Cloud computing enable the users to outsource and access data economically using storage as a service. In this storage model, the data owner doesnot have any control of the data once its stores on cloud server. Therefore, privacy and... more
The main aim is to provide a blockchain-based system for the evaluation and storage of online examination results. Also, the generation of certificates upon successful completion of the test. We illustrate how without any central trusted... more
Group signature is one of the main theme in recent digital signature studies. The signature algorithm is a combination of more than 30 elliptic curve (ECC), modular (RSA), long-bit integer (INT) and hash arithmetic operations. Low-power... more
Group signature is one of the main theme in recent digital signature studies. The sig- nature algorithm is a combination of more than 30 elliptic curve (ECC), modular (RSA), long-bit inte- ger (INT) and hash arithmetic operations.... more
Wireless Network Systems are usually deployed in hostile environments where they encountered a wide variety of malicious attacks. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network composed of a large number of sensor nodes. In WSNs... more
This paper describes an efficient simple proxy blind signature scheme. The security of the scheme is based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem(ECDLP). They claim that this system can be implemented in low power and small... more
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Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been the main choice for the security experts from some time now. As the IoT has enveloped the world around us; ECC has became more popular as security solution for the resource-constrained devices... more
In this paper we introduce scalar multiplication algorithms for several classes of elliptic and hyperelliptic curves. The methods are variations on Yao's scalar multiplication algorithm where independent group operations are shown in an... more
Digital Signatures are primarily employed to achieve data integrity, data origin authentication and non-repudiation. In comparison to RSA-based digital signatures, the ECC (Elliptical Curve Cryptography) based Signature schemes like ECDSA... more
In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient way to improve the computational complexity of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography [ECC] algorithm. ECC is a public key cryptography system, where the underlying calculations are performed over... more
Elliptic curve cryptography provides a higher performance than the classic cryptography mainly because shorter keys are used. This paper presents the basics of the elliptic curves, emphasizing the advantage of using them in ecommerce... more
Elliptic curve cryptography provides a higher performance than the classic cryptography mainly because shorter keys are used. This paper presents the basics of the elliptic curves, emphasizing the advantage of using them in ecommerce... more
This paper describes the system parameters and software implementation of a HECDSA cryptosystem based on genus-2 hyperelliptic curves over prime fields. We show how to reduce the computational complexity for special cases and compare the... more
The contents of signed message had to be changed, the condition was expressed in a natural language. Example: To add a condition: "This document is valid only if a document M 2 with hash value 168291bgb3vgVIQ719 has been signed by Bob.
This is to certify that the thesis entitled, "AN EXTENSION OF ElGAMAL DIGITAL SIGNATURE ALGORITHM" submitted by Binay Prakash Dungdung (108CS025) & Pranav Kumar (108CS072) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of... more
The autonomous vehicles (AVs) are a part of vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) technology which is gaining a lot of researchers' attention for making the vehicle smarter and safer. In VANETs, the vehicles transmit various types of messages,... more
Providing the security on the basis of encryption standards is considered as key challenges for achieving the integrity & confidentiality. There are three main public-key cryptosystem contenders. Each has a variable key size that can be... more
This research study introduces an ID-based identity authentication protocol that utilizes the enhanced elliptic curve digital signature algorithm, a cryptographic method developed on elliptic curve cryptography. The protocol enhances the... more
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), providing a robust security mechanism with limited energy resources is very challenging because of sensor node's limited resources (computation, bandwidth, memory). Asymmetric-key can fulfill the... more
This paper discusses different issues of Wireless S ensor Network (WS N) and the relevance of the Elliptic curve y cryptography. S ecurity in WS N is a greater challenge in WS N due to the processing limitations of sensor nodes and nature... more
In addition to quantum resistance, the signature schemes proposed here can also be used as pre-quantum digital signature schemes that are widely used in current practical applications.
