Conversion electron-gamma PAC measurements of the 49–37 keV cascade in 80Br through the intermediate 2− state with T 1/2=7.4 ns were performed with a system of two magnetic lens spectrometers and two BaF2 scintillation detectors. The... more
Electronic structure calculations of cubic SrTiO3 and SrHfO3 are presented. The full-potential linear augmented-plane-wave method is used and exchange-correlation effects are treated by the local-density approximation. The tendency to... more
An experimental and theoretical study is described concerning the dielectric motion of particles in a suspension subject to high-gradient AC electric fields. The experiments were performed on very dilute suspensions of polystyrene latex... more
Real-time holographic interferometry and shadowgraph visualization are used to study convection in the fluid between two concentric spheres when two distinct buoyancy forces are applied to the fluid. The heated inner sphere has a constant... more
The dependence of the electric field gradients (EFGs) in the Hf-doped LaNis-hydrogen system, as a function of hydrogen composition ratio (X), has been investigated in the range 0<-X-<5.7 using the Time Differential Perturbed Angular... more
This paper presents the design, fabrication, and testing of a novel electrohydrodynamic (EHD) ion-drag micropump. In order to maximize the electrical field gradients that are responsible for EHD pumping, we incorporated three-dimensional... more
Cobalt-59 NMR experiments have been carried out on single-crystal and polycrystalline (powder) samples of (7)-tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) chloride trihydrate, (7)-[Co(en) 3 ]Cl 3 Á 3H 2 O, and of its dehydrate. In addition, the X-ray... more
A computational study at the level of density functional theory (DFT) was carried out to investigate C-H…O_C and N-H…O_C hydrogenbonding interactions (HBs) in the real crystalline cluster of thymine by O-17, N-14 and H-2 calculated... more
Peek's formula is demonstrated to behave in reality as a mere "fiddle factor". An equation alternative to Peek's law is therefore proposed which allows the definition of a true strand coeficient, whose feature is to be only dependent on... more
Structural disorder at the scale of two to three atomic positions around the probe nucleus results in variations of the EFG and thus in a distribution of the quadrupolar interaction. This distribution is at the origin of the lineshape... more
The basis set dependence of density functional theory computed electric field gradients (EFG) in 3d transition metal compounds is assessed. Uncontraction of basis sets at the metal atom is crucial for a correct description of its EFG.... more
We have performed magic-angle-spinning solid-state NMR experiments in which protons are recoupled to oxygen-17 nuclei by applying a symmetry-based recoupling sequence at the proton Larmor frequency. Two-dimensional quadrupole-dipole... more
deA combination of experiments and ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations has been applied to examine electronic, structural, and hyperfine interactions in pure and Ta-doped zirconium dioxide in its monoclinic phase (m-ZrO2). From the... more
We report on a 59 Co NMR investigation of the trigonal cobaltate Ca 3 Co 2 O 6 carried out on a single crystal, providing precise determinations of the electric field gradient and chemical shift tensors, and of the internal magnetic... more
A review is presented of the present status of the theory, the developed technology and the current applications of dielectrophoresis ͑DEP͒. Over the past 10 years around 2000 publications have addressed these three aspects, and current... more
Variable temperature 2 H NMR experiments on the orthorhombic phase of selectively deuterated NH 3 BH 3 spanning the static to fast exchange limits of the borane and amine motions are reported. New values of the electric field gradient... more
An ab initio investigation of the quadrupole moment, the polarizability anisotropy and the temperature-independent term Ž . entering the electric-field-gradient-induced birefringence EFGB of CO and CS is presented. For the latter... more
The extended porous framework of divalent transition metal hexacyanocobaltates(III) was studied from the refined crystal structures and adsorption isotherms of H 2 O, CO 2 and N 2 . From the obtained adsorption data the pore... more
A 59C0 NMR study of a series of mixed-metal tetrahedral clusters prepared from the basic structures MCo, (M = Fe, Ru) by the substitution of one, two or three carbonyl groups by phosphines, phosphites, thioethers or amines is described.... more
Two kinds of non-linear electrophoresis (ef) that can be detected in strong electric fields (several hundred V/ cm) are considered. The first ("classical" non-linear ef) is due to the interaction of the outer field with fieldinduced ionic... more
Paper-oil insulation in power transformers is degraded and gradually damaged due to electrical, chemical, mechanical and moisture factors. It is well established from several studies that moisture is a major source of insulation failure... more
Efficient and robust particle separation and enrichment techniques are critical for a diverse range of lab-on-a-chip analytical devices including pathogen detection, sample preparation, high-throughput particle sorting, and biomedical... more
