By combining first-principles electronic structure calculations and existing time-differential γ -γ perturbedangular-correlation experiments we studied the site localization, the local environment, and the electronic structure of Cd... more
We present the first theoretical study of the electronic properties of superlattices formed from semimagnetic semiconductors. We explicitly consider the Cd0.8Mn0.2Te/Cd0.7Mn0.3Te superlattice system. We show magnetic field splittings both... more
C14 Laves phase Nb 0.975 Fe 2.025 compound was investigated by means of the Mössbauer spectroscopy. Spectra were recorded in the temperature range of 5-300K. Their analysis in terms of three sub spectra yielded information on magnetic and... more
Self-diffusion and related short-time dynamic and structural properties were investigated for mixtures of carbon dioxide and the ionic liquid 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [bmim] + [Tf2N] -for a broad... more
In this work, authors report an investigation that reveals the possibility of dosing "Portland-Alkaline" hybrid cements by mixing small amounts of Clinker with different cementitious materials (in the form of binary mixtures, ternary,... more
We present a 27 Al NMR study of three giant-unit-cell complex metallic compounds, -Al 3 Mg 2 , the "Bergman-phase" Mg 32 ͑Al, Zn͒ 49 , and Ј-Al-Pd-Mn, which contain some hundreds up to more than a thousand atoms in the unit cell. The NMR... more
In single crystals of malonic acid grown from heavy water, the methylene protons have been partially exchanged with deuterons. Upon X irradiation at room temperature, the • CD(COOD) 2 radical is formed in an amount comparable to the •... more
We studied the hyperfine interactions of 181 Ta in In 2 O 3 by means of perturbed-angular-correlation ͑PAC͒ measurements. We prepared thin films of indium sesquioxide with different degrees of initial amorphism and implanted them with 181... more
With the crystal spectrometer at muon channel I at SIN we measured the 3ds/2-2p,,2 transition in muonic ?a. The h.f.s. of the 2~3,: level was resolved and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment of the nuclear ground state determined: Using a... more
69,71 Ga NMR spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility experiments. The electron transport is predominantly mediated by the Ga-Ga p x-and p y-like electrons in the (001) plane. The specific heat capacity of BaGa 2 was determined and... more
Nitrogen 14 quadrupole coupling constants for H 2 CN+ and HCN are predicted via ab initio selfconsistent-field and configuration interaction theory. Effects of electron correlation, basis set completeness, and geometrical structure on the... more
Isotropic powders and magnetically aligned crystallites of EuBa2Cu307 z (1:2:3)and europium-doped Bi&Sr2CaCu20s (2:2:1:2)were studied by means of x-ray diffraction and "'Eu Mossbauer spectroscopy. The degree of crystallite orientation of... more
The rare-earth site of samples having the compositions (Fe,Cu)Sr2(Eu, Ce)nCu204+~+ z (n = 2 and 3) were studied by tSIEu Mrssbauer spectroscopy. The results obtained are compared with measurements of EuBa2Cu307_ 8 (1:2:3) and... more
Stress induced quadrupole interaction at the probe nucleus ( 111 Cd) in silicon has been studied using the perturbed g2g angular correlation (PAC) method. The extra nuclear field, at the sites of the nuclei, is produced via the... more
Owing to the Coulomb attraction, oppositely charged impurities in semiconductors tend to form pairs when they become mobile. We employed the perturbed angular correlation probe 111 In as an acceptor impurity and studied its interaction... more
The perturbed γ -γ angular correlation method has been employed to study indium-impurity pairs in silicon, consisting of the probe atom ( 111 In/ 111 Cd) and several group-VI donors. Such pairs can be identified via the interaction... more
Recent results on the study of high-TC superconductors using the e --γ perturbed angular correlation technique are presented. The basic features of the experimental equipment and its installation at the ISOLDE facility are briefly... more
Lattice sites and collective ordering of fluorine atoms in oxygen-reduced samples of HgBa 2 CuO 4 were investigated with the perturbed angular correlation technique by measuring the electric field gradients induced at 199m Hg nuclei. The... more
In this work, we report an atomic scale study on the ferromagnetic insulator manganite LaMnO3.12 using γ − γ PAC spectroscopy. Data analysis reveals a nanoscopic transition from an undistorted to a Jahn-Teller-distorted local environment... more
High quality YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6x (YBCO) superconducting thin ®lms were implanted with the radioactive 197m Hg (T 1a2 24 h) isotope to low ¯uences of 10 13 atoms/cm 2 and 60 keV energy. The lattice location and stability of the implanted Hg... more
The Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) technique was applied to study the yttrium local environment in YMnO 3 multiferroic manganite. The electric field gradients (EFG) at the Y site have been measured as function of temperature,... more
