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The last few years have witnessed an increasing interest from computer scientists in the role emotions could play in the adaptability of artificially intelligent mechanisms. Evidence from neurologists suggests that affective states are... more
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      EmotionEmotional intelligenceWearable ComputingWearable Technologies
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      Electronic EngineeringComputer ScienceComputer EngineeringEmbodiment
In this paper we introduce a vision for a new type of domestic appliance, a soft-appliance, constructed from aggregations of elementary network services. The vision is based on the possibility of 'deconstructing', logically, conventional... more
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      Distributed ComputingEcosystem ServicesUbiquitous ComputingEmbedded Systems
This paper explores some a novel approaches to harnessing the Internet-of-Things (IoT) as a teaching and research vehicle in education. For teaching we argue that the Internet-of-Things provides a highly motivating topic to capture... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionEducational TechnologyComputer Science Education
Abstract-The UML was designed as a graphical notation for use with object-oriented systems and applications. Because of its popularity, now it is emerging in the field of embedded systems design as a modeling language. The UML notation is... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware TestingEmbedded SystemsSoftware Development
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    • Embedded and Reconfigurable Systems
International Conference on Internet of Things & Embedded Systems (IoTE 2020) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of IoT and Embedded Systems. Authors are... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEmbedded SystemsInternet of ThingsEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
The smart grid revolution has only been possible, thanks to the development and proliferation of smart meters. The increasingly growing computing capabilities for Internet of Things devices have made it possible for data to be processed... more
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      GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) ProgrammingEmbedded and Reconfigurable SystemsData AnalyticsSmart Metering
A comprehensive simulation study has been conducted to show fine-grain reconfigurability in CMOS circuits using work-function engineering (WFE) on Schottky Barrier (SB) FinFETs for sub-10 nm gate length. The study has three subsections.... more
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      Reconfigurable ComputingDIGITAL LOGIC DESIGNCMOS Integrated Circuit DesignEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) uses multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver side. In recent times the demand for the use of MIMO systems has increased due to its capability of robustness against multipath fading and... more
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      Communication EngineeringReal Time ComputingEmbedded SystemsReal-time Systems
This paper describes the design sequence, 3D printing of instrument parts and electronic control system design for a pellet mixer. The work includes design of printable files, geometric design, and embedded system design for mobile... more
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      Embedded SystemsInstrumentationEmbedded and Reconfigurable SystemsInstrumentation and Control
Nowadays, demand for low power, small, mobile and flexible computing machines that interconnects are growing rapidly. This study highlights internet of things (IoT) model regarding sensor node discovery and IPV6 framework using 6LoWPAN.... more
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      Computational IntelligenceWireless Sensor NetworksEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
An approach to design of evolving computer system is presented. Drawbacks of existing systems are explained showing limitations of hardware and software. New design principles, models of representation for algorithms and architecture are... more
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      Embedded and Reconfigurable SystemsReliabilityRedundancy
It has been designed and implemented Alien Shooter video game system on Xilinx Spartan-3E FPGA using VHDL. This system consists 4 modules, the top module is designed using schematic to integrate or control another module, which designed... more
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      Embedded SystemsEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Forward Collision Avoidance (FCA) systems in automobiles is an essential part of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles. These devices currently use, radars as the main sensor. The increasing resolution of camera... more
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      Information SystemsEmbedded SystemsRadarEmbedded Software
Real-time vision is central to many embedded applications (e.g. vehicle guidance). It is a computationally intensive task well beyond current general purpose computing platforms such as PCs and workstations. Thus, most real time vision... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingMedical Image Processing
The objective of this project was to design and implement a pipelined processor on FPGA using Xilinx (Spartan3E). We have used a RISC-like instruction set in the project. Instructions are 1-byte or 2-bytes depending on the type of... more
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      Computer ArchitectureReconfigurable Digital SystemsMIPSEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Réaliser des programmes en VHDL d’un multiplexeur 4 vers 1 en utilisant les deux instructions conditionnelle et sélective, ainsi décrire en VHDL une bascule D, puis une unité arithmétique et logique (UAL) puis... more
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      ElectronicsEmbedded SystemsFPGAEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become an integral part of today’s mainstream computing systems. They are also being used as reprogrammable General Purpose GPUs (GP-GPUs) to perform complex scientific computations.... more
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      Microelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsEmbedded Systems
When designing a micro-controller, it is important to think the way that micro-controllers work. Simply, it is data transfer and manipulation with sequential control for the data flow. CPU of the micro-controller is responsible for doing... more
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      Reconfigurable Digital SystemsDIGITAL LOGIC DESIGNMicrocontrollersEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Rotating machines are an integral part of large electrical power machinery in most of the industries. Any degradation or outages in the rotating electric machinery can result in significant losses in productivity. It is critical to... more
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      Embedded SystemsEmbedded SoftwareMicrocontrollersEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications (IJESA) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Embedded Systems and applications. The goal of... more
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      Embedded SystemsReal-time SystemsEmbodied Embedded CognitionMiddleware
Due to big data progress in biomedical and healthcare communities, accurate study of medical data benefits early disease recognition, patient care and community services. When the quality of medical data is incomplete the exactness of... more
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      Computer ArchitectureHealth InformaticsEmbedded SystemsElectronic Design Automation
A comprehensive simulation study has been conducted to show fine-grain reconfigurability in CMOS circuits using work-function engineering (WFE) on Schottky Barrier (SB) FinFETs for sub-10 nm gate length. The study has three subsections.... more
