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È ben conosciuto il Rio delle Amazzoni, imponente fiume che la attraversa la grande foresta pluviale del continente sudamericano e che ad essa dà il nome. Ma di grande interesse risulta anche il suo bacino imbrifero, formato da oltre... more
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      WaterWater resourcesAmazoniaSustainable forestry management
Two trial piles were installed at the berm section of an embankment in the later stage of its construction and one of them was fitted with an oversized casing to isolate its top 3. m from the action of surrounding soil. Lateral bending... more
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      Soil-Structure InteractionMovementPilesStiffness
Piled embankments provide an economic solution to the problem of constructing embankments over soft soils. The piles and geosynthetic combination can alleviate the uneven surface settlements that sometimes occur in embankments supported... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringNew Orleans
Spatial variability of material properties is inherent in both natural soil deposits and earth structures, yet it is often ignored during geotechnical design. With the objective of developing novel methods for assessing the effects of... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
Il Grand Inga Dam Project rappresenta un mastodontico progetto idroelettrico sul fiume Congo dal costo stimato di circa 80 miliardi di dollari. Il grosso della spesa dovrebbe essere sostenuto dalla Cina, mentre in minima parte alcune... more
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      African StudiesWaterAfrican HistoryWater resources
By means of a drainage and seepage tank, an experimental flow net system inside the body of a homogeneous earth embankment dam model, formed from Leighton Buzzard Silica sand, was developed and studied in this experimental research paper.... more
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      Soil ScienceFinite Element MethodsUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
Dams are very important infrastructure to any country where they serve for different purposes. Unfortunately, they represent risks to life and property due to their potential to fail and cause catastrophic flooding. Recent studies... more
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    • Embankment Dams
There are three distinct phases of monitoring in the lifetime of an earth and rockfill dam. viz. construction, first reservoir filling and operation stage. During construction stage, rate of construction of earth and rockfill dam may... more
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      Structural Health MonitoringBig DamsInstrumentationHydro Power
A method is proposed to estimate the degradation of the first natural frequency of vibration of earthen dams with increase in strain levels induced due to seismic events. A synthesised wave, referred to as the 'sum of sines', generated by... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringFinite Element MethodsNonlinear dynamicsDeformation and strain
Established in the colonial imagination as the route to El Dorado, the Orinoco Basin has long been conceived as an extractive frontier, full of untapped riches and untold dangers. As such, landscape representations of this region have... more
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      Landscape EcologyCultural StudiesAestheticsClimate Change
Piled embankments provide an economic solution to the problem of constructing embankments over soft soils. The piles and geosynthetic combination can alleviate the uneven surface settlements that sometimes occur in embankments supported... more
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      Embankment DamsEfficiencyGeosyntheticArching effect
Dams and Weirs
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      HydrologyHydraulicsSustainable Water Resources ManagementBig Dams
This paper presents the case history of the construction of a 3 m high embankment on the geocell foundation over the soft settled red mud. Red mud is a waste product from the Bayer process of Aluminum industry.... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringGround improvementsSoft soilsEmbankment Dams
Este documento muestra el análisis de estabilidad de una presa para almacenamiento de agua bajo condiciones de desembalse rápido. Una rápida reducción del nivel del reservorio puede llevar a la inestabilidad de la presa debido a la alta... more
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      DamsEmbankment DamsPresasPlaxis
Road construction on the land reclamation of the ocean generally face problems, they are such as embankment which is sensitive settlement by the condition of the tidal sea water. Without retaining walls, the material will happening... more
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      RoadEmbankment DamsGeotextile
During construction and initial reservoir impounding, performance of an earth and rock-fill dam is required to be closely and frequently monitored for safety of the dam. During construction stage, rate of construction of earth and... more
