For many economic time-series variables that are observed regularly and frequently, for example weekly, the underlying activity is not distributed uniformly across the year. For the aim of predicting annual data, one may consider temporal... more
Exportation nowadays has a crucial role on economies in all around the world. Like other developing countries, there have been remarkable studies and attempts specifically in Turkish economy. To reveal this conclusion more, we deal with... more
This paper explores the mean-reverting behavior of the unemployment rate using monthly geographically disaggregated data for the period 1991:01 through 2012:02. We apply both standard unit-root tests and tests that allow for one and two... more
This paper explores the mean-reverting behavior of the unemployment rate using monthly geographically disaggregated data for the period 1991:01 through 2012:02. We apply both standard unit-root tests and tests that allow for one and two... more
This paper aims to investigate the effects of macroeconomic variables on stock market volatility in three Asian countries by applying GARCH MIDAS model. The study covers the period from 01/2003 to 06/2014. The GARCH MIDAS framework allows... more
Seasonal cointegration generalizes the idea ofcointegration to processes with unit roots at frequencies different from 0. Here, "common seasonals," also a dual notion of common trends, is adopted for the seasonal case. The features are... more
This article investigates the effects and transmission channels of shocks between two asymmetric neighboring countries. In particular, we investigate Austria and Germany which are highly integrated due to their common language and common... more
The COVID-19 pandemics and the lockdowns imposed to mitigate the rise of infections beyond manageable levels strongly affected international trade. Although the health crisis and the mobility restrictions associated with lockdowns are... more
o direito, perpétuo e sem limites geográficos, de arquivar e publicar esta dissertação através de exemplares impressos reproduzidos em papel ou de forma digital, ou por qualquer outro meio conhecido ou que venha a ser inventado, e de a... more
In this study, we attempt to answer the question of whether stock market performance affects the government satisfaction rating in the long run in a sample period spanning 1984:Q1 to 2013:Q2 in the UK. We examine both the equilibrium... more
This paper proposes a stochastic frontier model with three composed errors, and therefore six error components. As in the metafrontier literature, firms belong to groups with a group-specific frontier. A firm has a level of short-run and... more
This work investigates the determinants of health care expenditures, such as drug prescriptions, inpatient care, and outpatient care, of the resident population of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy). The phenomenon of interest is... more
This paper adds to the recent body of research on fertility by estimating and testing censored poisson regression models and censored negative binomial regression models of household fertility decisions. A novel feature of this study is... more
As the Baby-Boomer generation approaches the retirement stage of the life cycle, understanding the implications of the labour market transition for individuals' wellbeing is increasingly important for policy making. In this article, we... more
This paper develops a dynamic-network DEA (data envelopment analysis) model where total output is jointly produced from two sectors: a human capital sector and a physical capital sector. Each prefecture produces a final output and an... more
This paper develops a dynamic-network DEA (data envelopment analysis) model where total output is jointly produced from two sectors: a human capital sector and a physical capital sector. Each prefecture produces a final output and an... more
This paper considers testing for structural change of unknown form in the linear regression model as a problem of testing for goodness-of-fit. Transformations of recursive (or other LUS) residuals that reduce the problem to one of testing... more
The a im o f this p a p e r is to a na lyze the re la tio nship s b e tw e e n c o m m o n sho c ks a ffe c ting the re a l e c o no m y a nd tho se und e rlying c o -fluc tua tio ns in U.S. fina nc ia l m a rke ts. In o rd e r to d o... more
In this work we revisit the retirement consumption puzzle using Italian panel data. As emphasised in the literature, the observed consumption drop might be due to unexpected wealth shocks at retirement which modify optimal consumption... more
This paper forms part of the ESRC funded project (Award No. L1382511013) "Business Cycle Volatility and Economic Growth: A Comparative Time Series Study", which itself is part of the Understanding the Evolving Macroeconomy Research... more
In the literature using short-run timing restrictions to identify monetary policy shocks in vector-autoregressions (VAR) there is a debate on whether (i) contemporaneous real activity and prices or (ii) only data typically observed with... more
We examine the joint predictability of return and cash flow within a present value framework, by imposing the implications from a long-run risk model that allow for both time-varying volatility and volatility uncertainty. We provide new... more
In this paper, we conduct choice experiments in Turkey and Ukraine on the valuation of a marine restoration programme in the Black Sea, to examine whether the value of environmental goods is sensitive to the source of public financing. We... more