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      Reconfigurable ComputingDIGITAL LOGIC DESIGNCMOS Integrated Circuit DesignEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
This paper explores some a novel approaches to harnessing the Internet-of-Things (IoT) as a teaching and research vehicle in education. For teaching we argue that the Internet-of-Things provides a highly motivating topic to capture... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducational TechnologyComputer Science EducationEducation Innovation and Ventures
Beverage vending machine systems are becoming popular in the Indian market. These systems are today available in Indian MNCs and some top rated restaurants and hotels. In most systems the operation are carried manually by the operator in... more
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    • Embedded and Reconfigurable Systems
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      High Level Synthesis (Engineering)Physical Design AutomationEmbedded and Reconfigurable SystemsLow Power Design
Los sistemas energéticos basados en la transferencia de Calor y Masa es una de las disciplinas desarrolladas desde tiempos inmemoriales, La evolución de las técnicas para conseguir con mayor eficiencia en estos sistemas de energía ha... more
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      BusinessMechatronics and RoboticsEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Microcontroller system is one of the vital subjects offered by students during the sequence of study in universities and other colleges of science, engineering and technology in the world. In this paper, we solve the problem of student... more
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      Embedded SystemsThe Internet of ThingsWireless Sensor NetworksModeling and Simulation
Recent technological advances have greatly improved the performance and features of embedded systems. With the number of just mobile devices now reaching nearly equal to the population of Earth, embedded systems have truly become... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputer EngineeringEmbedded SystemsFPGA
IEEE 2017 Embedded Project Titles for ECE, EEE, CSE, IT | Final Year IEEE Project Titles on Embedded System 2018 INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) A System for Monitoring Hand Hygiene Compliance based-on Internet-of-Things Agricultural Crop... more
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      Embedded SystemsEmbedded and Reconfigurable SystemsReal Time Embedded SystemsEmbedded
International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications (IJESA) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Embedded Systems and applications. The goal of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAudio Signal ProcessingCharacter RecognitionEmbedded Software
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      Computer ScienceReconfigurable ComputingComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications (IJESA) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Embedded Systems and applications. The goal of... more
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      Embedded SystemsEmbedded SoftwareEmbodied Embedded CognitionEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
At the beginning of taking a shower, the user needs to manually adjust a rotational handle or the ratio of cold and hot water to get the desired water temperature and the flow rate. In this paper, a temperature and flow rate sensor... more
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      Sensors and SensingSensorEmbedded SystemsWireless Sensor Networks
Digital communications has helped us achieve two way conversations in digital domain, in which messages are encoded into the communication channel and then decoded at the receiver end. During the transfer of message, the data might get... more
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      Vlsi DesignReconfigurable ComputingEmbedded SystemsFPGA
Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become an integral part of today’s mainstream computing systems. They are also being used as reprogrammable General Purpose GPUs (GP-GPUs) to perform complex scientific computations.... more
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      Microelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsEmbedded Systems
ABSRACT Motor vehicles are the prime source of transportation where vehicles with A/C play a major part. This paper designs an embedded system for a vehicle cabin, which senses the gases like carbon-monoxide and oxygen and displayed at... more
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      Information SystemsControl Systems EngineeringManagement Information SystemsDatabase Systems
Become an Embedded System Engineer Comprehensive Guide on how to be an Embedded System Engineer and master Needed Skills to Succeed. What you should learn to become an Embedded System Engineer Learn Embedded C Learn how to program,... more
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      Embedded SystemsEmbedded SoftwareEmbodied Embedded CognitionEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Abstract: Reversible sequential circuits are considered the significant memory block for their ultra-low power consumption. Universal shift register is an important memory element of the sequential circuit family. In this paper we... more
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      Fault Tolerant ComputingQuantum ComputingReconfigurable ComputingHigh Level Synthesis (Engineering)
International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications (IJESA) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Embedded Systems and applications. The goal of... more
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      Embedded SystemsReal-time SystemsDigital Signal ProcessingEmbedded Software
IET indexes its books and journal in SCOPUS and IEEE Xplore. Computer Vision (CV) and Sensors play a decisive role in the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), but there exists a void when it comes to analysing the extent of their... more
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      Electronic EngineeringRoboticsControl Systems EngineeringTelecommunications Engineering
The objective of this project was to design and implement a pipelined processor on FPGA using Xilinx (Spartan3E). We have used a RISC-like instruction set in the project. Instructions are 1-byte or 2-bytes depending on the type of... more
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      Computer ArchitectureReconfigurable Digital SystemsMIPSEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
Ph.D. Thesis
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      Computer VisionPattern RecognitionDigital Signal ProcessingInteractive and Digital Media
This paper presents the architecture and VHDL design of a Two Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform (2D-DCT) with Quantization and zigzag arrangement. This architecture is used as the core and path in JPEG image compression hardware. The... more
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      Microelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringComputer ArchitectureImage ProcessingWireless Communications
This paper is present very common arithmetic circuit .This circuit is faster has low power consumption by using a new 3 transistor XOR gate. It has two basic features high speed & low power consumption .For the arithmetic circuit very... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringWireless CommunicationsEmbedded Systems
11th International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (EMSA 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Embedded Systems. The goal of this... more
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      Electrical EngineeringVlsi DesignAnalog CircuitsEmbedded Systems
In this Thesis an overview on the state of the art of direct drive architecture for Hall Effect Thrusters (D2HET) is given. Direct and indirect advantages are examined in relation with different kinds of missions, and two parameters,... more
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      Spacecraft EngineeringExperimental ResearchEmbedded and Reconfigurable SystemsHall Effect Thrusters