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In this article, I attend to two forms of hearings (or nonhearings) in two distinctive courtsof law, both involving the persecution of Iranian dissidents in the 1980s. Drawing on myethnographic and archival research, inside and outside of... more
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      TestimonyEthnographyPolitical AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
This project explores perceptual differences between the separate genders of choristers within the cathedral system of the Church of England and to ground such perceptual differences in their historical, social, political and religious... more
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      FeminismThe OtherChoral MusicEmotion and Voice
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the different human tone colours on individuals’ moods. The research design was determined as quasi- experimental design with test control group. In accordance with this purpose, the... more
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      MusicMusic EducationPsychology of MusicMusic Psychology
L'intrusion du silence dans la matière théâtrale où tout est sensé passer par les mots dits sur scène à voix haute constitue d'emblée un élément paradoxal. Le silence sur scène manifeste le plus souvent une réticence puisqu'il s'agit pour... more
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      Greek TragedySynaesthesiaSound studiesSound
The RAVDESS is a validated multimodal database of emotional speech and song. The database is gender balanced consisting of 24 professional actors, vocalizing lexically-matched statements in a neutral North American accent. Speech includes... more
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      EmotionVoice Emotion RecognitionFacial expressionEmotional Communication
Introduction: The Speech, Language and Hearing Science favors the performance of voice professionals, including actors. The movie actor has different demands of the stage actor, due to the influence of film language. There is a new field... more
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      Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersCoaching (Education)Voice Emotion RecognitionCinema
Although the Ancients placed great emphasis on delivery, modern rhetorical scholars often overlook the oral dimensions of speech. Speech is powerful because of its ability to elicit a somatic response. Scholars in other disciplines are... more
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      PhilologyRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Ancient HistoryNeuroscience
Speaker emotion recognition is achieved through processing methods that include isolation of the speech signal and extraction of selected features for the final classification. In terms of acoustics, speech processing techniques offer... more
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      EmotionVoice Emotion RecognitionAffective ComputingSpeech Processing
With One Voice: Disambiguating Sung and Spoken Voices Through a Composer’s Experience. Mary Midgley has pointed out how our drive towards specialisation has led us to value the differences between things over their connections. The... more
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      Breath - Body - VoiceAcademic WritingUncanny ValleyVoice over IP
En el marco de los homenajes a Rubén Darío con motivo de cumplirse cien años de su fallecimiento, La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, a través del Programa de Estudios Latinoamericanos Contemporános y Comparados y la... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesEmotion and VoicePoesía latinoamericanaRubén Darío
The teaching of communication skills is a labour-intensive task because of the detailed feedback that should be given to learners during their prolonged practice. This study investigates to what extent our FILTWAM facial and vocal emotion... more
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      EmotionE-learningFacial RecognitionSerious Games
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      History of MedicineLaughterAnthropology of GenderLaryngology
This paper aims to describe how phonation changes during emotion-inducing stimuli. 34 Hungarian speakers (17 female, 17 male) were asked to compete in a simple computerised guessing game, using voice commands to proceed after faced with... more
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      EmotionVoice Emotion RecognitionSpeech CommunicationAffect/Emotion