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The growing incidence of withdrawal of Muslim girls from physical education prompted this study into tensions between religious freedom and educational practices. It was located in a city in the West Midlands of England. Data on... more
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      StakeholdersSocial JusticeCase StudiesIslam
We compared the effectiveness of two extinction interventions, extinction by omission and noncontingent delivery of reinforcement, to treat aggressive behavior with a 10-year-old boy. Before the intervention, a functional analysis... more
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      PsychologyFunctional AnalysisBehavior ModificationResearch Design
Within the discourse promoting transdisciplinary research (TDR), also referred to as Mode 2 science, it is often claimed that scientifi cally coping with urgent life-world problems calls for interdisciplinary participatory research (or... more
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      Participatory ResearchKnowledge IntegrationPoint of ViewEmpirical Analysis
This article uses the concept of institutional thickness to describe key features of the local governance of economic development. For this purpose, a methodology for the empirical assessment of institutional thickness is developed and... more
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      EconomicsGovernanceLocal Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development
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      GeographyHuman GeographyDecision MakingPolitical Ecology
Rising costs, falling ore grades and a stagnant gold price are steadily eroding the economic viability of gold mining in South Africa. This paper explores the major economic dynamics behind the profit squeeze. The empirical analysis... more
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      EconomicsSouth AfricaProfitabilityProfit Sharing
For decades the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation has dominated the description of dynamics of the non-Arrhenius behavior in glass forming systems. Recently, this dominance has been questioned. Hecksher et al. [Nat. Phys. 4, 737 (2008)],... more
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      EngineeringChemical PhysicsPhysical sciencesDielectric Relaxation
This study uses a firm-level panel data set from Romania to examine whether the nationality of foreign investors affects the degree of vertical spillovers from FDI. Investors' country of origin may matter for spillovers to domestic... more
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      Development EconomicsEconomic TheoryForeign Direct InvestmentTechnology transfer
Much has been said about the institutional determinants of transitional justice (TJ). Yet, we still have little knowledge about the determinants of citizens' attitudes towards restorative policies aimed at addressing human rights... more
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      Contemporary HistoryCivil WarTransitional JusticeSpanish Civil War
textabstractAbstract: Discussions on the role of markets in healthcare easily lead to political and unfruitful polarized positions. Actors arguing in favour of markets as a solution for the quality/cost conundrum entrench themselves... more
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      BusinessWelfare StateLong Term CareComposition
In the paper we address the problem of estimating the effort required to develop dynamic web applications. In particular, we provide an adaptation of the Cosmic Full Function Point method to be applied on design documents for counting... more
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      Web EngineeringCount dataEmpirical AnalysisWeb Application Development
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      Futures marketsSoybeanEmpirical Analysis
In the last decade the strategic role of operations has increased, which led to fast improvements in management and methodology. In parallel, two basic principles have been strengthened. One of the principles is the idea to concentrate on... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementEmpirical Analysis
Under perfect competition and constant returns to scale, firms producing homogeneous products set their prices at their marginal costs which also equal their average costs. However, the departure from these standard assumptions has... more
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      Firm-Level DataPerfect CompetitionMarket ImperfectionIndexation
This paper explores the return volatility predictability inherent in high-frequency speculative returns. Our analysis focuses on a refinement of the more traditional volatility measures, the integrated Õolatility, which links the notion... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceResearch MethodologyForeign Exchange Market
ABSTRACT An increasing interest in dynamic activity scheduling could be witnessed in travel behavior research over the past years. This research analyzes the factors influencing the actual activity scheduling process, using detailed... more
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional PlanningEmpirical Analysis
Our aim is to test if the leverage and the debt maturity of Chilean firms quoted in the stock market are related with their growth opportunities, their ownership structure and the environment in which they operate. We perform an empirical... more
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      Stock MarketOwnership StructureFirm GrowthInstitutional Environment
This study empirically investigates the performance of Australian hedge funds by extending and modifying . Analysis of hedge funds performance. Journal of Empirical Finance 11, 55-89]. model. This model performs better in explaining... more
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      Hedge FundsPerformance ModelFive Factor ModelIndexation
This paper examines herding behavior in global markets. By applying daily data for 18 countries from May 25, 1988, through April 24, 2009, we find evidence of herding in advanced stock markets (except the US) and in Asian markets. No... more
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      Applied MathematicsBehavioral FinanceStock MarketFinancial Crisis
From time to time, economies undergo far-reaching structural changes. In this paper we investigate the consequences of structural breaks in the factor loadings for the specification and estimation of factor models based on principal... more
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      MathematicsApproximation TheoryEconomicsEconometrics
Using data from 137 completed new product design (NPD) projects, we examine the direct and indirect effects on new product design quality of technological novelty, project organization complexity, and design-manufacturing integration... more
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      EngineeringQuality ManagementProject ManagementProduct Design
Estimation of bilateral trade elasticities between countries is less well documented than is the case for aggregate trade flows. This study estimates bilateral trade equations for Mexico and the United States. The empirical analysis is... more
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      Applied EconomicsUnited StatesError CorrectionBilateral trade
Numerous studies are currently addressing the issue of contextual effects on health and disease outcomes. The majority of these studies fall short of providing a theoretical basis with which to explain what context is and how it affects... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyHealth BehaviorFocus Groups
An increasing number of countries show a trend towards a certain degree of consolidation of powers in financial supervision, which has resulted in the establishment of unified regulators, that are different from the national central... more
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      Political EconomyPublic sectorConflict of InterestMoral Hazard
on earlier versions of this paper. All remaining errors are mine.
