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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyEnergyEnergy Policy
The entire electricity infrastructure and associated socio-technical system including transmission and distribution networks, the system operator, suppliers, generators, consumers and market mechanisms will need to evolve to realize the... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyRenewable energy resourcesSmart Grid
Over the last 20 years, he has published research on auction theory and practice in the leading peer-reviewed economics journals. During the last 12 years, he has applied this research in the design and implementation of auction markets... more
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    • Electricity Markets
Competitive Electricity Markets are based on a set of hypotheses which sustains a vertical and horizontal segmentation of the generation, transmission and distribution sectors in different functions. This theoretical model was implemented... more
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      EconomicsData AnalysisElectricity MarketNatural Gas
The research is based on the impact of globalization and trade liberalization on textile exports of Pakistan. The era of globalization does not only evolved the global culture towards diversification but also its implications on global... more
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      Export-ImportElectricity MarketsAnti-DumpingTextile and Apparel Industry
The idea of the study is to find the optimal strategy that will ensure 6 GW of constantly available capacity for the Polish Power System (PPS) for a period of 60 years. The installed capacity is to guarantee real energy security for final... more
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      PhotovoltaicsWind EnergyEnergy PolicyEuropean Energy Policy
Turkish electricity industry is in a process of reform and restructuring; targeting competitive generation and supply markets. The very first steps of this process were vertical unbundling and creation of legislative framework. Moreover,... more
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      Energy EconomicsCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Electric Power Systems
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      Renewable EnergyEnergySystem Dynamics ModelingWind Power
Electricity market activities and a growing demand for electricity have led to heavily stressed power systems. This requires operation of the networks closer to their stability limits. Cost effective solutions are preferred over network... more
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      Power ElectronicsPower TransmissionElectricity MarketsPower Flow Control
This paper empirically compares the predictive accuracy of a set of methods for day-ahead spot price forecasting in the Spanish electricity market. The methods come from time series analysis and artificial intelligence disciplines, and... more
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      Time series analysisExponential SmoothingElectric Power SystemsElectricity Market
More than 20% of the electricity generated in India is lost to rampant thefts. Drawing data from 28 states of India over a time span of five years (2005–2009), this paper examines the role played by socio-economic and governance factors... more
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      Electricity MarketsElectricity theft
We discuss the modeling of electricity contracts traded in many deregulated power markets. These forward/ futures type contracts deliver (either physically or financially) electricity over a specified time period, and is frequently... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsRisk ManagementApplied Economics
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyPower QualityEnergy
This paper quantifies the increased green house gas emissions and negative effect on energy conservation (or “efficiency penalty”) due to electric rate structures that employ an unavoidable customer charge. First the extent of customer... more
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      EconomicsEnergy EconomicsRenewable EnergyEnergy
c Market model to optimize CSP plant configuration in North African power systems. c Value of storage-based CSP plants compared to non-dispatchable configurations: 28-55 h/MWh. c Assessment of Morocco's and Algeria's renewable electricity... more
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      Energy PolicyMultidisciplinaryElectricity Markets
The discussion about the pros and cons of several proposed auction models in electricity markets is still open. Any proposal on the structure of a deregulated electric energy industry should be supported by scientific foundation and by... more
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      Industrial EconomicsPower SystemElectricity MarketElectricity Markets
Existing trade relations in Portuguese electricity market have been subject to changes by checking if a phased withdrawal over the years of state intervention Portuguese since 1975. Portugal's entry into the European Economic Community... more
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      Risk ManagementProfitabilityElectricity MarketsLiberalization
The following article is a thesis on the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme from a legal aspect. This thesis will analyze the essential legal instruments to determine the legal framework applicable to the price intervention... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Economics
Storage devices effectively provide a similar service to peak generators. The capacity value of storage was found to be insensitive to the round trip efficiency. Storage devices may compete with traditional peak generation technologies.... more
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      Electricity MarketElectricity MarketsEnergy StorageArbitrage
Price forecasting has been at the center of intense studies since the introduction of competition in Electricity industry. Price forecasts are a fundamental input to an energy company's decision making and strategy development. The... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsStatistical AnalysisNeural Networks
This paper proposes a pool-based demand response exchange (DRX) model in which economic demand response (DR) is traded among DR participants as an alternative for managing the variability of renewable energy sources (RES). Load... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo MethodsStochastic processesrenewable Energy sources
In a competitive electricity market, a generation company (GenCo) optimizes its operation schedules, referred to as self-scheduling, in order to maximize its profit. However, various sources of uncertainty, such as market price... more
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      Decision TheoryElectricity MarketUncertaintyPredictive models
As the volume and diversity of distributed energy resources (DER) on the electric system continue to grow, two clearly distinct visions or paradigms have emerged for how a decentralized, transactive electric system with high penetration... more
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      Distributed GenerationElectricitySmart CitiesElectricity Markets
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      Competition LawElectricity Markets
