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El proceso electoral en Paraguay se ha visto condicionado históricamente por el control de la Asociación Nacional Republicana, partido hegemónico durante los años del régimen de Stroessner y los años de la transición democrática. Por este... more
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      Electoral BehaviorPartidos políticosComportamiento ElectoralProceso Electoral Paraguayo
Since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on December 14th in Paris 1995, the political but also general social scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been overwhelmed with the issues of reforms and changes in regard to the... more
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawEuropean integrationBalkan Studies
Parmi les thèmes et engagements jalonnant l’œuvre et le parcours de Denis de Rougemont, le rapport à la démocratie, au fascisme et au national-socialisme dans les années 1930 suscite des jugements contrastées chez les historiens. Les... more
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      History of ReligionFascismProtestantismElectoral Behavior
Initiatives to change or sidestep presidential term limits are often presented as a response to popular demand, yet tend to be deeply polarizing and may even lead to violence. Opinion on the legality of changing term limits tends to be... more
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      Constitutional LawVoting BehaviorPeace and Conflict StudiesDemocratic Theory
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      American PoliticsVoting BehaviorPolitical SciencePolitics
Esta investigación cuestiona el saber convencional de la disciplina acerca de las causas del voto y de la abstención en varios aspectos cruciales. El estudio demuestra que el consenso acerca de la supuesta irrelevancia de las variables... more
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      Voting BehaviorRational ChoiceElectoral BehaviorVoting
AbstractIn recent years there has been a growing interest in the integration of mechanisms of direct citizen participation in the institutional structure of representative democracy, particularly at the local level. This essay examines... more
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      EconomicsCommunity Engagement & ParticipationParticipationElectoral Behavior
The SNP government in Scotland has acted to make historic, anti-democratic Poll Tax debts unenforceable.
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      PovertyLocal GovernmentLocal Government and Local DevelopmentPoverty Reduction Strategies
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesPolitical ParticipationYouth Studies
Este artículo reexamina la idea de Lijphart (1997) de que el voto obligatorio sea un instrumento efectivo para reducir la desigualdad del ingreso con un diseño de investigación cuasi experimental basado en la técnica de matching. Los... more
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      Political SociologyLatin American StudiesVoting BehaviorPolitical Participation
In this article, we examine which political issues are considered most important by the Spanish electorate. Although a variety of potentially relevant issues are available, voters are forced to summarise them in just one vote. Thus, they... more
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      NationalismPolarization (Ideology)Electoral BehaviorSpain
The aim of this article is to examine the performance of the Electoral Commission (IEC) of South Africa. The analysis not only confines itself to the 2011 local government elections, but also examines how the IEC, through the use of a... more
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      South African Politics and SocietyElectoral BehaviorElectionsElections and Voting Behavior
This short article seeks to explain the FMLN's electoral debacle in the February 2019 presidential elections. From the series "Ethnographic Explainers: Contemporary Latin American Politics."
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American politicsPolitical AnthropologyPolitical Science
Este libro ofrece el relato más sistemático y exhaustivo hasta hoy, de cómo los latinoamericanos votan en sus democracias emergentes, resultando de gran interés para los lectores que quieran conocer sobre la política y la sociedad de... more
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      Electoral BehaviorElectoral StudiesCampañas electorales
The goal of this article is to identify the factors that led the voters of Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) in 2008 to abandon electorally this political party in the 2011 general elections and opt for other alternative. In 2011,... more
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      Voting BehaviorPolitical PartiesElectoral BehaviorElections and Voting Behavior
In contemporary American Politics, there have been many studies on voting behavior. They have included topics such as bloc voting, coalition building to form an electoral majority, and 3 rd party voting. This paper addresses the question... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsAmerican PoliticsVoting BehaviorPolitical Parties
How can we explain that a part of the Catalan population gives support to secession while others reject it? Is it only a matter of identity, or do instrumental calculations related to the economic consequences of a hypothetical secession... more
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      National IdentityElectoral BehaviorInitiative, Referendum, RecallCatalonia
This paper asks whether international economic integration negatively affects electoral turnout. The theoretical model builds on the premise that economic integration constrains the ability of national governments to shape outcomes.... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ParticipationGlobalizationPolitical Science
A look at how the British UK system is rigged towards unfair voting patterns because of a historic electoral system that no longer reflects the needs of the public. The paper assesses the UK's need for electoral reform with the comparison... more
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      Electoral BehaviorElectoral SystemsParty organizationVoter Turnout (Electoral Behavior)
[Co-authored with Radosław Markowski] During the long nineteenth century, Poland was divided among the Russian, Habsburg, and Prussian empires. The partition produced regional diversity in political culture and in institutional and... more
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      Eastern European StudiesElectoral BehaviorPolandElectoral Studies
El documento presenta un balance ejecutivo de la actividad legislativa desarrollada por las y los legisladores del Congreso de la Unión (Cámara de Diputados y Senado de la República) en materia de aprobación de decretos publicados en el... more
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      FeminismElectoral BehaviorElectoral StudiesLegislative Studies
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
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      Electoral BehaviorPolitics and ReligionElectoral StudiesElectoral Studies and Voting Behaviour