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      Structural Health MonitoringBig DamsInstrumentationHydro Power
Overtopping failure of noncohesive earthen dams was investigated in 13 large-scale experiments with dams built of compacted, damp, fine-grained sand. Breaching was initiated by cutting a notch across the dam crest and allowing water... more
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      Natural HazardsEmbankment DamsEnvironmental Hazards and DisastersHydrological Hazards and Risks
In 1986-87 I was a member of the Feasibility Study Team for the Sandwip Crossdam Development Scheme (SCDS), organized by the Land Reclamation Project (LRP), Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). I represented the Swedish... more
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      HydrologyFisheriesRiver EngineeringLand tenure
The Carsington Dam failure is a huge disaster that it was impacted many people died and a lot of houses been destroyed. That case arose many questions as it could be caused by numerous factors such as lack of design or construction could... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsEmbankment Dams
Bibliografische Information der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek und der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die ÖNB und die DNB verzeichnen diese Publikation in den Nationalbibliografien; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine History
In this study, the seismic response analysis of embankment dams was investigated through numerical modeling. The seismic behavior of dams under main earthquake records and wavelet-based records were studied. Earthquake records were... more
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      Soil DynamicsEmbankment DamsSeismic response
In Central Europe in the eleventh and twelfth centuries pondaging came in use in order to drive mills, when the natural conditions were difficult, or to provide water for ohter use. Soon such basins were used for keeping and breeding... more
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      Medieval Water ManagementEmbankment DamsWater millsMedieval and Modern fishing
Collapse and overtopping repeatedly occur in LUSI Embankment. Discontinuities (crack or fracture) in the embankment are major reasons for embankment failures or collapses. Very-low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) measurement is... more
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      Very Low Frequency ElectromagneticsDenoisingEmpirical mode decompositionEmbankment Dams
Negli ultimi anni l’acqua ha assunto un ruolo di primissimo piano nella politica internazionale. Il cambiamento climatico, la crescita esplosiva della popolazione mondiale, la progressiva urbanizzazione di massa in molte aree del globo e... more
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      International RelationsClimate ChangeWater qualitySustainable Development
Unprecedented flooding events put dams and downstream communities at risk, as evidenced by the recent cases of the Oroville and Whaley bridge dams. Empirical models may describe expected 'normal' dam behaviour, but they do not account for... more
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      EngineeringGeodesyEarthquake EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering
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      GeographyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeologyRoman History
Mosul and Haditha Dams are the two largest dams of Iraq. They were constructed in localities having completely different materials for use in the core and rip-rap. While clay for the core was abundant in Mosul Dam site it was completely... more
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      DamsEmbankment Dams
Climate change has the potential to have significant effects on the stability and serviceability of earthworks slopes, impacting on the performance of transport infrastructures. This paper describes how a unique facility for engineering... more
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      Unsaturated soilClimate Change AdaptationGeotechnical EngineeringSlope Stability
Overtopping erosion is one of the main factors responsible for the destruction of earthen structures due to floods. Considering the shortage of existing studies and the need for further research to properly understand the processes... more
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      Image ProcessingGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsBig Dams
George Nunes Soares (Universidade Federal do Ceará) [email protected] Luís Felipe Cândido (Universidade Federal do Ceará) [email protected] Resumo: A produtividade é uma ferramenta importante no processo de tomada de... more
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      ProductivityEmbankment Dams
Tutorial for Making a Basic Embankment Construction
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      Mining EngineeringRock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringConstruction Project Management
L’objectif de la présente étude porte sur l’élaboration d’un modèle mathématique pour contribuer à la lutte contre l’eutrophisation du réservoir du barrage de Boukourdane.
