Electronic Literature
Recent papers in Electronic Literature
This book of electronic literature (e-lit) brings together pioneering and emerging women whose work has earned international impact and scholarly recognition. It extends a historical critical overview of the state of the field from the... more
This paper explores the artistic legacy of Stéphane Mallarmé’s 1897 poem “Un Coup de Dés Jamais N’Abolirà le Hasard” through a selection of derivative works, in order to demonstrate how the poem can be interpreted in digital environments... more
The history of video is presented as a continuous process of analysis and metamorphosis. Since 1960s, with various artists such as Nan June Paik or Wolf Vostell, as well as some theoreticians like Marshall McLuhan or Gene Youngblood in... more
This is a work-in-progress report from an exploration of the intersection between the fairly conventional digital humanities method of creating a database-specifically, the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base (http://elmcip.... more
Published in Dacoromania Litteraria, no. 3, 2016: 10-44 http://www.dacoromanialitteraria.inst-puscariu.ro/ro/nr3.php The article examines the concept of contemporary community as commoning, at the intersection of action, performance or... more
The introductory material of the monograph, The Baroque Technotext: Literature in a Digital Mediascape, appears here. The book is available for purchase at https://www.intellectbooks.com/the-baroque-technotext
What is “technology”? Why do we need to study it? How is it related to and involved with a wide-range of socio-cultural and political issues? Technology: A Reader for Writers gives students the opportunity to explore, learn, and write... more
Social media plays a progressively central role in how information and culture are experienced. Readers and cultural consumers increasingly expect to participate in a meaningful way in the works they read and interact with. Arguably, one... more
This chapter considers how one may use Genette's concepts of paratext and hypertext within transmedia narratives and born-digital texts and explores how Web publication problematizes standard ideas of authorship and copyright. This... more
This article studies the digital poetry work POETuitéame by Mexican authors Karen Villeda and Denise Audirac using the theories of conceptual art and non-creative writings by Kenneth Goldsmith, as well as the concepts of appropriation and... more
. Česká literatura a nová média. Praha: Academia. ISBN: 978-80-200-2578-4 Počet stran: 296 Česká literatura a nová média, loni publikovaná monografie Karla Pioreckého, je potřebným a vítaným počinem, který materiálně zakotvuje diskuzi o... more
Anfang 2018 bei Suhrkamp veröffentlicht, versammelt Hannes Bajohrs Lyrikband Halbzeug eine Vielzahl von Gedichten unterschiedlichster, digitaler Genese: ein Hochgeschwindigkeitsrauschen aneinandergereihter Karriereratgeberfloskeln stehen... more
This study asks: what counts as writing in a Web 2.0 environment? How do the vocabularies, functionalities, and organizing structures of Web 2.0 environments impact our understanding of what writing is in these spaces and how that writing... more
The Library of Nonhuman Books centres around a custom-made reading-machine which uses machine-learning to abridge and ‘artificially illuminate’ physical books through a combination of algorithmic interpretation and digital palimpsest.... more
Contextualizing the (then) anonymous online serial work Petscop through comparisons to creepypastas within a hauntological framework.
El artículo analiza la literatura española contemporánea más actual e innovadora prestando especial atención a los recursos estéticos del diario personal empleados por autores asociados a los paradigmas del mundo impreso y al del mundo... more
Literary studies perfectly inclined to, and capable of determining the significance of the choice of genre, form, or narrative in any kind of work of fiction. The author's "technical" choices to bring the story to perfection basically... more
Sagen, hören, lesen Über digitale Literatur »0x0a« sagen »0x0a« ist das Steuerzeichen, das in einer Textdatei für einen Zeilenumbruch sorgt. Wie man früher auf der Schreibmaschine den Arm für den Wagenrücklauf umlegte, so setzt »0x0a« den... more
In 2013 I started my PhD journey with a simple and provocative question: can a computer write poetry? Initially, I thought that exploring an answer to this question would lead me towards the bleeding edge of artificial intelligence... more
This study deals with the transformation that Czech literature and literary culture have undergone as new media and communications technologies (particularly the internet) have come onto the scene and proliferated since the latter half of... more
Finding the poetry in programming and the algorithms in poetry
"This essay, authored in 2001 as a final undergraduate thesis, deals with the changes in narrative (storytelling) due to the proliferation of digital technologies. Since this book was written a decade ago, it still focuses on CD-Roms... more
This essay collection examines the current status of the interaction between literary studies and the philosophy of literature, articulates its potentialities and difficulties, and implements a genuine dialogue between the two fields by... more
This study belongs to the field of literary education that focuses primarily on the analysis of children’s and YA literature, in this case digital, and its formative effects on the developing reader it is intended for. The main objective... more
This short piece argues that instapoetry, a form which has been much debated in recent years, has offered a space for minority voices to be heard, and that, as a form, it was born precisely out of the lack of publishing opportunities for... more
In this chapter, burrough considers how remix has always been part of her creative practice with emerging technologies. The author reflects on how, in her work, remix functions as a method that includes appropriation, juxtaposition, and... more
Who Unfolded My Origami Brain? is a collection of 99 fragments, aphorisms, and typographic poems. By turns gnomic, rhetorically playful, lyric, and apocalyptic, these distilled and minimalist texts were painstakingly typeset and printed... more
La literatura es una forma de expresión artística que manifiesta ostensiblemente los cambios experimentados por la cultura en una larga tradición de siglos. Ya Aristóteles significó la particular capacidad de la Poesía para “mover” el... more
Esta tesis se busca explorar el desarrollo de la literatura digital escrita en Colombia o por colombianos desde 1990 hasta el 2012. La literatura digital es un fenómeno literario reciente cuyo desarrollo se relaciona estrechamente con la... more
The paper presents and critically surveys the main methods involved in electronic literature research. After a general outline, the three most widespread and analysed methods in the discourse of electronic literature are discussed:... more
Which kind of readers are we going to find with children’s electronic literature? Are “strong” and “weak readers” useful tags any longer? Are this digital reading skills and literary behaviors equal to those required in analogic texts?... more
Sonderband Text+Kritik "Digitale Literatur II", hg. Hannes Bajohr und Annette Gilbert
What makes electronic literature interesting for researchers? Beyond its artistic and literary value, we can point out its heuristic value. Indeed electronic literature not only permits previous media to be reexamined (paper for... more
El desarrollo y la madurez del periodismo digital dependen cada vez más del uso intensivo y holístico de los recursos propios del medio: el multimedia, la hipertextualidad y la interactividad, principalmente. A tal efecto hemos analizado... more
The paper introduces a method for teaching and reflection of the creative writing with the use of new media and digital technologies. The method should lead to a more attractive educational process for a broad range of students. Thanks... more
The opposition between narrative agency-the ability for readers and players to make meaningful choices-and narrative immersion has been an ongoing conflict in the world of interactive storytelling. Some forms, such as games, have been... more
Ainda carecendo de uma discussão mais sistematizada, as temáticas que são abordados nos textos que compõem a coletânea buscam exatamente refletir sobre as contemporâneas formas da obra de arte literária e a sua hibridização com outros... more
En el presente artículo se ofrece un acercamiento a varias de las principales manifestaciones ciberliterarias que han florecido en Iberoamérica en los últimos cuarenta años (1976-2016). Se comienza con una aproximación preliminar al... more
This dissertation will analyse various types of interactive narratives, with a particular focus on digital storytelling and its potential to enhance the fiction market. It will use a wide range of examples to illustrate points, supported... more
This paper offers a perspective on the Internet and literature interface, with a special focus on the issue of intertextuality, in an attempt to delimit those issues specific to networked literature, as against digital or hypertextual... more