Electronic Medical Records
Recent papers in Electronic Medical Records
The implications of intergovernmental agencies may forever change the way in which governments provide common services within a federated Australia. As governments seek to reduce duplication and inconsistencies across state and territory... more
Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality. In Japan, annual physical exams are mandatory in workplace settings, and most healthcare settings have electronic medical records (EMRs). However, in... more
INTRODUCTION The promise of the electronic medical records lies in its ability to reduce the costs of health care delivery and improve the overall quality of care through more efficient management of patients’ records and reduction of... more
Artificial intelligence, blockchain and other potentially disruptive technologies form the crucial innovation, structural and institutional foundation for not only economic development, but also moral development and practical ethics. The... more
When most patients visit physicians in a clinic or a hospital, they are asked about their medical history and related medical tests’ results which might not exist or might simply have been lost over time. In emergency situations, many... more
Being a knowledge driven process, healthcare delivery provides opportunity to incorporate knowledge management practices to improve processes. But it has also been noted that knowledge management is systematically more complex in... more
Uji Kualitas Jasa Pelayanan Kesehatan RS. Lavalette Malang mengikuti Kajian Teori Parasuraman dkk / Test Quality of Health Care Services Hospital. Lavalette Malang follow Theory Study of Parasuraman and friends
Cloud Computing provides us a means by which we can access the applications as utilities, over the Internet. It allows us to create, configure, and customize applications online.
Electronic Medical Record (Emr) Systems Are Bei ng Implemented Increasingly Worldwide. Saudi Arabia Is One Of Developing Countries That Commenced Implementing Such Systems In 1988. Whilst Emr Uptake Has Been Low In Saudi Arabia Until Now,... more
The document and records management is one of the expanding disciplines and organisational functions in the area of information management. Since we live in digital era, where information is more and more available in electronic form, it... more
The key principles of corporate governance include transparency, accountability and risk management. Successful implementation of these principles in public organisations is dependent on the availability of information. In Kenya today... more
Di era globalisasi, banyak masyarakat yang mengerti tentang hak dan kewajiban sebagai masyarakat pengguna pelayanan publik. Tuntutan masyarakat akan pelayanan publik semakin tinggi. Salah satu pelayanan publik dalam bidang kesehatan... more
En este artículo analizamos algunas cuestiones de la historia clínica cuando se enfoca al ámbito de la salud mental. En primer lugar, definimos qué es, qué contenido ha de tener y cómo estructurarla. En segundo término, exponemos algunos... more
An EDRMS acronym stands for electronic document and records management system, and is a software application that manages digital information, merging both document management and records management functionality. The main attention of... more
makalah antihipertensi lengkap, simple dan jelas
Sistemas de información en salud, Registros médicos electrónicos, Estándares para la interoperabilidad, Tendencias Legales sobre uso de TIC en el área de la salud, Telemedicina.
1. Indentifikasi dan jelaskan masalah dalam kasus ini! EMR (Electronic Medical Record) menjadi solusi bagi permasalahan dalam bidang perawatan kesehatan. Melihat banyaknya data tertulis di kertas/dokumen yang berisi rekaman medis pesien... more
Surveilans Epidemologi ( SE ) Kesehatan Matra
lengkap, padat, dan konseptis
lengkap, padat, dan konseptis
“Electronic Medical Record (EMR): an electronic sistem automate paper-base medisal record”. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) atau sering dikenal Rekam medis elektronik, merupakan catatan medis pasien dalam format elektronik tentang... more
Clinical decisions are crucial because they are related to human lives. Thus, managers and decision makers in the clinical environment seek new solutions that can support their decisions. A clinical data warehouse (CDW) is an important... more
This capstone action research study focused on nine electronic medical records (EMR) trainers and subject matter experts with no training in instructional design and e-learning tools as e-learning training developers. The research... more
The adoption of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in healthcare organizations has numerous benefits to physicians, patients, and healthcare services. However, unresolved security and privacy concerns pertaining to patient information cause... more
The best medical care can be assessed not only from the quality of service that is delivered by a hospital and professionally trained doctors and nurses but also from good records management practices. When the healthcare industry started... more
El uso de sistemas informáticos en el área clínica permite que los profesionales de la salud manejen mayor cantidad y variedad de información de forma efectiva y eficiente, aumentando su capacidad de resolución de problemas de salud y la... more
Background We aimed to determine availability of core Hospital Information Systems (HIS) functions implemented in Turkish hospitals and the perceived importance of these functions on quality and patient safety. Methods We surveyed... more
""The existing literature in relation to electronic personal health records (PHRs) has typically focused on the discussion of several key issues—namely, their design, functional evaluation, privacy, security and architecture. The... more
When most patients visit physicians in a clinic or a hospital, they are asked about their medical history and related medical tests' results which might not exist or might simply have been lost over time. In emergency situations, many... more
Electronic-Prescribing, Computerized Prescribing, or E-RX has increased dramatically of late in the American health care system, a long overdue alternative to the written form for the almost five billion drug treatments annually. This... more
Objectives: To select best medical informatics research works published in 2013 on electronic health record (EHR) adoption, design, and impact, from the perspective of human factors and organizational issues (HFOI). Methods: We selected... more
Development of information and communication technology (ICT) has made it possible to use electronic medical records (EMR) for more than record keeping but also to enable the storage, collection, sharing, and management of EMR among... more
Taking the Blood Pressure (BP) with a traditional sphygmomanometer requires a trained user. In developed countries, patients who need to monitor their BP at home usually acquire an electronic BP device with an automatic inflate/deflate... more
Drawing upon a three and a half year long research project, this dissertation examines the adaptation process of an electronic medical record (EMR) in a primary healthcare setting, with emphasis on methodological reflections on doing... more
Patient information recorded in electronic medical records is the most significant set of information of the healthcare system. It assists healthcare providers to introduce high quality care for patients. The aim of this study identifies... more
Rumah Sakit Paru jember merupakan salah satu rumah sakit yang menerapkan billing system untuk membantu dalam proses pembiayaan pasien rawat inap. Penilaian teknologi diperlukan untuk menilai seberapa besarkah kontribusi teknologi... more
Healthcare Information Systems are a big business. Currently there is an explosion of EHR/EMR products available on the market, and the best tools are really expensive. Many developing countries and healthcare providers cannot access such... more
This research focuses on the modern HMIS' ability to improve the operational efficiency of health-care facilities, generation, and use of medical data for the benefit of its citizens and stakeholders, electronic record-keeping, and the... more
Medical record is an important data. paper based medical record has many weakness although it has been used for a long time. Paper based medical records has data integrity, data accuracy, information timelines and relevance. Mobile... more
FEMI is a federation of 23 private not-for-profit providers across Uruguay. It covers approximately 700 thousand people and owns a tertiary center in Montevideo. Pressure from ongoing national changes in health funding and regulation have... more
Purpose: The purpose of this research is three-fold. The first purpose is to establish a practical ideal model of Electronic Health Records (E.H.Rs) used in hospitals by reviewing relevant scholarly literature. The second purpose is to... more
K Albuquerque, Alexis Andrew Miller, J Roeske The quality of any medical treatment depends upon the accurate processing of multiple complex components of information with proper delivery to the right patient. This is true for radiation... more