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In this article, I explore the conditions of ethnographic knowledge production, with a focus on 'full participation', i.e. an unrestricted affective and relational commitment on the part of the ethnographer doing fieldwork. The very... more
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      EmotionEthnographyEmpathy (Psychology)Reflexivity
Metal fabrication is a complex process, and it includes an extensive range of different techniques.
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      Fabrication Fantasies (Architecture)Digital FabricationOptimization techniquesDigital Fabrication (Architecture)
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthMixed MethodsQualitative methodologyContent Analysis
The opportunities for dialogic and interactive teacher learning through the use of digital video recordings of classroom practice is a growing area of research interest. While several studies have identified developmental and reflective... more
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      PerformativityPierre BourdieuStimulated recall interviewElicitation techniques
— Requirements need to be managed in order to ensure their consistency, integration and correctness. Further, it is important to conduct requirements validation to produce quality requirements with respect to their correctness,... more
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      Requirements EngineeringSoftware Requirement EngineeringRequirements elicitationElicitation techniques
Thabuy Agnès et Maurel Maryse, 2014, Rassemblement de textes parus dans la revue Expliciter sur le questionnement de très jeunes enfants.
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      Young PeopleElicitation techniquesEntretien D'explicitation
In this article I focus on the role of corrective feedback in fluency activities in second language acquisition research (SLA) compared to commonly adopted teaching methodology. The role of corrective feedback has changed significantly in... more
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      RecastsCorrective Feedback in Second Language AcquistionElicitation techniques
Are the acts of teaching and elicitation complementary? The Western practices of teaching, and so of English Language Teaching (ELT), come out of the Greek ideas of Socratic dialogue: teachers and students ask and answer questions in... more
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      Socratic MethodLanguage and CultureTeaching MethodologySocratic Teaching & Learning
Abstract: This article, written for the Polygraph Journal, is a condensed compilation of a germinal study that provided current successful methods for obtaining confessions during interrogations. The foundation of the study derived... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationEditing of JournalsDigital JournalismCitizen Journalism
A problem for evaluators is that what people ‘say’ is often, but not always, different from what they ‘do.’ Most thinking, knowledge, behaviour, decisions are automatic, quick and have the characteristics of intuition, little or no effort... more
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      Memory (Cognitive Psychology)Tacit KnowledgeResearch MethodologyPhenomenology
Sensory experiences are often considered triggers of memory, most famously a little French cake dipped in lime blossom tea. Sense memory can also be evoked in public history research through techniques of elicitation. In this article I... more
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      Qualitative methodologyPublic HistoryHistory and MemoryHistory of the Senses
Este artículo trata de los testimonios de los detectives policiales ocho en servicio activo, reconocidos como objeto-expertos, de las regiones del noreste y noroeste de los Estados Unidos. Se pidió a estos Objeto-expertos para confirmar y... more
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      SociologySecurityInterviewingPolice Interrogation
Elicitation methods have been explored extensively in social science research, and in business contexts, to uncover unarticulated informant knowledge. This qualitative study investigates the use of an audiovisual elicitation interviewing... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipCreativityBusiness ManagementVideo Production
There is a long tradition in oral language examinations of employing structured interviews with pre-scripted, fixed examiner contributions. This chapter examines an alternative format, the semi-structured interview, in which examiners... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage TestingTeaching English As A Foreign Language
The domain of the human body is an ideal focus for semantic typology, since the body is a physical universal and all languages have terms referring to its parts. Previous research on body part terms has depended on secondary sources (e.g.... more
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      Semantic TypologyElicitation techniquesSemantic fieldsBody parts terms
This paper results from a panel presentation. Its premise is that dance narratives are constitutive of the process of dance knowledge construction, that is, of understanding dance. It addresses more specifically the relation between... more
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      Dance StudiesNarrativeAnthropology Of DanceInterviews
The International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) is a bi-monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Software Engineering & Applications. The... more
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      Requirements EngineeringSoftware ArchitectureSoftware VerificationDependability
Eliciting accurate requirements for the development of clinical software is critically important as a slight error to the requirements could be harmful to patients and result in resistance to usage of the software. Although it is crucial... more
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      Requirements EngineeringSoftware Requirement EngineeringRequirements elicitationElicitation techniques
Being and Becoming: A Photographic Inquiry with Bahá’í men into Cultures of Peace is doctoral research that asks how Bahá’í men know, experience and perform their own masculinities as told through their stories and photographs. Within the... more
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      Self and IdentityPeace and Conflict StudiesBaha'i studiesIndigenous Research Methodologies
The second half of the 20th century was the dawn of information technology; and we now live in the digital age. Experimental studies of prosody develop at a fast pace, in the context of an "explosion of evidence" (Janet Pierrehumbert,... more
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      Experimental PhoneticsSpoken languageData acquisitionLinguistic Elicitation
Being and Becoming: A Photographic Inquiry with Bahá’í men into Cultures of Peace is doctoral research that asks how Bahá’í men know, experience and perform their own masculinities as told through their stories and photographs. Within the... more
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      Self and IdentityPeace and Conflict StudiesIndigenous Research MethodologiesGender Equality
Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman herba penghasil metabolit sekunder yang sering digunakan pada industri makanan karena kandungan senyawa fenoliknya cukup tinggi. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kandungan... more
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      BioengineeringMathematical ModellingMatlabPlant Secondary Metabolites
Boosting of plant immunity to improve its resistance to pathogens is a promising approach to increase crop capacity and reduce pesticide press on the environment. A typical scenario of such approach is based on the use of elicitors able... more
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      Plant ProtectionElicitation techniquesProtein Immobilization
