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The paradigm shift from traditional print literacy to the postmodern fragmentation, nonlinearity, and multimodality of writing for the Internet is realized in Gregory L. Ulmer’s electracy theory. Ulmer’s open invitation to continually... more
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      Composition and RhetoricCommunity CollegesElectracy
Published originally as the foreword for Rhizcomics, by Jason Helms, this essay contextualizes Helms's innovative text-image scholarship relative to the apparatus of electracy, extending inquiry beyond conceptual discourse into drawn... more
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    • Electracy
A brief reflection on the relationship of "game" to electracy (the apparatus of digital technologies).
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For all teachers, and composition instructors especially, the technological, cultural, and conceptual shifts of recent decades create both necessity and opportunity for innovating-if not merely "updating"pedagogy for the post-literate... more
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      Computers and CompositionDigital RhetoricsMultimodal CompositionDigital Pedagogy
An introduction to curriculum and pedagogy framed within the principles of Electracy (apparatus of digital technology): Section One is on Electracy; Section Two describes an undergraduate upper-division course on Internet Literature;... more
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      Online LearningInternet LiteratureElectracyExperimental Pedegogy
Prospectus for a book manuscript:  a revision of "Flash Reason Against the Internet Accident."
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Gary Hink, Ph.D. "Protocol Rhetoric, Electracy, and the Aesthetic Paradigm" << edited transcript >> Adobe Spark (supplemental): Rhetoric Society of America Conference 2016 | Session C27: Rhetoric and... more
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      Media StudiesSocial NetworksParticipatory MediaDigital Media
This essay is an expanded version of a 1300 word prompt published in the Faculty  Newsletter at MIT (Jan/Feb 2015), responding to a report issued by the committee responsible for curriculum reform.
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      Critical PedagogyOnline LearningHeureticsElectracy
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      Future StudiesPopular CultureVisual RhetoricDigital Rhetorics
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      Visual RhetoricDigital RhetoricsPolitical RhetoricRhetorical Theory
Full issue available at: This issue of The Cine-Files emerged from a year-long collaboration focused on the possibilities of the video essay. It was initially sparked by a series of sessions at... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital media ProductionDigital MediaFilm Analysis
[ENGLISH] In the last decades of the twentieth century, Theatre Studies underwent a major paradigm shift under the drive of the powerful, but also contested, concept of performance. Alongside traditional approaches centered on Western... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
On April 18, 2017, David Neiwert presented a talk to the University of Central Florida titled “The New Age of Eliminationism in America: How the Internet Feeds Radicalization and Dehumanization.” The next day, he sat down for a discussion... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyMythologyEducationTerrorism
Following the collapse of the -Itineration- journal, this is a RE-PUBLICATION of the "Idiocy of Videocy" for Ulmer's Textshop Experiments (Volume 6). Minor changes have been made from its original appearance in 2013.
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      Internet memesYoutubeRemix CultureElectracy
While technology has cycled through novel methods of teaching and learning, so too does the learning process cycle through on an individual level. ... International Journal of Learning, Volume 11. Article: Print (Spiral Bound), ISSN: ISSN... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyOrality-Literacy-Electracy StudiesLearning
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      Participatory CultureYoutubeElectracyGregory Ulmer
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      Composition StudiesDigital rhetoricParticipatory CultureElectracy