Technology has improved significantly, and usage of smart systems has increased the risk to secure data and privacy. Since most operating systems come with built-in apps that aren't secure, there is rapid increase in risk of information... more
Problem statement: The security of elliptic curve cryptosystems are based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). However, if an attacker finds a solution to ECDLP, the elliptic curve-based systems will no longer be secure.... more
The distinguishing feature of hash-based algorithms is their high confidence in security. When designing electronic signature schemes, proofs of security reduction to certain properties of cryptographic hash functions are used. This means... more
The rapid and dangerous spread of COVID-19 has forced governments in various countries to provide information on patients’ medical records to the public in the context of prevention. Meanwhile, patients’ medical records are vital and... more
To ensure the security of sensitive data, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is adopted as an asymmetric method that balances security and efficiency. Nevertheless, embedding messages into elliptic curve (EC) points poses a significant... more
This research study introduces an ID-based identity authentication protocol that utilizes the enhanced elliptic curve digital signature algorithm, a cryptographic method developed on elliptic curve cryptography. The protocol enhances the... more
Additionally, I think it's crucial to highlight that these technologies are not just theoretical-they are actively used in blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum. For example, Bitcoin's proof-of-work system relies on SHA-256, and... more
This study aims to maintain the authenticity of the data to assure the recipient that the data is free from modifications made by other parties, and if there is a modification to the data, then the recipient will know that the data is no... more
This paper researches on cloud computing based-on authentication for the security verification using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). The study structure simply focuses on the communication interaction of the Cloud... more
In today's world, the problem of information security is becoming critical. One of the most common cryptographic approaches is the elliptic curve cryptosystem. However, in elliptic curve arithmetic, the scalar point multiplication is... more
The main target of this work is to expose the capacities that make elliptic curve cryptography the most suitable one to he implemented in environments with several constraints related to processor speed, bandwidth, security and memory. We... more
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is one of the most interesting systems for protecting sensitive information nowadays. The latest versions of the Java Platform include classes and interfaces making ECC available to programmers, but due... more
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have emerged as the most widely used wireless network infrastructure in many applications. Sensing nodes are frequently deployed in hostile aquatic environments in order to collect data on... more
In AfricaCrypt 2012, several algorithms are proposed for the batch verification of ECDSA signatures. In this paper, we propose three randomization methods for these batch-verification algorithms. Our first proposal is based on Montgomery... more
Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange is a well known method for secure exchange of cryptographic keys and has been widely used in popular Internet protocols, such as IPsec, TLS, and SSH. To enable authenticated key establishment, the DH... more
The potentials for usage of the solar energy as a renewable energy source, whether by its conversion only into heat, indirect conversion into electricity using a prior generated thermal energy, or direct conversion of solar energy into... more
IoT(InternetofThings)isregardedasadiversifiedscienceandutilizationwithuncommonrisks andopportunitiesofbusiness.So,inthisarticle,adigitalsignaturemobileapplication(SignOn)is... more
Short Weierstrass elliptic curves with underlying hard Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) are widely used in cryptographic applications. A notion of security called Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) security is also... more
The upcoming quantum era is believed to be an end for the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) and other number-theoretic digital signature schemes. Hence, the technologies which incorporate ECDSA would be at risk once... more
The Internet of Things’ (IoT) market is expected to grow exponentially at the global level in the coming years, due to the proliferation of more reliable and faster networks resulting from the extensive rollout of 5 to 10 G mobile... more
INDONESIA: Seiring dengan perkembangan telepon seluler yang sangat pesat dan semakin banyak digunakannya layanan mobile messenger, maka aspek keamanan (security) menjadi sangat penting untuk dipertimbangkan. apalagi jika data yang... more
Sensor devices are limited resource power and energy, thus providing security services for sensor networks is very difficult. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is one of the most famous asymmetric cryptographic schemes, which offers the... more
SummarySensor devices are limited resource power and energy, thus providing security services for sensor networks is very difficult. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is one of the most famous asymmetric cryptographic schemes, which... more
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is a digital signature algorithm that utilizes an elliptic curve. ECDSA consists of three steps, which are key generation, signature generation, and verification algorithm. ECDSA is used... more
Scalar multiplication is the fundamental operation in the elliptic curve cryptosystem. It involves calculating the integer multiple of a specific elliptic curve point. It involves three levels: field, point, and scalar arithmetic. Scalar... more