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Natural dams may fail due to seepage or piping because they have not undergone systematic compaction and they may have high porosities. This may cause seepage through the dam that could potentially lead to failure by internal erosion... more
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      EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical EngineeringPiping
The main objectives of this study were to determine the susceptibility to suffusion of widely graded, non-plastic glacial till; to identify potential factors influencing susceptibility; and conversely, to determine grading characteristics... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical EngineeringEmbankment Dams
The Mosul Dam, one of Iraq’s most significant infrastructural projects, has been the subject of extensive debate and scrutiny, often overshadowed by negative narratives concerning its safety and environmental impact. These narratives... more
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      Water qualityWater resourcesKurdish StudiesTurkey
Streszczenie. Podstawowe opracowania Informatycznego Systemu Osłony Kraju, tworzonego na potrzeby zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa ludzi i mienia, mają charakter dwuwymiarowy. Rozwój technologii informacyjnych pozwala na wizualizacje danych... more
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      Environmental ScienceComputer Science
The low-lying coastal Sundarban is one of the prominent landfall area of tropical cyclones in this region, causing signifcant environmental and socio-economic disruptions. Spatial cyclone vulnerability assessment is essential to identify... more
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      Risk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsCoastal HazardsCoastal Zone ManagementDisaster risk reduction
This paper analyses the complementarities between land productivity and conservation investments in the context of river embankment maintenance in the Indian Sundarbans. The study finds that households whose principal occupation is... more
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Rapid infrastructure expansion, including high-speed railroads, freight corridors, and highways, has led to extensive construction activities across both rural and urban regions. This growth poses a significant challenge for researchers... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceGeotechnical EngineeringNumerical ModellingArtificial Neural Networks
The paper assesses the impact of urbanization on the landform parameters of Ado-Ekiti city. Data were collected directly from the field on variables such as the river channel morphometry, number of potholes, number of refuse dump sites,... more
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      Human GeographyDisaster risk managementEnvironmental ManagementDisaster risk reduction
The geology of Anah vicinity is characterized by cropping out of Anah and Euphrates Formations (Oligocene and Lower Miocene in age, respectively), both of them are built up of limestones and dolostones, with clear basal conglomerate... more
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This research paper focuses on conducting a steady state seepage analysis along with the downstream slope factor of safety using the Modified Bishops method in a poorly compacted earthen embankment and optimizing the same reservoir... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologyMaterials Science
Background: Special attention should be given to the seepage in dams since it may cause failure. Seepage is not considered in the total risk factor calculated using the International Commission of Large Dams (ICOLD), the United States... more
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Makhool dam (under construction, which is stopped neither to) is located on the Tigris River about 30 km northwest of Baiji town. The reservoir extends to Sharqat vicinity. The exposed rocks within the reservoir area belong to the Fatha... more
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Doroodzan embankment dam is located on Kore River in 100 km distance from Shiraz city, Iran. It is a homogenous 52 m high, 750 m long dam. Seepage from foundation is controlled by a 26 m cutoff wall below the valley ground surface and... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringEmbankment Dams
In this paper, we propose algorithms which preserve energy in empirical mode decomposition (EMD), generating finite $n$ number of band limited Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). In the first energy preserving EMD (EPEMD) algorithm, a signal... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmHilbert transform
Contribution à l'étude de l'impact du barrage de Garafiri sur la qualité des eaux et les écosytèmes aquatiques du Konkouré (Rép. de Guinée). Promotion 1997-1998 L L J'adresse mes sincères remerciements: t -à tout le personnel de 1'ORSTOM... more
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      Aide à La DécisionModelisationBarrageEutrophisation
Dams in Jordan are exposed to a variety of natural and manmade threats like dams worldwide, but with some peculiar threats due to Jordan's semi-arid climate, steep topography, tectonic activity, especially along the Jordan Rift Valley,... more
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      EngineeringGeographyArchaeologyEnvironmental Science
Obiekty zabytkowe, z racji swojej wagi historycznej, powinny podlegać stałemu nadzorowi, szczególnie w kontekście oceny stanu ich konstrukcji oraz wyposażenia. Z racji inwazyjności klasycznych, metrologicznych technik pomiarowych... more
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This study investigates the slope failure that occurred at a 152.18-acre residential development inKulim.Theunreinforcedslope was reportedto be deemed stablebefore its failure in the mid-April2023. Continuous pumping activityfor... more
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      MalaysiaReinforced soil walls and slopesSlope Stability and LandslidesLandslide Hazards Management and Risk Assessment
At weirs and dams, the spillway flow is a high-velocity turbulent motion operating at very-large Reynolds numbers and physical measurements are challenging. In these high-speed free-surface flows, the upstream flow is not aerated and some... more
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      Free surface flowsBig DamsLarge DamsHydraulic Structures
Halda, one of the major tributaries of the mountainous river Karnaphuli, is well known as the country's only natural carp spawning ground. Naturally fertilized eggs of carps collected from Halda River are hatched in mud-made scoops on the... more
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      Environmental ScienceHydrologyWater resourcesRiver Engineering
Often referred as expansive soils in international literature, soils with large swelling and shrinking potential, are defined as natural materials that exhibit volume variations related to variations of moisture. Most of professionals... more
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      Engineering Geology and Geotechnical ProblemsGeological HazardsEngineering Geology & Applied Geosciences
The Sinjar Anticline (Mountain) is an outstanding structural and geomorphic feature in the northwestern part of Iraq. The anticline is a double plunging with almost E-W trend dividing the gently rolling plain in which it is developed into... more
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The Iraqi territory is located in the extreme northeastern part of the Arabian Plate which is in collision with the Iranian (Eurasian) Plate. The collision which is still ongoing has created tens of folds some of them exhibit different... more
