Tagungsband zur wissenschaftlichen Fachtagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) e.V. am 22. und 23. September 2005 im Kompetenzzentrum für Kommunikation und... more
There is a growing consensus that climate fiction might be an effective communication strategy to move the public on climate. However, empirical evidence documenting such an effect is limited, especially when it comes to climate fiction’s... more
In this paper, we present what is to the best of our knowledge, the first deep learning pipeline to produce a synthetic graphic novel. Our method can synthesize from scratch engaging sequences of graphic novel pages, focusing on the Manga... more
“Does Climate Fiction Work? An Experimental Test of the Immediate and Delayed Effects of Reading Cli-Fi” is the result of a collaboration between an ecocritic, Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, and five environmental social scientists: Abel... more
In “The Reception of Radical Texts: The Complicated Case of Alice Walker’s ‘Am I Blue?,’” a team of three ecocritics, Alexa Weik von Mossner, W. P. Malecki, and Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, and two psychologists, Marcus Mayorga and Paul... more
The spectral wave period T m − 1 , 0 at the toe of sea-dikes is a crucial parameter to predict wave overtopping discharge over sea-dikes. It is known from literature that this period quickly increases when waves reach shallow foreshores;... more
JLT Talks offers a new format for discussing current topics in the field of literary theory. It was inspired by the focus of this special issue, which foregrounds the practice of literary theory. Although the amount of praxeological work... more
This paper analyses Tomorrow (Uddin, 2021), a Cannes World Film Festival award winning Bangladeshi animated short film from an ecocritical point of view. The film highlights concerns for the existence of millions of Bangladeshi people who... more
This is a chapter in the open access book "Contemporary Ecocritical Methods," edited by Camilla Brudin Borg, Rikard Wingard, and Jorgen Bruhn (Rowman & Littlefield, 2024). In it, Wojciech Malecki and Matthew Schneider-Mayerson explain the... more
Nowadays, an important empirical turn and an increasingly concrete and systematic transdisciplinary dialogue are affecting literary studies. In the last decade of the 20th century in fact, when important discoveries were made in all that... more
Dictionnaire historique et critique (1697 Erstauflage und 1702 erweiterte zweite Auflage) eine wichtige Inspirationsquelle für die Denker des 18. Jahrhunderts. Voltaire als auch die Enzyklopädisten mit Diderot und D'Alembert bezogen sich... more
This chapter explores what learning from literature entails and how we can come to insights about what literature can mean in the lives of readers, what they may discover about themselves and others. Reading literary stories leads to... more
Within the framework of 5E Cognition, emotions play a fundamental role also in the field of literature, with particular reference to the creative process enacted by the author and the receptive process enacted by the reader. This paper... more
Dominant theoretical models of autism and resultant research enquiries have long centered upon an assumed autism-specific empathy deficit. Associated empirical research has largely relied upon cognitive tests that lack ecological validity... more
This article introduces the special issue. In it, we argue that research into reader response should be recognised as a vital aspect of contemporary stylistics, and we establish our focus on work which explicitly investigates such... more
Przedstawiam nową teorię literatury. Roboczo będzie się nazywać "o powstawaniu literatury drogą doboru kulturowego".
