Emigration Research
Recent papers in Emigration Research
Edición traducida del francés de un relato semi-autobiográfico en el que Marie-José Lopez narra la historia de vida de su padre. Un testimonio del paso por la historia de un conjunto de personas condenadas al anonimato por su extracción... more
Communiqué de presse relations presse : Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à nous jours Cet ouvrage propose un panorama original des migrations en Méditerranée depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours. Plus de 70... more
FANTONI R., PARISH A. e VECCHIO M.M. (2006) – Gli affari e gli affetti. In “Storia di Rima”, Walser Gruppe Rima – Fondazione Enrico Monti, pp. 123-128
Festival : Migrations. Festival International de Géographie, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges Conférence décentralisée «L'immigration polonaise en France : 100 ans des accords francopolonais. Toul ou l'Ellis Island des migrants polonais» par Laurent... more
Le Minho tient une place de choix au cœur du paysage idéalisé du monde rural portugais que le régime de l’Estado Novo (1933-1974) diffusa massivement au cours des années 1930-1960. Région d’importants flux migratoires vers le Brésil au... more
L’échec de la révolution de novembre 1830 entraîne un flux massif de réfugiés polonais en France. A la marge des exilés de la Grande Émigration qui s’établissent à Paris, les réfugiés moins illustres doivent trouver leur place au sein de... more
Th e article clarifi es the role of the Olshany cemetery in Prague as a location for the memory of Ukrainians and about Ukrainians. Olshany is one of the largest necropolises of prominent Ukrainians outside Ukraine. Most Ukrainians buried... more
A 20. század eseményei igen sok alkalmat adtak az amerikai magyar emigráció létszámának növekedéséhez. Az országból történt kivándorlás több hullámban zajlott, értelemszerűen a világégésekhez és gazdasági válságokhoz kapcsolódva. Ezek... more
Aintzane Legarreta Mentxaka, "La Vida Vasca de Kate O'Brien" [original title: 'Mary Lavelle'] [commissioned]. El Correo Culture Supplement. 15 September 2018, p. 10. …………………………………… Kate O'Brien (1897-1974) es una de las novelistas más... more
Every invading army conveys its message first through brutal force, guns, shells, and bullets, and only later occupies itself with explaining to the locals that in fact they come in peace and providing reasons it might be a good thing to... more
The inter-related natural and cultural heritage of Rosa spinosissima and Scots Roses. Peter D. A. Boyd Independent Researcher and Holder of UK National Collection of Scots Roses (Plant Heritage) Probably, no other plant has such a... more
In a mysterious castle in Libya, the narrator stumbles on some unexpected vestiges of the past which inspire him to recount his unique experiences in Australia. The result is the story of a meeting of two cultures — Italian and Aboriginal... more
Významnú kapitolu dejín Kysúc predstavuje obdobie sprevádzané vysťahovalectvom do USA podnietené viacerými nevyhovujúcimi podmienkami v rámci Rakúsko-Uhorska. Príspevok sa zaoberá konkrétne problematikou vysťahovalectva z oblasti... more
Guillaume Lebaudy / Toute la vallée-La vie en Ubaye (revue, Sabença de la valeia) Jean Solda, berger, léger de tout bagage La routo, l'itinéraire de randonnée pédestre reliant Arles à Borgo San Dalmasso, traversera bientôt la vallée de... more
. They each have different environmental requirements and are limited to northern India. R. spinosissima itself does not occur naturally in the Himalayas or south of them elsewhere in India but there seems to be no reason why it should... more
Die Chronik entstand aus dem Projekt "Ortschronik Wolfau. Wir arbeiten unsere Ortsgeschichte auf", das zwischen 2007 und 2012 von der Marktgemeinde Wolfau durchgeführt wurde. - Es wurde versucht, eine Brücke von science to public zu... more
Starting in the late-nineteenth century, Polish national elites considered emigration a ‘necessary evil’ that alleviated local economic pressures. In the face of an exodus from all of the partitions, leaders of many political persuasions... more
Данная статья посвящена проблемам преступности среди российских эмигрантов в Шанхаt в 1917—1922 гг. Источники показывают, что и до проникновения профессиональных преступников в Шанхай из Харбина и СССР процент преступности у эмигрантов в... more
Les études traitant des immigrés tentent le plus souvent d’établir un bilan de leurs relations avec leur pays d’origine ou de mesurer leur degré d’intégration dans la société hôte. Le cas des immigrés Syro- Libanais propose cependant un... more
"An article summary: The Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Berlin in the light of Polish historiography and archival materials. The Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Berlin was found on 10 November 1926 as a result of Ukrainian... more
A study of forced emigration and ethnic cleansing in the 18th century
This book offers one of the first empirical studies of change in Irish English in the period 1700-1900, during which Ireland became overwhelmingly English-speaking. Using data from a corpus of emigrant letters, the aim of the book is to... more
En los años 60, dos millones de españoles salieron de su país impulsados por el atraso económico y el paro que ahogaban a la España franquista. Sus destinos en Europa fueron Alemania, Suiza, Francia, Holanda, Gran Bretaña y Bélgica. Los... more
Dlaczego w Brazylii jest lepiej niż w Polsce, ale prawdziwie wolny kraj to Ameryka? Dziewiętnastowieczna korespondencja emigrantów. Rec.: "Listy emigrantów z Brazylii i Stanów Zjednoczonych 1890–1891", do druku podali, wstępem opatrzyli... more
A fascist model of emigration in Argentina. Thus was born Villa Regina, in the Upper Valley of the Rio Negro. Transplantation of families of Italian workers in a quenched and uininhabited territory in the Upper Valley of Rio Negro, with... more
W polskim dyskursie o emigracji wychodźstwo osadnicze nie zajmuje należytego miejsca. Uwaga badaczy koncentruje się głównie na emigracji zarobkowej oraz politycznej. Szczególnie ta ostatnia jest gloryfikowana, gdyż wpisuje się w... more
In quest'ultimo decennio le ricerche sul movimento migratorio friulano tra le due guerre si sono moltiplicate. Le indagini, condotte in Friuli e all'estero, hanno permesso di gettare nuova luce sulle modalità di espatrio, le mete di... more
This study uses the UNDP/UNICEF Social Exclusion Survey in Macedonia and Serbia and focus on the questions of (i) why are there sometimes no differences in emigration intentions between unemployed and employed groups, and (ii) why many... more
This paper was written in 2014 for the topic HIST3001: Destination Australia: Migration since 1900 at Flinders University. The paper explores the history of the Greek Ikarian islander community of South Australia, and the formation of the... more
Vita, by Melania Mazzucco Vita could turn an illusion into reality. She didn't like her world, so she made up another one. Maybe this world is not made viable by the people who try and change it, as he believed he was doing, but by people... more
Comparative analysis of two complex social processes such as the wars in Croatia and Ukraine requires a certain degree of simplification, which should be taken into account in this study. Before analysing wartime events, the paper will... more
Narra la historia de un grupo musical de jóvenes que emigran de El Salvador a los Estados Unidos que cantan “rap” en “caliche”, jerga popular salvadoreña compuesta de palabras en español, inglés y náhuatl.