The total cross-sections for the single electron-impact ionization of pyrimidine (C 4 H 4 N 2), 2-chloropyrimidine (2-C 4 H 3 ClN 2), 5-chloropyrimidine (5-C 4 H 3 ClN 2), 2bromopyrimidine (2-C 4 H 3 BrN 2) and 5-bromopyrimidine (5-C 4 H... more
Abstract. The resonant states of HeH are computed by combining structure calculations at a full configuration interaction level with electron scattering calculations carried out using the Complex-Kohn variational method. We obtain the... more
Multiphoton ionization mechanisms and ionization rates of atmospheric air and constituent gases are studied at the 248-nm KrF laser wavelength within a laser pulse intensity range of 108–1013 W/cm2 using both long 25-ns and short 160-fs... more
Electron impact ionization has several known advantages; however, heated filament electron sources have pressure limitations and their power consumption can be significant for certain applications, such as in field-portable instruments.... more
Atomic structure data, electron impact excitations and ionization cross sections of tungsten ions, W 44+ , have been calculated using the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock and R-matrix methods for a set of configurations consists of 3 d 10 4... more
Excitation cross sections by electron impact of tungsten ions, W 39+ , have been calculated using R-matrix method for a configuration state list consists of [Ar]3d 10 4s 2 4p 5 , [Ar]3d 10 4s 2 4p 4 4l, (l = d, f ), and [Ar]3d 10 4s 2 4p... more
Maxwellian electron energy distributions in a highly non-equilibrium plasma of low pressure dc discharges is one the oldest and fascinating mysteries of gas discharge physics. There is extensive literature and many hypotheses attempting... more
Heacl space gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection (HS-GC-FID), ancl purge and trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (P&T-GC-MS) have been used to determine methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene, toluene, and the... more
The geometrical isomers of carotenoids are now attracting considerable interest, due in part to the fact that they are known to behave differently in terms of susceptibility to oxidation, vitamin A activity and bioavailability. The study... more
We provide a detailed description of a model and its computational algorithm for the secondary electron emission process. The model is based on a broad phenomenological fit to data for the secondary emission yield (SEY) and the... more
A comprehensive study of the stress release and structural changes caused by postdeposition thermal annealing of tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) on Si has been carried out. Complete stress relief occurs at 600–700 °C and is... more
In the dlssociatlvc cxcitatlon of hydrogen contaimng molcculcs by clcctron Impact. the decay curves of th.: rcstdting 11, Intcnsitics have been mcawrcd by means of rl dclaycd comcidcncc tcchniquc. WC dctcrmmed the contribution of the tfIc... more
Ionization of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes is improved by performing simultaneous chemical derivatization using 4-aminophenol to produce charged iminium ions during paper spray ionization. Accelerated reactions occur in the... more
The x-ray reaflectivity of the VETI'A-I optic, the outermost shell of the AXAF x-ray telescope, with a bare 7_erodur surface, is measured and compared with theoretical predictions. Measurements made at energies of 0.28, 0.9, 1.5, 2.1, and... more
We report differential elastic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering by CHF 3 , CH 2 F 2 , CH 3 F, CHCl 3 , CH 2 Cl 2 , CH 3 Cl, CHCl 3 , CF 2 Cl 2 , and CF 3 Cl, obtained with the Schwinger multichannel method with... more
We calculate electronic excitation cross sections for the b 3 ⌺ u ϩ a 3 ⌺ g ϩ c 3 ⌸ u , and d 3 ⌸ u states of H 2 by electron impact. Our results were obtained with the Schwinger multichannel method with pseudopotentials and real... more
Ab initio cross-section calculations of low-energy e -molecule scattering have been limited to molecular targets composed of atoms with few electrons. We use soft norm-conserving pseudopotentials in both the target description and the... more
Metabolic dealkylation and hydroxylation reactions in xenobiotics are common and may take place at different sites in the molecules. Sometimes confusion may arise as to the nature and site of the resulting metabolic change when there is... more
Metabolic dealkylation and hydroxylation reactions in xenobiotics are common and may take place at different sites in the molecules. Sometimes confusion may arise as to the nature and site of the resulting metabolic change when there is... more
In this study, we report the angular distribution of double dierential cross sections of ejected electrons from Ar in intermediate energy region. Double dierential cross-sections for electron impact ionization of argon have been measured... more
Under electron impact malonaldehydedianil and its bis Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes produce a stable molecular ion. The Cu(I1) complex appears to decompose prior to ionization. The free dianil molecular ion fragments by expulsion of... more
An experimental evidence is reported on the observation of the Doppler effect in fluorine K-Auger line emitted from a core-ionized SF 6 molecule under an impact of 16 keV electrons. The emitting source of the Auger line is found to... more
