Emergency Response
Recent papers in Emergency Response
Ce protocole a été construit pour être appliqué en groupe en immédiat quand c'est possible ou en post-immédiat (48 à 72 heures) après un événement à fort retentissement collectif.
Natural disasters are becoming more and more prominent in our world today, increasing by over 400% in the last 20 years alone. To overcome the challenges brought about by such situations, it has been proven vital to ensure continued and... more
Despite their importance for urban planning [1], traffic forecasting [2], and the spread of biological [3, 4, 5] and mobile viruses [6], our understanding of the basic laws governing human motion remains limited thanks to the lack of... more
During a disastrous earthquake, the early assessment and timely reporting of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and peak ground velocity (PGV) maps will be crucial in an effective emergency response operation. In this study, we first... more
Purpose: The main objective of this study is to develop a tsunami emergency response plan for a coastal community by adopting a community-based disaster preparedness approach. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-strategy research design... more
The earthquake of the 9th of July 1998 that hit in the central group of the Azores archipelago greatly affected the islands of Faial, Pico and São Jorge, reaching a magnitude of Mw 6.2 with the epicentre located about 15km northeast of... more
The authors report on a patient who used electronic mail to report satisfactory recovery from ambulatory surgery and anesthesia. The potential benefits and pitfalls of using electronic mail for patient follow-up and communication, as well... more
In 2006, Mexico became the first transition country to transfer part of its public-sector natural catastrophe risk to the international reinsurance and capital markets. The Mexican case is of considerable interest to highly exposed... more
re searchers conducted a study to investigate the human response issues related to wearing a self-contained self-rescuer (SCSR). The goal was to develop training to educate miners on what they could expect from their units during an... more
The effective response actions can significantly reduce the damage caused by disasters, but the emergency managers require plenty of information before setting up appropriate strategies. The data gathering and analyzing processes are... more
Most risk management activity in the healthcare sector is retrospective, based on learning from experience. This is feasible where the risks are routine, but emergency operations plans (EOP) guide the response to events that are both high... more
The major role of disaster recovery management is to rapidly restore the chaotic condition to normal, which includes mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. To reduce secondary damage and loss, the recovery process must be... more
An earthquake planning scenario document was recently released by the USGS and California Geological Survey that hypothesizes the occurrence and effects of a MW7.8 earthquake on the southern San Andreas Fault. It was created by more than... more
A survey of emergency preparedness was conducted in three public school districts in urban areas of Los Angeles County. Eighty-three school sites were surveyed using self-administered questionnaires. Although designated respondents... more
A rapid fusion method was tested on concrete and brick samples. Actinides were determined rapidly using the fusion plus extraction chromatography and alpha spectrometry. Stacked TEVA, TRU and DGA rein cartridges were used with rapid flow... more
Successful disaster management requires efficient information sharing and coordination of multi-agency emergency response operations. This paper compares two types of multi-agency emergency response exercises where multiple relief... more
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) was developed so that responders from different jurisdictions and disciplines could work together to respond to natural disasters and emergencies, including acts of terrorism. The NIMS... more
Anomaly detection is a pattern recognition task whose goal is to report the occurrence of abnormal or unknown behavior in a given system being monitored. In this paper we propose a general procedure for the computation of decision... more
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) provide a low cost solution with respect to maintenance and installation and in particular, building refurbishment and retrofitting are easily accomplished via wireless technologies. Fire emergency... more
Memorial days of disasters represent an opportunity to evaluate the progress of recovery. This article uses sentiment analysis (SA) to assess post-disaster recovery on the 10th anniversary of L’Aquila’s earthquake using Twitter data. We... more
This paper explored the challenges present in the offshore medical emergency response (MER) system from the perspective of offshore medics by reflecting on their experiences in handling delays in emergency medical evacuation cases. We... more
Natural Disasters causing damage to human life, property, infrastructure and economy has emerged as a global challenge. Requisite safety measures have to be provided for natural hazards. Prevention is better than cure. Once disaster... more
This paper looks at the integration of local authorities within the emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) system for health. The experience of the author, who works within this field for a local authority, is that current... more
During medium to large-scale emergency events such as fires or earthquakes, emergency response teams must be deployed to the location of the event in a timely fashion. Information gathered from 9-1-1 call makers is useful for this, but is... more
On 28 September, a series of earthquakes struck Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province, the strongest of which was a 7.4M earthquake only 10 km deep and with its epicentre close to the provincial capital, Palu. The earthquake triggered a... more
There is much literature in the area of emergency response management systems. Even so, there is in general a lacuna of literature that deals with the issue of measuring the effectiveness of such systems. The aim of this study is to... more
This paper examines the relationship between volcanic risk and the tourism sector in southern Iceland and the complex challenge emergency management officials face in developing effective volcanic risk mitigation strategies. An early... more
Although many efforts have focused on studying methods to prevent incidents in major hazard plants, mishaps still occur because of various technical and human failures and random natural events. It seems that unexpected disturbances not... more
The aim of this study is to identify the potential risks to the North Station (Beit Lahiya Station and the North Emergency Station), and to prepare emergency response procedures in the sewage treatment plant in Northern Gaza. The... more
This paper presents the design and implementation of a distributed virtual reality (VR) platform that was developed to support the training of multiple users who must perform complex tasks in which situation assessment and critical... more
Recent years have seen rapidly growing interest in the development of networks of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (U.A.V.s), as aerial sensor networks for the purpose of coordinated monitoring, surveillance, and rapid emergency... more
In recent years, there has been great progress understanding the underlying causes of earthquakes, as well as forecasting their occurrence and preparing communities for their damaging effects. Plate tectonic theory explains the occurrence... more
Text 1183 houses collapsed, 558 apartment blocks and 5497 houses were heavily damaged in the November 26 earthquake in Albania earthquake Albania Albanian earthquake.Extremely strong shake with damage Barn collapsed...very strong 10... more
The renewable energy sector has seen a rapid expansion in recent years and the number of green jobs is quickly increasing. The development of wind sector, associated with a strong focus on innovation, has given importance to the... more
This paper reviews a recent RedfishGroup project for the City of Santa Fe Fire and Police Department integrating wildfire simulation and agent-based modeling of traffic dynamics. Visualizations of the evacuation dynamics were used to... more