We investigate the association between age and medical spending in the U.S. using data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). We estimate a partial linear seminonparametric model and construct "pure" life-cycle profiles of... more
In this paper we aim at identifying stylized facts in order to suggest adequate models of spatial co-agglomeration of industries. We describe a class of spatial statistical methods to be used in the empirical analysis of spatial clusters.... more
Ever since the end of the Great Recession, the US economy has experienced a period of mild inflation, which contradicts with the output-inflation relationship depicted by a traditional Phillips curve. This paper examines how the permanent... more
In this evolutionary model, random shocks create differences in the rate of return on capital, while individual saving and investment behavior can reduce these differences over time. Firms with either low total factor productivity (TFP)... more
This paper analyzes whether moderate weight reduction improves subjective health perception in obese individuals. Besides simple regression models, in a simultaneous equation framework we use randomized monetary weight loss incentives as... more
This paper investigates the factors that determine differences across OECD countries in health outcomes, using data on life expectancy at age 65, over the period 1960 to 2007. We estimate a production function where life expectancy... more
This paper considers various estimators using panel data seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) with spatial error correlation. The true data generating process is assumed to be SUR with spatial error of the autoregressive or moving... more
We propose conduct parameter based market power measures within a model of price discrimination, extending work by and to certain forms of second degree price discrimination. We use our model to estimate the market power of U.S. airlines... more
A factor structure for VAR model error terms is adopted to examine the dynamic relationships of major macroeconomic time series. The structure, which is testable, is used to trace the consequences of a contemporaneously "ceteris paribus"... more
A factor structure for VAR model error terms is adopted to examine the dynamic relationships of major macroeconomic time series. The structure, which is testable, is used to trace the consequences of a contemporaneously "ceteris paribus"... more
Di erent stochastic simulation methods are used in order to check the robustness of the outcome of policy simulations with a macroeconometric model. A macroeconometric disequilibrium model of the West German economy is used to analyze a... more
This paper proposes new fuzzy measures of monetary poverty and also non-monetary deprivation, providing an economic interpretation of the parameters involved. For non-monetary deprivation, the paper provides a step-by-step procedure:... more
This paper evaluates the appropriateness of a Linear Market Model (LMM) which allows for systematic covariance (beta) risk. The performance of LMM will be compared against two extensions, a comparison having yet to be undertaken in the... more
This paper evaluates the appropriateness of a Linear Market Model (LMM) which allows for systematic covariance (beta) risk. The performance of LMM will be compared against two extensions, a comparison having yet to be undertaken in the... more
This paper focuses on the problem of analyzing how factors impact hunger across states when hunger is ill-de®ned. Hunger (which is a latent variable) is presumed to depend on macroeconomic, legislation, policy, and demographic variables.... more
This article develops a simple, but informative, approach to measure technical changes by applying the Malmquist index framework using data envelopment analysis (DEA). A set of directional vectors is used to capture complete information... more
This paper presents Genetic Matching, a method of multivariate matching, that uses an evolutionary search algorithm to determine the weight each covariate is given. Both propensity score matching and matching based on Mahalanobis distance... more
How much knowledge is there in an economy? In recent years, data on the mix of products that countries export has been used to construct measures of economic complexity that estimate the knowledge available in an economy and predict... more
We develop a model of the firm's maximization programme i n which the firm's capital structure is a non linear function of a vector of costs including asymmetric information costs and is subject to a debt ceiling. Using conditional... more
This paper investigates whether the real interest rate parity (RIRP) is valid during the three waves of globalizations that occurred in the last 150 years (1870-1914, 1944-1971, 1989 to the present). If any, these periods should favor... more
This study explores the influence of financial leverage and of management competence on firm performance using a sample of 102 listed firms in the Athens Stock Exchange. It is found that leverage contributes significantly to sales growth,... more
'Modern' theories of the Phillips curve inadvertently imply that inflation is an integrated or near integrated process but this implication is strongly rejected using United States data. Alternatively, if we assume that inflation is a... more
We examine the relationship between inflation targeting and the behavior of the level and volatility of inflation for eight Asian countries over the period 1987-2013. In contrast to existing studies that rely upon time series methods, we... more