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      Eastern EuropePolitical ScienceEuropean UnionLabour Market
Since the liberalisation of the European electricity sector, forward and futures contracts have gained significant interest of market participants due to risk management reasons. For pricing of these contracts an important fact concerns... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsEconomic TheoryRisk Management
... Dr.Sarita Singh Bhadauria Department of Elex & CSE MITS Gwalior (MP) India [email protected] Vishnu Sharma, Department of Computer Science Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna (MP) India... more
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      Information TechnologyDigital DivideSoftware TechnologyEthical Issues
Religious life is studied by way suggested by the rational choice theory and the religious capital theory. The basic contentions of the theory on the nature of religious life having to do with an exchange upon a religious market, by firms... more
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      EconomicsRational ChoiceRational Choice TheoryEconomic analysis
We develop a valuation formula for analyzing high growth firms using the stages of an industry lifecycle.
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsBankingInternational Finance
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      Collaborative FilteringAlgorithm DesignUser preferencesCorrelation coefficient
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      Educational AdministrationHealthResearch AgendaEducational
While many theoretical arguments against or in favor of open source and closed source software development have been presented, the empirical basis for the assessment of arguments and the development of models is still weak. Addressing... more
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      Software SecuritySoftware DevelopmentOPERATING SYSTEMOpen Source
Learning from imbalanced datasets is difficult. The insufficient information that is associated with the minority class impedes making a clear understanding of the inherent structure of the dataset. Most existing classification methods... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceData MiningLibrary and Information Studies
In this article, we estimate the degree of market power held by AT&T in the interstate long-distance market in the postdivestiture period. Our approach makes use of the dominant firm/competitive fringe model to impose the structure needed... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsDemand ElasticityMarket Power
Almost all of the existing studies on product architecture adopt the research framework of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of modular architecture with those of integral architecture. In this paper, we attempt to propose an... more
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      PolicyModular Systems (Architecture)Business and ManagementNumerical Control
The solar contribution to global mean air surface temperature change is analyzed by using an empirical bi-scale climate model characterized by both fast and slow characteristic time responses to solar forcing: t 1 ¼ 0:470:1 yr and t 2 ¼... more
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      Climate ChangePaleoclimateVariabilitySol
The valuation of American-style options gives rise to an optimal stopping problem involving the computation of a time dependent exercise boundary over the whole life of the contract. An exact computational formula for this time dependent... more
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      Exact ComputationTime DependentEmpirical AnalysisOptimal stopping problem
DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTADÍSTICA, ESTRUCTURA ECONÓMICA Y OEI Plaza de la Victoria, 2 28802 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) Teléfono: 91 885 42 01 /departamentos ... THE IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON THE
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      TourismInternet UseEmpirical AnalysisE Commerce
We study the multidimensional knapsack problem, present some theoretical and empirical results about its structure, and evaluate different Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based, metaheuristic, and collaborative approaches for it. We... more
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      HeuristicsMathematical SciencesMemetic AlgorithmInteger Linear Programming
This paper describes a mathematical model for all path length parameters (APL: Average Path Length, LPL: Longest Path Length, and SPL: Shortest Path Length) of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). The proposed model is based on an empirical... more
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      Mathematical ModelAverage Path LengthShortest PathEmpirical Analysis
Most data involving organizations are hierarchical in nature and often contain variables measured at multiple levels of analysis. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) is a relatively new and innovative statistical method that organizational... more
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      Small BusinessStrategic ManagementManagement ScienceConsumer Behavior
Corporate turnaround has received much attention in the strategy literature and, increasingly, in finance. These two streams have, however, differed in their focus, i.e. type of strategies, in their approach, i.e. whether descriptive or... more
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      MarketingFinancial DistressBusiness and ManagementBritish Journal of Management
The design and management of the manufacturing network for a firm is an important factor for its competitive position. By manufacturing network we mean the plant or plants of a manufacturing firm and the relationships with external... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementSurvey ResearchProduction Planning
Individual transferable quotas (ITQs) in multispecies fisheries create incentives for fishermen to avoid bycatch of species for which quota is scarce. However, when bycatch is highly uncertain, individual quota demand and prices may be... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsAdverse SelectionMoral Hazard
We find that option listings are associated with a decrease in the variance of the pricing error, a decrease in the adverse selection component of the spread, and an increase in the relative weight placed by the specialist on public... more
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      FinanceAdverse SelectionPublic InformationTrade Volume
Italian bicameralism is a constitutional feature that is quite often the object of criticism from both politicians and scholars. It is also a somewhat neglected topic within Italian political science. The main aim of the present article... more
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      SociologyGovernmentPolitical ScienceBicameralism
We examine the causes and consequences of corruption in the provision of education service in Bangladesh. Our empirical analysis is based on the 2007 household survey data collected by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), which... more
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      Social statusData CollectionInformation and Network SecurityHousehold Survey
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      Digital Content DistributionDigital Piracy/ FilesharingDigital musicEmpirical Analysis
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      Political SciencePublic ChoiceApplied EconomicsEuropean Political Economy
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      EngineeringOperations ManagementMathematical SciencesEmpirical Analysis