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The Iraqi Western and Southern deserts are part of the Iraqi Stable Shelf (Inner Platform) that belongs to the Arabian Plate. Therefore, both deserts lack tectonic forms like folds, faults; however, very rarely faults and regional... more
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      GeographyGeologyTectonicsRoot-Mean Square Error
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      GeologyRemote SensingGlobal Positioning System
This research paper focuses on conducting a steady state seepage analysis along with the downstream slope factor of safety using the Modified Bishops method in a poorly compacted earthen embankment and optimizing the same reservoir... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringEmbankment DamsSeepage analysis
Le maintien de la qualité optimale de l'eau pour la production de poissons dans les étangs rizipiscicoles constitue un défi majeur pour les pisciculteurs ivoiriens. L'étude visait à caractériser les paramètres physicochimiques et la... more
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Le maintien de la qualité optimale de l'eau pour la production de poissons dans les étangs rizipiscicoles constituent un défi majeur pour les pisciculteurs ivoiriens. L'étude visait à caractériser les paramètres physicochimiques et la... more
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Mosul and Haditha Dams are built on relatively weak foundations. Both of these foundations suffer from extensive karsts which had demanded intensive foundation treatment works among other design precautions. The karst forms; however, are... more
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      EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringEmbodimentLarge Dams
Mosul and Haditha Dams are built on relatively weak foundations. Both of these foundations suffer from extensive karsts which had demanded intensive foundation treatment works among other design pr ...
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      EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringDamsEmbankment Dams
Mosul and Haditha Dams are the largest dams on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq, respectively. Both dams are of earthfill type and constructed on sedimentary rocks, but have different geological conditions. Both of them suffer from... more
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringDamsKarst
The river Tigris flows from Turkey towards Iraq in its northwestern part dissecting the whole Iraqi territory. During 1981– 1986 a very large earth fill dam was constructed, which is Mosul Dam impounding the flow of the Tigris River. It... more
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringIraqDam Failure
Badush Dam is believed to be the first dam in the world which is designed to protect from the flood wave which could result from the collapse of another dam; in this case Mosul Dam.  Badush Dam con ...
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringBig DamsLarge Dams
El río Reconquista posee la segunda cuenca fluvial más extensa dentro del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA), área que concentra una parte significativa de los problemas socioambientales de la ciudad. Si bien muchas de las... more
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      Embankment DamsRepresasHumedalesPresas
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      Slope StabilityEmbankment DamsSlope Stability AnalysisPiled Embankment
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyStructural EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering
List of Symbols D n Particle diameter for which n % in mass of the remaining particles are smaller than that diameter (mm) ε Strain in the pipe (µm/m) ρ r Loading plate settlement in a reinforced test (mm) ρ unr Loading plate settlement... more
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      GeologyMaterials ScienceGeotechnical EngineeringStiffness
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Seepage-induced erosion is one of the main reasons leading to the catastrophic failure of earth dams, levees, and dykes. Mitigation measures include grouting or mixing additives with the soil. In the present study, nanoclay (NC) was... more
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      Image ProcessingSoil MechanicsNanomaterialsNanoparticles
A large-scale apparatus was designed and built at the University of Wollongong to evaluate the pull-out strength of rail subballast reinforced with geocells. A series of tests were carried out to investigate the pull-out resistance,... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringStructural EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering
Mosul and Haditha dams are two large earthfill dams in Iraq constructed on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, respectively. The two dams were constructed almost at the same period in the mid-eighties of the last century. Both dams suffer... more
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringKarstLimestone
The Euphrates Formation (Early Miocene) is wide spread formations in central western part of Iraq. It consists of basal conglomerate, well bedded, grey, fossiliferous and hard limestones (Lower Member), chalky like dolomitic limestone,... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeochemistryGeotechnical Engineering
Dams are engineering structures constructed for different purposes. They are of different sizes, shapes and types. In all cases, many essential studies should be carried out before deciding the location, type and size of the dam. Among... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical Engineering
Kabylia is mountainous and coastline region of Algeria. Every year, particularly in the winter, it is affected by landslides displacing an important volume of detritic materials, and causing damages to infrastructures, housing and public... more
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringLandslide
The paper presents a slope stability analysis of a proposed embankment contained within an abandoned coal mine reclamation project near Sallisaw, Oklahoma. The project involved the use of computer modeling to analyze the slope stability... more
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      EngineeringMining EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical Engineering
The fish fauna of the Hârtibaciu River has experienced a disrupted connectivity due to the hydrotechnical works and the Brădeni/Retiş Dam located across the Hârtibaciu watercourse being one of this significant obstacles. The newly... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceStructural EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering
Kabylia is mountainous and coastline region of Algeria. Every year, particularly in the winter, it is affected by landslides displacing an important volume of detritic materials, and causing damages to infrastructures, housing and public... more
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringLandslide
In the original article, the location of the dextral offset in the railway line was improperly identified in Fig. 5. The actual deformation was about 100 m due south from the dismantled bridge. A corrected Fig. 5 is provided below.
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyEnvironmental GeologySeismology
Denti-strip inclusion is a new type reinforcement that consists of conventional strip type reinforcement and vertical inclusions which are installed on the strip in spacing. A series of laboratory model tests were carried out on a... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical Engineering