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      MathematicsWater qualityWater resourcesWater and wastewater treatment
NATIONAL DAM SAFETY CODE: POSSIBILITIES FOR APPLICATION ON SMALL DAMS Anastasiadis, Anthimos1; Savvidis, Serafeim2; Kambouris, Apostolos3, Sachpazis, Costas1,4 1GeoStatic partnership, Thessaloniki, Taskou Papageorgiou 10,... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringBig DamsLarge Dams
Structural monitoring is the most important part of the construction and operation of the embankment dams. Appropriate instruments selection for dams is vital, as inappropriate selection causes irreparable loss in critical condition. Due... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringDecision MakingStructural Health MonitoringEmbankment Dams
Floods from failures of natural and constructed dams constitute a widespread hazard to people and property. Expeditious means of assessing flood hazards are necessary, particularly in the case of natural dams, which may form suddenly and... more
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      Embankment DamsHydrological Hazards and RisksEstimation and prediction of extreme hydrological events (floods, droughts)
It is estimated that in Europe there exist over 7000 large dams, classified as having heights greater than 15m, with thousands more planned to be built in the next years. According to the ICOLD register, worldwide the are more than 58000... more
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      Climate ChangeWaterRenewable EnergyClimatology
This paper presents modelling of the consolidation of foundation soil under a wide embankment constructed over soft soil. An elastic-viscoplastic (EVP) constitutive model is used to represent the foundation soil for the coupled finite... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringFinite Element MethodsPlasticity
Dispersive clays have been identified as soils which highly erosive because they have a higher percentage of dissolve sodium in their pore water than ordinary clays. The dominant sodium ions increase the thickness of the diffused double... more
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      PipingEmbankment Dams
In this research, a sensitivity analysis was performed to study the effect of variation in maximum shear modulus (Gmax) values of different layers of a levee structure on the seismic response and stability of the levee slopes. The... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSlope StabilitySoil Dynamics
Dams and reservoirs are a dynamic slice of our national infrastructure and provide power, water, recreation, irrigation, flood protection, and many other advantages to growing populations across Nigeria. Assessing the integrity of these... more
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    • Embankment Dams
Halda, one of the major tributaries of the mountainous river Karnaphuli, is well known as the country's only natural carp spawning ground. Naturally fertilized eggs of carps collected from Halda River are hatched in mud-made scoops on the... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyHydrologyWater resourcesRiver Engineering
Compacted clay fills are generally placed at the optimum value of water content and, immediately after placement, they are unsaturated. Wetting might subsequently occur due, for example, to rainfall infiltration, which can cause... more
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      Unsaturated soilSoil MechanicsConstitutive ModelingSoil Investigation and Testing
Badush Dam is believed to be the first dam in the world which is designed to protect from the flood wave which could result from the collapse of another dam; in this case Mosul Dam.  Badush Dam con ...
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      Big DamsLarge DamsDamsEmbankment Dams
Recent studies within the field of Development Induced Displacement and Resettlement (DIDR) suggest the need to develop suitable methodologies grounded in sound social theory that can reveal the perspectives and priorities of oustees,... more
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      Development StudiesArabic LiteratureHuman RightsSustainable Development
Nonostante le sue esigue dimensioni territoriali e demografiche Gibuti è probabilmente la nazione più importante a livello strategico di tutta l’Africa. A riprova di ciò si tenga presente che l’unica base americana sul continente, Camp... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East & North AfricaWaterAfrican History
Regulating fluvial systems by dams, barrages and construction of inter-basin link canals, has severe impacts on fish populations across the world’s rivers. In India, all major fluvial systems are interrupted by a series of barriers. This... more
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      River EcologyFish EcologyEmbankment Dams
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      HydrologyWatershed HydrologyEmbankment DamsHydaulics
L’altopiano tibetano è una delle regioni più strategiche non solo per il continente asiatico, ma nel contesto globale. La ragione di ciò è in massima parte legata al fatto che i maggiori fiumi dell’Asia sud-orientale, che è la più... more
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      WaterIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesWater resources
The quality and acceptability of the results of the spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) field test are dependent upon the coherence function, in conjunction with the transfer function. The coherence value is a measure of the quality... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringEarthquake Geotechnical EngineeringEarthquakeGeotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Halda, one of the major tributaries of the mountainous river Karnaphuli, is well known as the country's only natural carp spawning ground. Naturally fertilized eggs of carps collected from Halda River are hatched in mud-made scoops on the... more
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      Environmental ScienceHydrologyWater resourcesRiver Engineering