Recent papers in Electricity
Successful network utility privatisation requires incentive-based regulation that allows investment to be adequately rewarded form unsubsidised revenues while maintaining quality, and restructuring that permits effective competition for... more
Nigeria is a country faced with great challenges in the power sector. This is as a result of inadequate administrative and technical efforts in handling issues in this sector. Aforetime, the country has solely depended on grid electricity... more
The increasing wind power generation requires the updating of the computational tools that support decision making in the operation and planning of electric power systems. This work describes a methodology to model the spatial... more
Reference electrode standardization technique; Equivalent source technique; Reference at infinity; Average reference
This study projects electricity savings, cost-benefit analysis and emission reduction of lighting retrofits in Malaysia residential sector. The cost-benefit is determined as a function of energy savings due to retrofit of more efficient... more
Introduction: Although powered toothbrushes have been recommended for gingivitis prevention in orthodontic patients, a relevant meta-analysis has been lacking. The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare the effectiveness of powered and... more
The liberalization of electricity markets has forced energy producing companies and traders to calculate costs closer to the profit frontier. Thus, an efficient risk management and risk controlling are needed to ensure the financial... more
Hydrogen gas can be produced by electrohydrogenesis in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) at greater yields than fermentation and at greater energy efficiencies than water electrolysis. It has been assumed that a membrane is needed in an... more
This study answers two questions about power sector reform in Moldova. First, did reform affect the poor and the non-poor differently? Second, are household consumption patterns different for private and public distribution networks? The... more
Gasification of biomass produces a mixture of gas (mainly carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO 2), and hydrogen (H 2)) called synthesis gas, or syngas, by thermal degradation without combustion. Syngas can be used for heat or... more
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
We give the reader a tour of good energy optimization models that explicitly deal with uncertainty. The uncertainty usually stems from unpredictability of demand and/or prices of energy, or from resource availability and prices. Since... more
The present study aims to analyze the discourse of management and policy-making in the field of electricity in the country to study and analyze the text of 100 interviews, lectures, statements and quotations conducted in this regard in... more
Sixteen multiparous nonpregnant lactating Holstein cows (each weighing 662 { 65 kg in 150.4 { 40 day of lactation) were confined to wooden metabolic cages with 12:12 h light:dark cycle during the experiment. The cows were divided into two... more
Sixteen multiparous nonpregnant lactating Holstein cows (each weighing 662 { 65 kg in 150.4 { 40 day of lactation) were confined to wooden metabolic cages with 12:12 h light:dark cycle during the experiment. The cows were divided into two... more
The differentiation and proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells (NPCs) depend on various in vivo environmental factors or cues, which may include an endogenous electrical field (EF), as observed during nervous system development and... more
We built in an experimental way a device which through a sequential and remote manipulation (not wireless) could prepare breakfast using a combination of two energies: electric and hydraulic. This artefact can be improved if we change the... more
The solar energy potential of underutilized urban rooftops in Peru was analyzed. • A model was elaborated for mediumsized Peruvian cities with GIS. • Life Cycle Assessment was used to compute environmental impacts. • Results demonstrate... more
Was the Texas blackout a market failure or regulatory failure? The economist Hayek has been adduced in support of both views. Hayek would have approved the competitive Texas system, including ERCOT. His likely view on the scarcity pricing... more
Why Prepaid Electricity? You prepay for a lot of things you don’t even think about – your morning latte, tickets to the game, oh, and that gym membership. Except you’ll actually use your electricity. Prepaid allows you to know what you’re... more
Autumn Conference on European Sate Aid Law 2017, 24 November 2017, Madrid. (Session III). The speech provide an overview of the key issues on the relationship between environmental and energy taxation and State aids and to show how... more
This paper introduces and tests Bid Function Equilibria (BFE) in the British spot market for electricity. BFE extend von der Fehr and Harbord's (1993) multi-unit auction model of wholesale electricity markets by allowing firms to have... more
To compare the efficacy of manual and oscillating-rotating electric toothbrushes in removing plaque and reducing gingivitis in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Randomised clinical trial. 20 subjects aged 10 to 14 years (8... more
Tripodal peptide analogues were designed on the basis of the phosphotyrosine binding pocket of the Src SH2 domain and assayed for their ability to bind to fluorescein-labeled phosphopeptides. Fluorescence polarization assays showed that a... more
It has been reported that sandblasting titanium with alumina (Al 2 O 3) powder could generate a negative electric charge on titanium surface. This has been proven to promote osteoblast activities and possibly osseointegration. The purpose... more
It has been reported that sandblasting titanium with alumina (Al 2 O 3) powder could generate a negative electric charge on titanium surface. This has been proven to promote osteoblast activities and possibly osseointegration. The purpose... more
Derzeit werden Lithium-Ionen-Batterien für den Einsatz in Hybrid-und Elektrofahrzeugen favorisiert. Arsenal Research, ein Unternehmen der Austrian Reseach Centers, analysiert den derzeitigen Stand der Technik sowie die Potenziale des... more
Electricity generation from renewable energy resources (RES) has become increasingly significant to reach EU and emissions reduction targets. At the same time, one of the main EU policy goals has been the creation of a common internal... more
The Mekong River is the largest freshwater fishery and the third most bio-diverse river system in the world. Two of 11 planned mainstream hydropower projects, Xayaburi and Don Sahong, are nearly completed and a third project proposal, Pak... more
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
Data-logging noise dosimetry was used to assess the exposure levels of electricians working for a major electrical subcontractor in Washington State at five sites using four types of construction methods. Subjects documented activities... more
Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collector has been developed by combining photovoltaic (PV) technology and solar thermal collector in one module. The combination of two technologies in the same module has the potential to reduce cost of... more
The primary objective of the study is to carry out an assessment of the current status of modern energy supply among the urban and peri-urban poor in Kenya and to identify viable policy options that can assist in providing cleaner and... more
Tissue engineering often rely on scaffolds for supporting cell differentiation and growth. Novel paradigms for tissue engineering include the need of active or smart scaffolds in order to properly regenerate specific tissues. In... more
online ordering: http://www.ntis.gov/ordering.htm Printed on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper, including 20% postconsumer waste 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 CH4 NM HC s NO x SOx CO Particulates Benzene Air emissions (excluding CO2)... more
Cells can be permeabilized transiently when pulsed by a brief intense external electric field. The molecular and cellular bases of cell electropermeabilization are still unclear. This process can be described by a local transient membrane... more
The presence of more than one dental alloy in the oral cavity often causes pathological galvanic currents and voltage resulting in superficial erosions of the oral mucosa and eventually in the emergence of oral cancer. In the present... more
This paper discusses the effects of the implementation of the EU electricity acquis in the Energy Community (EnC) Contracting Parties, where the social, economic and political conditions are different from those in the old EU Member... more
We study alternative market power mitigation measures in a homogenous goods industry where productive assets have asymmetric costs. We characterise the asset divestment by a dominant …rm which achieves the greatest reduction in prices... more
The Slovenian Energy Law, adopted in 1999, has opened the internal market to competition up to 64% of the final consumption. The opening of the internal market to foreign competition is envisaged for 2003. With regard to the methodology... more