyEmployee Voice
Representative voice' can be defined as actions in which one or more speakers represent others when speaking up about a problem at the workplace or making a suggestion. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of... more
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      MarketingHuman Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management in the middle eastBusiness and Management
Hirschman's (1970) model of voice, exit and loyalty is of great interest to communication and organization studies, since Hirschman was the first social scientist who introduced voice as a response to discontent in organizations. The... more
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    • Employee Voice
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologySocial PsychologySocial Psychology
Avoidance of injury and death on the fireline may depend on firefighters voicing their concerns, but often this does not occur. Reasons for employee reticence identified in the literature include a perception of various personal costs or... more
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      LeadershipWildland FireRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementEmployee Voice
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Self-EfficacyEmployee VoiceJob Autonomy
This exploratory study aimed to investigate the Employee Voice Behaviours (EVB) in the African context, and Zimbabwe was chosen as a case study. A sample of 30 volunteers was used in this study and data was collected via WhatsApp social... more
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      Employee MotivationEmployee Voice
Small businesses, which are important to the success of local communities, continue to fail at a much higher rate than their larger counterparts. Employee disengagement contributes to small businesses failure and is often precipitated by... more
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      ManagementOrganizational ChangeLeadershipSmall Business
The article reviews the recent debate about workplace democracy. It first presents and critically discusses arguments in favor of democratizing the firm that are based on the analogy with states, meaningful work, the avoidance of... more
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      PhilosophyEmployee RightsEmployee VoiceIndustrial Democracy
The failure to resolve inner conflicts of cherishing values at the personal level and maintaining high standards of objectivity at the professional level has been reflected in methodologically sophisticated but socially irrelevant... more
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      Organizational BehaviorLeadershipValuesEmployee Voice
The study established a significant relationship between Employee Voice Behaviour (EVB) and Normative Commitment (NC). A total of 43 relevant studies; 18 EVB and 25 NC studies were systematically selected from Business Source Complete,... more
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      Employee MotivationEmployee VoiceVoice Recognition
Employees, regardless of nature and type of business, are one of the key resources of the organizations. Organizations that desire to run their business activities in a recent competition environment wish to successfully manage... more
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      Employee VoiceEmployee CommitmentTükenmişlik, Işten Ayrılma Niyeti, Işe BağlılıkIntention to Stay
How and when do managers make decisions regarding employees based upon that employee’s social media activity? Understanding the behavior is critical in a world where personal brands are built in the public eye, and corporate brands can... more
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      CommunicationOrganizational CultureQualitative methodologySocial Media
The focus of this research study is to identify the impact of employee voice mechanism on employee effectiveness factor in the corporate sector of Karachi. The three effectiveness factors under study are employee commitment, employee... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Employee MotivationOrganizational CommitmentEmployee engagement
Voice and silence are strategic communicative resources that employees utilize in constructing their identities. People react positively to voice not because they expect specific gains, but because an opportunity for voice signifies... more
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    • Employee Voice
Employee silence plays a crucial role in the evolution of Public Services because it stops communication, opportunities to modify routines and knowledge sharing. The case study presented in this paper highlights employee silence as... more
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      EntrepreneurshipPublic AdministrationCommunicationOrganizational Change
The purpose of the present research was to study ethical leadership as a forecaster of employees' innovative performance with the mediating role of employee voice. Data was collected from supervisors-subordinates dyad working in the... more
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      Employee VoiceEthical LeadershipInnovative performance
With One Voice: Disambiguating Sung and Spoken Voices Through a Composer’s Experience. Mary Midgley has pointed out how our drive towards specialisation has led us to value the differences between things over their connections. The... more
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      Breath - Body - VoiceAcademic WritingUncanny ValleyVoice over IP
The article reviews the recent debate about workplace democracy. It first presents and critically discusses arguments in favor of democratizing the firm that are based on the analogy with states, meaningful work, the avoidance of... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceEmployee RightsDemocracy
Çalışanların yönetici ve iş arkadaşları ile fikirlerini paylaşmaları, örgütlerin sürekli gelişmesi ve rekabet avantajı için önemli bir husustur. Özellikle örgütlerin statükodan kurtulup değişime ayak uydurabilmesi, çalışanların örgütlerin... more
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      Employee VoicePerson Organization FitPerceived Supervisor Support
The John Lewis Partnership is one of Europe’s largest models of employee ownership and has been operating a form of employee involvement and participation since its formation in 1929. It is frequently held up as a model of best practice... more
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      Employment RelationsHuman Resource ManagementParticipatory DemocracyEmployee Voice
Employee silence plays a crucial role in the evolution of Public Services because it stops communication, opportunities to modify routines and knowledge sharing. The case study presented in this paper highlights employee silence as... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBusiness EthicsPublic AdministrationCommunication
Abstract Purpose – The place of festivals in national economic development has received increased attention from researchers globally. However, there appears to be a relatively small and disparate literature on the subject especially... more
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      Tourism StudiesWorkplace SpiritualityWorkplace BullyingEmployee engagement
Universities – the intellectual marketplaces that give voices and ideas a space to flourish – represent the very epitome of the ideal civil society. As institutions that socialize citizens, universities shoulder the responsibility to... more
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      Human CommunicationEmployee VoiceUniversitiesEmployee Silence
Öz Araştırmada, örgütlerde çalışanların etkinlik ve verimliliğini arttıracak düşünce ve tekliflerini sunması olarak tanımlanan işgören sesliliğinin takım işbirliğine olan etkisinde organizasyonlarda kişilerarası psikolojik risk algısı... more
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      Psychological SafetyEmployee VoiceVirtual Collaboration and Team Work
The aim of this study was to find how much demographic characteristics affect employee voice behaviour. The study was carried out among 386 teachers in Balıkesir state schools. Survey technique was applied and to asses employee voice... more
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    • Employee Voice
People nowadays tend to use social media as a platform to share their reviews, emotions, and opinions, including about their jobs. Thus, a lot of data is available on the web. Therefore, a rapid response is needed to analyze and interpret... more
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      Computer ScienceSentiment AnalysisText MiningSupport Vector Machines
Evidence on the association of burnout with objective indicators of performance is scarce in healthcare. In parallel, healthcare professionals ameliorate the short-term impact of burnout by prioritizing some tasks over others. The... more
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      Healthcare workersBurnoutEmployee VoiceEmployee Silence