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      EmpiricismDavid HumeConcepts
The relations between metaphysics and physics in Cartesianism is a question of crucial importance for 19th century French histories of philosophy. Hence, in its institutionally dominant version, incarnated by Victor Cousin, this... more
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      PhysicsMetaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEmpiricism
Descartes’s belief in innate ideas still looms, in one form or another, over the history of philosophy today. In typical Early-Modern, Rationalist fashion, Descartes presents readers with main arguments for his belief in these... more
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      EpistemologyEmpiricismRené DescartesRationalism
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAnthropologyEpistemology
Homework for Philosophy class.
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Translation evaluation is undoubtedly one of the most difficult tasks facing a translator trainer. It is unlikely that there will ever be a ready-made formula that will transform this task into a simple one; however, this article suggests... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmpiricismMethodologyApplied Linguistics
This article discusses the relation between empirical and normative approaches in bioethics. The issue of dwarf tossing, while admittedly unusual, is chosen as a point of departure because it challenges the reader to look with fresh eyes... more
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsEmpiricismBioethics
Chapter 6 in Voltaire's science fiction satire, Micromegas, is an illustration of the French Enlightenment's movement toward empirical scientific methods and intellectual skepticism, away from speculative metaphysics, organic systems... more
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      MetaphysicsEmpiricismEnlightenmentIntellectual History of Enlightenment
This essay talks about the origins of mathematics. Is mathematics an innate skill people have always had? Did man create this discipline with the help of his senses? This passage targets the folllowing debate. It offers a general... more
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      PhilosophyEmpiricismScience EducationPlato
"Understanding Scientific Progress constitutes a potentially enormous and revolutionary advancement in philosophy of science. It deserves to be read and studied by everyone with any interest in or connection with physics or the theory of... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhilosophyMetaphysics
The aim of this study is to introduce in detail the model of descriptive definition of Stephen C. Pepper. After an outline of his analysis of nominal definitions, Pepper’s own conception of descriptive definition is presented. Further on,... more
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      EmpiricismPragmatist AestheticsPragmatism (Philosophy)American Pragmatism
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      EmpiricismConsciousnessBritish Empiricism
Table of contents: Remerciements Avant-propos Introduction. Réfléchir (sur) la sensation (Lucie Lagardère, Anne-Laure de Meyer, Marina Poisson) PREMIÈRE PARTIE : PHILOSOPHIE ET ART Chapitre 1. La couleur : de la sensation à la... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureHistoryPhilosophy
In modern history, no event has more profoundly symbolized suffering than the Holocaust. This novel "Husserlian-realist" phenomenological dissertation elucidates the meaning of existential trauma through an interdisciplinary and... more
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Nuova edizione italiana a cura di Filippo Domenicali. Postfazione di Ubaldo Fadini. "Empirismo e soggettività. Saggio sulla natura umana secondo Hume", è apparso in Francia nel 1953 e rappresenta l'esordio filosofico del giovane Deleuze.... more
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      Political PhilosophyEmpiricismContinental PhilosophyContemporary French Philosophy
This paper proposes a historical “settlement” of the quarrel between the ancients and the moderns, through the connexion between Bacon’s empiricism and Vico’s “philological proofs” in the New Science.
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      EmpiricismRhetoricGiambattista VicoFrancis Bacon
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      EmpiricismRationalismHistory of Philosophy
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      EmpiricismComposition and RhetoricQuantitative Methods
The missing shade of blue is an alleged counter-example to Hume’s theory of “perceptions” raised by Hume himself (Hume, [1748] 2011: §2.16). This essay proceeds as follows; firstly, a brief summary of Hume’s ([1748] 2011) conceptual... more
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      EmpiricismDavid HumeUndergraduate Student
This article evaluates the efficacy, effectiveness, and clinical significance of empirically supported couple and family interventions for treating marital distress and individual adult disorders, including anxiety disorders, depression,... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyEmpiricismSexual Dysfunction
Four female heads-and a phantom of a profile lurking underneath its fully fleshed version in the lower right-emerge from the void of the page. The drawing, Five Studies of a Woman's Head, now in the British Museum, was produced in a... more
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      EmpiricismDrawingJohn LockeDavid Hume
This short essay examines the idea of individualism emerged in the eighteenth century through Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe by questioning the society's place besides the individual, the concept of homoeconomicus, and empiricist theory.