, and Rich Gentry for their background research. We would also like to thank the World Bank staff and attendees at the review meetings at Eynsham Hall and Arlie House for their helpful suggestions and comments. The authors take... more
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      EconomicsBenchmarkingBiddingAuction Theory
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), created in 1992 and directed by Stefano Bartolini since September 2006, aims to develop inter-disciplinary and comparative research and to promote work on the major issues facing the... more
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      Property RightsElectricity Marketrenewable Energy sourcesElectricity Markets
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      Climate ChangeEnergy PolicyHydropowerEnvironmental Sciences
UK energy policy has evolved since the 2002 Energy Review (PIU, 2002) in which Tony Blair introduced the report and noted that "securing cheap, reliable, and sustainable sources of energy has long been a major concern for governments".... more
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      EconomicsClimate ChangeEnergy PolicyElectricity Markets
Electricity market models are widely employed to study the role, impacts and economic viability of new technologies. Sources of arbitrage, such as storage and transmission, are increasingly seen as essential for integrating higher shares... more
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      Power SystemElectricityElectricity Markets
Las fuentes no convencionales de energía renovable (FNCER) son fuentes de energía consideradas como una alternativa limpia para el suministro de electricidad frente a generación eléctrica a base de combustible fósiles. Además, son un... more
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      Electrical EngineeringRenewable EnergyColombiaRenewable energy resources
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningData Mining
Después de analizar las experiencias internacionales relacionadas con el monitoreo y control de poder de mercado, se establece una metodología acorde a las características del pool eléctrico en Colombia, la cual permite hacer seguimiento... more
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      MicroeconomicsColombiaStrategy (Business)Electricity Markets
In the United States, the bulk sale of electricity is conducted through an auction mechanism known as bid cost minimization. This mechanism works by minimizing the total supply bid costs to select bids. Over the last decade however,... more
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      Engineering EconomicsElectricity MarketsDEMAND RESPONSE IN ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM
This paper studies the effects of learning and risk aversion on generation company (GenCo) bidding behavior in an oligopolistic electricity market. To this end, a flexible agent-based simulation model is developed in which GenCo agents... more
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      Reinforcement LearningAgent Based SimulationRisk ManagementElectricity Markets
Over the last two decades, the electricity industry has shifted from regulation of monopolistic and centralized utilities towards deregulation and promoted competition. With increased competition in electric power markets, system... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Energy EconomicsGame TheoryMathematical Programming
The scholarly literature on law and social movements has historically focused on public law issues like environmentalism, reproductive rights, and race relations, while staying far away from business and firm behavior. Business behavior... more
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      Environmental SociologySocial MovementsEnvironmental LawRenewable Energy
Various trends in power systems increase the need for network investments on the transmission level. In this paper we compare different investment criteria and transmission technologies to determine where and how the network should be... more
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      Power SystemsInvestmentsOptimization ProblemSocial Welfare
By increasing renewable resource penetration, the need for developing fast and reliable market modeling approaches in the presence of these resources has gained greater attention. In this paper, fuzzy Q-learning approach is proposed for... more
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      Reinforcement LearningRenewable EnergyWind EnergyOptimization (Mathematics)
Demand response can play a very relevant role in future power systems in which distributed generation can help to assure service continuity in some fault situations.
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      Power SystemsRenewable EnergyDemand ResponseSimulation
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      Electrical EngineeringEnvironmental LawClimate ChangeEnvironmental policy
The Government of Montenegro is preparing an electricity tariff reform due to recent developments in the national and regional electricity markets. Electricity tariffs for residential consumers in Montenegro are likely to gradually... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsBiomass
Historically Australia's ample supply of coal has underpinned its power system. Competing countries however have used a variety of different energy sources and, as a result of this diversity, many have a more resilient power system... more
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyPower SystemElectricity Market
h i g h l i g h t s " A two-stage stochastic offering model for a virtual power plant is presented. " The virtual power plant consists of an intermittent source, a dispatchable source and a storage unit. " The virtual power plant trades... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsStochastic ProgrammingElectricity Markets
In a competitive electricity market, price forecasts are important for market participants. However, electricity price is a complex signal due to its nonlinearity, nonstationarity, and time variant behavior. In spite of much research in... more
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      Data MiningEvolutionary ComputationFuzzy LogicTime Series
In September of 2000, the Chilean Energy Commission published a draft of a new electricity services law. One of the main changes was the replacement of the Chilean electricity pool by two new organizations, the Power Exchange and the... more
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      Market DesignEnergy ManagementElectricity MarketElectricity Markets
This paper considers the cost savings arising from wind generation through the merit order effect in gross pool electricity markets, using the Irish electricity market as a case study. The Irish electricity market makes for a good testing... more
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      EconomicsEnergy EconomicsRenewable EnergyWind Energy
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      Trading StrategiesSoftware AgentsMulti Agent SystemsReal Time Systems
Promoting competition among electricity producers is crucial for ensuring allocative efficiency and lower electricity prices. In this paper, I empirically examine the electricity market of England and Wales in order to analyze to what... more
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      RegulationElectricity MarketEngland and WalesElectricity Markets