The aim of this study is to find the political determinants of voting behaviour in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is a quantitative study aimed at knowing the political factors of voting behaviour in the earlier three general elections... more
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      Electoral BehaviorDemocracyElectionsElections and Voting Behavior
Bushuev A.S. Razvitie politicheskogo soznaniya molodezhi Respubliki Tatarstan v 1985-2004 godakh: istoriko-sotsiologicheskii aspekt. [Development of the Political consciousness of youth of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1985-2004:... more
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      Political SociologyRussian StudiesYouth StudiesSoviet History
A B S T R A C T Using a new regional database of national and European parliament elections on NUTS 2 level in 28 countries, we test the main theories explaining the electoral support for the European far right. Accounting for differences... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
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      PhilippinesElectoral BehaviorElectoral Studies
Le vote, sous le règne du suffrage universel, est le principal mode de légitimation des régimes de démocratie représentative. Cette pratique générale – s’exprimer à échéance régulière pourl ’élection de ses représentants – recouvre un... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical BehaviorPolitical ScienceElectoral Behavior
U literaturi se već nekoliko decenija govori o opadanju značaja društvenih rascepa za političko ponašanje, dok vrednosne i/ili kulturološke podele sve više dobijaju na političkom značaju. Prema nekim koncepcijama u osnovi... more
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      Political SociologyEducationElectoral BehaviorParties; Political cleavages
Durante las últimas cuatro décadas el campo del comportamiento electoral se ha visto beneficiado por renovados desarrollos teóricos que fueron acompañados por una tupida investigación empírica: 1) la hipótesis del voto económico, surgida... more
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      Social MediaElectoral BehaviorSocial ClassEconomic Voting
Wahlen sind ein Brennglas für die kritische Aufgabe der Medien als Vermittler in der Demokratie. Wahlkämpfe sind eine Serie von Medienereignissen. Medien vermitteln, um was und wen es geht. Also wollen Wahlkampfmanager sie lenken und... more
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      Political SociologyGerman StudiesComparative PoliticsMedia Studies
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      Irish PoliticsElectoral BehaviorIrish Elections and ElectioneeringMinority Rights
Bachelor thesis in Sociology: University of Milan-Bicocca
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyQuantitative MethodsElectoral Behavior
The first volume analyzing the 2009 elections for the European Parliament in Romania. The volume includes chapters by Cristina Stănuș, Florin Feșnic, Adrian Sebastian Popa and Paul Thomas Weith, Paul E.Sum, and the three editors.
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      Voting BehaviorRomanian StudiesElectoral BehaviorEastern Europe, Romania, Postcommunism
“Demokrasi” kavramının zaman içinde en fazla bütünleştiği ve çağrıştırdığı kavram “seçim”dir. Elbette, dünyanın çoğu ülkesinde seçimler yapılmaktadır. Son on yıl zarfında iktidarı değiştirmek veya test etmek amacıyla seçimlere gitmemiş... more
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      ReligionCommunicationPublic and Political CommunicationPolitics
Comportamiento político y elecciones) Programa del Curso Córdoba, 6,7, 20 y 21 de mayo de 2011 Profesora Titular: María Laura Tagina Co-Titular: Mónica Cingolani
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      Latin American StudiesComparative PoliticsElectoral Behavior
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical SciencePoliticsElectoral Behavior
This is the pre-print working paper version, see the full printed version: The protests that began in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv on 21 Novem- ber 2013 and became... more
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      Collective BehaviorPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEastern European Studies
In this article, I wrote about how electoral reforms became tools towards participatory democracy in india. How electoral reforms developed trust and thought for election system. And, how Indian voters believe that their vote can makes a... more
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      Political ScienceElectoral BehaviorElectoral SystemsIndian Politics
The book chapter explores the impact of Donald Trump's rhetoric during the 2016 electoral cycle and subsequent presidency on the lived experiences of Muslim women in the U.S.
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      American MuslimsElectoral BehaviorMuslim MinoritiesIslamophobia
Quels sont les liens ordinaires des Français à la politique ? Les études réunies dans ce volume reprennent cette question classique en montrant tout à la fois ce que la politique signifie dans les situations routinières et quotidiennes... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical ScienceElectoral Behavior
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      Gender StudiesPolitical ScienceGenderElectoral Behavior
Esta investigación se inscribe en el marco de los proyectos «Reformas electorales y competencia política en el tránsito del liberalismo a la democracia. España, 1918España, -1936» (Ref. HAR2015-68013-R MINECO-FEDER) y «La violencia... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryContemporary HistoryPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Empirically grounded in the 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election (Pilkada DKI) case, this article discusses the relationship of social media and electoral politics in Indonesia. There is no doubt that sectarianism and racism played... more
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesDigital MediaPolitics
Η παρούσα μελέτη παρέχει μια αναλυτική παρουσίαση της εκλογικής γεωγραφίας του Πειραιά και της εξέλιξής της. Επιχειρεί δε να καταδείξει την αντοχή κάποιων βασικών χαρακτηριστικών στην εκλογική γεωγραφία της ευρύτερης περιοχής του Πειραιά... more
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      Political HistoryElectoral BehaviorElectoral GeographyElectoral history
National elections have remained, surprisingly, largely absent in most nation- building debates where focus has tended towards either the instrumentalism of political elites and/or much wider structural explanations (Gellner 1983,... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsPost-Soviet RegimesNationalism
La importancia del candidato ha venido aumentando en medida que decae la del partido. Este proceso se conoce como personalización de la política. Está enmarcado en dos aspectos fundamentales, el agotamiento de las estructuras colectivas,... more
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      Political ScienceElectoral BehaviorPersonalization of PoliticsCandidate Selection