The energy levels of the quantum dots are evaluated by using Quantum Genetic Algorithm procedure and Hartree-Fock Roothaan method. Based on the calculated energies and wave functions, static dipole polarizability, oscillator strength and... more
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has been proposed several years ago as a suitable technique to deposit a pure Mg film over a radio frequency (rf ) gun Cu backflange in order to obtain a high efficiency photocathode surface for the... more
The electric field gradient (efg) at the Nb site in the intermetallic compounds Nb3X (X = Al, In, Si, Ge, Sn) was measured by the Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) method using the well-known gamma-gamma cascade of 133 -482 keV in 181Ta... more
In this paper, we investigate the effects of doping in the local structure of SnO2 by measuring the hyperfine interactions at impurity nuclei using the Time Differential Perturbed Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation (TDPAC) method in addition... more
Standard approximations for the exchange-correlation functional are known to deviate from linear dependence of the energy on the electron and spin numbers (in -space). Violation of this flat-plane condition underlies the failure of all... more
We have carried out an accurate determination of the quadrupole moment of the deuteron nucleus. The evaluation of the constant is achieved by combining high accuracy Born-Oppenheimer calculations of the electric field gradient at the... more
Jump frequencies of 111 In/Cd tracer atoms were measured for a series of layered phases La n CoIn 3n+2 using the technique of perturbed angular correlation of gamma rays (PAC). The frequencies were determined by analysis of nuclear... more
5'V Magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR has been applied to V,O, at two different magnetic field strengths (4.7 and 7.1 T). Both the magnitude and relative orientation of the quadrupole and chemical shift (CS) tensors have been determined by... more
Recent NMR measurements yielded the electric field gradient (EFG) at the nucleus of alkalimetal atoms adsorbed on a W'(110) single-crystal surface. This paper compares these experimental results with the results of a model calculation for... more
The electric field gradients at 199m Hg nuclei have been measured via the perturbed angular correlation (PAC) technique, allowing a full characterization of the Hg neighborhood charge distribution at high oxygen doping on the Hg planes.... more
A sample of nanocrystalline YI. S EUO.203 was examined by 151Eu Mossbauer spectroscopy. The degree of covalency of the Eu-O bond has been studied. The spectrum of the cubic Y1.8EUO.203 sample has been resolved into 2 contributions due to... more
The shape of the ␥ resonance absorption peak of the Eu 3ϩ ion in a disordered structure was investigated in some phosphate, borate, and silicate glasses by using 151 Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy. The quality of the fits was tested by using... more
The confluence of quantum mechanics and complexity, which leads to the emergence of rich, exotic states of matter, motivates the extension of our concepts of quantum ordering. The twin concepts of spontaneously broken symmetry, described... more
In this review we compile and discuss the published plethora of cell biological effects which are ascribed to electric fields (EF), magnetic fields (MF) and electromagnetic fields (EMF). In recent years, a change in paradigm took place... more
We have carried out 75 As NMR experiments on a single 5 μm thick epitaxial layer of metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Al x Ga 1−x As, with x = 0.522, using a novel stripline based NMR setup. Different arsenic surroundings in... more
This supplementary is divided into an experimental NMR section, concerning the QCPMG data and a theoretical DFT part.
The residual shallow donor in GaN is investigated by electron spin resonance and the Overhauser shift double resonanCe technique. From the resolved quadrupolar splitting, we determine the electric field gradients at the Ga and the N site.... more
The residual shallow donor in GaN is investigated by electron spin resonance and the Overhauser shift double resonanCe technique. From the resolved quadrupolar splitting, we determine the electric field gradients at the Ga and the N site.... more
Room temperature MSssbauer spectra of Crl-xFex alloys (x = 0.05-0.26) have been fitted using a pseudo-lorentzian lineshape; this leads to the widths of gaussian processes which contribute to the line broadening. The variation of isomer... more
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of... more
NMR and NQR study of the electronic and structural properties of Al-Cu-Fe and Al-Cu-Ru quasicrystals
2 7~1 and 6 3 , 6 5~~ NMR measurements are reported for powder samples of stable Al-Cu-Fe and Al-Cu-Ru icosahedral quasicrystals and their crystalline approximants, and for an Al-Pd-Mn singlegrain quasicrystal. Furthermore, ' '~1 NQR... more
The electric quadrupole interaction of '~SMn nuclei was studied in the weakly ferromagnetic system MnSi using muon level-crossing resonance (/tLCR) technique.