There have been numerous requests for information about this topic. The techniques shared with the author on these principles derived from practices and methodologies successfully used by active-duty personnel security and law enforcement... more
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      PoliceIn-depth InterviewsPolice interviewingMotivational Interviewing
Requirement Elicitation is an important process in Requirement Engineering, an important stage in the early part of IT Project Management. In Requirement Elicitation the analyst would collect the client requirements which are then... more
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    • Elicitation techniques
In this article, we discuss the methodology of elicitation experiments designed by in order to elicitate non-contrastive narrow focus on subjects in Spanish. Taking into account recent semantic-pragmatic work concerning the interplay... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsInformation StructureWord orderSpanish Syntax
Background UK general practice faces a workforce crisis, with general practitioner (GP) shortages, organisational change, substantial pressures across the whole health-care system and an ageing population with increasingly complex health... more
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      Primary CareGeneral PracticeMixed MethodsDelphi Methodology
Technique selection is one of the frequent issues in the requirement elicitation process; this issue has a major impact on the final requirement report output. The inappropriate selection of the techniques could lead to improper... more
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      Machine LearningRequirements elicitationSelection techniquesElicitation techniques
This paper proposes a new approach for collecting lexical and grammatical data: one that meets the need to control the features to be elicited, while ensuring a fair level of idiomaticity. The method, called conversational questionnaires,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage DocumentationEndangered LanguagesLexicography
We describe a structured task for gathering enriched language data for descriptive, comparative, and documentary purposes, focusing on the domain of social cognition. The task involves collaborative narrative problem-solving and retelling... more
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      Social CognitionLanguage DocumentationFieldwork in linguisticsArchiving
Traditional data collection methods in dialectology and variationist sociolinguistics have difficulty in gathering sufficient quantities of data from a sufficient range of localities to map variation and study patterns of historical... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsDialectologyDialects of English
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      Spatial cognitionCognitive LinguisticsFieldwork in linguisticsSpatial Language
Human behaviour knowledge is an important requirement for implementing realistic evacuation models. Although much work has been done in this field of research there are no universally accepted quantitative methods. In this paper we... more
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      Serious GamesBehavioral Decision MakingWayfindingFire safety evacuation
In questo articolo si discutono alcune tecniche di elicitazione e se ne valuta l’adeguatezza per lo studio della variazione fonetica nei dialetti italiani. Le riflessioni teoriche sono ancorate all’analisi di uno specifico fenomeno... more
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      Spoken discourseDiphthongizationElicitation techniques
Terminologen har flera roller och i den här artikeln beskrivs, problematiseras och exemplifieras några av de mer psykologiskt orienterade: facilitatorn och elicitatorn och deras tillhörande processer facilitering och elicitering.... more
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      TerminologyConcept analysisConceptual analysisFacilitation
Purpose. In previous laboratory-based work, the Scharff technique has proved successful for gathering intelligence from human sources. However, little is known about whether the technique can be taught to practitioners, and whether... more
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      Training and DevelopmentInvestigative InterviewingElicitation techniques
Exceptions in safety-critical systems must be addressed during conceptual design and risk analysis. We developed a conceptual model of exceptions, a methodology for eliciting and modeling exceptions, and templates for modeling them in an... more
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      Computational BiologyConceptual ModellingBiomedical informaticsRisk assessment
Laboratorio de Fonética Universidad del País Vasco. 2015. Esta es una colección de 6 vídeos tutoriales que pueden ser empleados como material educativo en los cursos de fonética en el ámbito universitario. Tratan principalmente del cómo... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyPhoneticsDialectology
This paper presents an overview of the research that I have conducted as part of my PhD studies. The objective of this research is to describe and better understand how embodiment influences and augments an audience’s experience of data... more
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      Repertory GridsQualitative methodologyPhenomenologyTangible User Interfaces
The second half of the 20th century was the dawn of information technology; and we now live in the digital age. Experimental studies of prosody develop at a fast pace, in the context of an “explosion of evidence” (Janet Pierrehumbert,... more
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      Experimental PhoneticsSpoken languageData acquisitionLinguistic Elicitation
This paper describes how elicitation interview technique was used within a phenomenographic research design to explore physical education teachers' experiences of teaching games using a Game Based Approach (GBA). Participants taught in... more
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      Research MethodologyPhenomenography (Research Methodology)Physical Education and Sport PedagogyElicitation techniques
Eliciting Flexible Goals or "soft goals", which are quality criteria according to language for modelling i-star requirements at different levels of abstraction, is not a trivial task, but the elicitation is extremely necessary for the... more
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      Requirements EngineeringGoal-Oriented Requirements EngineeringElicitation techniques
Introduction to Terrorism was a exciting and informative presentation that provided unique perspectives on the insights and profiles of terrorism groups methodologies for recruitment, psychologies, strategies and assessments, The speaker... more
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      SociologyPsychologyTerrorismInternational Terrorism
This short note was prepared for Sanjit behavioural finance course. It summarises the most parametric and non-parametric methods used to elicit utility and probability weighting functions.
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      UtilityElicitation techniques
We describe a structured task for gathering enriched language data for descriptive, comparative, and documentary purposes, focusing on the domain of social cognition. The task involves collaborative narrative problem-solving and retelling... more
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      PsychologySocial CognitionLanguage DocumentationFieldwork in linguistics
Background UK general practice faces a workforce crisis, with general practitioner (GP) shortages, organisational change, substantial pressures across the whole health-care system and an ageing population with increasingly complex health... more
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      Primary CareGeneral PracticeMixed MethodsDelphi Methodology
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      Experimental PhoneticsSpoken languageData acquisitionLinguistic Elicitation