The lecture to review the state of democracy in Africa in the context of the third wave, a global wave of democracy that began in 1974 with the end of the Estado Novo regime of Marcelo Gaetano in Portugal. That wave of democracy caught up... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis bibliometrik terhadap literatur oligarki dan demokrasi Indonesia. Studi ini merupakan penelitian pertama yang menyediakan tinjauan bibliometrik terkait topik tersebut serta berupaya untuk... more
The decline in popular resistance in Assam between the passing of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act in 2019 and its implementation in 2024 has been analysed in the context of Hindutva identity politics and economic populism manifested in... more
Through the lens of three distinct representation lenses, this article examines the systemic barriers preventing women in Appalachia from achieving political representation. Pitkin's theory of representation highlights the necessity of... more
The study of the quality of elections is spreading very rapidly. This article aims to provide a general overview of the state of the art to introduce an empirical analysis of the quality of elections for the Italian parliament. After... more
gagalkan target lapangan kerja baru masyarakat pencari kerja baru dan masyarakat yang menjadi Korban pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) akibat lesunya ekonomi nasional serta hancurnya kurs rupiah.
Papua New Guineans use the word "kaikaimanism" to characterize a political system whereby goods or services are exchanged for political backing, perhaps including an either explicit or implicit quid pro quo. It often involves behaviors... more stepped into 1970 with renewed hope 3 nd vi-Cfouir. Democratic political processes which had remained suspended since Ayub Khan's military coup in 1958 were re- stored on New Year's Day. The country witnessed an eleven month... more
This article addresses the protracted state of political violence developed in and around the Borana and Guji zones of Oromia region after the introduction of the ethnic federalism in Ethiopia. In order to account for the persistence of... more
Politics in India is predominantly perceived as a male-dominated sphere where women have a limited role to play. Despite the Indian constitution guaranteeing equal rights for both genders, women remain significantly underrepresented in... more
The views expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors... more
The views expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors... more
Electoral reforms are public desires and expectations to bring about changes and improvement in the electoral system. Electoral system is therefore the institutions and structures that operate within the parameters of the political system... more
Ghana practices a two round balloting system that leads to show ballot positions of Presidential Candidates and Parliamentary Candidates. In the electoral system before the election year 2000, ballot positions were determined primarily on... more
We present a theoretical model of a parliamentary democracy, where party structures, government coalitions and fiscal policies are endogenously determined. The model predicts that, relative to proportional elections, majoritarian... more
This two-part essay deals with subjects of great interest to Canadian Jews: the pro-Palestinian encampments established at more than two dozen of the country’s public universities in spring 2024, and Canadian attitudes toward Jews and... more
This paper examines the 2005 elections in Zimbabwe in the context of persistent gender inequalities that have existed since 1980. These inequalities have been exacerbated by an entrenched patriarchal culture and an electoral system that... more
This article provides theoretical and contextual background to The Academic Question of Palestine. Building on the work of Edward Said, we maintain that Palestine constitutes a unique question with special status in international academic... more
In France's 2024 legislative elections, two-thirds of the candidates who qualified for the runoff withdrew from the competition. The media argued that this was a deliberate strategy to reduce the radical right's chances of winning an... more
This essay analyzes the historical struggle of the Muslim community to have a voice in Kenyan politics and the Islamic topics that have surfaced during electoral periods. A minority group in Kenya, Muslims have faced political... more
Partai berlambang Moncong Putih berhasil menolak semua bujukan berkoalisi membangun sebuah lawan kontestasi enteng bernama Kotak Kosong, untuk memuluskan agenda dinasti Joko Widodo melalui Pilkada Sumatera Utara 2024. Di Jakarta mungkin... more
Dengan perginya PKS, tentu dapat dihitung potensi kemerosotan peluang Edy Rahmayadi. Katakanlah pintu PDI-P tetap terbuka lebar untuknya, namun kondisi ini potensil mirip sebuah mission impossible, atau dengan ungkapan lain, extremely... more
: This paper attempts to explore the impact of built-up areas on groundwater levels in district Faisalabad. To understand the rate of built-up area expansion and changes in the level of groundwater in the study area, groundwater data... more
