This study investigated whether changes in the vaginal electrical resistance (VER) of vaginal mucus of weaned sows during the first 7 d post-weaning are associated with time of ovulation. Time of ovulation was determined by ovarian... more
Using the molecular layering method (ML), nanostructured TiO 2 films have been synthesized that are promising for detecting oxygen over a wide range of concentrations at low operating temperatures of 150-300 °C. It has been shown that an... more
Herein, we describe the multi-step synthesis and characterization of monodisperse cubic-structured nanocrystalline diamond particles, showing that they can be easily prepared from graphite flakes under ambient conditions. The above... more
The kinetics of the hydrogen diffusivity in synthesized polycrystalline wadsleyite was measured by IR spectroscopy in order to determine the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in wadsleyite, the major constituent mineral in the mantle... more
Thin films of bismuth oxide had been deposited by chemical bath deposition (CBD) and spray pyrolysis (SP) methods. The films were characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and... more
Knowledge on the spatial soil moisture pattern can improve the characterisation of the hydrological response of either field-plots or small watersheds. Near-surface geophysical methods, such as electromagnetic induction (EMI), provide a... more
Conducting polymers, also known as ''synthetic metals'', have been the subject of wide-spread investigations over the past decade due to their very promising characteristics. It was published earlier that the electrical conductivity of... more
We present transport measurements on a lateral double dot produced by combining local anodic oxidation and electron beam lithography. We investigate the tunability of our device and demonstrate, that we can switch between capacitive and... more
Numerical modeling of land subsidence induced by groundwater extraction considering unsaturated effects and using element-free Galerkin (EFG) method Document Type : Article Authors A. Tourei 1 A. Pak 2 M. A. Iranmanesh 3 1 Civil... more
This study presented a potentially useful alternative approach to ascertain the presence of subclinical and clinical mastitis in dairy cows using support vector machine (SVM) techniques. The proposed method detected mastitis in a... more
The Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) is a component of the Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer (MECA) payload on the Phoenix Lander. TECP will measure the temperature, thermal conductivity and... more
Direct-write technologies offer the potential for lowcost materials-efficient deposition of contact metallizations for photovoltaics. We report on the inkjet printing of metal organic decomposition (MOD) inks with and without nanoparticle... more
Hemocompatibility, anti-inflammation and anti-thrombogenicity of acellular synthetic vascular grafts 34 remains a challenge in biomaterials design. Using electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) fibers as a tem-35 plate, a coating of... more
The magnetoresistance of a polycrystalline sample of YBa2Cu307 q has been measured by an ordinary resistive method at temperatures from about 1 to 15 K above T, and in magnetic fields up to 12 T. From our experimental results and the... more
Fault zones are the locations where motion of tectonic plates, often associated with earthquakes, is accommodated. Despite a rapid increase in the understanding of faults in the last decades, our knowledge of their geometry, petrophysical... more
In this paper, we describe the design and the experimental results of our 4K x 1-bit Josephson memory. For high-speed memory, we invented two gates and a cell. These devices are a compact AND gate for the decoder, a high voltage driver... more
Herein, we have reported the synthesis, characterization, and ionic conductivity analysis of fluorescent poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-co-acrylonitrile) and its salts with 10% HCl and HNO3 in solid state. The synthesized polymers and their... more
Isolated Malpighian tubules of the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti spontaneously secrete NaCI, KCI and water across an epithelium of modest transepithelial resistance (40-80 ~cm 2) and high transepithelial voltage (30-70 mV, lumen... more
Mutations in the human skeletal muscle Na+channel underlie the autosomal dominant disease hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HPP). Muscle fibers from affected individuals exhibit sustained Na+currents thought to depolarize the sarcolemma... more
Several agents are known to improve sleep induction and/or maintenance in patients with insomnia disorder. These include the benzodiazepine (BZD) and non-BZD receptor allosteric modulators, the melatonin receptor agonist ramelteon,... more
This paper investigates the effect of processing parameters on the microstructure and the ac electrical conductivity of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/indium tin oxide (ITO) nanocomposites. The PMMA/ ITO composites were fabricated by... more