The dissociative ionization of a N 2 O molecule is studied at an electron energy of 10 keV using the multiple-ioncoincidence imaging technique. The complete as well as the incomplete Coulomb explosion pathways for N 2 O 2+ and N 2 O 3+... more
A time-of-flight spectrometer has been designed and fabricated for measuring the charge state distributions of target ions produced in collisions of keV-electrons with gaseous target atoms/molecules. The design details of the spectrometer... more
The dynamics of ionic fragmentation of CH 4 molecules under impact of 10-keV electrons has been studied. The technique of recoil ion momentum spectroscopy is employed to obtain information about the kinetic energy release and the... more
Formation, structure, and dissociation dynamics of CO2q+(q≤3) ions due to impact of 12-keV electrons
The electron-impact multiple ionization and subsequent dissociation of CO 2 is studied for 12-keV electron energy using a linear time-of-flight mass spectrometer coupled with a multihit, position-sensitive detector. The complete as well... more
The ionic fragmentation of a multiply charged CO molecule is studied under impact of 10-keV electrons using recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy. The kinetic-energy-release distributions for the various fragmentation channels arising from the... more
The relative differential partial ionization cross sections for the production of ionic fragments of SF 6 molecule under impact of 10-20 keV electrons have been measured using an ejected electron-produced ion coincidence technique in a... more
An experimental evidence is reported on the observation of the Doppler effect in fluorine K-Auger line emitted from a core-ionized SF6 molecule under an impact of 16keV electrons. The emitting source of the Auger line is found to acquire... more
Cross sections for rotational excitation and de-excitation of the HeH+ ion by an electron impact are computed using a theoretical approach that combines the UK R-matrix code and the multi-channel quantum defect theory. The... more
Latina (CEPAL), el continente americano es el más urbanizado del planeta, mientras que América Latina y el Caribe es la región en desarrollo más urbanizada del mundo (Jordán et al., 2017).
This study investigates the elastic scattering of electrons and positrons by carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) molecules over a wide energy range from 1 eV to 1 KeV. We have computed differential and integral elastic cross-sections (DCS and ICS)... more
The eight members of two classes of heterocyclic isomers, namely 3‐methyl‐1,2‐, 1a‐d and 2‐methyl‐1,3‐thiazolopyridines 2a‐d have been characterized by mass spectrometry under electron ionization. High internal energy ions formed in the... more
In this work, we present an amelioration of the Dimirijević 84 formula of electron collisional Stark line widths based on modification of the semi empirical approach using collision strength values between initial, final and their... more
For momentum transfers of order 6 A nondipole transitions can make the same contribution to inner-shell energy-loss spectra as dipole transitions. Nondipole transitions are particularly significant when there is a high density of... more
Compelling evidence indicates that endocannabinoids are implicated in drug addiction. In the present study, we have addressed the interaction between cocaine and endocannabinoid system by means of neurochemical and neurophysiological... more
We present an investigation of the Xe2 excimer emission spectrum observed in the near infrared range about 7800 cm -1 in pure Xe gas and in an Ar (90%) -Xe (10%) mixture and obtained by exciting the gas with energetic electrons. The... more
The time-dependent description of the dynamics of electron-molecule collision complexes is out- lined within the framework of Feshbach's projection-operator formalism. It is shown that the equation of motion for the quantum-mechanical... more
This paper studies the Yang-Lee edge singularity of 2-dimensional (2D) Ising model based on a quantum spin chain and transfer matrix measurements on the cylinder. Based on finite-size scaling, the low-lying excitation spectrum is found at... more
Abstract. The resonant states of HeH are computed by combining structure calculations at a full configuration interaction level with electron scattering calculations carried out using the Complex-Kohn variational method. We obtain the... more
We have applied optical-optical-optical triple resonance spectroscopy to resolve a system of high Rydberg states in BH that serves quantitatively to characterize a fundamental example of electronorbital-cation core rotational coupling.... more
Omega-3 index is a relatively new concept, defined as the sum of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) expressed as a percentage of the total fatty acids in red blood cell membranes. This index reflects medium to... more
A quantitative method based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) has been developed for the detection of 16 endogenous androgens in the urine of mice. The substances are extracted from 100 L urine with freshly distilled diethyl... more
Long-lived di-and trianions have been formed from fluorofullerenes in the gas phase by electrospray ionization. Fragmentation of multiply charged anions has been induced by multiple low-energy collisions. Two complementary dissociation... more