En el presente capítulo se realiza una serie de reflexiones surgidas desde la experiencia metodológica en la construcción de verdad en el Eje Cafetero, orientado desde una apuesta descriptiva y narrativa, cuya búsqueda es denotar en la... more
In the aftermath of the 2022 Italian legislative elections, but also during the entire electoral campaign, several claims were made that much of the electoral support for the Five Star Movement had been triggered by the 'Reddito di... more
A surprising verdict has emerged out of Nagaland's 2024 General elections result. After long being missing from the high corridor of electoral politics in Nagaland, Congress managed to defeat the formidable force of the ruling... more
The third wave of democratization which hit the world led to a spontaneous wave of democratization in most African states in the early 1990s. The reinstatement of democratic governance brought hope and relief to most citizens. This is as... more
Afrocentrism, that is, the complete placement of Africa as the centerpiece of Nigeria's foreign policy has been the defining characteristic of Nigerian foreign policy since independence. Nigeria has participated in numerous peacekeeping... more
This study reveals the underlying factors promoting electoral-related violence and its effects in the Tamale metropolis. The case study design guided the research, with a mixed-methods approach used for the data collection. Two hundred... more
Our sociological inquiry emerged in the process of crossing the border between France and Catalonia in 2016. Our objective was to understand the political, social, and activist trajectories of certain individuals who were elected to the... more
This study delves into the intricate relationship between godfatherism and electoral politics in Nigeria's Fourth Republic, with a specific focus on the 2018 gubernatorial election in Osun State. Godfatherism has emerged as a... more
These statistics reflect that the PPP is the choice of the average voter in Sindh even with the awareness of governance issues and alleged corruption. The rigging mantra is not going to cut it for opposition parties anytime soon. What... more
In my humble opinion, neither technocrats nor politicians alone can solve the chronic problems, chiefly economic, the country has been facing. However, a combination of both may steer the sinking ship to the shore. Technocrats should be... more
The postponement of the second phase of the local government elections in Sindh has once again triggered the debate about the future of local governments in the province. It has also raised the question of the provincial government’s will... more
The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) demand for fresh elections this year is unlikely to be met. If Imran Khan cannot compel the incumbent government and the concerned circles to call early elections, which is most likely, the next... more
Wlectables will remain relevant to the politics at least for the next few decades due to the following reasons: first, the demographics and the political system favour them; second, they will remain formidable constituency candidates... more
devolution of power and decentralization of decision-making and governance have become crucial worldwide due to the rise in government activities, population growth, and development needs. No doubt in Nigeria, the three tiered system of... more
Straipsnio tikslas – ištirti Serbijos rinkimų politikos bruožus ir rezultatus žlugus Jugoslavijai bei per pirmus daugiapartinius rinkimus 1990 m. Straipsnyje aptariami prezindentiniai ir parlamentiniai rinkimai. Priešingai nei kitose... more
The current delimitation drive in Assam which is being done on the basis of 2001 census has instilled a great deal of concern among Assamese citizens and political parties because of the communal demographic change in the state. BJP as... more
The Frozen Democracy: Godfatherism and Elite Corruption in Nigeria follows in the footsteps of contemporary political science as well as leadership books on Nigeria's postcolonial condition. It is a book of seven chapters; it also... more
Skripsi dengan judul “Pesan-pesan Dakwah Khofifah Indar Parawansa Dalam Eskalasi Politik Pilgub Jawa Timur 2018” adalah hasil penelitian non-kancah dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Terdapat fokus masalah yang diteliti... more
While the COVID-19 is shaking the whole world, India too has not remained untouched. By the time of writing this article, about 7 million people in this country have suffered and about 1 lakh have died due to this virus. Since partition... more
menawarkan analisis kritis terhadap fenomena populisme Islam yang kian menonjol dalam lanskap politik Indonesia. Melalui pendekatan akademis yang mendalam, buku ini mengaitkan tren populisme dengan dinamika kesalehan religius, politik... more
Tugas Kuliah
Populisme Islam muncul dalam berbagai bentuk dan konteks, mulai dari gerakan sosial hingga partai politik. Prof Amal—penulis buku ini—menggambarkan bagaimana populisme Islam berbeda dari bentuk populisme lainnya dengan menekankan elemen... more