Electronic Voting
Recent papers in Electronic Voting
Electronic voting has been attracting the attention of governments and research groups with most work on the subject referring to the user requirements such a system should satisfy. For several cases, though, requirement identification... more
Voting in uncontrolled environment either by post or by the Internet is about to be made generally available in many countries. The main purpose is to increase participation at times when the voter turnout is generally decreasing.... more
In this panel, a group of practitioners and researchers in the area of online political organizing will present their own research in this area and discuss the relevance of online political organizing to the current political scene... more
The requirement for a collaborative effort to achieve a common set of security standards for use by entities that process, store or transport voter data. -More than 350,000 voting machines are used in the Unites States today in over 42... more
as modificaciones realizadas al proceso electoral de 2012 no parecen haber resuelto los problemas estructurales detectados en 2006 que derivaron en una baja participación de los mexicanos en el exterior y en la dispersión de esfuerzos... more
PËRMBLEDHJE Sipas raportit të Komisionit Qendror të Zgjedhjeve-KQZ në zgjedhjet e 12 dhjetorit 2010 në Kosovë ishin të regjistruar 1,630,636 qytetarë me të drejtë vote, të shpërndarë në 746 qendra votimi me gjithsej 2,280 vendvotime. E... more
This report is a review of research into the use of electronic voting systems to support lectures. This review, which was undertaken through funding from the Sub- Committee on Innovations in Learning, Teaching and Assessment, provides an... more
Dans ce travail, nous présentons un modèle de vote électronique sécurisé permettant de respecter sous la seule hypothèse de la fiabilité du système, la totalité des propriétés de sécurité existantes du vote électronique. La démarche de... more
Public opinion is the belief or thought of a group of people regarding a particular topic, especially on politics, religion, social issues, demographic diversity, etc. The opinion of the individual may be sensitive since it reflects the... more
Finger vein division is a significant issue in the unique mark acknowledgment framework. A finger vein picture must be sectioned to evacuate uninterested areas in different advances, for example, improvement and details identification... more
Papers submitted to this conference have been double-blind peer reviewed before final acceptance to the conference. Initially, abstracts were reviewed for relevance and accessibility and successful authors were invited to submit full... more
The State of Ohio commissioned the EVEREST study in late summer of 2007. The study participants were charged with an analysis of the usability, stability, and security of all voting systems used in Ohio elections. This paper details the... more
This paper presents an analysis of the requirements specification in electronic voting systems. In particular, it poses a specification that assumes a physical distributed architecture model with two networked intelligent units (Voting... more
El presente artículo está realizado en el marco del proyecto r+d del Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación, con el código der 2010-16741.
Evidences have shown that it is only the electronic voting system that can deliver credible, fraud free elections in Nigeria. The delay in the implementation of this platform in Nigeria has nothing to do with the electorates with previous... more
Being a poster child of digital state, Estonia is a truly right place to find answers to the question on how it should be done first when it comes to achieving a real progress in modernizing governance through the use of information and... more
In this technological and knowledge age, e-commerce related matters become popular. Electronic voting is one of these matters and it is able to provide convenient, less expensive, fast and secure facilities. Important basic properties of... more
ISSN 1861-4280 international reports on socio-informatics volume 5 issue 1
The term "Electronic Voting (e-voting)" refers to the use of computers or computerized equipment to cast votes in an election. e-voting aims at increasing participation, lowering the costs of running elections and improving the accuracy... more
A blockchain is a distributed, digitized and consensus-based secure information storage mechanism. The present article provides an overview of blockchain based e-voting systems. The primary purpose of this review is to study the... more
Hasty introduction of electronic voting machines and online voting to overseas Pakistani in upcoming general elections in Pakistan may lead to constitutional crisis.
Сборник конкурсных работ в области избирательного права и избирательного процесса выполненных студентами, аспирантами в 2010/2011 учебном году. М.: РЦОИТ. 2011.
This paper presents an analysis of the requirements specification in electronic voting systems. In particular, it poses a specification that assumes a physical distributed architecture model with two networked intelligent units (Voting... more
... This architectural model is general enough to be used in the design of a number of e-learning systems. As Kennedy and Cutts [9] point out an important com-ponent to be provided with an EVS used in the context of education is one that... more
This project deals with the design and development of a Biometric Electronic Voting System. The suggested fingerprint voting system allows the user to scan his fingerprint, in order to check his eligibility by comparing his current... more
Menerbitkan buku dalam rangka ulang tahun tidak harus menunggu usia senja. Apalagi menanti gelar paripurna “Guru Besar”. Bagi saya, siapapun layak untuk menerbitkan buku saat menyambut hari kelahirannya. Itu jauh lebih baik dari pada... more
Several records of violence during student body elections in higher institutions of learning can be found dating back to the 1988 Abu crisis. The causal factors are multifaceted, involving both internal factors within the institution and... more
This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources.
A deepening political crisis in Europe is accompanied by increasing civil discontent which directly translates into decreasing trust in political systems and political outcomes deficit of legitimacy. It is already contributing to the... more
Electronic voting (e-voting) has been attracting the attention of governments around the world. Many countries have pursued implementing e-voting systems in their national elections. This article presents a case study of an e-voting... more
RESUMEN: Durante el puntofijismo, periodo entre 1959 y 2008 cuando en el sistema político venezolano fue hegemónico el bipartidismo, la administración electoral respondía a los intereses de los partidos políticos y se cernían dudas... more
Ethereum is an open-source, public, block chain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality. In this paper, we proposed an Ethereum based electronic voting (e-voting) protocol,... more