Electronic Procurement
Recent papers in Electronic Procurement
With the current emerging development pattern in Malaysia, E-Government has been unveiled by the Malaysian Government to be one of the multimedia super corridor flagship applications to implement digital technology to improve government... more
This paper aims to contribute to the development of a conceptual model for studying the direct and indirect impact of various forms of electronic procurement (EP) on a firm's integral purchasing (-related) costs. The model builds on... more
Emerging information and communication technology is driving change in the digital economy. Speed, competition and globalization are key factors for development and growth in the re-engineered global business environment where electronic... more
E-procurement is constantly receiving lot of attention from industries, and government agencies. Analysts believe that utilization of e-procurement can lead to enormous cost saving and efficiency in procurement process. Though,... more
Social Media (SM), in recent years, is emerging as a common platform for low cost information exchange, and has attracted a critical mass of users both at corporate and retail levels. Theoretically, SM can thus be used as a tool to... more
Emerging technologies such as electronic procurement have rapidly become common practice in recent years. With the advent of internet technologies and open innovations, the traditional procurement system is transformed into an electronic... more
The current business environment has become competitive and challenging, thus, requiring that companies seek innovative approaches to increase efficiency and improve performance. The advancement in technology has provided the needed... more
This paper presents a case study of Malaysia's e-procurement initiative. This initiative is locally known as e-Perolehan. The case reports among others, the vision of the Malaysian government in the light of embarking on e-procurement,... more
Social Media (SM), in recent years, is emerging as a common platform for low cost information exchange, and has attracted a critical mass of users both at corporate and retail levels. Theoretically, SM can thus be used as a tool to... more
PhD Fellow) is a PhD student in project planning and management besides being a part time lecturer in a number of universities in Kenya. He is a freelance researcher and runs a research firm in Kenya. He can be reached at any time for... more
Electronic procurement is frequently defined as the sourcing of goods or services via electronic means, usually through the internet. The e-procurement technology is being adopted world-wide due to its convenience and capability to carry... more
The advent of the Internet as a business systems platform has been a catalyst for major changes in the operation and status of organizational procurement. Early e-procurement literature forecast significant improvements in procurement... more
The outcome of public procurement reforms being carried out in most developing countries is negligible and has not provided significant support for good governance in the procurement sector despite having sound objectives with the... more
Purpose: Consequently, the purpose of this review paper is to trace the historical and conceptual evolution of CSR. Design: Literature review Findings: Company must respond to meet demand in order to be more reputable and remain... more
Business information systems : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / Information Resources Management Association, editor.
Designing Organizational, Technology and Competences, How Technology Influence Design Organizational, Study Case E-Procurement at Ciamis District.
Social Media (SM), in recent years, is emerging as a common platform for low cost information exchange, and has attracted a critical mass of users both at corporate and retail levels. Theoretically, SM can thus be used as a tool to... more
- by Mahbubur Rahim
- Electronic Procurement, E-procurement implementation challenges, Contract Law - Commercial, Partnership, Procurement/Purchase, Sales, PSA, SPA, O & M, IPR, Licence, PPP, EPC, Investment/Share Purchase/PE Agreement, Property, Construction, Employment, NDA, Non-compete Agreement, Social Networking & Social Media
Public Electronic Procurement provides a new means of communication between contracting authorities and economic operators, as well as being one of the most important areas in the development in the Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce... more
E-procurement systems, which represent a core e-supply chain initiative, revolutionise the procurement function of organisations and promise many benefits. However, realisation of benefits is not always guaranteed. Existing e-procurement... more
Social Media (SM), in recent years, is emerging as a common platform for low cost information exchange, and has attracted a critical mass of users both at corporate and retail levels. Theoretically, SM can thus be used as a tool to... more
With the current emerging development pattern in Malaysia, E-Government has been unveiled by the Malaysian Government to be one of the multimedia super corridor flagship applications to implement digital technology to improve government... more
This article describes the recent changes in the area of sourcing and spend management and it is in line with current calls for more efficient ways to source raw materials and (semi-) finished products and to compare prices of different... more
The outcome of public procurement reforms being carried out in most developing countries is negligible and has not provided significant support for good governance in the procurement sector despite having sound objectives with the... more
With the current emerging development pattern in Malaysia, E-Government has been unveiled by the Malaysian Government to be one of the multimedia super corridor flagship applications to implement digital technology to improve government... more
Unlike the private sector for which the adoption of e-procurement systems has widely been discussed, little is known about the motivations behind government agencies' introduction of e-procurement systems and the challenges they encounter... more
Emerging information and communication technology is driving transformation and change in the cyberspace. Speed, competition and globalization are key factors for development and growth in the reengineered global business environment... more
This study explored how electronic procurement and performance of organizations is related. Electronic Procurement is very vital in achievement of organizations objectives. Electronic procurement involves more than online transactions.... more
Acceptance of e-procurement systems by employees working in the local government sector is important to ensure improved organisational effectiveness for city and rural councils alike. Although a rich body of literature exists regarding... more
This article describes a recent trend in the area of sourcing and spend management which is in line with current calls for ways to source raw materials and (semi-) finished products more efficiently. It also covers a new approach to... more
This series is produced by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Family (HNP) of the World Bank's Human Development Network (HDN). The papers in this series aim to provide a vehicle for publishing preliminary and unpolished results on HNP... more
In recent years, government organisations are expressing a growing interest in the uptake of eProcurement systems in order to achieve many of the benefits that their counterparts in the private sector have reported. These systems... more
In recent years, the topic of electronic public procurement has been in the centre of attention, mostly in the light of the duty to transfer to fully electronic procurement procedures introduced under the 2014 public procurement... more
Emerging technologies such as electronic procurement have rapidly become common practice in recent years. With the advent of internet technologies and open innovations, the traditional procurement system is transformed into an electronic... more
This study investigated the perception of electronic procurement (eprocurement) system and rate of adoption in the federal public hospitals in Edo State of Nigeria. The rate of adoption is premised on Rogers' diffusion of innovations... more
Public e-procurement is the use of electronic means for publishing, processing, exchanging and storing all the information related to institutional purchases in public organisations. It requires complex technological tools, which must... more
This article aims to illustrate the resistance to change from the buyers' side that is related to the application of electronic reverse auction (ERA) in organisations. Our article focuses on the relation between the tool and the buyers.... more
Public e-procurement is the use of electronic means for publishing, processing, exchanging and storing all the information related to institutional purchases in public organisations. It requires complex technological tools, which must... more
During the last decade, electronic procurement has acquired a great number of supporters. Internet-based procurement applications have significantly improved the overall supply chain operation. There is a lot of research regarding the... more
Social Media (SM), in recent years, is emerging as a common platform for low cost information exchange, and has attracted a critical mass of users both at corporate and retail levels. Theoretically, SM can thus be used as a tool to... more
Electronic Procurement (electronic auctions) aims to cut thechain ofbureaucracyandmake public sectorspendingmoreeffectiveandefficient. Thisarticlediscusses theimplementation process of E-Procurement in four regenciesineastern Java:... more
Purchasing managers have to make comprehensible selections among hundreds of alternatives considering several dozens of criteria. Selection problems like this are challenging, because they require the balancing of multiple, often... more