Most conventional derivative-based color edge detectors have shortcomings such as high computational cost, difficulty in implementation and missing edges. In this paper, we propose a new, simple and effective cubical voxels and virtual... more
Linear Stark splitting of the H β Balmer line components and spatially resolved optical emission spectroscopy (OES) measurements were used to estimate the electric field gradient in the cathode sheath region (∼70 μm long) of an... more
We discuss some accuracy aspects inherent to ab initio electronic structure calculations in the understanding of nuclear quadrupole interactions. We use the projector augmented wave method to study the electric-field gradient (EFG) at... more
We report on low-temperature infrared-absorption spectroscopy studies of compensated p-type Ge͑Ga,As͒ samples with varying doping compensation ratios. Previous difficulties in preparing appropriate samples are overcome by... more
The present status of surface electric field gradients measured with perturbed "/T-angular correlations (PAC) is reviewed. Experiments concentrate on well-characterized, free surfaces of metals and applications to detection of probe sites... more
The electric field gradients in perovskite SrHfO3 and BaHfO3 powder samples were investigated by means of Perturbed Angular Correlation spectroscopy, using implanted In-111 hyperfine probes. The measurements cover the temperature ranges... more
Myoglobin is one of the premature identifying cardiac markers, whose concentration increases from 90 pg/ml or less to over 250 ng/ml in the blood serum of human beings after minor heart attack. Separation, detection, and quantification of... more
Epitaxially stabilized iron monosilicide films having the CsCl structure (c-FeSi) have been investigated by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The 57 Fe Mössbauer parameters ͑isomer shift ␦,... more
Cu NMR has been used to observe the evolution of the precipitate structures in the solution treated and quenched dilute alloy Al-1.7 at%Cu following thermal aging. The distinguishable phases in this alloy form in the following sequence... more
Coupled cluster investigation of Sternheimer shieldings and electric field gradient polarizabilities
A coupled cluster ͑CC͒ investigation is presented for the ͑generalized͒ Sternheimer shieldings and the electric field gradient ͑EFG͒ polarizabilities which describe the effect of external electric fields and field gradients on the... more
In hexacyanometallates, the involved transition metals are usually found with octahedral coordination. The exception corresponds to the hexagonal zinc phases where this metal appears tetrahedrally coordinated to N ends from the CN... more
Chemical bonding in UFel Ni Al is interpreted within the framework of nonempirical calculations of charge-density distribution, performed by means of the modified statistical method. Maps of constant density in the principal planes of the... more
^{27}Al and ^{63,65}Cu NMR measurements are reported for powder samples of stable AlCuFe and AlCuRu icosahedral quasicrystals and their crystalline approximants, and for a AlPdMn single grain quasicrystal. Furthermore, ^{27}Al NQR spectra... more
Behavior of atomic oxygen, O 2 and O 3 molecules adsorbed on external surface of H-capped (5,0) singlewalled carbon nanotube is studied using density functional calculations. Geometry optimizations were carried out at B3LYP/6-31G* level... more
Results from a solid-state 139 La NMR spectroscopic investigation of the anhydrous lanthanum(III) halides (LaX 3 ; X ¼ F, Cl, Br, I) at applied magnetic fields of 7. 0, 9.4, 11.7, 14.1, and 17.6 T are presented and highlight the... more
Exotic Kondo effects in metals: Magnetic ions in a crystalline electric field and tunnelling centres
The ordinary single channel Kondo model consists of one or more spin 1/2 local moments interacting antiferromagnetically with conduction electrons in a metal. This model has provided a paradigm for understanding many phenomena of strongly... more
Cement is the ubiquitous material upon which modern civilisation is built, providing long-term strength, impermeability and durability for housing and infrastructure. The fundamental chemical interactions which control the structure and... more
The electronic properties of the HfNi-hydrogen system has been investigated, as a function of the hydrogen composition ratio (x), using combined Time Differential Perturbed Angular Correlation (TDPAC) technique and standard full-potential... more
The hyperfine interactions at 181 Ta ions on Fe 3+ sites in -Fe 2 O 3 (hematite) were studied in the temperature range 11Y1100 K by means of the perturbed angular correlation (PAC) technique. The 181 Hf( j ) 181 Ta probe nuclei were... more
Sodium germanate glasses of compositions Na 2 O á 9GeO 2 and 2Na 2 O á 9GeO 2 have been studied using solid-state 17 O nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Quartz-type and rutile-type GeO 2 were used as examples of oxygen connected to 4-fold... more
Hyperfine interactions in perovskite-structure RCoO 3 ͑R=Gd,Tb͒ compounds have been measured by perturbed angular correlation technique using 111 Cd and 181 Ta nuclear probes. The electric quadrupole interactions at 111 Cd show two... more
The basis set dependence of density functional theory computed electric field gradients (EFG) in 3d transition metal compounds is assessed. Uncontraction of basis sets at the metal atom is crucial for a correct description of its EFG.... more