There is a long tradition in philosophy and literary theory defending the view that engagement with literature promotes readers' empathy. Until the last century, few of the empirical claims adduced in that tradition were investigated... more
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników analizy blogosfery parentingowej pod kątem sposobów prezentacji współczesnej polskiej rodziny. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Problem badawczy został sformułowany w postaci pytań o... more
Die Literaturwissenschaft "muß romantisirt werden". Law-and-Literature und die Poesie im Recht* For Gigi, again Unter dem Titel law-and-literature firmieren derzeit, vor allem an US-amerikanischen Bildungseinrichtungen, sehr... more
An experiment was run to determine the effect of critical reviews on readers' evaluation of literary works. We hypothesized that there are two mechanisms by which extratextual information can have an effect on evaluation: orienting, in... more
Data are crucial to the growth of e-commerce in today's world of highly demanding hyper-personalized consumer experiences, which are collected using advanced web scraping technologies. However, core data extraction engines fail because... more
An experiment was run to determine the effect of critical reviews on readers' evaluation of literary works. We hypothesized that there are two mechanisms by which extratextual information can have an effect on evaluation: orienting, in... more
Data are crucial to the growth of e-commerce in today's world of highly demanding hyper-personalized consumer experiences, which are collected using advanced web scraping technologies. However, core data extraction engines fail because... more
Based on transportation theory, research shows that reading fiction affects empathy. Also, there are studies that show how reading fiction affects theory of mind. In a similar line, some research show that playing non-violent video games... more
Deixis am phantasma is a linguistic device used in poetic texts to point to the uniqueness of an object of reference without directly revealing it. From a neurocognitive poetics model (NCPM) perspective, deixis am phantasma is a... more
No research has yet experimentally evaluated the role of narrative fiction in relation to eating disorders (EDs). This study used a between-participants design to assess vulnerability to EDs before and after reading two contemporary U.S.... more
Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft Jahrgang XIX/1988 ÖSTERREICHISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN bis 1972 in Kommission bei Hermann Böhlaus Nachf., Wien-Graz-Köln, ab 1973 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, A-1010... more
Throughout history, it has been often claimed by activists, writers, and scholars that narrative empathy for animals influences social attitudes toward other species. The problem is that there are no experimental data to support this... more
Literary fiction has been credited with considerable power to improve attitudes toward outgroups. It was even argued that it has been an important factor behind the global decline of violence against various minorities in the last... more
ZusammenfassungBrauchen wir eine neue Hermeneutik? – Diese Frage ist rhetorisch und scheint aktuell nur vernünftig zu sein. Doch genau dieser Anschein indiziert erneut jenes Dilemma, in dem sich die aktuelle Lektürepraxis befindet. In dem... more
In the last few years, the topic of negative empathy has been highly discussed within theoretical research on narrative engagement. With regards to literary studies, negative empathy is intended as a sophisticated form of empathy with... more
In this article, we profile an empirically grounded, cognitive approach to immersion in digital fiction by combining text-driven stylistic analysis with insights from theories of cognition and reader-response research. We offer a new... more
Krystyna Koziołekdoktor habilitowana, profesor Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, literaturoznawczyni. Jej zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się na teorii i praktyce lektury, dydaktyce, komparatystyce, związkach nauk humanistycznych i medycznych.... more
The introduction to Empirical Ecocriticism: Environmental Narratives for Social Change, edited by Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Alexa Weik von Mossner, W.P. Malecki, and Frank Hakemulder. Forthcoming with the University of Minnesota Press... more
Deixis am phantasma is a linguistic device used in poetic texts to point to the uniqueness of an object of reference without directly revealing it. From a neurocognitive poetics model (NCPM) perspective, deixis am phantasma is a... more
View and order at the University of Minnesota Press's website, https://tinyurl.com/eecocriticism. // There is a growing consensus that environmental narratives can help catalyze the social change necessary to address today’s environmental... more
The presentation assesses the final outcome of the international REDES (Research and Development in Empirical Studies) project. Founded in 2002, for about a decade it functioned to promote the investigation of culture, literature,... more
Przedstawione studium dyskusji o Weselu Wyspiańskiego i Na ustach grzechu Samozwaniec jest przykładem analizy recepcji literatury we współczesnych grupach czytelniczych. Autorkę interesuje sposób oddziałania tekstu na czytelników i... more
This paper discusses the Foregrounding Theory and Transactional Theory of Literary Reading and their application in analysing and conceptualising literary responses of L2 readers from a secondary school in Malaysia. Exploratory in nature,... more
Książka w obliczu dynamicznych zmian rzeczywistości Streszczenie W artykule Autorka przedstawia miejsce książki w komunikacyjnym świecie człowieka, wskazując na dostępne czytelnikowi różnorodne formy zapisu słowa i różnorodne formy... more
The book addresses the study of reading mechanisms and visual perception using the method of eye-tracking. The authors conduct their research in the Laboratory for Cognitive Studies of Saint Petersburg State University that was the first... more
Deixis am phantasma is a linguistic device used in poetic texts to point to the uniqueness of an object of reference without directly revealing it. From a neurocognitive poetics model (NCPM) perspective, deixis am phantasma is a... more