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The calculation of vibrational properties of materials from their electronic structure is an important goal for materials modeling. A wide variety of physical properties of materials depend on their lattice-dynamical behavior: specific... more
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      Raman SpectroscopyVibrational SpectroscopyDensity-functional theoryInelastic Neutron Scattering
Materials with the olivine LixMPO4 structure form an important new class of materials for rechargeable Li batteries. There is significant interest in their electronic properties because of the importance of electronic conductivity in... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsBand GapElectronic properties
Using Hartree-Fock, B3LYP and MP2 treatments, the optimal geometries and corresponding electronic structures of tetrahedral [Pb 4 (m 3 -OH) 4 ] 4C , [Pb 4 O(m 3 -OH) 4 ] 2C , [Pb 4 (m 2 -OH) 6 ] 2C and [Pb 4 O(m 2 -OH) 4 ] complexes are... more
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      Electronic StructureHartree fock methodMolecular Structure
Gold nanoparticles protected by a binary mixture of thiolate molecules have a ligand shell that can spontaneously separate into nanoscale domains. Complex morphologies arise in such ligand shells, including striped, patchy, and Janus... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsQuantum Physics
For Abstract see ChemInform Abstract in Full Text.
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      Ab initio calculationsCopperTheElectronic Structure
The excitation spectra for various impurity emissions have been measured in MgO:Al, MgO:OH, MgO:Cr crystals and MgO:F, MgO:LiF ceramics at 8 K using synchrotron radiation of 5±32 eV. Processes of radiative recombination at the impurity... more
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      GeochemistryMaterials ScienceSynchrotron RadiationElectronic Structure
Photoemission spectra taken at room temperature with high energy and angle resolution on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystals reveal a band near EF with weak dispersion along lambdaX. It crosses EF at about 1/2 lambdaX and the occupied part... more
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      Materials EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsElectronic Structure
It was previously shown that the addition of 1 equiv of a strong acid to [Mn IV (salpn)(µ-O)] 2 , 1, generates the oxo/hydroxo complex [{Mn IV (salpn)} 2 (µ-O,µ-OH)](CF 3 SO 3), 2, which emphasized the basicity of the µ 2-O 2units in the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInorganic ChemistryInorganicElectronic Structure
Ab inifio calculations are used to provide bond lengths, harmonic frequencies, and dissociation energies of low-lying electronic states for LiX, LiX+, and LiX-(with X = Li through F and Na through Cl). Most of these species represent... more
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      EngineeringChemical PhysicsMagnesiumSolid State electronic devices
Due to their bandgap engineering capabilities for optoelectronics applications, the study of nano-graphene has been a topic of interest to researchers in recent years. Using a first-principles study based on density functional theory... more
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      Density-functional theoryTime-dependent density functional theoryOptical PropertiesElectronic Structure
Density Functional calculations have proven to be a powerful tool to study the ground state of many materials. For finite temperatures the situation is less ideal and one is often forced to rely on models with parameters either fitted to... more
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      ThermodynamicsMonte CarloParallel ProcessingDensity-functional theory
The synthesis and characterization of a series of new olefin-substituted closo-1,12-[C 2 B 10 H 12 ] compounds is described. The reaction of deprotonated closo-1,12-dicarbadodecaborane with 7-methoxycycloheptatriene yields the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInorganic ChemistryOrganic ChemistryNonlinear Optics
The de Haas-van Alphen effect was observed in the underdoped cuprate YBa2Cu3O6.5 via a torque technique in pulsed magnetic fields up to 59 T. Above a field of approximately 30 T the magnetization exhibits clear quantum oscillations with a... more
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      Magnetic fieldBand StructurePhysical sciencesSuperconductors
A model is proposed to study the electronic structure of slightly curved graphene sheets with an arbitrary number of pentagon-heptagon pairs and Stone-Wales defects based on a cosmological analogy. The disorder induced by curvature... more
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      Transmission Electron MicroscopyMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesEPL
State-resolved two-pulse correlation measurement is useful to study the time scale and mechanism of photo-induced desorption as well as electronic structures of admolecules before desorption. In photodesorption of nitric oxide molecules... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSurface ScienceTime-Delay Systems
Research on amorphous carbon (a-C) to date has focused on the distinction between the sp 2 and sp 3 phases and understanding the properties on the basis of the sp 2 -C bonded component. Recently, sufficient information on the sp 2 -bonded... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyTransport PropertiesPhysical sciences
