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The research includes the most important electrical assembly failures and damage resulting from them, and then the way and circuit protection of these bars
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      Electricity MarketElectricityElectricity TransmissionElectricity load demand forecast
The siting of high voltage overhead transmission lines (HVOTLs) is often subject to public opposition where affected communities seek to protect local places. This study explores the perspectives of local citizens affected by a proposed... more
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      Place AttachmentInfrastructure PlanningPlace IdentityEnvironmental Planning
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      Electricity MarketElectricity Transmission
Economic, technology and environmental incentives are changing the features of electricity generation and transmission. Centralized power systems are giving way to local scale distributed generations. At present, there is a need to assess... more
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      Renewable EnergyPower SystemModeling and SimulationElectricity Transmission
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental HistoryRiversBig Dams
Economic, technology and environmental incentives are changing the features of electricity generation and transmission. Centralized power systems are giving way to local scale distributed generations. At present, there is a need to assess... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyPower SystemPlanning
This paper provides an overview of the development of electric power transmission access, pricing and investment policies in the U.S. over the last 15 years and evaluates the current state of those policies. Pre-liberalization... more
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      Electric Power SystemsElectricity MarketElectricity Transmission
This research explains how electrical power is transmitted underground. It emphasized the most essential benefits, limitations, uses, and locations where underground transmission is commonly employed. The method chosen is primarily... more
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      Electricity TransmissionDuhok
The South-East Europe region is faced with the new challenges related to organization of electricity market. The main goal of this paper is to analyze present South-East Europe power transmission system infrastructure, taking into account... more
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      Electric Power SystemsElectricity Transmission
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      Electrical EngineeringEnvironmental LawClimate ChangeEnvironmental policy
In a carbon-constrained economy, two main methods of mitigating carbon emissions stand out: preventing carbon from being generated or preventing emissions from entering the atmosphere. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) at coal-fired power... more
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      Wind EnergyCarbon CaptureElectricity TransmissionCoal Mining
A student challenge suitable for a STEM day
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      Physics EducationSTEM EducationElectricity Transmission
This interview study with UK electricity distribution and transmission network operators (DNO and TNO) and the regulator Ofgem, examines how key industry actors conceptualise "publics," "stakeholders" and "customers" and how these... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningEnergy PolicyEnergy PlanningNIMBY Syndrome
In response to the challenges of climate change and long-term energy security, the governments of many industrialised countries are opting for extensive changes to systems of electricity generation. In the UK a target has been set for 40%... more
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      Place AttachmentCommunity Engagement & ParticipationInfrastructure PlanningEnergy Policy
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    • Electricity Transmission
contracts, congestion management, nodal pricing, physical and financial transmission contracts, and associated market power issues. This work typically takes the transmission network as given. However, in the medium and long term as... more
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      Electric Power SystemsElectricity Transmission
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      Power SystemsRenewable EnergyFuzzy LogicEnergy
This paper presents a nonlinear model with individual representation of plants for the centralized long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem over multiple areas. In addition to common aspects of long-term scheduling, this model takes... more
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      Power SystemHydrothermal systemsElectric Power SystemsElectricity Transmission
A catastrophic outage of the U.S. electric grid could seriously jeopardize national security; threaten critical, life-sustaining services and, consequently, the health of millions of people; and cost trillions of dollars in lost revenue.... more
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      Optical Fiber CommunicationsWireless CommunicationsRenewable EnergyWind Energy
Electricity transmission grids need to be operated in a safe, affordable, reliable, predictable and sustainable manner. To do so, innovations in the electricity transmission industry have progressed in response to strict regulations and... more
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      Electric Power SystemsElectricity MarketElectricity Transmission
Електричний струм у металевому провіднику не є потоком електричних зарядів, чи то їх носіїв – електронів; натомість він є потоком кінетичної енергії останніх. Провідники електричного струму, у тому числі резистори, уміщують в собі... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsElectricity MarketElectricity
In the Brazilian power sector, the transmission companies (TRANSCOS) receive revenues by the availability of their transmission facilities, regardless of the amount of the electric power transmitted. To promote their efficient operation... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationElectrical EngineeringEconomics
Nicaragua, with a population of about 4.4 million people, has the largest land area among Central American countries (about 120,000 sq. km.). Nicaragua borders on Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south, is mountainous in the... more
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      EngineeringNatural ResourcesRenewable EnergyRenewable energy resources
An electrical transmission network consists of producers, consumers and the power lines connecting them. We build an ideal (lossless) DC load flow model as a cooperative game over a graph with the producers and consumers located at the... more
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      Game TheoryPartitionsElectricity TransmissionPower Transmission