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      EmpiricismEighteenth-Century literatureRestoration and Eighteenth-Century English LiteratureDaniel Defoe
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      EmpiricismNeokantianismAlois Riehl
The trilogy Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition investigates how Aristotle and his ancient and medieval successors understood the relation between the external world and the human mind. It gives an equal footing to the... more
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      EpistemologyMedieval PhilosophyEmpiricismAristotle
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      EmpiricismExperimentalismSpontaneous generationAutodidacticism
This paper explores two related issues concerning Locke's account of epistemic justification for empirical knowledge. One issue concerns the degree of justification needed for empirical knowledge. Commentators almost universally take... more
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      EmpiricismEpistemic JustificationJohn LockeSkepticism
Slides for an invited lecture at Scuola Superiore di Catania, Università di Catania, 2017-03-21. [Also available on ResearchGate at]
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      EmpiricismStructural Scientific RealismScientific RealismTheories Of Truth
How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness?  If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
Programme of the Conference (Berlin, 26-27 June 2019)
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceMedieval PhilosophyEmpiricism
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEmpiricismEnlightenment18th Century Philosophy
Pp.14-41 in Feminist Research Practice: A Primer, ed. Sharlene Hesse-Biber, 2013.
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      EmpiricismFeminist TheoryStandpoint feminist theoryFeminist Research Methods
This paper is a critical response to Hylarie Kochiras' ''Gravity and Newton's substance counting problem,'' Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 40 (2009) 267-280. First, the paper argues that Kochiras conflates substances and... more
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As the result of 7 years of teaching seminars of Modern European Philosophy at the Philosophy Department of Athens University, the author publishes her notes together with extracts of original texts by Locke, Berkeley & Voltaire. The... more
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      Philosophy of MindEmpiricismHistory Of Modern PhilosophyBritish Empiricism
"Um grande filósofo é aquele que cria novos conceitos: esses conceitos ultrapassam as dualidades do pensamento ordinário e, ao mesmo tempo, dão às coisas uma verdade nova, uma distribuição nova, um recorte extraordinário." (Deleuze,... more
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    • Empiricism
In the last ten years there has been a significant amount of research in Machine Translation within a "new" paradigm of empirical approaches, often labelled collectively as "Example-based" approaches. The first manifestation of this... more
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      Cognitive ScienceEmpiricismNatural Language ProcessingMethodology
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      EmpiricismEmily DickinsonReligion and LiteratureLiterature and Religion
Pragmatism is the view that experience is the basis of our knowledge and that beliefs and theories prove themselves insofar at they work and make sense of the world, so our knowledge is ongoing and developing.
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsPragmatismEmpiricism
Mi objetivo en esta investigación es revisar si el planteamiento de Jesse Prinz corresponde efectivamente a una forma de empirismo -considerando como piedra angular del mismo la premisa de que los conceptos no son innatos: todo lo que... more
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      EmpiricismDavid HumeNativismJerry Fodor
Criticisms of Karl Popper’s critical rationalist epistemology are often confused and misleading. In part that is due to Popper’s somewhat lax use of language, in which technical terms are used in more than one sense. I attempt to clarify... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of SciencePerception
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsCultural StudiesCognitive Psychology
Here I bewail the slapdash and confusing way in which philosophers bandy about the word ‘incoherent’ (and ‘incoherence’ and ‘incoherently’).  To some it appears to mean: inconsistent; to others: pragmatically self-defeating; and to yet... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyKant
Husein Đozo je jedan od najuticajnijih naših savremenih muslimanskih mislilaca. Istovremeno, on je izuzetno značajan predstavnik islamskog reformizma kod nas. Mi ćemo u ovom radu pokušati da analiziramo osnovne spoznajne principe njegovog... more
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      EmpiricismRevelationModernismIslamic Reformism
John Henry Newman’s Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent seeks to explain why it is that when the mind’s eye strains to pick out one among the world’s furnishings, its gaze passes only per speculum in aenigmate. Within the Grammar, this... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionEmpiricismJ H NewmanJohn Henry Newman / Oxford Movement
Twenty-first-century philosophy has been drawn into a false opposition between speculation and critique. Nathan Brown shows that the key to overcoming this antinomy is a re-engagement with the relation between rationalism and empiricism.... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceEmpiricism
"Does education have any relation to theology? How do the educator's worldview commitments speak to his or her practice of education? James Michael Lee brought a definite answer to these questions -- a firm no to the relations question,... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy of ScienceEmpiricismEducation
Victor Frankenstein fails in his profession because he consistently contravenes three basic tenets of scientific community: observation, repetition, and transparency. Critics of Frankenstein have generally failed to recognize the socially... more
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      EmpiricismRomanticismHistory of ScienceEnlightenment
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      EmpiricismHobbesFriedrich NietzscheRené Descartes