A theoretical study based on the density functional theory of the adsorption of Mn monomers and dimers on a Au-(111) surface is presented. As necessary preliminary steps, the bulk and clean surface electronic structure are calculated,... more
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      Physical sciencesElectronic StructureCHEMICAL SCIENCESAb Initio Calculation
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      EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryInorganic ChemistryTime-dependent density functional theory
We use a combination of first principles many-body methods and the numerical renormalizationgroup technique to study the Kondo regime of cobalt-porphyrin compounds adsorbed on a Cu surface. We find the Kondo temperature to be highly... more
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      Kondo effectMolecular ElectronicsPhysical sciencesLow Energy Buildngs
The V K-edge spectrum of a V-bearing grossular garnet (tsavorite) single crystal has been measured by high-energy resolution fluorescence detected X-ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XAS). Firstprinciples calculations based on the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryX ray absorption spectroscopyAmerican
The electronic structures of HgO and Tl 2 O 3 have been investigated by valence and core-level x-ray photoemission, x-ray absorption, and x-ray emission spectroscopies. Valence-band photoemission under Al K␣ excitation is dominated by the... more
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      Band StructureElectronic StructureSpectrumPhotoemission
We study the dependence of magnetic interactions and Curie temperature in Ni (1+x) MnSb system on the Ni concentration within the framework of the density-functional theory. The calculation of the exchange parameters is based on the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsElectronic StructureCurie temperature
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsElectronicsEnergy
Recently, we reported a four-coordinate titanium complex containing a terminal phosphinidene functionality. 1b Ti-phosphinidenes are expected to be unstable, because of the hard-soft contrast among these elements. The recent isolation of... more
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      TheElectronic StructureCHEMICAL SCIENCESSecond Order
rxn cr and KKR cPA calculations are performed for the pseudobinary alloy system Ti(Fe,Co1_,), including the pure binary phases. The results indicate that, in accordance wüh "ipe.imental findings, the magnetic behaviour of the pseudobinary... more
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      Electronic StructureCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We present symmetry-breaking and electronic-structure phase diagrams for two-center molecules with one and two electrons in the limit of a space of large dimensions. For one electron, the phase diagram in the internuclear distance ±... more
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      Phase transitionFirst-Order LogicElectronic StructureSymmetry Breaking
The electronic structure of nitrogen introduced into various carbon-based cathode catalysts for the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The profile of * peaks at the pre-edge of... more
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      EngineeringX ray absorption spectroscopyDopingActivated Carbon
X-ray absorption near edge stru ture spectroscopy has been used to establish the chemical shifts of the technetium K edge in a range of compound \ containing Tc in a variety of formal oxidation states. The edge positions span 19.9 eV from... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInorganic ChemistryX ray absorption spectroscopyInorganic
The newly developed full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) and local orbitals (lo) based on standard APW methods are briefly introduced, and the structure and magnetic properties of R(Fe, Si)12 compounds (R = Y, Nd) are... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesMagnetic PropertiesElectronic Structure
The polarized Cu K-edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) of La2CuO4 has been interpreted by the multiple scattering approach. The size of the cluster of neighbouring atoms having good agreement with the XANES experimental data... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsOrbital Angular Momentum of LightElectronic Structure
We investigate the electronic structure of carbon nanotubes functionalized by adsorbates anchored with single C-C covalent bonds. We find that, despite the particular adsorbate, a spin moment with a universal value of 1.0 $\mu_B$ per... more
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      EngineeringCarbon NanotubeSingle moleculePhysical sciences
Absorption due to conduction intersubband transitions is studied in n-type s-Si/SiGe multiquantum wells ͑MQW͒ of different well widths and barrier composition grown by UHV-chemical vapor deposition ͑CVD͒. The measured intersubband... more
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      Physical sciencesTerahertzElectronic StructureCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We report UPS, work-function and LEED results on the interfacial reaction between evaporated Ta and Si(111)(7• surface under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. At room temperature, a disordered chemisorbed phase is formed at low coverage, 0 _<... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSurface ScienceActivation Energy