We examine the performance attributes of a merchant transmission investment framework that relies on "market driven" transmission investment to provide the infrastructure to support competitive wholesale markets for electricity. Under a... more
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      Industrial OrganizationElectric Power SystemsElectricity Transmission
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      Electric Power SystemsElectricity TransmissionElectricity Markets
This paper could not have been written without the assistance of many friends and colleagues inside and outside the World Bank. These individuals helped us develop an understanding of the wholesale market design and implementation issues... more
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      BusinessEconomic GrowthEconomic DevelopmentElectricity
An electrical transmission network consists of producers, consumers and the power lines connecting them. We build an ideal (lossless) DC load flow model as a cooperative game over a graph with the producers and consumers located at the... more
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      Game TheoryPartitionsElectricity TransmissionPower Transmission
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      Electricity MarketElectricity Transmission
In order to support a future classification of the ability of regional electricity systems to integrate high shares of renewable energy, a set of indicators has been proposed. These include the level of balancing power available in the... more
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      Renewable EnergyElectricity Transmission
The 1979 and 1999 constitutions of Nigeria created anti-development frameworks that unhealthily endowed the federal government with excessive powers in direct contravention of the most basic tenets of federalism. One of the items that has... more
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      Social SciencesFiscal federalism and decentralizationComparative FederalismDemocracy and democratization
h i g h l i g h t s • Compared to transshipment, optimal power flow affects policy-relevant outcomes. • PV build and marginal cost of electricity delivery change with optimal power flow. • A single node in each region for power flow... more
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      Power SystemEnergy SystemsElectricity TransmissionEnergy System Modeling
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      Energy LawEuropean Energy PolicyElectricity TransmissionGas Pipelines
Electric current in metallic conductor is not a current of electric charges or their porters – electrons; rather it is current of their kinetic energy. Electric current conductors e.g. resistors are provided with electronic gas that forms... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhysics Education
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEnergy EconomicsInternational Relations
"Timo Myllyntaus is one of the most prolific writers on nineteenth and twentieth century Finnish economic history in English. His research has focused particularly on the history of energy production, prices, and business historical... more
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      Economic HistoryNordic HistoryHistory of TechnologyEnergy history
The construction of new electricity-transmission infrastructure is construed in UK energy policy documents as necessary for achieving government targets to increase low-carbon electricity provision to combat climate change and ensure... more
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      Human GeographyEconomicsClimate ChangeDecision Making
This article argues that state and regional initiatives have unique benefits and drawbacks that should be recognized and embraced when states attempt to develop greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction policies. Before setting policies... more
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      BusinessClimate ChangeRenewable EnergyWind Energy
The objective of the note is to inform the government's policy thinking by identifying the principal challenges that the power sector faces and outlining solutions for overcoming them. The note also discusses some broader energy... more
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Most ISOs in the US minimize the total bid cost and then settle the market based on locational marginal prices. Minimizing the total bid cost, however, may not lead to maximizing the social welfare. Studies indicate that for energy only,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCombinatorial OptimizationEnergyConvex Optimization
Restructuring efforts in the U.S. electric power sector have tried to encourage transmission investment by independent (non-utility) transmission companies, and have promoted various levels of market-based transmission investment.... more
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      EnergyApplied EconomicsQuantitative analysisElectricity Transmission
This paper provides an overview of the development of electric power transmission access, pricing and investment policies in the U.S. over the last 15 years and evaluates the current state of those policies. Pre-liberalization... more
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      Market DesignRegulationElectric Power SystemsRegional Planning
Investment planning models inform investment decisions and government policies. Current models do not capture the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, restricting the applicability of the models for high penetrations of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsPower SystemApplied Economics
This paper describes the procedures established by the present regulation for high-tension network expansions, studies its optimality and points its main problems. According to the present regulatory scheme, the decision to expand the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsNetwork EconomicsMarket Structure
This paper describes the procedures established by the present regulation for high-tension network expansions, studies its optimality and points its main problems. According to the present regulatory scheme, the decision to expand the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsNetwork EconomicsMarket Structure
The combined effects of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, as well as the resulting incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility, left Japan with a large gap between electricity-generating capacity and projected consumption. The... more
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      Electrical EngineeringEconomic HistoryJapanese StudiesEconomics
Most ISOs in the US minimize the total bid cost and then settle the market based on locational marginal prices. Minimizing the total bid cost, however, may not lead to maximizing the social welfare. Studies indicate that for energy only,... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Artificial IntelligencePower SystemsCombinatorial Optimization
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      Electrical EngineeringTechnology transferElectricity Transmission