Electrochemical nitrate reduction reaction is a sustainable pollutant remedy tool and offers wider application for green ammonia production. The overall electrochemical reaction mostly depends on the electrode material, which thus... more
Introduction Due to the high rate of respiration, strawberry is prone to water loss, mechanical damage and fungal decay post-harvesting, which may reduce its shelf life (Yan et al., 2019). Food waste is an important global challenge that... more
We report transport measurements through a single-molecule magnet, the Mn12 derivative [Mn12O12(O2C-C6H4-SAc)16(H2O)4], in a single-molecule transistor geometry. Thiol groups connect the molecule to gold electrodes that are fabricated by... more
A sensor based on a Conductive Polymer Composite (CPC), fully compatible with a textile substrate and its general properties, has been developed in our laboratory, and its electromechanical characterization is presented herein. In... more
The heterogeneity of agro-climatic, social and economic situation in the Brazilian semi-arid land requires some local adaptations of water resources and conservation technologies. For the reason, there are many alternatives for the... more
nals in the VNO? VSNs respond to sensory stimulation Baltimore, Maryland 21201 with a receptor-mediated excitatory response leading to increased action potential firing and elevated intracellular Ca 2ϩ (
Silicon nitride thin films for use as passivation layers in solar cells and organic electronics or as gate dielectrics in thin-film transistors were deposited by the Hot-wire chemical vapor deposition technique at a high deposition rate... more
A new class of antenna based on magnetohydrodynamic technique is presented. Magnetohydrodynamic Antenna, using electrically conducting fluid, such as NaCl solution under controlled electromagnetic fields is formulated and developed. Fluid... more
Polyimide–based membranes containing calcium synthetic ionophores and different type plasticizers were characterized in terms of surface morphology, glass transition temperature (Tg), a. c. impedance, and thermo gravimetric behaviour. The... more
At many excitatory and inhibitory synapses throughout the nervous system, postsynaptic currents become faster as the synapse matures, primarily owing to changes in receptor subunit composition. The origin of the developmental acceleration... more
Geothermal and solar heat can be directly converted into electricity by using thermoelectric generators. Perovskite-type metal oxides are potential materials to improve the efficiency of these devices. Cobaltates with p-type conductivity... more
Voltage-dependent artificial ion channels 3 and 4 were synthesized. Two cholic acid derivatives were connected through a m-xylylene dicarbamate unit at 3-hydroxyl groups. Asymmetries were introduced by terminal hydrophilic groups,... more
P o s s i b l e a p p l i c a t i o n s o f . $he quantum "Bloch" o s c i ll a t i o n s of the frequency fg=(I-V/R)/h in Josephson junc t i o n s w i t h v e r y small capacitance C (e2/2C>>kgT) a r e discussed. The most n a t u r a l a... more
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has been modified by addition of (C + MnO 2 ).The addition is 5% and 20% by weight. (C + MnO 2 ) act as a reducing agent and used in dry cells.Short circuit and air gap thermally stimulated conductivity have been... more
The rapid growth of deformable and stretchable electronics calls for a deformable and stretchable power source. We report a scalable approach for energy harvesters and self-powered sensors that can be highly deformable and stretchable.... more
The effect of oxygen impurities and structural imperfections on the coherent on-chain quantum conductance of poly(3-hexylthiophene) is calculated from first principles by solving the scattering problem for molecular structures obtained... more
Preparation of pure and doped amorphous silicon (a-Si) by thermal evaporation is presented. In- vestigations into the electrical and optical properties of doped a-Si with difFerent dopant percen- tages of boron (B) and phosphorus (P)... more
The tolerance of Potamogeton pusillus to copper largely depends on the enhanced activity of its antioxidant system, showing that a decrease on its activity favored oxidative stress and cell damage.
Daily tetanization of the Schaffer collaterals (kindling) in the rat hippocampus induces a persistent epileptogenic focus in area CAl. Neurons were enzymatically isolated from the focal region one day or six weeks after seven class V... more
In mammalian nonpigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) cells, hyposmotic stimulation leading to cell swelling activates an outwardly rectifying Cl conductance (ICl,swell), which, in turn, results in regulatory volume decrease. The aim of... more
The parent compounds of iron-arsenide superconductors, AFe2As2 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba), undergo a tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition at a temperature TTO in the range 135 to 205 K depending on the alkaline earth element. Below TTO... more
The aim of this study was to speed up the composting process of municipal solid wastes, piles of material were inoculated with a mixed of endogenous microorganism. The bacteria identified were Bacillus subtillis and Pseudomonas... more