An unexpected feature common to 2H transition metal dichalcogenides (2H TMDs) is revealed with a first-principles Wannier function analysis of the electronic structure of the prototype 2H TaSe 2 : The lowenergy Ta ''5d z 2 '' bands... more
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      Functional AnalysisTransition-Metal OxidesBand StructurePhysical sciences
Electronic structure calculations of cubic SrTiO3 and SrHfO3 are presented. The full-potential linear augmented-plane-wave method is used and exchange-correlation effects are treated by the local-density approximation. The tendency to... more
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      PerovskitesFerroelectricElectronic StructurePerturbed Angular Correlation
In the framework of density functional theory (DFT), the structural and magnetic properties of FeN mono nitride have been investigated using the all electrons augmented spherical wave method (ASW) with a generalized gradient GGA... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceDensity-functional theoryStructural Stability
The radical cation P840" was studied in frozen suspensions of Chlorobium limicolu f. sp. thiosulphatophilum membranes using ENDOR and Special TRIPLE spectroscopies. The spectra show that P840" arises from a bacteriochlorophyll a 'special'... more
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      BacteriaElectron TransportElectronic StructureCations
Symmetry based calculations of the polarized optical absorption in single-wall MoS 2 and WS 2 nanotubes are presented. Optical conductivity tensor for the individual tubes, using line group symmetry and densityfunctional tight binding... more
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      Density-functional theorySolid State electronic devicesPhysical sciencesElectronic properties
The synthesis, X-ray structure, magnetic and transport properties of the compound Ni(dmf) [Ni(dsit) 2 ] 2 (dmf=dimethylformamide, dsit=1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-diselenolate) are described. This compound crystallizes in the monoclinic... more
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      Inorganic ChemistrySolid State ChemistryCrystal structureBand Structure
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      Computational ChemistryAb initio calculationsElectronic StructureTHEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY
The crystal chemistry of Ni-and Co-bearing manganese oxides (lithiophorite and asbolane) has been investigated by X-ray Absorption Spectroscow (XAS). The Mu oxides come from tbe lateritic weathering profiles of the ultrabasites of New... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryX ray absorption spectroscopyNew Caledonia
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      Inorganic ChemistryMagnetic PropertiesElectronic StructureTemperature Dependence
Copper sulfide (Cu2-xS) is a class of low-cost, environment friendly p-type semiconductor, where electronic structure and the thus induced optoelectronic properties can be significantly varied through the creation of copper deficiency. To... more
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      Band StructureElectronic StructureCopper sulfideCopper Deficiency
Crystal structures of three derivatives of phenylpropionic acid, 2, 3 and 4 with hydroxyl, methyl and methoxy substitutions at the 2, 4 positions have been determined from X-ray powder diffraction data and their electronic structures were... more
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      TechnologyKineticsQuantum MechanicsChemical
The electronic ground states of [n]cyclacenes, as well as short-zigzag nanotubes, computed at unrestricted broken spin-symmetry density functional theory (UBS-DFT), were found to be open-shell singlets, rather than triplets. Computations... more
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      Density-functional theoryOrganicElectronic StructureCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Ag(C0)3 has been prepared by the reaction of carbon monoxide with silver atoms in a rotating cryostat at 77 K and its isotropic e s r . spectrum observed; in the case of 107Ag(W0)3 in adamantane it consists of a doublet of quartets
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      Electronic StructureSpectrum
Analysis of the relationships between TM-C and CtO distances of the more than 20 000 structures reported to the CSD has revealed new experimentally derived insights into the bonding in these systems. The databases of structures were... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryOrganic ChemistryOrganometallicsElectronic Structure
We present results of the band structure and density of states for the chalcopyrite compounds CuAlX 2 (X = S, Se, Te) using the state-of-the-art full potential linear augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. Our calculations show that these... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsBand StructureBand Gap
PACS 71. 71.15.Mb, 71.20.Nr, This paper reviews the present status of recently developed ab-initio as well as semiempirical electronic structure methods that are particularly suited for semiconductors and mesoscopic semiconductor... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsElectronic Structure