Climate fiction—literature explicitly focused on climate change—has exploded over the last decade, and is often assumed to have a positive ecopolitical influence by enabling readers to imagine potential climate futures and persuading them... more
Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit versucht im Wesentlichen zwei Forschungs-desiderate aufzuarbeiten und Asymmetrien in der bisherigen Auseinander-setzung mit diesen Bereichen auszugleichen: - Es lässt sich ein markanter Kontrast beobachten... more
Introducton to the edited volume "Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods" (Routledge, 2018)
Emotions have a life beyond the immediate eliciting situation, as they tend to be shared with others by putting the experience in narrative form. Narrating emotions helps us to express, understand, and share them: the way we tell stories... more
In this article, we profile what we define as an " empirical cognitive poetic " approach to immersion in digital fiction by combining text-driven stylistic analysis with insights from theories of cognition and an empirical study. We... more
This study investigated the effects of text genre (expository, life narrative, literary narrative), personal factors (trait empathy, personal experience, exposure to literature), and affective responses during reading (most relevantly:... more
Literary works of fiction about climate change are becoming more common and more popular among critics and readers. While much research has indicated the persuasive effectiveness of narrative storytelling in general, empirical research... more
Does environmental literature lead readers to be more aware of environmental injustice? To empathize with climate migrants? Who reads a book of climate fiction, and why? This article, part of a thematic cluster of Empirical Ecocriticism,... more
Comics are complex documents whose reception engages cognitive processes such as scene perception, language processing, and narrative understanding. Possibly because of their complexity , they have rarely been studied in cognitive... more
Michael Kimmel and Thomas Eder brought together established experts and younger researchers at the University of Vienna in May 2008 to reflect on and contribute to the »cognitive turn«, a major development in recent cultural theory and... more
Although personal relevance is key to sustaining an audience’s interest in any given narrative, it has received little systematic attention in scholarship to date. Across centuries and media, adaptations have been used extensively to... more
Associations between anthropology and literature are usually expressed in either of the two aspects: as a literary anthropology or anthropology of literature. The present text offers a discussion on a third area where these disciplines... more
Literary fiction has been credited with considerable power to improve attitudes toward out-groups. It was even argued that it has been an important factor behind the global decline of violence against various minorities in the last... more
This fine collection of papers is the successful outcome of an international research project carried out by advanced undergraduate and graduate students from four different countries. Exceptionally, the papers do not rehash old ideas or... more
Empirical Studies of Literariness
Der Satz »Text T hat die Bedeutung B« lässt sich in dieser Form durch keine Empirie stützen. Anders der Satz »Text T hat für mich die Bedeutung B«. Dieser Satz erhält seinen Sinn aus der Berufung auf die eigene Erfahrung. Auch ein Satz... more
Związki antropologii z literaturą są zazwyczaj ujmowane w dwóch aspektach: jako antropologia literacka lub antropologia literatury. Niniejszy tekst przybliża trzecią płaszczyznę spotkań tych dyscyplin, jaką może być antropologia odbioru... more
Throughout history, it has been often claimed by activists, writers, and scholars that narrative em-pathy for animals influences social attitudes toward other species. The problem is that there are no experimental data to support this... more
In order to get to the point where one would understand just what his statement actually meant and referred to, one would have to know much about the true nature of royalty. And, that, is a very complex subject. As I have been explaining... more
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania kategorii klasyfikujących blogi w dużych, polskich serwisach blogerskich. Celem badania była próba odnalezienia wyznaczników gatunkowych blogu na poziomie potocznym, tj. ustalenie, jak sami blogerzy... more
Павлова А., Саенко Е. Искусство поэзии требует сил: Чтение анжамбеманов в поэзии Иосифа Бродского // Русская филология: Сборник научных работ молодых филологов. Тарту, 2018. Вып. 29. С. 387–398.
Popular fiction is expelled from literary canons and is usually treated as a form of ludic or emotional relaxation and an escape from daily problems (Nell 1988; Radway 1984). Drawing on the results of my study on Polish readers, I claim... more
Article in Literary Hub summarizing some of the lessons from my three empirical studies on the influence of climate fiction on real-world readers. The hyperlinks didn't get included in the PDF, so it's better to read it online at... more
Woolf's work has been the object of several studies concerned with her experimental use of techniques of speech, thought and consciousness presentation. These investigated the way in which different perspectives coexist and alternate in... more
Introduction to David Miall
The philosophy of history in Boris Yotsov's interpretation describes how the empirical study of the literary history seeks the non-empirical arguments of its experience and subject. The literary historian focuses on the philosophy of... more
СОВРЕМЕННОГО ЗАРУБЕЖНОГО ЛИТЕРАТУРОВЕДЕНИЯ 1 В статье дается обзор идей эмпирического направления современной зарубежной рецептивной критики (Empirical Studies of Literature). При этом акцент делается на том, как приверженцами этого... more
In this article, we profile an empirically grounded, cognitive approach to immersion in digital fiction by combining text-driven stylistic analysis with insights from theories of cognition and reader-response research. We offer a new... more
This chapter aims at describing the networks within the Research and Development in Empirical Studies (REDES) Project, an intercultural enterprise aimed at promoting empirical studies of culture. Probably the first and only international... more
Fiction, more than expository text, nurtures intimate connections between text and the reader’s life experiences. This dimension of reader response is underexplored in relation to children. Adapting methods from Empirical Literary Studies... more
Analyses of the worldviews presented by texts have identified grammatical patterns in terms of the transitivity system outlined in systemic-functional grammar (Halliday, 1994; Halliday and Matthiessen, 2014). While contributing to... more
O título do presente volume, Avaliações & perspectivas: estudos empíricos em Letras, já sugere a sua relevância para os pesquisadores da área. Resultante de evento promovido pelo grupo de pesquisa internacional REDES (Research and... more
Review of the book Literature, Science and the New Humanities (2008) de Jonathan Gottschall.
Resenha do livro Literature, Science and the New Humanities (2008) de Jonathan Gottschall.
Resenha do livro Literature, Science and the New Humanities (2008) de Jonathan Gottschall.
In recent years, researchers have conducted empirical studies in reader response, which have either contested or confirmed earlier theories. Indeed, the 1970s and 1980s saw the shift from interpreting the page to looking into reading... more
This call for papers is proposed by the PhD Students in Foreign Literatures and Languages of the University of Verona with the support of the Project of Excellence in Digital Humanities. The conference aims at bringing together current... more